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Crossover Plot Idea

Posted: 2004-06-12 12:04pm
by Majin Gojira
Ok, basic premise:

2 Years after the Angel Series Finale, Illyria is the only one left on the earthly plain of those who took on the Senior Partners. The others were captured and put into a holding dimension (different from the one Illyria tore up).

Illyria tracks down the only people who could help her: The Slayers...and other "Heroes" from around the globe (The Groosalugg, Jheria of Oden Tal, Gwen Raiden, Etc.). For a rescue mission of Epic Proportions -- a Argonautical Journey if you will.

Using her abilitu to assume the form of Winnifred Burkle, Illyria has successfully infiltrated the place where the means to reach the holding world Angel, Spike and Gunn are being kept....

Stargate Command.

Sound worth it or no?

Posted: 2004-06-15 07:06pm
by spazkitten
I like you. Sounds like fun. I think Gunn would've died though.

Let's not forget the Scoobies. Not just Willow, Xander, and all the slayers, but also, Kennedy, Robin Wood, and Riley Finn. Can we bring back Riley? Cos while I loathe Marc Blucas with a fiery passion, except for the abs (he has some nice abs), the character was pretty cool. I guess we have to bring Samantha in too.

And what about Kate Lockley? And Eve, and Connor? What happened to them?

Posted: 2004-06-16 06:48pm
by Agent R
Go right ahead if you want. I'm willing to read it.

[ghostly voice]If you write it, they will read.[/ghostly voice]

@spazkitten: Eve stayed in the Wolfram & Hart building as it was collapsing. Presumably, she's dead. Angel sent Connor running home after killing Hamilton. And who is Kate Lockley? Is she that vampire hunter Holtz hired to help him take down Angel?

Posted: 2004-06-16 10:28pm
by Majin Gojira
Agent R wrote:And who is Kate Lockley? Is she that vampire hunter Holtz hired to help him take down Angel?
Kate Lockley was a cop whom Angel met his first year in LA. She discovered the supernatural and had a bad reaction to it (much like an investigator in some Lovecraft stories...though a much slower process). It drives her a little batty because it messes with her worldview completely. She ends up discharged from the police force and she nearly killed herself with a combination of asprin and alcohol. Angel saved her and she has not been seen since season 2.

Currently, the actress who played her works on "Law and Order". She is the new female in the DA's office. The blond woman....I don't know the name, I don't watch the show.