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Anyone interested in a Star Wars Stargate mega-crossover?

Posted: 2005-02-01 04:29am
by John Chris
Hi! My name is John Chris, and I'm new here, but not new to posting on boards like these. I'm more commonly found in under the name of John Masaki. Now, as I talk to you guys here, I was wondering...

I have a WIP fanfic over at that encompasses Star Wars, Stargate, a couple of my favorite anime, and anything else I can throw at my fanfic. Basically, the backstory is about a kid named John Fimont who gets caught up in a major war that Earth gets involved in. The Dark Lord Brakiss decides to attack the hapless planet (set slightly after YJK novels but Shadow Academy survives attack on Yavin, twins and Anakin are around, no YV war, thank goodness), and concludes that Earth would be easy pickings with his Second Imperium Fleet. Needless to say, the New Republic gets wind, Brakiss gets beaten by a combination of John, Young Jedi Knights, Spirit Detectives (Yu Yu Hakusho), Ninjas (Naruto) and good ol' space battles, and John gets accepted as a Jedi Apprentice as well as the youngest USAF lieutenant ever (15 at time of war). Destiny places a great burden on the boy, that's for sure! I'll write the backstory someday, but for now...

My current fanfic itself picks up a year after the Star Wars over Earth and the kids soon begin another series of adventures that will take them across the multiverse and will face foes they never would have dreamed of before (I resurrect at least one major SW character, too. Guess who!). I plan on including at least several other major universes I can write about, and will produce cameo roles by smaller ones as I deem necessary. How about it, guys? You think it's interesting? I will now take any question you may have.

Posted: 2005-02-02 03:51pm
by John Chris
No takers? :(

Posted: 2005-02-02 04:41pm
by Crazedwraith
well post some and then maybe you'll get some reviews. (I stress the maybe, most of my stuff doesn't)

Posted: 2005-02-02 05:25pm
by John Chris
Ok. I'll do that, but I just wanted to see if people would go for this...

Posted: 2005-02-02 05:28pm
by Stravo
Most people here have a "show me" attitude in regard to new fics. Go ahead and post - what's the worse that could possibly happen?

Posted: 2005-02-02 05:35pm
by Crown
Stravo wrote:Most people here have a "show me" attitude in regard to new fics. Go ahead and post - what's the worse that could possibly happen?
Mockery ... mockery and riddicule .... mockery and riddicule and rotten tomatoes?

Nah just joking, post some of it, we have a few SG fans, so if it is good, you'll have a steady audience.

Posted: 2005-02-02 09:20pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Mm... I remember trying a Stargate/Star Wars/ Star Trek/ W40K/Halo/BSG crossovera while ago... Reading it now, it was a mess.

Hope that you've done better.

Posted: 2005-02-03 12:46am
by Jason von Evil
Crown wrote:
Stravo wrote:Most people here have a "show me" attitude in regard to new fics. Go ahead and post - what's the worse that could possibly happen?
Mockery ... mockery and riddicule .... mockery and riddicule and rotten tomatoes?

Nah just joking, post some of it, we have a few SG fans, so if it is good, you'll have a steady audience.
Some sort of anal violation.