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Moose Rebellion Site: Update

Posted: 2004-04-08 03:47pm
by El Moose Monstero
Yes, I know there's a similar thread in HoS, but this is me finally deciding that there's nothing really wrong with posting this in fanfics section, as it's designed for entertainment just as much as any of the other works posted here, although neither as consistent, regular or as high quality as some of the work posted here.

Therefore, I'm posting this new thread with a new update (and will either get a mod to close or delete the other thread in HoS to save on space), and will keep this one updated when I get round to new pages and so on.

This months update:

Chapter Four: The Adiabats, Threat Level Gamma.

This is the second half of last months update which brought in the Katabats, and features a few meteorological type references, and the fictional fish reference came from the Hawaiian holiday and debris based frivolity.

Comments welcome, I realise there's not much to comment on, but this is another one of those mixed ones, I'm happy with some of it, but I don't think it runs as smoothly.

This also took the Moose Rebellion into the 21000 word area, which is a moderate achievement.

Site can be found either from clicking the sig, or searching for 'Moose Rebellion' on google... highly unsurprisingly, it's the first entry.

Oh, and this isnt a thread for getting too spammy over either, this is just for those who give a shit.

Posted: 2004-10-13 01:30pm
by El Moose Monstero
Uber Bump: After a long absence due to host changes, the Moose Rebellion website is back with a vengeance for all those who give a damn. Now found at, and some updates in the works. For the moment, let new readers rejoice in all things moosey or er... something, and let old revel in my pleasure at finally being able to support my own site. :D

Comments welcomed, good or bad

Posted: 2004-10-15 09:16am
by Ace Pace
your nuts :P

Posted: 2004-10-15 10:24am
by El Moose Monstero
What about them? Have they escaped again? Shit! I thought the containment field would hold them. Part of the reason why I did the update is because I'm hoping to actually write a story based upon the MR - currently it's a matter of available time more than anything else.