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C'tan Versus Star Trek

Posted: 2002-11-11 07:36am
by NecronLord
C'tan versus Star Trek
inc. a Q vs. C'tan Fight
And SD.Net members as new C'tan. :twisted:

Re: Should I do this fanfic?

Posted: 2002-11-11 07:39am
by Stormbringer
NecronLord wrote:C'tan versus Star Trek
inc. a Q vs. C'tan Fight
And SD.Net members as new C'tan. :twisted:
As long as I can be evil. And/or kill janeway in some horrible manner.

Re: Should I do this fanfic?

Posted: 2002-11-11 07:41am
by Dargos
Stormbringer wrote:
NecronLord wrote:C'tan versus Star Trek
inc. a Q vs. C'tan Fight
And SD.Net members as new C'tan. :twisted:
As long as I can be evil. And/or kill janeway in some horrible manner.
why don't you just bitchslap her....gawd I think I'm going to have your palm print on my face for the rest of my life..

Um...could you please enlighten me on exactly who the C'tan are?

Posted: 2002-11-11 07:42am
by Crown
I have no idea who these characters are so; yes. Educate me!

Am I right in assuming that ST and Q are gonna get and all mighty bitch slap?

Posted: 2002-11-11 07:48am
by NecronLord
The C'tan are the Necron Gods

If HP Lovecraft wrote Sci-Fi, they are what he'd write. i.e. Cuthullu in space (sp)

Posted: 2002-11-11 07:54am
by Crown
Hmmm. Well then I would love to read a bit of your fanfic. Well what are you doing? Why aren't you writting?

Posted: 2002-11-11 09:07am
by NecronLord
How can I fit Cap'n Archer in? :twisted:

Posted: 2002-11-11 09:11am
by Dargos
have him be the one who unwittingly opened the ST universe up too the mercy of the C'Tan onslaught!!

Posted: 2002-11-11 09:19am
by Kelly Antilles

All hail the great god Cthulu. Do not piss him off. For you are puny and taste good dipped in chocolate.

Posted: 2002-11-11 10:07am
by Stormbringer
Kelly Antilles wrote:CTHULU

All hail the great god Cthulu. Do not piss him off. For you are puny and taste good dipped in chocolate.

Posted: 2002-11-11 10:11am
by Kelly Antilles
Stormbringer wrote:
Kelly Antilles wrote:CTHULU

All hail the great god Cthulu. Do not piss him off. For you are puny and taste good dipped in chocolate.
You find that funny, mere mortal?


Posted: 2002-11-11 10:55am
by NecronLord
right, begining work on it now.

The Bajoran Prophets are also getting a beating.

Posted: 2002-11-11 11:58am
by NecronLord
Part one, It is very short, as there is no way I could ever make this fair. :twisted: ...

The crescent shaped vessel departed the rift. Its long 'tail' section powering it forwards like a two pronged dagger. In the dark sepulchre mounted on the dorsal surface f the ship, the deceiver relaxed. His avatar was secure. Soon the C'tan would claim a new universe as their own dominion, and they would again rule the stars.

"Captains log, star date 4753.23; The Enterprise is currently entering the Baris System. We have recently lost contact with the colony there, and have been sent by Starfleet command to investigate."

"Captain, we are now entering sensor range," said Data. "Scanning for life signs" the android turned in his chair, "Captain, there are no life signs on the planet," Stunned Picard turned pale.
"Commander are you sure?" The commander turned back to the console and keyed in a new sequence. "Yes captain, there appear to be no life signs on the planet including single celled life forms."
"Prepare an away team," muttered the stunned Picard in horror.

Meanwhile, in orbit of the system's star the crescent vessel began the slow process of incarnation. A snaking tendril of energy curled from the star onto the vessel. In a chamber, deep within the ship A block of metal glowed. The dark slab began to uncurl at the edges, forming into a shape.

On the planet, commander Riker and several security ensigns materialised. For once the captain was following procedure and only sending one ranking officer on the mission. On the far side of the room stood a strange hunched-over metal skeleton. Commander Riker walked up to the spectral figure. "Ensign Reall, what do you make of the "He was cut off in mid speech as the skeleton turned its head towards him. It's leering grin and glowing yellow eyes stopped a hairs breadth from his face. It's cold arm shot out and picked him up. As Reall fired his phaser the machine pirouetted and hurled Commander Riker at the man like a limp rag doll. The man's neck snapped backwards to an unnatural degree killing him instantly. They fell, two more security officers ran into the room weapons drawn. They shot the creature. It strode towards them with a strange swaying gait. As they tried to change their poorly designed weapons settings onto the kill mode the creature reached them. It lifted one high into the air, and used him as a club to kill the other. Then it snapped the unfortunate human's neck.

On the alien ship The Deceiver smiled inwardly, watching the carnage through the eyes of the warrior. Behind him a brilliant flash of light erupted into the darkness. "Shouldn't you know better? I mean I don't like Riker very much but this..." Q said loudly in English. The Deceiver turned to look at the interloper. Its presence was strange. The Deceiver stretched out the arm of his avatar and shot a bolt of cobalt lightning at the invader. Q disappeared and manifested himself behind the metallic creature. ";Now really, this is NOT how you treat a guest" The deceiver turned, realising what the creature was he slowed down time aboard the ship, and reached into the head of the visage, which reacted at normal speed. The metal claw passed through Q's head. The Deceiver felt the forces that made up the being before him, and pulled. Too slow Q felt himself slip from consciousness, into raw energy, and felt the hungering being of the Star Vampire consume him.

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:00pm
by haas mark
Very interesting........and add me in. :D

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:08pm
by NecronLord
I'm kinda annoyed that part one was so woefully short, but I only killed two ST characters (and a planet, and several misc ensigns.)

current C'tan list

Stormbringer (well there is a nightbringer)
Verilion [pick a scary name]

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:15pm
by haas mark
NecronLord wrote:I'm kinda annoyed that part one was so woefully short, but I only killed two ST characters (and a planet, and several misc ensigns.)

current C'tan list

Stormbringer (well there is a nightbringer)
Verilion [pick a scary name]
Verilon isn't scary enough? lol *points at CW* They're scare dof me remember? And......well.............................Ohriyana. Methinks.

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:21pm
by NecronLord
Ahh sod it "The Verilion" it is :lol:

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:23pm
by haas mark
NecronLord wrote:Ahh sod it "The Verilion" it is :lol:
*ahem* No second 'i.'

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:26pm
by NecronLord
My mistake.

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:27pm
by haas mark
NecronLord wrote:My mistake.
s'okay. It's a common mistake.

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:28pm
by NecronLord
Who laughed at Q's death? be honest.

Who laughed at Rikers?

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:47pm
by fgalkin
NecronLord wrote:Who laughed at Q's death? be honest.

Who laughed at Rikers?
I did. Now erase that puny universe from existance, before I get bored and bring in the Excession. :twisted:

Posted: 2002-11-11 12:52pm
by NecronLord
The Deciever's main objective is to bring back a whole pile of C'tan from the alternate universe. However I am of the impression that one Necron ship + X C'tan > Trek.

There will be a lot of damage.

Just wait until Deanna Troi tries to read a C'tan's mind (She is likely to wet herself and loose all sanity. The deciever may just pretend to be riker and board the ent-E, for a laugh)

Posted: 2002-11-12 03:36am
by NecronLord
Necron ship vs. The Borg Collective.

Any Bets?

Posted: 2002-11-12 03:16pm
by NecronLord
Feel free to add to this, it is not a serious literary effort, it takes place during "Voyager, Endgame."

The necron ship shot across the void of space. Arriving at it's destination. it slowed. Releasing it's occupant, it sped away on it's mission.
The Stormbringer surrounded his new playthings. Like a spoilt child pocking an ant's nest he shot blots of destruction in every direction. devastation reigned supreme. One continuous transmission replayed futiley into space; "We are the borg, you will be assimilated, resistance is futile" The dissapointing resistance the cyborg species had offered was irritating. Focussing his attention on a new species, Stormbringer noticed a small ship.