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GSDA 2004 Nominations Period
Posted: 2005-02-06 05:25pm
by Dalton
After a lengthy delay (sorry) it's time for the 2004 Golden Stardestroyer Fanfic Awards. The nominations will end next Sunday if I get enough nominations, a week after if not. The rule of thumb to remember is that no fanfics that have already won awards or have been nominated in the past are allowed (i.e. stick to 2004). Here are the categories. Please email them to rpd (at) daltonator (dot) net. DO NOT POST A REPLY WITH YOUR NOMINATIONS OR THEY *WILL* BE VOIDED. Limit of three nominations per category and I encourage all of you to try to hit that limit.
Best Character Development
Best Beginning
Best Ending
Best Ground Combat
Best Space Battle
Best Duel
Most Unexpected Plot Twist
Most Creative Tactic
Most Disturbing Use of Torture
Best Use of Star Trek
Best Use of Star Wars
Goriest Fanfic
Highest Body Count
Most Humorous/Fucked-up Fanfic
Most Original Character
Most Original Story
Coolest Death Scene
Best Denizen Ensemble
Best Overall (complete)
Best Overall (incomplete)
Re: GSDA 2004 Nominations Period
Posted: 2005-02-06 07:10pm
by MKSheppard
Dalton wrote:Please email them to rpd (at) daltonator (dot) net.
Will nominations in two emails be allowed? I forgot to put some nominations into my first Email to you...
Posted: 2005-02-06 07:29pm
by Dalton
I suppose so.
Posted: 2005-02-10 12:42am
by Dalton
So far I've received nominations from...
One person.
That's it.
If I don't receive enough to fill out the ballots by next Sunday the GSDAs will likely be cancelled.
Posted: 2005-02-10 10:00pm
by MKSheppard
How goes the nomination process?
Posted: 2005-02-10 11:21pm
by Pablo Sanchez
Dalton wrote:If I don't receive enough to fill out the ballots by next Sunday the GSDAs will likely be cancelled.
I am sorry, sir, I just haven't read that many fictions this year and I wouldn't feel right nominating myself. Voting for myself, sure.
Posted: 2005-02-10 11:23pm
by Stravo
Have we even had that many qualifying fics this year? Frankly I'm usually out of the loop in these things with the writing and my thread in fanfics only yielded a debate on whether the Big One qulaifies or not.
Posted: 2005-02-10 11:37pm
by Singular Quartet
That pretty much mimics all of my thoughts on the matter.
Posted: 2005-02-11 12:29am
by Dalton
Ah, I see. Well, still just one nomination.
Posted: 2005-02-11 12:44am
by Singular Quartet
Dalton wrote:Ah, I see. Well, still just one nomination.
Yeah, sorry about that.
Posted: 2005-02-11 12:58am
by Dalton
Singular Quartet wrote:Dalton wrote:Ah, I see. Well, still just one nomination.
Yeah, sorry about that.
It's two now, actually. At this point I'm willing to accept self-nominations. If I don't get enough I've begun formulating an idea of how the GSDAs can still go on.
Posted: 2005-02-11 07:16pm
by Jason von Evil
How about letting fanfics that won last year, compete again?
Posted: 2005-02-11 10:24pm
by Sonnenburg
Aya wrote:How about letting fanfics that won last year, compete again?
The problem isn't a shortage of stories, it's a shortage of people willing to nominate. There are legitimate reasons for not nominating (e.g. not knowing any fics), but honestly, there's more than two people reading fanfics here. If people don't care enough about those stories to send an email, then this is really just a symptom of a larger issue. It likely means that new authors/stories aren't being given a chance by the readership, or aren't leaving enough of a mark to warrant mentioning.
Dalton's working on a fallback plan. Have faith; he's been doing this since before there even was a BBS.
Posted: 2005-02-11 10:30pm
by Zaia
I sent in my nominations an hour or two ago. It takes a while to go through all the fics one has read and to slot them in the appropriate categories, so maybe you should allow a bit longer to allow people to find the time to do that.
Posted: 2005-02-11 11:44pm
by Dalton
Zaia wrote:I sent in my nominations an hour or two ago. It takes a while to go through all the fics one has read and to slot them in the appropriate categories, so maybe you should allow a bit longer to allow people to find the time to do that.
Should I extend the nominations period another week?
Oh, and thank you, Chuck

Posted: 2005-02-12 12:20am
by Zaia
I'd say so, yes. I read the annoucement the first day it went up and today was the first time I could sit down and go through all the fics I'd read and figure out which belonged where in the categories. Maybe other people are just as busy.
Posted: 2005-02-12 01:30am
by Dalton
OK, how about until the end of the month?
Posted: 2005-02-12 05:48pm
by Zaia
Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
Posted: 2005-02-12 10:52pm
by Singular Quartet
lExcellent. That gives me time to read all the fics kicking around.
Posted: 2005-02-25 02:08am
by Dalton
Three days.
Posted: 2005-03-03 04:20pm
by Dalton
Nomination period over, with a total of SIX nominatons. SIX.
I'll try to make up a decent ballot, but don't expect a hell of a lot.
EDIT: Make that seven.
Posted: 2005-03-03 05:58pm
by Dalton
After compiling all of the ballots and stripping down ineligible fics and duplicates, I have found that most categories have either too many nominees (12 in two of them) or too few (none for one particular category).
Not ONE category has the requisite five nominations.
As such, I am not seeing a traditional ballot this year. Fortunately I have a backup plan, which I am currently considering. Stay tuned, this isn't over.
Posted: 2005-03-04 04:50am
by Singular Quartet
Apologies, I got trapped by De Imperatoribus Galacticis (along with a reread of The Long Patrol). Marina likes 'em long.
Posted: 2005-03-07 01:39am
by Stormbringer
Dalton wrote:After compiling all of the ballots and stripping down ineligible fics and duplicates, I have found that most categories have either too many nominees (12 in two of them) or too few (none for one particular category).
Not ONE category has the requisite five nominations.
As such, I am not seeing a traditional ballot this year. Fortunately I have a backup plan, which I am currently considering. Stay tuned, this isn't over.
Don't blame me, I sent in my nominees.
Posted: 2005-03-07 08:26am
by 2000AD
Stormbringer wrote:Dalton wrote:After compiling all of the ballots and stripping down ineligible fics and duplicates, I have found that most categories have either too many nominees (12 in two of them) or too few (none for one particular category).
Not ONE category has the requisite five nominations.
As such, I am not seeing a traditional ballot this year. Fortunately I have a backup plan, which I am currently considering. Stay tuned, this isn't over.
Don't blame me, I sent in my nominees.
SAme here. I say we make all the others take the Steps of Woe