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Coruscant against Trantor.
Posted: 2004-06-30 12:40pm
by Murazor
To the best of my knowledge, nobody has ever attempted to do a crossover of Star Wars and Asimov's Foundation universe in spite of the clear similitudes. I have already a bit of text and I would want to ask those more knowledgeable than I some questions about the Empire after TESB and before ROTJ. However, I don't know wheter this should be here, in Other Science Fiction or in Pure Star Wars.
Posted: 2004-06-30 12:43pm
by Dartzap
OSF, but hey..
yes.. im interested as well, as ive just started reading the Foundation seriesand im also quite intriged what people will say
Posted: 2004-07-23 10:18am
by jegs2
My feeling is that Lucas got a lot of his ideas from Asimov's Empire and Foundation books. Trantor was a city-planet, completely covered in metal, designed only to govern a galaxy-wide empire from a central point (all human, no less). Coruscant is very similar, except the Republic allowed representatives from all races. The ships in the Trantor empire use a form of hyperdrive, nearly instantaneously crossing to points in the galaxy (certainly by the time the Foundation empire is at the height of its power). Instead of turbolasers, the Asimov empire uses, "Q-Beams" and nukes, but that is likely because is was the most powerful thing Asimov could imagine. The Asimov empire is thousands of years old -- to the point that humanity no longer remembers that Sol 3 is their homeworld, but 365 standard days somehow makes a galactic year.
Posted: 2004-07-23 10:42am
by Dartzap
it also appears that at the peak of the empire, they had quite a few competent tacticians, but i am not sure how many ships the Galactic Empire(Asimovs) had compared to the SW Gal Empire, i would not know about the power of the weapens either