Well: there they are:
- The Crossover Commandments:
1. Thou Shall Not Cross Over Without A Legitimate Reason
a. “Helping” With a Canonical Problem Is Not A Legitimate Reason, As It Is Insulting To Both Groups
EX: If Group A comes to help Group B It assumes that Group A is Superior to Group B, and assumes that Group B cannot solve their own problems without intervention. Painting Group A as arrogant and condescending.
b. Crossing Over Only To ‘Ship Stinks Of The Foulness Of Mary Sue
c. Crossing Over Simply Because It Would Be “Neat” Is Not A Legitimate Reason
2. Thou Shalt Know And Represent Both Sources
a. Character Bashing And Uber-Wanking of Known Characters is Bad
b. No One Will Be Totally Upstaged by another character, for that is the foulness of Mary Sue
c. In the case of a 'versus' event, one shall represent both sources as they are presented.
3. Thou Shalt Avoid the Recitation of Mighty Deeds
a. Especially When Characters First Meet
4. Thou Shall Not Egregiously Mix Thy Genres
a. Genre Being The Larger Group/Style of the Media in Question (IE: Sci-Fi, Cop Show, Etc). Exceptions Are Only Permissible When The Differences Between the Genre’s are the Focus of the Story.
5. Thou Shall Not Mix Contradicting Universes
a. IE: Thou Shall Not Assume That Dragon Ball Z and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Exist in the Same Universe.
b. Use of Portals to Overcome this is Highly Recommended
6. Thou Shall Not Randomly Pair Up Characters
7. Thou Shall Not Make Assumptions Of A Characters Sexual Orientation Beyond What Is Displayed. No Interpretations. No Exceptions
a. Willow is Gay Post Season 4. Deal With it. The Audience Becomes Even More Limited When One Does This.
8. Thou Shall Not Base Crossovers On Trivial Coincidences
a. IE: Wesley talking to an Unnamed Wizard in “Loyalty” (Season 3, Episode 14) Does Not Mean Buffy Exists in the Same World as Harry Potter (As We Have Already Seen Wizards in “Guise Will be Guise” (Season 2, Episode 6), and They are Nothing Like Harry Potter Wizards). However, the Mentioning of Yoyodine and Weyland Yutani by Name Can Lead to the Inclusion of “Bukaroo Banzai: Adventures Across the 8th Dimension” and the “Alien” Series in a crossover.
9. Thou Shalt Mix thy Mythologies Sparingly
a. Thou Shall Not Give Crossover Powers to a Character from Another Series—For when Everyone Has the Power, the Power Loses its Meaning
10. Thou Shalt Keep Long Lost Relatives Lost
a. For it Brings the Foulness that is Mary Sue.
Opinions? Comments? Questions? Public Admissions of Guilt?