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[SONG] Just in time for the Dorkstar post mortem

Posted: 2002-10-22 12:23pm
by Setzer
Normally I like reading the entries on Mike Wong's hate mail page, but reading what Darkstar called an argument... well, I've been better entertained by watching grass grow. I hereby dedicate this song to Darkstar... getting his ass kicked by Mike Wong:

(sung to the tune of "So happy together")

You see, Wong has a life,
most unlike you,
He cannot debate day and night,
as you may do,
But when he beats you you just might, stop posting to
The BBS Forum...

The duel begins and you sent Wong your post,
I thought it would be a short deal, 15K most,
But you sent him a lengthy tome of trollish roasts
and empty semantics.....

Why did you take so many words to say such a simple thing?
Alderaan had a planet wide shield, there's no anti-gen'sis ring

Wong will format your words, it will take time,
but it will be made all too clear you've lost your mind,
And probably no eyes to see, you must be blind,
and you really bore 'em

I of course mean all of the others who post to Wong's website.
Why waste our time, everyone here knows that you are never right

There's no chain reaction from the Deathstar
The blasts are just that powerful, they really are,
The firepower like we saw, is rather far
beyond Feddie weapons...

I have had enough of your rather boorish and rather boring posts
I pity Wong wasting his time de-fla-ting your pompous boasts

I lost all interest when you squabbled far
and long about just what the rules of canon are
your skull is thick and empty like, a cookie jar
So please shut up Darkstar...

(repeat last line until fadeout)

Posted: 2002-10-22 12:31pm
by Kelly Antilles

Wunderbar! That's quite excellent. :D

Posted: 2002-10-22 12:33pm
by Kuja

Good one!

Posted: 2002-10-22 04:31pm
by Setzer
IG-88E wrote:ROTFLMAO!!!!

Good one!
::Bows:: You are too kind! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D