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SW flash fiction
Posted: 2004-10-04 11:22am
by Chardok
Flash fiction is a genre where the stories are very VERY short, but entertaining nonetheless. This is my first attempt.
"You're all clear kid, now let's blow this thing and go home!"
Luke fired his proton torpedos, which hit the mark perfectly, entering the exhaust shaft. Meanwhile inside the death Star, a speaker blared, "Commence primary ignition."
The remaining ships from the strike force, along with the millenium falcon sped away to avoid getting caught in the death star's death throes. As they sped away, Luke couldn't help but wonder why there was no earth-shattering kaboom yet, and hazarded a glance over his left shoulder.
His gut felt heavy with horror as he saw the ominous green beams of the superlaser converging on a point in front of the dish-like indention in the death star's face. Suddenly a huge green beam shot forth from the converged point, smashing into the moon containing the Rebel base. Luke felt cold inside as he watched it explode into millions of fragments. A second later the Death Star Exploded in a fiery release of hypermatter and durasteel. He had succeeded in destroying the Emoprer's ultimate weapon, but the alliance was no more. How the battle would go on now was anyone's guess.
Posted: 2004-10-04 12:24pm
by Robert Walper
Hmm..interesting. I look forward to the next mini-chapter.
Posted: 2004-10-04 01:46pm
by Lindar
So it's basicly about detail?(the flash fiction) It's very good yes, and detailed.
Posted: 2004-10-04 02:44pm
by Chardok
it's not so much about details, but it is usually about 100 words long, and DIFFICULT, trust me. Try writing something that people will say "Hmm, neat." In only 100 words!
Posted: 2004-10-04 09:50pm
by Praxis
The fleet of Star Destroyer's hung over the primitive planet. "What was this primitive little world called again?" Admiral Praxis asked one of the bridge crew officers. "Uhm...Earth, sir." "Ah yes. Well, it was a long trip to go this far from our galaxy, but it will be worth it once the mission is accomplished...begin."
The Star Destroyers fanned out, spread over the entire continent known as "North America". They powered up their weapons, the incredibly powerful cannons awakening as if from a slumber, rotating to point at the target on the peaceful-looking planet below. Praxis smiled. He spoke one word: "Fire".
Robert Scott Anderson stepped out of his house. Suddenly he noticed shapes in the sky- triangle shapes. "No!" he shouted, as he saw green fill the sky. His lasts words were, "Turbolasers can't fire more than 200 meters- CURSE YOU, WONG!" Then there was silence, and a very large crater.
Posted: 2004-10-04 10:14pm
by Agent Fisher
Posted: 2004-10-05 03:37am
by Typhonis 1
Picard faced the camera as he spoke."We ,the Federation, face a test like no other.A threat comes a threat that dwarfs the Dominion,Borg,Cardassians and all others we have known combined.
A galactic Empire that sees it as its right to crush our democracy and replace it with tyranny. Truly these are the times that try mens souls."
Grand Moff Tarkin looks at the camera he is flusterd. " What? Federation? I`m not concerned about a backwards pathetic regional power in the middle of nowhere.Go bother the local Moff with this I have other things to deal with."
Posted: 2004-10-05 08:28am
by Lindar
*applauds* I'm not going to try. But I'll pick up the challenge another time. Limited to 100 words? I've never been able to stay under a limit, or near it. You all write so well!*jealus* I'm not good at science writing, but maybe if I keep reading, I'll learn something. (the probability of me learning something, seems pretty slim though)
Posted: 2004-10-05 04:46pm
by darthdavid
A Star Wars haiku
Luke believe in force
Shuts off targeting 'puter
Death Star goes Kaboom
Posted: 2004-10-06 01:04am
by Typhonis 1
Bad Day at Work
"Look I`m telling you something is up Sam"
"Like what Max?" The other technician said" Emperor going to vist...I know that alert was actully an intruder alarm"
"Could be could be" Max said.
Both men turned as they heard a rushing noise and stared as two proton torpedoes entered the Reactor they worked on.
"Ohhh shit"
"Least my ex wife can kiss my ass no....."
Posted: 2004-10-06 12:33pm
by Lindar
I think I like that one best so far Typh. Amusing, and easy to understand
Posted: 2004-10-06 02:23pm
by Utah Jak
Praxis wrote:The fleet of Star Destroyer's hung over the primitive planet. "What was this primitive little world called again?" Admiral Praxis asked one of the bridge crew officers. "Uhm...Earth, sir." "Ah yes. Well, it was a long trip to go this far from our galaxy, but it will be worth it once the mission is accomplished...begin."
The Star Destroyers fanned out, spread over the entire continent known as "North America". They powered up their weapons, the incredibly powerful cannons awakening as if from a slumber, rotating to point at the target on the peaceful-looking planet below. Praxis smiled. He spoke one word: "Fire".
Robert Scott Anderson stepped out of his house. Suddenly he noticed shapes in the sky- triangle shapes. "No!" he shouted, as he saw green fill the sky. His lasts words were, "Turbolasers can't fire more than 200 meters- CURSE YOU, WONG!" Then there was silence, and a very large crater.
The really sad part about that scenario would be that Americans wouldn't care five minutes later (if they survived)
Posted: 2004-10-06 04:53pm
by Praxis
Utah Jak wrote:Praxis wrote:The fleet of Star Destroyer's hung over the primitive planet. "What was this primitive little world called again?" Admiral Praxis asked one of the bridge crew officers. "Uhm...Earth, sir." "Ah yes. Well, it was a long trip to go this far from our galaxy, but it will be worth it once the mission is accomplished...begin."
The Star Destroyers fanned out, spread over the entire continent known as "North America". They powered up their weapons, the incredibly powerful cannons awakening as if from a slumber, rotating to point at the target on the peaceful-looking planet below. Praxis smiled. He spoke one word: "Fire".
Robert Scott Anderson stepped out of his house. Suddenly he noticed shapes in the sky- triangle shapes. "No!" he shouted, as he saw green fill the sky. His lasts words were, "Turbolasers can't fire more than 200 meters- CURSE YOU, WONG!" Then there was silence, and a very large crater.
The really sad part about that scenario would be that Americans wouldn't care five minutes later (if they survived)
There might be mass celebration on the online least for the Star Wars side
Posted: 2004-10-06 05:15pm
by NecronLord
Utah Jak wrote:The really sad part about that scenario would be that Americans wouldn't care five minutes later (if they survived)
You assume there'd be Americans left after that.
Posted: 2004-10-06 05:19pm
by Praxis
NecronLord wrote:Utah Jak wrote:The really sad part about that scenario would be that Americans wouldn't care five minutes later (if they survived)
You assume there'd be Americans left after that.
Well, if all the bolts hit the same place...TL's tend to vaporize what they hit instead of exploding like a nuclear bomb, so I'd expect a crater about 20 kilometers deep, a couple wide, and a very large amount of vaporized rock and dirt to blot out the sun for a few days while everyone cheers
Posted: 2004-10-06 06:31pm
by Alan Bolte
"I'm telling you, the little bar's supposed to be full."
"Why would anyone want to turn the tractor beam off? There's been no intruder alert, so it would have to be a technician anyway. And like I said, no one's been through here."
"It was full when we got here."
"Since when were you a specialist?"
"My memory works well enough."
"What about the noodle incident?"
"Fuck you. You know - "
"Fine, fine, nevermind, but like I said, who?"
"Well we did hear something behind us a few minutes ago."
"And I told you it was gas."
"It's always about gas with you. I heard we recovered an empty freighter that Lord Vader went down to see personally. What if it wasn't really empty?"
"Would you quit with the conspiracy theories? Even if the tractor beam is off, and I'm not saying it is, what's anyone going to do, fly out through our fighter screen? Aw hell, if it's that important to you, why don't you go tell command we need a tech down here, 'cause you've been reading up on your tractor beam manuals and you think something's wrong."
Re: SW flash fiction
Posted: 2004-10-06 06:31pm
by Eleas
Hmm, I'll try it. 100 words, you say?
With a prodigous leap Agent J cleared the fence to land on the other side. He grinned as he rose. The creature - the thing - he chased was fast, but stupid; there was no way out of the alley.
He scanned his surroundings carefully. The shadows were everywhere. The alley was quiet. Too quiet.
Suddenly, warned by a blur and the glint of steel, J threw himself to the ground. Just in time. Rising, he spotted the tiny creature, now blocking his exit to the street. The rabbit raised its switchblade, beckoning, and spoke.
"Time to die, nerd-boy."
Posted: 2004-10-06 06:57pm
by Lindar
*claps* A bunny! I like I like!
Posted: 2004-10-06 07:00pm
by Eleas
Lindar wrote:*claps* A bunny! I like I like!
Not just any bunny. It's
Posted: 2004-10-06 07:34pm
by Lindar
Posted: 2004-10-07 03:41am
by dragon
Bun Bun rocks wont saying anything else to spoil the story for those that havn't read it. Hum 100 words or less maybe?
Posted: 2004-10-07 06:52pm
by Deathstalker
Not quite 100 words, maybe next time!
"My torpedoes won't even dent that thing!"
"Alright, Wedge, go for the regulator on the north tower, we'll handle the reactor."
"Copy Gold Leader, I'm already on my way out." With that Wedge lined up the regulator and triggered a pair of torpedoes. As he rounded the back side of the reactor, he saw the regulator explode and missiles impacting the reactor.
"Good shot Gold Leader!"
“Time to go!” thought Wedge to himself. He deftly dodged and weaved his way through the tunnel, and chancing a glance at his scopes, he saw the Falcon right behind him. "We're going to make!" Wedge could almost feel the flames reaching out for his ship, and then he broke into clear space. As he checked his scopes, Wedge saw the fleet moving away, but not see the Falcon. "This is Red Leader to Home One, do you know the status of Gold Leader?"
Admiral Ackbar himself answered. "General Calrissian did not leave the Death Star, Red Leader."
After a few moments of stunned silence, Wedge recovered and focused on the task at hand. "I copy Home One. Red Squadron, this is Red Leader, the day isn't over. Regroup on me at sector six and hope the Force is still with us."