Federation and Empire
Posted: 2005-02-02 09:50am
I have borrowed a few things from The Starfleet Museum - A Report by Masao Okazaki. I would urge anyone who considers themself a Star Trek fan to view the contents of this website. It is well worth the effort and a joy to do so.
Chapter one.
Chapter two.
The Vulcans
The Humans
ADM Matthew Decker
ADM Willard Forrest
Ambassador Focher
Other Federation representatives
Ambassador Gavras
Ambassador Shrav Tallas
The Romulans
ADM Jarok
Commander Ceetok
Chairman Bregal
Algeron, Leshara: Praetor of the RSE after the death of Fenix in 2160. She was the chosen successor of Fenix, and had been Proconsul of the Romulan Senate for years. Her initiative following the Battle of Cheron helped draft the Treaty of Algeron, which ended the four year conflict between the RSE and the UEG lead 'Triple Alliance'.
Andor: Homeworld of the Andorians.
Andorians: One of the major races of the UFP, and one of the founding members, this alien species is characterised by skin that has differing shades of blue. White hair and antennae are other features. The Andorians describe themselves as a violent race and passionate, and this has often brought them into conflict with their stoic neighbours, the Vulcans. Andor was directly threatened by the Romulan fleet during the campaigns prior to the Earth-Romulan War, and when Earth began it's own war with the Romulans they found quick allies with the humans.
Axanar: A major planet of the UFP, which was settled before the Earth-Romulan War. It had been conquered by the RSE in the opening movement of the war, and its population - colonists that numbered mere thousands - were put to death by the Romulans. Some were spared, but the majority were subjected to either prompt execution, or hideous biological experiments. Axanar was later resettled; survivors numbered less than a hundred.
Battle of Cheron: The final battle of the Earth-Romulan War, which concluded the hostilities in a sufficiently brutal fashion. The UESN (United Earth Star Navy) prevailed over the combined Romulan defenders of the planet Cheron, which was a stratgic planet the RSE used to begin assaults from many angles of approach. To use an analogy, Cheron was the launch pad for the Earth-Romulan War, and was a formidable RSE frontier planet with rudimentary spacedock facilities, surface installations, a troop training facility, and a garrison comprised of many regiments from the Romulan Army. The Battle of Cheron however, was decided in the skies. Admiral Matthew Decker, after scattering the Romulan Fleet defending Cheron, gave General Order 24 with newly developed antimatter weapons. Days later Praetor Fenix died of heart failure. Weeks later and the Treaty of Alergon established a ceasefire agreement between the two warring states.
Cheron: Once considered the 'jewel' in the RSE's Trailing frontier, it was the biggest location of material, logistics, and installations in that part of the RSE. It was home to an indigenous species, the Cheronese, whom the Romulans had conquered decades previously and had put a stop to their insane racial balkanisation. The Cheronese reciprocated by becoming loyal vassals for the Praetor and the Senate, and were the only subject race to have achieved this representation in the Imperial Senate. Cheron's surface was rendered uninhabitable by the UESN Fleet under ADM Decker, who unleashed hundreds of gigatons of antimatter destruction. A good percentage of the Cheronese population was killed. Some considered the orbital bombardment of Cheron to be a disproportionate revenge attack in retaliation for Axanar.
Coreward: Galactic direction; towards the galactic core.
Decker, Mathew: Admiral of the UESN battle fleet that conducted the 'scorched earth' campaign of Cheron. Largely villified by the RSE, and considered a war criminal.
Earth: Third planet orbiting the star Sol. Homeworld of the human race, and capital world of the United Federation of Planets, previously the United Earth Government. Starfleet Command was erected here, as was Spacedock One.
Earth-Romulan War: Conflict that ignited between the xenophobic RSE and the Vulcan influenced UEG, which later became the so-called 'Triple Alliance' of Andor-Earth-Tellar. The legacy of this conflict, that spanned a mere 6 years, would shape the galaxy in the centuries to come.
Fenix, Retalus: Fenix was Praetor of the RSE Senate from 2104-2160. Fenix bowed to internal pressure to conduct a war against many races that had been discovered through surreptitious exploration. Fenix died in 2160 of natural causes.
Galactic Directions: Cosmographical convention. As there is no 'north' or 'south' in space, new terms had to be invented to describe galactic directions. Coreward relates to moving towards the galactic core. Rimward relates to moving towards the galactic rim, or generally in the opposite direction of Coreward. Spinward relates to moving towards the direction of galactic spin. Trailing is the opposite to this.
GC: Acronym for Gorn Confederacy.
General Order 1: Starfleet regulation for officer and enlisted conduct. GO1 relates to the restriction of the purposeful and malevolent interference in a planetary culture. See 'Prime Directive'.
General Order 24: Starfleet regulation for commanders. GO24 relates to orbital bombardment. See 'Battle of Cheron' and 'Scorched Earth'.
Gorn: A reptillian alien species who have set up a relatively stable territory to Coreward. Their Rimward borders neighbour with the RSE, and frequent border disputes and clashes are often considered a fact of life for frontier colonists of either side. The Gorn are highly aggressive, and highly territorial, but no expansionistic. Many of their worlds are rich and irradiated, making the mining of these worlds acceptable while no native populations are kept captive.
Humanity: Humanity is a species made up of three general races (asian, caucasian, and negroid) that evolved on the third planet of the Sol system, known as Earth. Humans are bipedal, relatively frail when compared next to Vulcanians, intellectually bright and inquisitive when compared next to Klingons. A relatively minor race when compared next to its neighbours.
KE: Acronym for Klingon Empire.
Klingons: Klingons are an alien species who pride themselves on having a fierce warrior culture. Klingons are possessed of a peculiar sense of honour. Klingons are bipedal, have a reinforced cranial skull that show the appearnce of 'head ridges'. They have smaller organs yet have more redundancies, making them damage resistant. However, Klingons are not any stronger than the average human, for instance. Klingon society is characterised by sometime brutish behaviour, sometime machiavellian machinations. Klingon society is generally speaking split between right wing religious extremists who desire isolation, and the slightly more progressive but expansive imperialists, who seek domination over the rest of the quadrant. Klingon society tends to be slightly patriarchial, but females can seek power if they can maintain it.
MACO: Acronym for Marine Assault Command Operations. The MACO is a light infantry force designed to give Starfleet a quick-response ground force to galactic hotspots. Marines are stationed on UESN and UESPA ships: the former on dedicated troop transports or command carriers; the latter on exploration cruisers to act as landing party specialists and ship security. Pronounced "may-koh."
Memory Alpha: An asteroid on which is located a massive library containing all scientific, historical and cultural information from each planet in the United Federation of Planets. The construction effort began in 2260, to commemorate the centenary remebrance of the end of the Earth-Romulan War. Although construction began in 2260, it would not be complete until 2269. Memory Alpha was the brainchild of Federation Councilman Alison Dane of Earth and Councilman Andras of Andor.
Praetor: Highest ranking Romulan title and the chief of state of the Romulan Senate.
Proconsul: Prestigious rank of the Romulan Senate. Rank is shared with the Vice-proconsul, which is slightly lower in the heirarchy.
Prime Directive: For starfleet officers, the Prime Directive is the most important regulation they must remember when exploring a new world with a new culture. At its heart, the Prime Directive forbids the kind of interference that conquering worlds subject prewarp civilisations to. When it was first formed, it did not regulate first contact or any kind of relations between the Federation and other alien cultures.
Qo: K1 type star, orbited by the KE capital world Qo'nos. Pronounced "Kronos."
Qo'nos: Second planet orbiting the star Qo. It is jungle world full of carnivourous beasts, and is the homeworld of the Klingon species and the capital planet of the Klingon Empire. The Emperor, Chancellor of the High Council, and the High Council both preside here over imperial matters.
Quadrant: Cosmographical terminology, related to the 'splitting' of the galaxy in four large 'quadrants'. These are categorised with Greek alphabetical letters; alpha, beta, gamma, delta. Qo'nos and Rihanasu are both located in the Beta Quadrant. Earth and Vulcan are located in the Alpha Quadrant. Due to the practical limitations of Warp drive, the Gamma and Delta Quadrants remain impossibly out of reach for exploration purposes.
Remus: Fourth planet orbiting the star Rihansu. It is colder on average than Romulas, and was found to be generally unpopular for colonisation, though that didn't deter hardy Romulan pioneers. It is considered to be one of the major planets of the RSE.
Rihansu: G3 type star, orbited by the RSE capital worlds Romulas and Remus.
Rimward: Galactic direction; towards the galactic rim.
Romulas: Third planet orbiting the star Rihansu. Living conditions make Romulas a a jewel in the Empire, and the chief capital planet. The Senate and Praetor both convene here, as does the Admiralty.
RSE: Acronym for Romulan Star Empire. The RSE is a quasi authoritarian nation lead by the twin capital worlds of Romulas and Remus. The chief of state is the Praetor of the Senate, and Senators are elected representatives of their worlds or segments (a planetary province).
Scorched Earth: Slang term for the aftereffects of orbital bombardment with antimatter or nuclear weaponry.
Sol: G2 type star, orbited by the UFP capital world Earth. In UFP catalogue, it is sector 001.
Spinward: Galactic direction; towards the galactic spin.
Starfleet: Military organisation of the UEG, which later became the military authority of the UFP. Starfleet Academy and Starfleet Command are located in San Francisco, North America. Starfleet had three divisions under the UEG; Marine Assault Command Operations (MACO), the United Earth Space Navy (UESN), and the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA). When the UFP was formed this prioritisation continued in spite of insistence by some contemporaries that both functions of the UESN and UESPN ought to be combined. It was deemed wise to keep the three services distinct and autonomous, with three different missions so as to not dilute personnel training.
Surak: Historical figure of Vulcan, an intellectual and a scholar who recognised that his people's base passions had caused centuries of conflict and balkanisation of his world. Became the 'spiritual' leader of a movement to revolutionise Vulcan society by embracing logic and eschewing emotion; see Surrakian Ethics.
Surakkian Ethics: Named after the Vulcan historical figure, Surak, who lead the Vulcanian race out of the passionate intensity that almost destroyed their culture. Surakkian Ethics is characterised by a disdain (though not a complete rejection) of emotion, and an embrace of logic. Vulcans who adhere to Surrakian Ethics can therefore be generalised to favour logic over any outward displays of emotion, and will reach their decisions through rationality and pragmatism. It is widely assumed, though completely inaccurate, to assume Vulcans do not lie or act without emotion.
Tellar: Homeworld of the Tellarites.
Tellarites: One of the major races of the UFP, and one of the founding members, this alien species is characterised by porcine facial features, a proud and sturdy demeanour, and hairy faces. The Tellarites describe themselves as a proud race, agressive, but not violent or warlike. Instead, their fiery temperaments are put to best use in council rooms and conferences. They will sometimes take the contrarian view to test the oppositions intellectual argument and resolve, even if they happen to agree with them. Tellar joined forces with Andor and Earth to beat back Romulan fleets that had invaded their territory.
Trailing: Galactic direction; opposite of galactic spin.
Treaty of Algeron: Agreement between diplomats of the UEG lead 'Triple Alliance' and the RSE under Praetor Algeron, that ended the four year running conflict between the UEG and the RSE, as well as the six year conflict between the Andorian Hegemony and the RSE. The agreement, conducted entirely through subspace radio, stipulated that no Romulan expansion would be tolerated in the direction of Trailing, which would be guarded by outposts constructed by Earth. The treaty also included the setup of the Romulan Neutral Zone, which Praetor Algeron devised as a mutual assurance that none of the Triple Alliance races would expand Spinward and through her stars.
UEG: Acronym for United Earth Government. This governing body opposed the RSE in the Earth/Romulan War of 2156-2160. Measures passed that lead to the formation of the UFP.
UESN: Acronym for United Earth Space Navy. Division of the Starfleet military service that deals with orbital defence of Federation planets, and although other races are allowed entry into Starfleet academy, the vast majority of entrants are human. Pronounced "yoo-snah."
UESPA: Acronym for United Earth Space Probe Agency. Division of the Starfleet military service that deals with reconnaisance, surveillance, first contact and exploration. In essence it is a diplomatic corps combined with intelligence gathering. Pronounced "yoo-spah."
UFP: Acronym for United Federation of Planets. Often shortened to the Federation. The Federation Council holds its assembly on Earth in the Sol system.
Vulcan: Homeworld of the Vulcanian race, of which the Romulans are a member of. Vulcan is hot, arid, has a higher gravity than Earth, and is thinner in oxygen content - though not to any degree that a human would find impossible to live under, merely uncomfortable.
Vulcanians: An alien species that comprises many disparate races, two of which chiefly include the Vulcans (named after their homeworld, and followers of Surakian Ethics), and the Romulans (again, named after the world in which they first settled in the Rihansu solar system, a self-affirmed passionate people). Vulcanians possess a humanoid appearance, yet have different physiologies than humans, including copper-based blood (which is green in colour), different anatomies, increased adrenal glands that can allow a Vulcanian to marshal great strength (though at the risk of damaging themselves), pointed and hypersensitive ears. Vulcanians are telepathic. Finally, Vulcanians enjoy longevity and have common age spans of 200 years, though this can be attributed to purposeful geneering treatments. Personality differ amongst individuals, yet it can be said that Vulcans are generally logical and stoic, while Romulans are generally passionate and proud. Vulcanians often possess a arrogant and sometimes contemptuous demeanor of other races, and both Vulcans and Romulans often engage in Machiavellian styles of politics. Vulcans meditate on a regular basis, as their passions nearly destroyed them; see Surrakian Ethics.
Warp drive: Mode of FTL travel. Revolutionised galactic affairs in the form of political expansion and exploration activities.
I have borrowed a few things from The Starfleet Museum - A Report by Masao Okazaki. I would urge anyone who considers themself a Star Trek fan to view the contents of this website. It is well worth the effort and a joy to do so.
Chapter one.
Chapter two.
The Vulcans
The Humans
ADM Matthew Decker
ADM Willard Forrest
Ambassador Focher
Other Federation representatives
Ambassador Gavras
Ambassador Shrav Tallas
The Romulans
ADM Jarok
Commander Ceetok
Chairman Bregal
Algeron, Leshara: Praetor of the RSE after the death of Fenix in 2160. She was the chosen successor of Fenix, and had been Proconsul of the Romulan Senate for years. Her initiative following the Battle of Cheron helped draft the Treaty of Algeron, which ended the four year conflict between the RSE and the UEG lead 'Triple Alliance'.
Andor: Homeworld of the Andorians.
Andorians: One of the major races of the UFP, and one of the founding members, this alien species is characterised by skin that has differing shades of blue. White hair and antennae are other features. The Andorians describe themselves as a violent race and passionate, and this has often brought them into conflict with their stoic neighbours, the Vulcans. Andor was directly threatened by the Romulan fleet during the campaigns prior to the Earth-Romulan War, and when Earth began it's own war with the Romulans they found quick allies with the humans.
Axanar: A major planet of the UFP, which was settled before the Earth-Romulan War. It had been conquered by the RSE in the opening movement of the war, and its population - colonists that numbered mere thousands - were put to death by the Romulans. Some were spared, but the majority were subjected to either prompt execution, or hideous biological experiments. Axanar was later resettled; survivors numbered less than a hundred.
Battle of Cheron: The final battle of the Earth-Romulan War, which concluded the hostilities in a sufficiently brutal fashion. The UESN (United Earth Star Navy) prevailed over the combined Romulan defenders of the planet Cheron, which was a stratgic planet the RSE used to begin assaults from many angles of approach. To use an analogy, Cheron was the launch pad for the Earth-Romulan War, and was a formidable RSE frontier planet with rudimentary spacedock facilities, surface installations, a troop training facility, and a garrison comprised of many regiments from the Romulan Army. The Battle of Cheron however, was decided in the skies. Admiral Matthew Decker, after scattering the Romulan Fleet defending Cheron, gave General Order 24 with newly developed antimatter weapons. Days later Praetor Fenix died of heart failure. Weeks later and the Treaty of Alergon established a ceasefire agreement between the two warring states.
Cheron: Once considered the 'jewel' in the RSE's Trailing frontier, it was the biggest location of material, logistics, and installations in that part of the RSE. It was home to an indigenous species, the Cheronese, whom the Romulans had conquered decades previously and had put a stop to their insane racial balkanisation. The Cheronese reciprocated by becoming loyal vassals for the Praetor and the Senate, and were the only subject race to have achieved this representation in the Imperial Senate. Cheron's surface was rendered uninhabitable by the UESN Fleet under ADM Decker, who unleashed hundreds of gigatons of antimatter destruction. A good percentage of the Cheronese population was killed. Some considered the orbital bombardment of Cheron to be a disproportionate revenge attack in retaliation for Axanar.
Coreward: Galactic direction; towards the galactic core.
Decker, Mathew: Admiral of the UESN battle fleet that conducted the 'scorched earth' campaign of Cheron. Largely villified by the RSE, and considered a war criminal.
Earth: Third planet orbiting the star Sol. Homeworld of the human race, and capital world of the United Federation of Planets, previously the United Earth Government. Starfleet Command was erected here, as was Spacedock One.
Earth-Romulan War: Conflict that ignited between the xenophobic RSE and the Vulcan influenced UEG, which later became the so-called 'Triple Alliance' of Andor-Earth-Tellar. The legacy of this conflict, that spanned a mere 6 years, would shape the galaxy in the centuries to come.
Fenix, Retalus: Fenix was Praetor of the RSE Senate from 2104-2160. Fenix bowed to internal pressure to conduct a war against many races that had been discovered through surreptitious exploration. Fenix died in 2160 of natural causes.
Galactic Directions: Cosmographical convention. As there is no 'north' or 'south' in space, new terms had to be invented to describe galactic directions. Coreward relates to moving towards the galactic core. Rimward relates to moving towards the galactic rim, or generally in the opposite direction of Coreward. Spinward relates to moving towards the direction of galactic spin. Trailing is the opposite to this.
GC: Acronym for Gorn Confederacy.
General Order 1: Starfleet regulation for officer and enlisted conduct. GO1 relates to the restriction of the purposeful and malevolent interference in a planetary culture. See 'Prime Directive'.
General Order 24: Starfleet regulation for commanders. GO24 relates to orbital bombardment. See 'Battle of Cheron' and 'Scorched Earth'.
Gorn: A reptillian alien species who have set up a relatively stable territory to Coreward. Their Rimward borders neighbour with the RSE, and frequent border disputes and clashes are often considered a fact of life for frontier colonists of either side. The Gorn are highly aggressive, and highly territorial, but no expansionistic. Many of their worlds are rich and irradiated, making the mining of these worlds acceptable while no native populations are kept captive.
Humanity: Humanity is a species made up of three general races (asian, caucasian, and negroid) that evolved on the third planet of the Sol system, known as Earth. Humans are bipedal, relatively frail when compared next to Vulcanians, intellectually bright and inquisitive when compared next to Klingons. A relatively minor race when compared next to its neighbours.
KE: Acronym for Klingon Empire.
Klingons: Klingons are an alien species who pride themselves on having a fierce warrior culture. Klingons are possessed of a peculiar sense of honour. Klingons are bipedal, have a reinforced cranial skull that show the appearnce of 'head ridges'. They have smaller organs yet have more redundancies, making them damage resistant. However, Klingons are not any stronger than the average human, for instance. Klingon society is characterised by sometime brutish behaviour, sometime machiavellian machinations. Klingon society is generally speaking split between right wing religious extremists who desire isolation, and the slightly more progressive but expansive imperialists, who seek domination over the rest of the quadrant. Klingon society tends to be slightly patriarchial, but females can seek power if they can maintain it.
MACO: Acronym for Marine Assault Command Operations. The MACO is a light infantry force designed to give Starfleet a quick-response ground force to galactic hotspots. Marines are stationed on UESN and UESPA ships: the former on dedicated troop transports or command carriers; the latter on exploration cruisers to act as landing party specialists and ship security. Pronounced "may-koh."
Memory Alpha: An asteroid on which is located a massive library containing all scientific, historical and cultural information from each planet in the United Federation of Planets. The construction effort began in 2260, to commemorate the centenary remebrance of the end of the Earth-Romulan War. Although construction began in 2260, it would not be complete until 2269. Memory Alpha was the brainchild of Federation Councilman Alison Dane of Earth and Councilman Andras of Andor.
Praetor: Highest ranking Romulan title and the chief of state of the Romulan Senate.
Proconsul: Prestigious rank of the Romulan Senate. Rank is shared with the Vice-proconsul, which is slightly lower in the heirarchy.
Prime Directive: For starfleet officers, the Prime Directive is the most important regulation they must remember when exploring a new world with a new culture. At its heart, the Prime Directive forbids the kind of interference that conquering worlds subject prewarp civilisations to. When it was first formed, it did not regulate first contact or any kind of relations between the Federation and other alien cultures.
Qo: K1 type star, orbited by the KE capital world Qo'nos. Pronounced "Kronos."
Qo'nos: Second planet orbiting the star Qo. It is jungle world full of carnivourous beasts, and is the homeworld of the Klingon species and the capital planet of the Klingon Empire. The Emperor, Chancellor of the High Council, and the High Council both preside here over imperial matters.
Quadrant: Cosmographical terminology, related to the 'splitting' of the galaxy in four large 'quadrants'. These are categorised with Greek alphabetical letters; alpha, beta, gamma, delta. Qo'nos and Rihanasu are both located in the Beta Quadrant. Earth and Vulcan are located in the Alpha Quadrant. Due to the practical limitations of Warp drive, the Gamma and Delta Quadrants remain impossibly out of reach for exploration purposes.
Remus: Fourth planet orbiting the star Rihansu. It is colder on average than Romulas, and was found to be generally unpopular for colonisation, though that didn't deter hardy Romulan pioneers. It is considered to be one of the major planets of the RSE.
Rihansu: G3 type star, orbited by the RSE capital worlds Romulas and Remus.
Rimward: Galactic direction; towards the galactic rim.
Romulas: Third planet orbiting the star Rihansu. Living conditions make Romulas a a jewel in the Empire, and the chief capital planet. The Senate and Praetor both convene here, as does the Admiralty.
RSE: Acronym for Romulan Star Empire. The RSE is a quasi authoritarian nation lead by the twin capital worlds of Romulas and Remus. The chief of state is the Praetor of the Senate, and Senators are elected representatives of their worlds or segments (a planetary province).
Scorched Earth: Slang term for the aftereffects of orbital bombardment with antimatter or nuclear weaponry.
Sol: G2 type star, orbited by the UFP capital world Earth. In UFP catalogue, it is sector 001.
Spinward: Galactic direction; towards the galactic spin.
Starfleet: Military organisation of the UEG, which later became the military authority of the UFP. Starfleet Academy and Starfleet Command are located in San Francisco, North America. Starfleet had three divisions under the UEG; Marine Assault Command Operations (MACO), the United Earth Space Navy (UESN), and the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA). When the UFP was formed this prioritisation continued in spite of insistence by some contemporaries that both functions of the UESN and UESPN ought to be combined. It was deemed wise to keep the three services distinct and autonomous, with three different missions so as to not dilute personnel training.
Surak: Historical figure of Vulcan, an intellectual and a scholar who recognised that his people's base passions had caused centuries of conflict and balkanisation of his world. Became the 'spiritual' leader of a movement to revolutionise Vulcan society by embracing logic and eschewing emotion; see Surrakian Ethics.
Surakkian Ethics: Named after the Vulcan historical figure, Surak, who lead the Vulcanian race out of the passionate intensity that almost destroyed their culture. Surakkian Ethics is characterised by a disdain (though not a complete rejection) of emotion, and an embrace of logic. Vulcans who adhere to Surrakian Ethics can therefore be generalised to favour logic over any outward displays of emotion, and will reach their decisions through rationality and pragmatism. It is widely assumed, though completely inaccurate, to assume Vulcans do not lie or act without emotion.
Tellar: Homeworld of the Tellarites.
Tellarites: One of the major races of the UFP, and one of the founding members, this alien species is characterised by porcine facial features, a proud and sturdy demeanour, and hairy faces. The Tellarites describe themselves as a proud race, agressive, but not violent or warlike. Instead, their fiery temperaments are put to best use in council rooms and conferences. They will sometimes take the contrarian view to test the oppositions intellectual argument and resolve, even if they happen to agree with them. Tellar joined forces with Andor and Earth to beat back Romulan fleets that had invaded their territory.
Trailing: Galactic direction; opposite of galactic spin.
Treaty of Algeron: Agreement between diplomats of the UEG lead 'Triple Alliance' and the RSE under Praetor Algeron, that ended the four year running conflict between the UEG and the RSE, as well as the six year conflict between the Andorian Hegemony and the RSE. The agreement, conducted entirely through subspace radio, stipulated that no Romulan expansion would be tolerated in the direction of Trailing, which would be guarded by outposts constructed by Earth. The treaty also included the setup of the Romulan Neutral Zone, which Praetor Algeron devised as a mutual assurance that none of the Triple Alliance races would expand Spinward and through her stars.
UEG: Acronym for United Earth Government. This governing body opposed the RSE in the Earth/Romulan War of 2156-2160. Measures passed that lead to the formation of the UFP.
UESN: Acronym for United Earth Space Navy. Division of the Starfleet military service that deals with orbital defence of Federation planets, and although other races are allowed entry into Starfleet academy, the vast majority of entrants are human. Pronounced "yoo-snah."
UESPA: Acronym for United Earth Space Probe Agency. Division of the Starfleet military service that deals with reconnaisance, surveillance, first contact and exploration. In essence it is a diplomatic corps combined with intelligence gathering. Pronounced "yoo-spah."
UFP: Acronym for United Federation of Planets. Often shortened to the Federation. The Federation Council holds its assembly on Earth in the Sol system.
Vulcan: Homeworld of the Vulcanian race, of which the Romulans are a member of. Vulcan is hot, arid, has a higher gravity than Earth, and is thinner in oxygen content - though not to any degree that a human would find impossible to live under, merely uncomfortable.
Vulcanians: An alien species that comprises many disparate races, two of which chiefly include the Vulcans (named after their homeworld, and followers of Surakian Ethics), and the Romulans (again, named after the world in which they first settled in the Rihansu solar system, a self-affirmed passionate people). Vulcanians possess a humanoid appearance, yet have different physiologies than humans, including copper-based blood (which is green in colour), different anatomies, increased adrenal glands that can allow a Vulcanian to marshal great strength (though at the risk of damaging themselves), pointed and hypersensitive ears. Vulcanians are telepathic. Finally, Vulcanians enjoy longevity and have common age spans of 200 years, though this can be attributed to purposeful geneering treatments. Personality differ amongst individuals, yet it can be said that Vulcans are generally logical and stoic, while Romulans are generally passionate and proud. Vulcanians often possess a arrogant and sometimes contemptuous demeanor of other races, and both Vulcans and Romulans often engage in Machiavellian styles of politics. Vulcans meditate on a regular basis, as their passions nearly destroyed them; see Surrakian Ethics.
Warp drive: Mode of FTL travel. Revolutionised galactic affairs in the form of political expansion and exploration activities.