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Displaced (Imperium Verse)

Posted: 2004-08-23 07:21am
by Zor
Chapter one, Transversion

Commander Naomi Kai wacthed the display floating above the rest of the bridge, her ship, the James T Kirk was a small Green triangle with the imperial naval insigna floating above, the two Rumaur ships following were red. About 100 million km behind her was seven hundred thousand tonnes of Titanium, carbon, Iron, Alluminum and DU that was once IMM Bounty until those four armed sons of bicthes came in. They were refueling from an Ice Asteriod when the Rumies desided to come in. They got one lifepod. The Rumies were getting closer. A bead of sweat went down her forhead. "Ensign, can we go any faster?" she said in a quick voice.

"No maim," The young brown man said those two words with a grim tone "Repusler is at 132% R-max and i say those coils are prity close to boiling away already!" While the James T Kirk had superior acceleration to the Rumaur Frigates behind her, the Rumaur had Better Repulsers, and could go 2,000 km/s faster, even when sprinting.

"How long till there inside Fireing range?"

"The first ship will be blasting us in 30 seconds!"

"Then Prime all weapons, flip us and get ready to make a big fuckin' hole in front of there ship ASAP!"

"Aye, Captian!" With that, two pairs of thrusters, one forward Deck the other aft Bilge fired, turning the craft around, then two other pairs, aft deck and forward Buildge fired. Its weapons' Cells powered up and the gunners took aim. As the seconds passed by and the gap between the Sunfish and the Rumaur ships srank, the tenchion on the Terran crew became so strong, that you could hold up a thousand tonnes of steel with it. Naomi's eyes flared, and her mind was completly Phocused on the Hologram as the Rumaur Frigate as it slowly aproched the SoR around the James T Kirk, then, as it crossed that Circle, one world rolls out of her lips.


The James T. Kirk was not a super powerful warship, just a Cortez class heavy corvette, but it's four, 50 Gigajoule Particle beam cannons packed Enough punch when consentrated to destroy the Turret they were aimed at, and gave the Rumaur a distraction for a second from the fact that there prey had fired 45 KKMs right down there throught. They began blasting away using PDLs, but the torpedoes were accelerating at 52 G with a starting velosity of 117 km/s, got an extra 3km/s from the repulser, and they were flying right into them. They were 102,000 km away and clocking .23c, and less than 25 seconds latter, it was bicthslapped with 3 tonnes of Titanium moving prity damn fast, The Kenetic Engergy heated the ship's hull up to incredable temprichers, and the ship was consumed in a massive fireball. How ever, the James T. Kirk did take a few shots from the frigate before it's destruction, dispite taking out three of it's turrets.

"Captian!" A Redhead Ensign yelled "Repulsers are down to .2%, and the other Rumie ship will be shooting us in 19 seconds!"

"How far are we from clearing the star's Grav well"

"4 LM!"

"Damn, Have to do, Jump!"

"Aye" With that, a massive gravatational force built up inside the ship's Breaker, and then suddenly unleased with an Massive Electrostactic pulse going threw the coils, creating a Hyperbubble. The James T. Kirk was then sucked into Hyperspace. They survived being torn to shreads by the star's gravitational pull, but were hit when entering. The ride was shakey, but nothing was critictly damaged. After a day, they fell out of hyperspace, but insted of falling out and gracefully being set down in realspace, they were shot out at 0.02, shook up a bit and takes quite a beating as a cupple of baseball sized meteors hit it.

Mis Kai snarls as she feals falling out of H-Space "By the Universe, what the Fuck just happend!"

"The Main reactor is down, yhe Sensor aray was destroyed, but general backup sensors say we are going to crash into an Planet in 27 seconds!"

"Mr Dawson, Har to port!" Having a Shrill voice yell something obivios to you makes it more clear, and he hit full thursters, going to port, but it was not Enough, the Ship was caught in the Grav well. Sweating bullets as he did it, he deseleated as mucth as posible and found a nice, large ocean to land in. Everyone abord the ship felt the crash into the ocean, but it was far worse than the alternitive. The 192.3 metre long craft sunk like a brick, and eventuly hit seafloor.

"Captian" Mr Dawson said "I am sorry i could not land the ship more gentily"

"Don't worry, i don't blame you, i blaim a misjump. We will be fine."

To Be Continued...

Posted: 2004-08-23 07:39am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
K3wl story, but watch the typos :)


Posted: 2004-08-23 10:30pm
by Zor
She pulled a Small device out of her pocket, with the press of a button, a screen extended from it. "Steve!"

"Captian, you got me at a bad time, Main Fusion reactor is Junk, the Hyperdrive's Grav Coils have fused, Half the O2 Recyclers are dead, There is a Fire in the Foodstores, Comm system just bought the farm, and three of my men are down!"

"Is there anything abord this tub that is not shot to hell?!"

"I say at least some of the Recylers are fixable, and many of the spares are in good shape, Chef says the Stove is working and cameras 2 and three are working well enough , but both of them are in mud. Manuvering thruster seven is still workable, but it won't get us anywere near orbit."

"Can you tell what is this Ocean made of?"

"Yeah, Section 12 on D deck is flooded, it's just seawater and some trase gasses in it, i would say we are under 300 metres of it and in relitivly warm water."

"Thanks, that will be all." She pushed the screen back into the case and sliped it back in her pocket. Then she Claped her hands "Ok, Jordan come with me, Dawson, you get the bridge." The pair of officers marched down to a modified set of Quarters, this one had a peice of Plexiglass installed at the Door and was flooded, as well as a fliter. Inside was ms Sarah Galentry, the Sole survivor of the bounty. She was an Aquatican, they bore some resemblance to the Mermaids of Terran Mythology in the fact that they lacked legs in favor of a Dolphin like tall, she had a dorsal fin, also similer to a Dolphins and 4 gillslits were on her chest, she was curently sitting against the wall. When she saw the Captian and Her Leutenant, she swam up against the Plexiglass container.

"Yeah?" Her voice was played threw a speaker.

"Ms Galentry" The Commander said in as stern, but not overly so voice "We have crashed landed on an Eden class planet, and are under several hundred metres of water, our Cheif engineer says that the presure is within your range of Tolerance, and sensors are down. You are a rated engineer, and I would apreitiate it if you would assist us in an external examination of the outside."

"Hell yeah!" She said with some excitment "Don't like being stuck in hear any more than you would!"

"Good, get ready for transit" While the two Naval officers marched off to the airlock turned on the Drain, the water was pumped out. She Seated herself in a collasable wheelchair, sealed her gills, and followed the two officers. The officers slipped on there EVA suits and went into the airlock, Sharah just put on a headset and just waited in the airlock. The airlock was flooded, If a ship has to crash into an Eden class Planet, it is to land in a body of water, and they all have a system that floods the system slowly. As the room flooded, the commander took out a bag, and produced a pair of pistols from it. "Take these, Steel moving at Thrity Six Hundred metres a second should keep any preds away."

Jordan Grined "No argument's hear!"

After 10 more seconds, they were outside of the ship and in the water, it was night outside, and so, they could not see mucth around them. Just what was alumiated by there headlights. Naomi saw nothing wrong with the drive vents, exept for the fact that there was no plasma being spewed out from them. As she walked, she stepped on something, she picked it up, looked at it, and put it in her bag.

The rest of the two hours they spent outside is not worth your time. They sealed a few holes, took a few Photographs and made some mental notes, Nuff said. They went back in, had there suits sterilized and then, the commander called a meeting. Dawson, Dr Quin, Steve, Jordan and Sharah were there.

"First things first" Ms Kai said "How are repairs going Steve?"

"Well, The good news is that we are not going to die from drowning or Hypoxia, the bad news is that we are not going anywere."

"Second of all, i found this outside." She then pulls out an alluminum can of her bag, it was red and had the words Coca-Cola writen on it.

Posted: 2004-08-26 10:35am
by Zor
The Can was tossed about, and studdied by the Metting's members. Eventuly it was handed back.

"That can is Terran" Dr Quin said, in his extreamly relaxed voice "but, if it was Terran, there we would have been picked up by a salvage craft by now."

"Correct" Naomi replied, but i did some reserch, and ran a test on the can "First, it is made of Alluminum, Straight alluminum, Second, there is very little rust on it, making it less than a year old, Third, the Coca-Cola Corperation flied for Bankrupcy in 174."

Posted: 2004-08-30 06:07am
by Zor
Everyone in the room face went into shock for a second, Until they all started laughing like madmen. "Good one!" Sharah yelled "Shoud have thought of that Myself!"

Naomi let out a giggle, but then settled in "Seriosly, i did find it."

Mr Dawson "Oh, come one Commander, you are so Shittin' us!"

"Damn straight i am not!" the commanders voice grew in seriosness "If you don't beleive i sujest you look it up. I also had Steve rig a Camera with a float, and took pictures of the stars to get." She then pressed a button, creating projections of two Photographs of small whitish grey planetiods, but one had a few drops of water on the lense. "The left one is Luna, the right one i just took a picture of a moon that the camara photographed, and the only moon in orbit, and the computer says that the Moon in the picture is Luna. The Diference, one has settlements on it, seen as lights, the other does not."

Dr Quin then stood up "So are you sugjesting that we have traveled back in time six Motherfucking centuries?!"

"Not as imposible as it sounds" Steve said "I should remind you that Misjumps can carry a ship back in time, ships..."

"Are just far more likely to be extruded as a stream of superheated Radiation." Naomi cut in "We all studied Hyperdrive Mechanics in the Accademy. But this is one fuckin' big misjump, so what do we do?"

"Well, first thing we do is get some grub," Jordan told him "I know all this shit is going down, but we lost next to all our food stores, the emergency ration system has been down for weeks and i say we got enoug ration bars to last us a week, if that. We wont be able to do squat if we have died from hunger. I say we send out a few men with pistols and have ourselves a fish hunt. The database has logs on this type of stuff."

"Fine, Fish Hunting Parties are a go, anything else we need" the commander spouted.

"We need 16 metres of plasma conduits," Steve said "To make these, we need 130 kgs of Titanium, 15 of silicon, 28 of iron..."

"Compile a list Steve," The Commander said, not wanting to hear a droning list of a thousand elements "Is the Refinery up and running Steve?"

"No, and even if it was, i doubt the local soil has half the elements that we need."

"Damnit!" The Commander yeald "Could we get these anywere on the planet?"

"Posibly a native foundery" Jordan said "But getting the contence of said foundery is another matter."

"Well, sitting around on our Asses is not doing anything. Lets get the Fuckin' led out!"

Posted: 2004-08-30 02:48pm
by CaptainChewbacca
What are you, 12?