Poll: Board members on Star Crossed?

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Should Star Crossed remain Board Member Free??

Poll ended at 2002-11-18 09:53pm

Shut up and get back to writing a new chapter!!
Total votes: 28

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Poll: Board members on Star Crossed?

Post by Stravo »

I have received some VERY mixed reviews about the inclusion of board members in the latest chapter. I did it because I thought it would be fun and it was handled rather well in that there was no childish agrandizement. It was meant as a tip to the hat to those that have been most supportive in the endeavor. Others have seen it as a betrayal (You all know who you are) SO, unlike GL who will not admit that Greedy shooting first was a BBAADDD idea, I will admit that this may have been a bad idea if the fans don't like it, I am willing to edit the last few paragraphs out of the story.

PS. Kelly stays because her character actually has a role to play in the story and its not really Kelly, it's a charcter Kelly created.

Your thoughts are most appreciated.
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Post by Master of Ossus »

I don't have a problem with it, so long as people don't start jockeying for inclusion in the story. And I know that that's easy for me to say, because I was selected to be included, but Stravo wasn't trying to turn Star Crossed into something like GAT's DarkStar bashing fic. I loved the insertion of Scooter and Graham Kennedy back in the Battle for Sector 001, and I am honored that Stravo would select me for a slightly more positive insertion.

I wouldn't mind at all or be insulted if the paragraphs with Mike and Bean and me in them were edited out, but I also don't think that they should be. I didn't see anything wrong with them, and as I've told lots of people in the past, it's Stravo's work. As an author, he has the right to do what he wants with it.
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Post by Illuminatus Primus »

They could be better streamlined. Computer connection Matrix style...a voice over the lines....or green type on a monitor a random Imperial officer was too drunk to be watching.

Dump the avatars and the excessive references to them and what they're doing. Just a little shameless but very mysterious cameo.
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Post by Kuja »

*presses hands together*

I don't think any of the options are truly appropriate. Seeing as it's your story, we have no right to tell you yes or no on characters. We can only ask/beg/plead/suggest. Although it's good to ask input, as you're doing, you DON'T have to ask for a majority opinion on the next chapter. Write for yourself, and if you feel that adding a character based on a board member will add to/advance the storyline in a favorable manner, go ahead.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

I really don't feel I can say anything since you are using my character in this. However, like MoO and Iggy have said, it is your story. You write it how you want to. Yeah, I"ve gotten lots of requests for people to be added into my fic, but I'm still writing it how *I* want. Do what you wish, Stravo. I'm sure whatever your decision is, it will be done with grace and excellent writing.

(btw, I know i"m scum, but I've only read the first 6 chapters and the latest chapter. I'm working on reading the rest, honest!)
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

Write on. I don't mind board members. Just as long as we have the good story that you have been writing to keep on coming.

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Post by Stravo »

Thanks so far for your input guys. It's not so much that I'm asking you what to do. If this was a subplot in my story I would not be asking for anyone's opinion whether the subplot should go forward because it is my story. (for instance the Mara /Luke brewing conflict-love thing. I don't care if ANYONE doesn't like it I'm going forward with it, same with Wesley Crusher's addition.) But this was a special case because it was intended to be a tip of the hat to my biggest supporters and it can go or it can stay. I'm not particularly attached to the scene but I was a little surprised by some of the PMs I received today about the inclusion. I just wanted to make sure that it doesn't affect the integrity of the story.
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Post by Edi »

I believe I'll have to vote "Shut up and get back to writing the next chapter." :wink: :D

You see, I need another fix for the addiction...

I've no problem with board members appearing in the fic as long as they serve a purpose in the plot and are not 'forced', as it were. Especially Kelly's character fits flawlessly into the story. The rest were a little forced, what with the introduction being so abrupt, but I've no doubt that you'd weave them into the story as smoothly as everything else so far.

BTW, loved the part about Timmy and Darkstar earlier, I think I must have busted a few ribs laughing...

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Post by Mr Bean »

Its your Story Stravo, I don't think anyone would care if you had Mike Meeting a bitter end next chapter by Sneezing on Vadar and getting himself force choked to Death, Or myself crushs by an overlarge Banana, Its up to you Stravo

I'm less intrested in the names and more to see what you do with them

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Post by Stormbringer »

I don't see a problem with inserting board members into your story. As long as it remains your story and the characters remain well done then that's just great. I'd carefully consider any insertions but feel free, it's your story.
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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

I;ve never liked the insertion of real people into fanfics but it's your choice.
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Post by haas mark »

I really think it is an interesting idea to put board members in your fic. Besides, its just names. Again with what Kelly said, write it the way you want to. I'm not going to request to be in a fic (aside from Kelly's, but there's a different reason why), but it is always nice to be in one. In a way, I'm in my own fic, but that's in name only....I stole my login from my fic. But again, do what you please with your fic. It's YOUR fic, not anyone else's.


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Post by phongn »

I don't mind it when authors put board members into a fanfic, but the way you did it wasn't very good - it was far too blatant. It should seamlessly exist in a fanfic without a potential reader saying "blatant self-insertion!"
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Post by Crayz9000 »

phongn wrote:I don't mind it when authors put board members into a fanfic, but the way you did it wasn't very good - it was far too blatant. It should seamlessly exist in a fanfic without a potential reader saying "blatant self-insertion!"
Yeah. What I did in Intergalactic Alliance was to use a pseudoname derived from the person's real name or online nick. The result is very seamless; I wonder how many people can point out the characters from ASVS so far...
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

No member characters. As was once posted on ASVS (which has a load of those fics), Denizen fics are just a crutch to replace character development.
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Post by 2000AD »

I don;t mind being in as long as i'm not cast as a total dickhead!
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Re: Poll: Board members on Star Crossed?

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Stravo wrote:I have received some VERY mixed reviews about the inclusion of board members in the latest chapter. I did it because I thought it would be fun and it was handled rather well in that there was no childish agrandizement. It was meant as a tip to the hat to those that have been most supportive in the endeavor. Others have seen it as a betrayal (You all know who you are) SO, unlike GL who will not admit that Greedy shooting first was a BBAADDD idea, I will admit that this may have been a bad idea if the fans don't like it, I am willing to edit the last few paragraphs out of the story.

PS. Kelly stays because her character actually has a role to play in the story and its not really Kelly, it's a charcter Kelly created.

Your thoughts are most appreciated.
I have no problem at all with sticking denizens in fics. But they should fit with the story. I mean, I like taking a person whose persona I've been exposed to, and drop them into a story. It's interesting trying to figure out how they would react to the situations in the story. And one can get some good characters out of these. However, they do have to serve a purpose. Shameless SI gives you an opportunity to test asbestos underwear.
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