Eve of a New Order
Posted: 2004-03-11 02:06pm
Eve of a New Order
(All due credit to Lucasfilm Limited, George Lucas, and employees thereof, without whom this would never have been. Special regards to the work of Dr. Curtis Saxton, Ph.D.)
Introduction: In orbit around Fondor, Platform XVC-8909
The tiny glassy orb hung against the dark, empty backdrop of the cosmos. A tiny thread linked it to a quadanium alloy flower embossed with orange paint marking the seals of the Fondori shipyards beside the more impressive shimmering yellow-gold ring of fire enclosing the triple-triangles which formed the emblem belonging to that ancient monolith: Kuat Drive Yards.
The observation buoy was clear in all directions: a perfect transparisteel capsule, only a small tether's attachment was an imperfection. It led to a one of hundreds of thousands of platforms which hovered throughout the planets and moons clinging to the source of the ubiquitous pale glow. The man sat in a repulsor chair capable of rotating in all of the three spatial dimensions.
Lieutenant Commander Dannik Chee gazed intently across the vacuum to the future of the galaxy. Well, almost a vacuum.
The First Fleet of the Republican Navy emerged from its berths and slips throughout the expanses of the Fondor System. Around the planet Fondor herself, the diminutive and airless Merc, the molten Sadom, the frozen Freya, and the gas giants Jomus and Dumus, the armada stretched across all planes of vision from the small observation pod cabled to the standard platform.
The scrolling data display fed him information. His eyelids widened visibly. The First Fleet had begun production approximately seven months earlier. Gathering designs from Alderaan StarFleet Engineering, Kuat Drive Yards, Rothana Heavy Engineering, Rendili StarDrive, and Chandrilla Shipyards, one of the most impressive warfleets in the galaxy's history had been assembled.
The First Fleet was the first launched of the eight main fleets under development. The Second Fleet would launch from Kuat within the month; the Third from Gyndine a few weeks after that. The Fourth and Fifth would be ready in two months, at Gyndine and Alderaan, respectively. The Sixth and Seventh at Rothana and Rendili in five months, and in seven months, the Eighth Fleet would be ready here at Fondor.
Chee felt privledged to be part of this great new force, this dawn of order in the galaxy. He felt proud of his uniform and government again. Most of his fellow officers spent their off-duty time in the brothels, holoparlors, or bars. Some of the decadencies and corruptions of war were timeless.
Chee was not the average officer. At the age of twelve, he had been one of the members of the then-waning Republic Youth Volunteers, serving several-month internships as volunteered help aboard one of the Republican Guard's Dreadnought-class ships, Chee had possessed an instinctive love and adoration for his Republic--the Republic of old--the Republic of legend. Chee didn't think there was anything more glorious he could do on the Fleet's christening but go to see it off.
He had not only anticipated this sight, but eagerly welcomed it. A graduate of the newly consolidated Republican Naval Academy at Empress Teta, and formerly a top student of the Alderaaanian Naval Academy with education in Political Science, Economics, and Modern Military History, he had advanced not only in fields of thought currently experiencing an optimistic, progressive renaissance in major institutions, but also as an officer in the Alderaanian Defence Force, and now in the Republican Navy. While in university he had poured over Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's essays and theories, and followed galactic politics and macroeconomics with an educated and keen eye.
As a rising cadet and officer, he'd continued to observe the changes of the galaxy, and became an outspoken proponent of Palpatine's politics and policies in the traditionally ideologically-neutral military atmosphere. But the climate of everything was changing, and changing quickly. Chee had watched the changed closely, and Palpatine had now, at last, taken the first decisive step toward undoing the decline and recent history of his Republic.
The Clone Wars had inexorably moved the galaxy away from the stasis, stability, and strength of over twenty-five millennia.
The old order had seen the waning of Republican power; the loss of the Senate's right to maintain a standing military, and then it was not difficult to lose the right to raise one at all. The Galactic Army and Galactic Navy were dispersed amongst the regions and sectors of the galaxy. The rimworlds and fringeworlds could not afford or supply the substantial and grand fleets of old, and their forces and defences fell to the wayside--save for the miniscule martial welfare fettered out from the Senate's shrinking coffers--reducing whole regions of the fringe to little more than meager policing by cheap, second-rate picket ships or frigates based on civilian craft or belonging to those models simply poorly designed and undesired by those who could afford better.
As a great philosopher once said, "peace and freedom is maintained by law and order; law and order are maintained by force and fear." A power vacuum so great could not go unfilled; an entirely disarmed galaxy would be at the whims of any petty despot who held so much as a handful of systems, or even a particularly impetuous band of criminals. Rather, the richest localities and organizations raised previously unheard-of armies and navies. Merchants provided their own armed guard, which had little qualms about abusing small, weak, and unwieldy customers. The aristocrats and monarchists, the industrialists and entrepreneurs, found money and will to maintain great defenses and even greater weapons. In the end, the military of the galaxy shrunk little; it only became more concentrated under those with most money, and answering to the voice of fewer beings.
Individual sectors and individual corporations concerned themselves with local regions only. Bush wars and small rivalries fanned into flame, now unabated by the stern eye of a galactic military. Corporate hostile takeovers became quite literally so: the "acquisition" of Rothana Heavy Engineering by Kuat Drive Yards involved the landings of several millions of Kuati soliders and hired mercenaries under the shadows of heavy Kuati guns. Still, corporations and firms found the galactic market uncharacteristically defiant compared with their local regions, or under the thrall of more proximate rivals. And so it became that organizations of corporations in the same business began to cooperate in more intimate manners. Price fixing became overshadowed by the crimes of invasion or attack on boycotting worlds or independent competitors.
And so these entities, joining with the unlikely brethren of the dispossessed and abused fringeworld patriots, broke from the aging and doddering Republic of legend. So began the Clone Wars.
Named for the first and most publicized combatants of the war in the form of the genetic marines from the biological factories on the alien world of Kamino and nationalised by edict of His Excellency, the Supreme Chancellor, the Wars had waged for over a year and a half, with not a single major strategic gain or victory on the Republic's part. The old industrialist and aristocrat worlds which had remained loyal to the Republic were similarly unassailable to the Confederates; they were possessed of professional local militaries that unfortunately were also incompetent to bring war to the enemy due to their limited ranges and absent logistical support. The Republic only defended; pausing only to surgically strike with the small forces of the Grand Army at individual grave threats.
Similarly, the Confederates only could strike at vulnerable or relevant regions of the Republic with those parochial or corporate forces already proximate to those localities, supplied through what support forces and supply train could be scrounged together from the business assets and shipping infrastructure available to the civilian interests in Confederate territory.
Now, for a year and a half, the supply networks, financial exchanges, manufactures, caravans of resources, lanes of infrastructure, and web of industry and economics had been rerouting around new fronts, borders, and lines of allegiance; aligning with the balkanized galaxy. The political debate in the Senate and committees and various think tanks over the creation of vast new arms under the ultimate command of the Supreme Chancellor finally resolved.
It had been one thing to ask the countless members of the Republic to permit the Supreme Chancellor emergency powers when the only thing visible on the incredibly short-range sensors of political considerations everywhere had been nationalising a ready-to-deploy-anywhere force of elite shock troops who, in the strategic naïveté of the average politician, would obviously swiftly and effortlessly decapitate the budding head of the Separatist movement, and end the crisis, returning everything to normalcy, and the Supreme Chancellor from the power of the dictator.
However, the actions at Geonosis and in the following few months neutralised no spoke of the Confederate wheel, and realized only an escalation of the conflict, and a consolidation of the Confederate position. Cries went out from the chambers of the Senate decrying the incompetence of the Jedi in failing to extinguish the flames of rebellion when they had the chance. Reluctantly, they threw their support to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who took the measured steps they favoured. Ordering a thousand more of the trans-galactic range Acclamator-class transports from Rothana, and ordering parochial and paramilitary forces' vessels such as the Dreadnought-class frigates and Consul-class corvettes assimilated into the small fleet of the Grand Army, he bulwarked the Republic's offensive capabilities while not threatening the local powerful or offending the citizenry with radical leaps.
Bogged down in such conflicts as the Battle of Jabiim, the politician and citizen alike had become quite impatient with Jedi blunders and the lack of progress. The subsequent Confederate offensive into the Core Worlds five months later provided the remaining political impetus to prompt the Senate into passing emergency amendments to begin planning and developing a new Republican Navy and Army; with a true officer corps with enlisted crews for the starships and enlisted soldiers for the battalions rather than Jedi commandos and generals with legions of faceless cloned warriors.
Chee however was no fool; he was a scholar and student of Palpatine's political treatises and theories; his subtle moves, approvals, acquisitions, assignments, and requests. Palpatine had known from the inception of conflict that only total rearmament would bring the Republic into a whole, and moreover, restore it from its days of decline. Moreover, the Emergency Powers Act established the Supreme Chancellor as a dictator for the duration of the crisis; he waited until Senator and citizen alike wanted him to act, and then chose to pass legislation through the Senate, even though he did not have to. Their Supreme Chancellor was indeed a clever politician, and an even more brilliant leader.
Now, finally, the dream of the Republic--nay!--the Galaxy's future was being realized. Here, at Fondor, the First Fleet rendezvoused for the first time, each and every vessel belonging to it having been completed, commissioned, and flown from its berth. The vast armada united and assembled at Fondor; officially Fondor had the largest facilities of the participating yards in the construction of the First Fleet, and also had constructed the largest share, thus it was only natural a choice. And in no small part due to Kuat Drive Yard's lobby to the Supreme Chancellor, as well. The tens of thousands of platforms, millions of tenders, dozens of huge yards and bays--all emblazed with Kuat's corporate logo would look very pleasant on the propaganda holos that would be transmitted on Holonet News by months end.
Dannik Chee had already stopped reading the sensor readings, and began again to gaze. The hard angles of thick durasteel impressed with the Republic cog on their bone-white or silver-grey planes glissened in the deep yellow-orange and throbbing glow eminating from Fondora, the distant spotlight around which this celestial carousel of orbs had danced for scores of thousands of millienia. The surge of white knives and needles, silver wedges, and grey spikes moved in unison. The V-19 Torrent clone starfighters flanked arrowhead Acclamator transports like great red-white raptors, floating in an corona of black and silver glitter. That glitter, of course, belonged to the countless models of new Sienar Republic Systems Twin Ion Engine starfighters.
At the heart of the corona painted from a patina of greys, a pair of the new Kuat Drive Yards Gladiator-class Star Dreadnoughts flew in unison; the prime vessel, the GRS Gladiator, Admiral Giel's flagship, and his second-in-command's flagship, the GRS Pride of the Republic.
Around them, scores of Kuati and Alderaanian Star Battleships, many more flanking Rothanan and Alderaanian Star Battlecruisers, Star Fleet Carriers from Kuat and Rothana, countless Star Cruisers from Alderaan, Kuat, Rothana, and the numerous Rendili yards, Star Destroyers from Kuat and Rendili in the thousands and thousands, Star Frigates, Star Escort Carriers, and Star Transports including the Rothanan Acclamator-class vessels, enveloped with miniscule lesser craft, all flying as an enormous mass thousands of kilometers across.
Yes. Here, at Fondor, the future began.
"Admiral Giel, the fleet is assembled."
The olive-grey uniformed officer did not turn, but kept his gaze fixed out into space through the bridge viewport of the Gladiator.
"Thank you Commander. Inform the captains to proceed to the exit point and engage hyperdrive."
(All due credit to Lucasfilm Limited, George Lucas, and employees thereof, without whom this would never have been. Special regards to the work of Dr. Curtis Saxton, Ph.D.)
Introduction: In orbit around Fondor, Platform XVC-8909
The tiny glassy orb hung against the dark, empty backdrop of the cosmos. A tiny thread linked it to a quadanium alloy flower embossed with orange paint marking the seals of the Fondori shipyards beside the more impressive shimmering yellow-gold ring of fire enclosing the triple-triangles which formed the emblem belonging to that ancient monolith: Kuat Drive Yards.
The observation buoy was clear in all directions: a perfect transparisteel capsule, only a small tether's attachment was an imperfection. It led to a one of hundreds of thousands of platforms which hovered throughout the planets and moons clinging to the source of the ubiquitous pale glow. The man sat in a repulsor chair capable of rotating in all of the three spatial dimensions.
Lieutenant Commander Dannik Chee gazed intently across the vacuum to the future of the galaxy. Well, almost a vacuum.
The First Fleet of the Republican Navy emerged from its berths and slips throughout the expanses of the Fondor System. Around the planet Fondor herself, the diminutive and airless Merc, the molten Sadom, the frozen Freya, and the gas giants Jomus and Dumus, the armada stretched across all planes of vision from the small observation pod cabled to the standard platform.
The scrolling data display fed him information. His eyelids widened visibly. The First Fleet had begun production approximately seven months earlier. Gathering designs from Alderaan StarFleet Engineering, Kuat Drive Yards, Rothana Heavy Engineering, Rendili StarDrive, and Chandrilla Shipyards, one of the most impressive warfleets in the galaxy's history had been assembled.
The First Fleet was the first launched of the eight main fleets under development. The Second Fleet would launch from Kuat within the month; the Third from Gyndine a few weeks after that. The Fourth and Fifth would be ready in two months, at Gyndine and Alderaan, respectively. The Sixth and Seventh at Rothana and Rendili in five months, and in seven months, the Eighth Fleet would be ready here at Fondor.
Chee felt privledged to be part of this great new force, this dawn of order in the galaxy. He felt proud of his uniform and government again. Most of his fellow officers spent their off-duty time in the brothels, holoparlors, or bars. Some of the decadencies and corruptions of war were timeless.
Chee was not the average officer. At the age of twelve, he had been one of the members of the then-waning Republic Youth Volunteers, serving several-month internships as volunteered help aboard one of the Republican Guard's Dreadnought-class ships, Chee had possessed an instinctive love and adoration for his Republic--the Republic of old--the Republic of legend. Chee didn't think there was anything more glorious he could do on the Fleet's christening but go to see it off.
He had not only anticipated this sight, but eagerly welcomed it. A graduate of the newly consolidated Republican Naval Academy at Empress Teta, and formerly a top student of the Alderaaanian Naval Academy with education in Political Science, Economics, and Modern Military History, he had advanced not only in fields of thought currently experiencing an optimistic, progressive renaissance in major institutions, but also as an officer in the Alderaanian Defence Force, and now in the Republican Navy. While in university he had poured over Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's essays and theories, and followed galactic politics and macroeconomics with an educated and keen eye.
As a rising cadet and officer, he'd continued to observe the changes of the galaxy, and became an outspoken proponent of Palpatine's politics and policies in the traditionally ideologically-neutral military atmosphere. But the climate of everything was changing, and changing quickly. Chee had watched the changed closely, and Palpatine had now, at last, taken the first decisive step toward undoing the decline and recent history of his Republic.
The Clone Wars had inexorably moved the galaxy away from the stasis, stability, and strength of over twenty-five millennia.
The old order had seen the waning of Republican power; the loss of the Senate's right to maintain a standing military, and then it was not difficult to lose the right to raise one at all. The Galactic Army and Galactic Navy were dispersed amongst the regions and sectors of the galaxy. The rimworlds and fringeworlds could not afford or supply the substantial and grand fleets of old, and their forces and defences fell to the wayside--save for the miniscule martial welfare fettered out from the Senate's shrinking coffers--reducing whole regions of the fringe to little more than meager policing by cheap, second-rate picket ships or frigates based on civilian craft or belonging to those models simply poorly designed and undesired by those who could afford better.
As a great philosopher once said, "peace and freedom is maintained by law and order; law and order are maintained by force and fear." A power vacuum so great could not go unfilled; an entirely disarmed galaxy would be at the whims of any petty despot who held so much as a handful of systems, or even a particularly impetuous band of criminals. Rather, the richest localities and organizations raised previously unheard-of armies and navies. Merchants provided their own armed guard, which had little qualms about abusing small, weak, and unwieldy customers. The aristocrats and monarchists, the industrialists and entrepreneurs, found money and will to maintain great defenses and even greater weapons. In the end, the military of the galaxy shrunk little; it only became more concentrated under those with most money, and answering to the voice of fewer beings.
Individual sectors and individual corporations concerned themselves with local regions only. Bush wars and small rivalries fanned into flame, now unabated by the stern eye of a galactic military. Corporate hostile takeovers became quite literally so: the "acquisition" of Rothana Heavy Engineering by Kuat Drive Yards involved the landings of several millions of Kuati soliders and hired mercenaries under the shadows of heavy Kuati guns. Still, corporations and firms found the galactic market uncharacteristically defiant compared with their local regions, or under the thrall of more proximate rivals. And so it became that organizations of corporations in the same business began to cooperate in more intimate manners. Price fixing became overshadowed by the crimes of invasion or attack on boycotting worlds or independent competitors.
And so these entities, joining with the unlikely brethren of the dispossessed and abused fringeworld patriots, broke from the aging and doddering Republic of legend. So began the Clone Wars.
Named for the first and most publicized combatants of the war in the form of the genetic marines from the biological factories on the alien world of Kamino and nationalised by edict of His Excellency, the Supreme Chancellor, the Wars had waged for over a year and a half, with not a single major strategic gain or victory on the Republic's part. The old industrialist and aristocrat worlds which had remained loyal to the Republic were similarly unassailable to the Confederates; they were possessed of professional local militaries that unfortunately were also incompetent to bring war to the enemy due to their limited ranges and absent logistical support. The Republic only defended; pausing only to surgically strike with the small forces of the Grand Army at individual grave threats.
Similarly, the Confederates only could strike at vulnerable or relevant regions of the Republic with those parochial or corporate forces already proximate to those localities, supplied through what support forces and supply train could be scrounged together from the business assets and shipping infrastructure available to the civilian interests in Confederate territory.
Now, for a year and a half, the supply networks, financial exchanges, manufactures, caravans of resources, lanes of infrastructure, and web of industry and economics had been rerouting around new fronts, borders, and lines of allegiance; aligning with the balkanized galaxy. The political debate in the Senate and committees and various think tanks over the creation of vast new arms under the ultimate command of the Supreme Chancellor finally resolved.
It had been one thing to ask the countless members of the Republic to permit the Supreme Chancellor emergency powers when the only thing visible on the incredibly short-range sensors of political considerations everywhere had been nationalising a ready-to-deploy-anywhere force of elite shock troops who, in the strategic naïveté of the average politician, would obviously swiftly and effortlessly decapitate the budding head of the Separatist movement, and end the crisis, returning everything to normalcy, and the Supreme Chancellor from the power of the dictator.
However, the actions at Geonosis and in the following few months neutralised no spoke of the Confederate wheel, and realized only an escalation of the conflict, and a consolidation of the Confederate position. Cries went out from the chambers of the Senate decrying the incompetence of the Jedi in failing to extinguish the flames of rebellion when they had the chance. Reluctantly, they threw their support to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who took the measured steps they favoured. Ordering a thousand more of the trans-galactic range Acclamator-class transports from Rothana, and ordering parochial and paramilitary forces' vessels such as the Dreadnought-class frigates and Consul-class corvettes assimilated into the small fleet of the Grand Army, he bulwarked the Republic's offensive capabilities while not threatening the local powerful or offending the citizenry with radical leaps.
Bogged down in such conflicts as the Battle of Jabiim, the politician and citizen alike had become quite impatient with Jedi blunders and the lack of progress. The subsequent Confederate offensive into the Core Worlds five months later provided the remaining political impetus to prompt the Senate into passing emergency amendments to begin planning and developing a new Republican Navy and Army; with a true officer corps with enlisted crews for the starships and enlisted soldiers for the battalions rather than Jedi commandos and generals with legions of faceless cloned warriors.
Chee however was no fool; he was a scholar and student of Palpatine's political treatises and theories; his subtle moves, approvals, acquisitions, assignments, and requests. Palpatine had known from the inception of conflict that only total rearmament would bring the Republic into a whole, and moreover, restore it from its days of decline. Moreover, the Emergency Powers Act established the Supreme Chancellor as a dictator for the duration of the crisis; he waited until Senator and citizen alike wanted him to act, and then chose to pass legislation through the Senate, even though he did not have to. Their Supreme Chancellor was indeed a clever politician, and an even more brilliant leader.
Now, finally, the dream of the Republic--nay!--the Galaxy's future was being realized. Here, at Fondor, the First Fleet rendezvoused for the first time, each and every vessel belonging to it having been completed, commissioned, and flown from its berth. The vast armada united and assembled at Fondor; officially Fondor had the largest facilities of the participating yards in the construction of the First Fleet, and also had constructed the largest share, thus it was only natural a choice. And in no small part due to Kuat Drive Yard's lobby to the Supreme Chancellor, as well. The tens of thousands of platforms, millions of tenders, dozens of huge yards and bays--all emblazed with Kuat's corporate logo would look very pleasant on the propaganda holos that would be transmitted on Holonet News by months end.
Dannik Chee had already stopped reading the sensor readings, and began again to gaze. The hard angles of thick durasteel impressed with the Republic cog on their bone-white or silver-grey planes glissened in the deep yellow-orange and throbbing glow eminating from Fondora, the distant spotlight around which this celestial carousel of orbs had danced for scores of thousands of millienia. The surge of white knives and needles, silver wedges, and grey spikes moved in unison. The V-19 Torrent clone starfighters flanked arrowhead Acclamator transports like great red-white raptors, floating in an corona of black and silver glitter. That glitter, of course, belonged to the countless models of new Sienar Republic Systems Twin Ion Engine starfighters.
At the heart of the corona painted from a patina of greys, a pair of the new Kuat Drive Yards Gladiator-class Star Dreadnoughts flew in unison; the prime vessel, the GRS Gladiator, Admiral Giel's flagship, and his second-in-command's flagship, the GRS Pride of the Republic.
Around them, scores of Kuati and Alderaanian Star Battleships, many more flanking Rothanan and Alderaanian Star Battlecruisers, Star Fleet Carriers from Kuat and Rothana, countless Star Cruisers from Alderaan, Kuat, Rothana, and the numerous Rendili yards, Star Destroyers from Kuat and Rendili in the thousands and thousands, Star Frigates, Star Escort Carriers, and Star Transports including the Rothanan Acclamator-class vessels, enveloped with miniscule lesser craft, all flying as an enormous mass thousands of kilometers across.
Yes. Here, at Fondor, the future began.
"Admiral Giel, the fleet is assembled."
The olive-grey uniformed officer did not turn, but kept his gaze fixed out into space through the bridge viewport of the Gladiator.
"Thank you Commander. Inform the captains to proceed to the exit point and engage hyperdrive."