Ideas for a Star Trek / Doctor Who x-over

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mr friendly guy
The Doctor
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Ideas for a Star Trek / Doctor Who x-over

Post by mr friendly guy »

There hasn't been that many good ST / DW crossovers, so I thought I would come up with some ideas for it. Criticism welcome.

For the purpose of the story, the "lets time travel and alter the past" method of vs debates will occur. For balancing purposes I feel it would balance out since both universes utilise time travel.

Doctor Who chronology set after the State of Decay, where the Doctor and Romana are trying to escape from the exo-space time continuum.

22nd century ST – set sometime…after the episode where Daniels takes Archer to see the Enterprise J

24th century ST – set after ST : Nemesis

29th Century ST – set soon after the events seen in Relativity (ST : Voy). Captain Braxton has been tried and convicted of attempting to alter history by destroying Voyager.

31st Century ST – set during the 31st century Feds war against who ever they are fighting.

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22nd century

The Enterprise is sent on a rescue mission to assist some <insert alien species> archeologists trapped during an earthquake. The archaeologists are investigating the ‘tomb’ belonging to one of their ancient leaders from an earlier period. Of interest is a tomb which on closer inspection doesn’t quite resemble some of the artistic features of that period. The archeologists insist that all relevant artifacts be taken with them. For some reason the crew is unable to beam the tomb up, although everything else can be beamed up. So the crew take it up manually. The mystery thickens when attempts to date the artifact fails, with the age seeming to fluctuate due to the presence of tachyons.

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Exo- space

The Doctor attempts to take the TARDIS back into normal space.

For those who aren’t familiar with Doctor Who, during the e-space trilogy, the TARDIS falls into a type of wormhole which forces the TARDIS into an alternative universe known as e-space, as opposed to n-space (‘our’ universe).

A wormhole suddenly appears. With no way to scan beyond to the other side and not knowing how long it will stay open, the Doctor and Romana make the decision to pilot the TARDIS through the wormhole.

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24th century Bajoran wormhole
Inside the wormhole the Prophets tell Sisko that he will be facing a great challenge. They explain in their cryptic way that they have foreseen their ‘ending’ by a race who sees themselves as ‘lords of what you know as time’ (big clue here). Although they are beyond time, these enemies have other ways to fight them. Fortunately the Prophets can see a way out, and promptly create a wormhole to ‘another place’ where these enemies cannot reach (re : E-space).
Sisko is promptly sent back to Bajor in Starfleet uniform right next to a Bajoran archeology team investigating a Bajoran statue. A statue which just happens to give off temporal radiation.

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24 the century – some alien of the week planet in Federation space

The alien’s moon’s orbit is ‘decaying’ and causing it to impact against the planet in 48 hours (geez, this sounds familiar). Riker’s new ship the Titan is the nearest and is dispatched. The Enterprise –E is also dispatched as they have had previous experience with this type of phenomena. Unfortunately this moon has more mass than the one previously dealt by the E-D, so it will be more difficult.

Suddenly a worm hole appears and closes, but not before depositing a small blue box (wonder what this could be).

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31st century Federation

A meeting is convened between Daniels and a new character (some Federation higher up). For the sake of no originality in names, lets just call this character with some Klingon blood in him, Admiral Paris (descendent of Tom and B’elana).

Paris points out to Daniels their mistakes they have made, eg the stupid attempt to bring Archer into the 31st century as it altered time. Daniel points out that he fixed the problem (but not Enterprises poor ratings). Paris argues that isn’t the point. Because of their actions ‘The Enemy’ now knows that the Federation cannot provide a temporal shield large enough to shield an entire planet from ‘alterations in the timeline’.

Temporal shields are being put around major cities eg San Francisco, home of Starfleet, and Paris, the Capital. Above Earth, permanent temporal ‘portals’ (think the special effects when a 29th century ship time travels). It is hypothesized by temporal physicists that attempting to time travel while a timeline is in the process of being ‘reset’ after an alteration, may prevent said alteration. However the effectiveness has never been tested, and simulations at best estimate a 40% chance of stopping ONE temporal incursion. In effect a poor man’s planetary temporal shield.

Daniel laments that this must be what Captain Jean Luc Picard felt like after encountering the Borg. The feeling that while intellectually it is not your fault, emotionally you feel regret that in the course of peaceful exploration, he may have introduced a foe which will destroy the Federation.

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22nd century

More strange archeological finds are noted at a convention of alien artifacts. They generally are the same size. Some are like the tomb encountered by the Enterprise, some are statues. One is even a pillar. Some unlike the tomb, fit exactly with the time period except for one small problem. All of them emit some type of temporal radiation but somewhat different from that previously seen with the 31st century time ship.

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24th Century – Earth

Admiral Janeway is transported aboard the timeship relativity by Ducane, formerly lieutenant on the Time ship relativity, now a captain. He explains that he needs Janeway to take Voyager and bring back an ‘informant’ from an alternative universe which is essential to a temporal war which is now anything but cold. A war which is being fought not just by the 29th century Feds, but by the UFP of the future as well. He will even supplement Voyager with some future technology.

Now the obvious questions Janeway asks

Why don’t the 29th century feds bring this informant back themselves? Because ‘The Enemy’ would be more alert to temporal active, ie time travel capable ships. Also Voyager even with future tech ie greater than transphasic torpedoes and ablative armour is ‘not that advanced’ and ‘The Enemy’ is less active in this time period and will more likely ignore them, especially as they are currently engaged in a war against thousands of other species in their home universe. A war which has already raged for thousands of years.

Won’t giving us future tech alter the timeline and violate your temporal prime directive? Since future Janeway already violated the principles of the temporal prime directive even though she doesn’t adhere to it, it seems hypocritical to criticize doesn’t it? However the timeline has already been altered again and again during this temporal war, although so far Earth has not been adversely affected. Thus a slight alteration will not add much more damage to what has already been done.

Why don’t you just travel to the very far future and get help from the Federation of say the 41st century? Most of the Federation core worlds no longer exist at this time period. As far as we can tell, they weren’t so much as erased from the timeline, but destroyed by non – temporal means of which the precise method is unknown. We attempted to back track the time of destruction, but found that our vessels could no longer travel to sometime in the 31st century. We believe this is when the disaster happened and that ‘The Enemy’ is blocking our time travel.

How do I get to this other universe? We have created several artificial gates, hidden throughout space and time. It was difficult trying to sneak them past the sensor nets of ‘The Enemy’ and only because they were distracted by their own war in the other universe. We dare not try to do much more until we are ready. We will give you the coordinates to the gates.

Why the beep does ‘The Enemy’ not have a proper name? Besides for dramatic purposes. Well its because we don’t know their name, yet.

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24th century – Borg space

Captain Braxton travels there in a Wells Class timeship. The ship is crewed by Androids who are in effect, duplicates of Data. The Borg move to intercept giving their usual, we are the Borg speech. Braxton points out that if future Janeway with 30 years more advance tech can decimate a few cubes, how do you think you can stand up to a ship 500 years more advanced, and promptly demonstrates this by destroying several cubes without taking appreciable damage.

The Borg attempt to beam through, however Braxton uses the link to interface with the Borg computers and transfer the Borg Queen’s consciousness to a holodeck (with safety protocols of course). Note that this trick was used by Henry Starling against Voyager in Future’s end.

Braxton offers to make a deal with the Borg.

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Method to my madness

What is the link between all these archaelogical artifacts which emit tachyon emissions? What are they?

What is causing the alien’s moon to fall towards the planet?

How did Braxton get out of his trial? And what deal does he plan to do with the Borg?

Who is ‘The Enemy’?

What is the relationship between the Sphere Builders and ‘The Enemy’? Re : ‘client race’.

Who / what is this alleged mystery informant from an alternative universe?

Will the reset button be hit? Absolutely, friggin not.

What part does the Doctor play in all this? And why do chicks always seem to want to follow him? Will Riker the womanizing dork get jealous? Does he realise that Time Lords reproduce through artificial means? Does he care?

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24th century – Federation space

The TARDIS flies out of the wormhole at tremendous speeds, heading towards the Enterprise. The E-E raises shields in time and TARDIS fails to damage the ship. The TARDIS itself is undamaged, despite sensors seeming to register is as only made out of wood. Unable to beam the TARDIS directly onto the E-E, the team tractor beam it into the shuttle bay. Riker, on board the USS Titan wonders whether the wormhole or the strange box has something to do with the new orbit of the planet’s moon.

The computer records on the E-E indicate that the blue box is a 1960s police telephone box, once commonly used in 20th century earth. Geordi attempts to open the TARDIS door, but even powerful engineering counting tools fail to make a dent in it.

Meanwhile in the TARDIS, the Doctor and Romana regain consciousness. The ‘turbulence’ of travelling through the wormhole caused them to fly around in the TARDIS console room. Using the TARDIS view screen the Doctor sees a human and several alien species which he does not recognize trying to break into the TARDIS. He calmly walks out and greet them.

The usual greetings occur. Riker is extremely suspicious of the Doctor’s arrival. The Doctor learns of the ‘falling moon’. He suggests to Riker that the solution is to tractor beam the moon into a different orbit. Riker goes ballistic saying that we already tried that, but 100 ships will not have that kind of power. He gets even more worked up when the Doctor suggests the TARDIS alone could tractor beam the moon.

The Doctor demonstrates by having the TARDIS tractor beam the moon into a new orbit much to Riker’s astonishment.

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24th Century – Federation space

Janeway assembles a crew and gives them information on a need to know basis. She takes Voyager takes to the <insert name here> system. A world with 3 moons being in a binary star system. She sends the required subspace code.. Immediately a ‘cone shaped ship’ decloaks. Seven of nine notes that the ship is made from a ‘neutronium alloy’ and has exceptional mass ( I will crunch out the numbers later). Janeway asks why isn’t the orbit of the planets affected by the gravity of the ship. Seven replies that it seems to be using a low level warp field for its ‘mass lightening’ effect, which couldn’t be detected until the ship decloaked. The ship emits tachyons and creates a portal (think B5 jumpgate effects) and Janeway takes Voyager through the gate.

It takes a few minutes for Voyager’s astrometrics lab to adjust to the new universe (some of the star systems are different). Voyager picks up a distress signal from an alien ship. Voyager replies and arrives rescue the alien in 10 hours. The occupant of the crystalline ship appears to be a badly injured humanoid who identifies himself as a ‘Rutan Scout’ investigating strange chronaton emissions near the region when he was attacked. The alien comes on board via the shuttle bays, then programs his ship to fly out and self destruct, stating he cannot risk his technology falling into enemy hands.

They are set upon and scanned by Sphere shape ships identifying themselves as belonging to the Sontaron Empire. They demand to know why Voyager has intruded into their space during a war the Rutans.

Janeway does the standard Starfleet diplomatic greetings. Negotiations break down when the Sontaron manage to detect the presence of a Rutan on board Voyager. Janeway asks why haven’t you detected the Rutan since you have been scanning my ship all this time. The Sontarons don’t reply and attack Voyager.

In the ensuring battle Voyager easily defeats the Sontaron ships. The Rutan suggests to Voyager to take some of the Sontaron’s technology as they have greater FTL speeds. If Voyager had this speed they might have reached him earlier. Janeway suspects the Rutan has an ulterior motive, ie to study captured Sontaron technology. The Rutan replies that all alliances are made from mutual gain between the parties. They decide to keep the Rutan on board until they can fully treat his injuries. However despite appearing humanoid, the EMH is having difficulty understanding the anatomy of the subject yet alone the physiology. The Rutan does not appear to have any lungs, heart or even a central nervous system.

Janeway gives the crew the coordinates to find this informant. The Earth of this alternate universe.

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24 th century – Bajor

The Bajoran archeologist tell Sisko that they are investigating old Bajoran artifacts, the few which the Cardassians didn’t plunder during the occupation. They are surprised at Sisko’s appearance. A subspace radio reports that the wormhole flared up and then closed. Traffic to the gamma quadrant has been stopped. Given the time this phenomena occurred, it could only have been shortly after Sisko arrived.

DS9 is informed that Sisko has returned. The Bajoran artifacts are all of similar size, and Sisko intrinsically feels that something isn’t right about them, and it isn’t just the fact that they all emit tachyons.

After the usual celebrations which is expected to accompany Sisko’s return, the science teams on board the station investigate further. The science teams make the startling discovery, that the tachyons themselves isn’t the only thing strange. These artifacts are themselves surrounded by an advance hologram. To demonstrate this, they manage to deactivate the hologram of the one of them, revealing a simply unimpressive grey cabinet. Using cutting tools they manage to open it, showing that the inside is much bigger than on the outside.

Suddenly Sisko has a vision, but this time not a Prophet inspired one. This one is derived from his own abilities as a ‘half Prophet’. He realizes he has wasted enough time here. There is a man he has to save in order to protect not just the Federation, but untold number of races in this universe. He commanders the Defiant and heads off.
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31st century Earth

Daniel watches in horror as images are sent of Vulcan’s destruction. The Enemy didn’t use a temporal incursion attack as predicted.

The first attack attempted to make Vulcan’s sun go nova. This was stopped by using altered trilithium torpedoes and a modified Vox Thot device.

The second attack days later involve pulling Vulcan out of its orbit and hurling it into the Vulcan sun. There were no survivors.

Already stations made out of ‘neutronium alloy’ are being deployed along the major Federation worlds. If the same tactic is used, it is hoped that the stations will deactivate their warp field and allow the effect of their mass to counteract the force used to pull the worlds from their orbits.

Admiral Paris notes that at least the newer time ships have been hidden in space and time. Research teams have been placed on giant time ships, with temporal shielding.
Daniels asks does he really think that the Federation would be forced to fight a guerilla war in time as well as space? That the only way the Federation can win is to hide while improving their technology and studying the enemies as well?
Paris asks after seeing Vulcan’s destruction, does he really need to ask that question. Paris tells Daniel that at least the interuniversal gateways – made with 29th century Federation technology in collaboration with another Temporal power, the Voth are hidden for when the Federation will need it to make the final assault on The Enemy’s homeworld.
Unfortunately one of the interuniversal gateways was damaged during the transit when Captain Braxton altered course. Now Braxton himself has gone missing and the Federation has not the resources to monitor him, yet alone bring him back. Not when everyday (relatively speaking) they are losing time ships against The Enemy. Daniel felt it was a bad idea putting Braxton back in charge of a timeship, even though Doctor’s were convinced he was cured of his temporal psychosis and his obsessive hatred of Captain Janeway.

Suddenly an Earthquake hits. The Enemy is attempting to hurl Earth into the sun. Despite the massive stations throwing using their mass as a counterweight, the Earth is inevitably ‘falling’ closer to the Sun. Already the outside temperature has risen killing off plant life. It is only through the shielding around major cities which is protecting Daniels and Paris.

Daniel and Paris head towards a grey cabinet which opens revealing the inside to be larger than the outside. These are one of the newer time ships designed to match The Enemy’s. The timeship disappears even as Earth is destroyed.

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24th Century – Borg space

Braxton has upgraded the Borg technology. In return he expects the Borg to act as shock troops against an unidentified enemy. The Borg will travel back in time an destroy the enemy before they have developed their high levels of technology. The barriers the Enemy has erected against time travel may be breached is enough timeships are brought to bear. But years of fighting the Enemy before discovering their homeworld’s location has left the Federation of the future without the resources to attempt to storm. However, the Borg of the 24 th century have enough ships to do it. Or so Braxton tells the Borg.

The Borg are happy to accommodate his request as Braxton has slipped a computer virus into the unimatrix. However the Borg Queen doesn’t plan to travel that far back. She plans to travel far enough so that the Enemy still has advanced temporal technology, technology which she will assimilate. The location of the Enemy’s homeworld is given. A planet in the Constellation of Kasterbourus.

A cone shaped ship decloaks and open the interuniversal gateway, allowing a fleet of Borg ships to travel to the other universe. There the ships attempt to time travel. Monitoring the event, Braxton watches as the Borg fleet is destroyed coming up against the temporal barriers which protect the Enemy’s homeworld. The Borg Queen has the ‘logical’ solution. The Borg need more ships if they hope to storm the Enemy’s homeworld.

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Doctor Who universe – 1976

Voyager arrives at Earth’s orbit and parks itself outside the range of radar. Chronoton dating methods reveal the Earth in this universe is in the year 1976. Janeway orders the crew to scan for a ‘metadimensional’ mass. Kim points out that a thing is only in theoretical physics, and that a thing with a ‘metadimensional’ mass would warp nearby structures and twist the fabric of reality, like Kes’s ability. Janeway gives Kim a PADD with the information telling Kim how to scan for this twisting of reality.

Suddenly an alarm goes off on Voyager. The humans on Earth have detected them unexpectedly. Their radar is better than expected for this era. Janeway orders shields to be reconfigured to deflect the radar.

Kim finds this ‘metadimensional’ mass but are unable to beam it up as because of its reality warping effect. They will have to take a shuttle craft down towards the surface.

Meanwhile in UNIT (United Nations Intelligence Taskforce) HQ, Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart is alarmed first when radar detects a UFO and then one of the Doctor’s infernal machines starts beeping. The Brigadier knows that this machine is an early warning system to detect any objects entering the Earth’s atmosphere which could conceivably be artificial in origin. He scrambles a UNIT team to intercept wherever the device indicates.

On board Voyager in the sick bay the Rutan manages to get up much to the consternation of the EMH. Although fatally injured the Rutan assures the EMH he has healed. With no way to verify it because of the very alien physiology, the EMH discharges the Rutan. One of the security shows him around. The Rutan requests to go to the holodeck intrigued by the military potential of using it a training ground. After running through a few simulations the Rutan shakes hands with the guard thanking him for showing him the holodeck.

Kim detects phaser fire in the holodeck. Tuvok investigates where the security confesses that he killed the Rutan, after the Rutan tried to attack him. When queried, he admits that the phaser on stun had no effect on the Rutan, so he switched it to kill, with NDFed the Rutan leaving no trace.

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24th century – DS9

The science teams investigate more of the Bajoran artifacts. Each one is actually a grey cabinet after the hologram has been deactivated. Inside one of them they find a man placed in suspended animation.

It is Daniels.

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24th century – Federation space

The Doctor explains that the TARDIS is ‘dimensionally transcendental’, ie its bigger on the inside than the outside. Romana tries explaining it to the Feds, but ends up using so much technobabble even Geordi fails to understand.

The moon however is still ‘falling’ despite its new orbit, ie something is still pulling it towards the surface. The Doctor points out that there must be an object with great mass pulling the moon down, which is invisible. However because it has mass, it interacts with gravity and hence can be detected. After calculating the location of the mass, the Titan and Enterprise on either side fire tachyons at each other. The tachyons bounce off the object allowing the crew to work out that it is a massive cone shape object.

Meanwhile Romana takes B4 into the TARDIS to improve his memory pathways since he doesn’t have the means to store both his and Data’s memory engrams. Note after the Dominion war , Starfleet gradually reintroduced the policy of allowing civilians onto Starships with little military duties. B4 being a civilian was allowed to stay. Using some of the same circuitry used for K-9, Romana improves B4, and accidentally allows Data’s memory engrams to override B4’s.

The Enterprise and Titan fire low level phasers at the object, which promptly forces it to decloak and send out a distress signal on a hyperspace transmission. Which is beyond the Federations subspace sensors ability to pick up. The TARDIS however picks up the distress signal.
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24th century – Borg space

The Borg finally gather a fleet of hundreds of cubes and modify them to Braxton’s specifications. They then turn on Braxton and attempt to assimilate his ship. Braxton activates the computer virus, however the Queen was aware that Braxton slipped a virus into the unimatrix while he had access to the unimatrix. The Borg have adapted and the virus is useless. Braxton escapes by using a mode of FTL the Borg are not aware of. The Borg proceed to assimilate the interdimensional gateway. The attempt is successful before the gate can send out a distress signal. However the only advantage the gate gives is better cloaking abilities, power generation, and neutronium armour. The gate itself doesn’t have much in the way of weapons, as it is designed to hide.

Braxton notes how gullible the Borg have become in their arrogance. He slipped 2 viruses in. The second one is more advanced, and propagates via the Borg’s own subspace connections between ships and drones. There would not be time for the Borg to adapt, and even if there was, it would not be easy. The virus will self activate after a given amount of time. A cloaked probe he had sent to the other side of the gateway when the Borg first attempted to storm will tell him how successful the Borg on the second attempt.

Braxton notices the distress signal coming in from another gate.
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29th century – on board the timeship Relativity

Ducane notices that an unauthorized use an interdimensional gate has been used sending Borg through. Now that gate is no longer functional, presumed destroyed. He also notes a distress signal coming in from the gate that was thought lost.
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24th Century – Voth space

The Voth also detect the distress signal. Noticing a Voth pattern as well as one other to the distress signal. They dispatch a city ship to investigate.
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22nd century – on board the Enterprise

a 31st century time ship materializes on the Enterprise bridge. Daniel and Paris steps out. They seem surprise to have arrived here. They state that they barely escaped the Enemy and that they were looking not for the Enterprise, but other time vessels which they had hidden.

T’Pol points out that alien artifacts have been discovered which give off temporal radiation. Daniels and Paris are taken to them where their tricorders reveal them to be the time vessels hidden.

Paris apologises for getting them mixed up in this. He explains that by the 23rd century human kind would be exploring space mapping out the stars. By the 28th century, humans had started exploring time as well. By the 30th , humans sought to explore alternative universes, to ‘slide into different universes’.

However, one of the universes was a universe of strife. A race sought to develop a monopoly on time travel. They also feared numerous non –humanoid life as they themselves were humanoid. They then began a temporal war which has already lasted 20 000 Earth years. Whole orders of species were erased from history. We began to mobilize, switching our economy onto a war footing. Then the Enemy noticed us. And fearing another time capable species, the hostilities began.

At first the Enemy would employ agents, eg the Sphere Builders. Attempting to pervert our history with natives of our own universe. Recently they have escalated hostilities, invading our universe, destroying our time ships and attempting to prevent us from even existing in the first place. In desperation we broke the Temporal Prime directive. We attempted to alter history by asking our past selves, in the 29th century for help. We could not reach further into the future as we find it harder and harder to travel forward through time.

You have not seen the weapons being brought to bear in this war. Entire worlds excised from the timeline, never to have existed. We tried causing their suns to go nova, they countered it. They tried to make ours go nova, we countered their action. We thought a stalemate could be achieved by finding a way to protect our worlds from timeline alterations. However the Enemy merely found a way to destroy us in the present without needing such weapons.

The enemy could invade our universe by ‘traveling sideways’ through time, a process we don’t understand. To do the same we have to employ giant interuniveral gateways. Our only hope is to hide in our history, basking in past glories, researching, gaining allies and building up our ships for a final assault now that we have identified the Enemy’s homeworld.

We have hidden our most latest weapons in time. Timeships based on the Enemy’s timeships. We will continue to improve them until the time is right to attack.

Suddenly Suliban cell ships decloak and fire on the Enterprise.
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Doctor Who universe

Chakotay leads a team including Harry and Tom to Earth. They find their ‘informant’ who is hiding in the English countryside. Harry reports that the informant himself is causing the warping of reality, and not some piece of technology as they had assumed. The informant has several pieces of technology including some ‘reality bombs’ to bring with them as well which they load up in the shuttle. UNIT troops arrive and in a scuffle the away team escapes with the informant.

Janeway proceeds back to the location of the interdimensional gate. A cloaked transmitter has been sent through to this universe, which will communicate with the gate in the ST universe to open the gateway once Voyager arrives.

The informant explains that he belongs to a race known as the Charon, and that this body is not his true form, just the one he is disguised as. The Charon were a metadimensional being who were erased from history during a great war. Only through a fluke of temporal physics, has he survived and stayed hidden. Now that the Federation of the future is helping fight their mutual Enemy, he wants to help the Federation. He explains that from his perspective, the war had already been lost (having occurred in several million years BC). However from your (Janeway’s ) perspective the war hasn’t even started. From the 31st century Fed’s perspective, the war is still being fought.

Seven asks what a reality bomb is, since scanning it, she can barely figure out what it does, and does not understand the principles of which it works. The Charon explains that the reality bomb extends right into time. Any time capable vessel traveling through time ‘nearby’ will set the device off, which will explode and destroy the time ship. During the war a race whose name now no longer exists created them to counter the temporal manipulating abilities of their Enemy. However it was too little, too late, and by the end of the war the Enemy had cleared time of most of the reality bombs. Fortunately he has the secrets of how to make more, and since he survived the time line alteration, the secret survives with him.

Voyager’s warp engines suddenly cut off. A member of engineering has erected a forcefield around engineering and is trying to send out a subspace communication. Janeway manages to terminate the transmission.

The body of 2 security guards are found dead. These were the guards meant to be guarding the crew member who killed the Rutan Scout. The cause of death, were electrical burns.

Crew members make another startling find. The body of the engineer who is supposed to be trying to hold Voyager hostage is found. The cause of death is also electrical burns. As the killer didn’t use phasers, the ships alarm wasn’t set off.

The EMH also informs Janeway of startling discover, about Rutan genetics.
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24th century – Federation space

A voth ship arrives at the location of the interdimensional gate broadcasting the distress signal, and transports the Titan into the Voth city ship. The Matriach is none too pleased that the occupants of the ship are the humans which heretics claim were related to the Voth. The Voth scan the gate.

With the Voth ship unresponsive to the E-E’s hails, the Doctor suggests that he tries to use the TARDIS to do a short jump into the Voth ship. Picard assembles a security team and he himself comes despite the Doctor’s protest that it is illogical to risk the Captain. Picard however feeling guilty about Data’s apparent death while he himself lived insists and the Doctor is forced to agree.

The TARDIS materializes on the Titan. Unfortunately phasers do not work, and even K-9’s blaster is rendered inoperative, so the Doctor orders K-9 to monitor events from the TARDIS. Picard the the away team are stunned when the Voth use tranquiliser darts. The Doctor also appears stunned, however he was only shamming. The tranquiliser has less effect on Time Lord physiology. This allows the Doctor to overcome his Voth captors, free Picard and reach the TARDIS.

The TARDIS is taken by the Voth out of the Titan and into the rest of the Voth city ship where the Voth will attempt to break down its defenses with their own technology. After numerous attempts the Doctor allows the TARDIS doors to open. A Voth security team invades the TARDIS only for the Doctor to lead them on a merry chase. Along the way a Voth gets eaten by a carnivorous plant the Doctor keeps in the TARDIS, while the Doctor, K -9 and Picard lay a few traps for them. Eventually the Doctor retakes the TARDIS console room ( he had activated the TARDIS’s internal defenses, rendering Voth weapons useless, while K-9’s still worked).

Picard is dismayed when the Doctor explains the TARDIS doesn’t have much in the way in hand held weapons. However the Doctor takes out the dimensional stabilizer (seen in “the invisible enemy”, “the pyramids of mars”) and also the gravitic anomaliser (“horns of Nimon”). Using the gravitic anomaliser, the Doctor deflects Voth energy weapons and uses the dimensional stabilizer to shrink Voth guards. Using K-9’s scanners the Doctor reach a computer console of the Voth ship. The Voth barricade the door and attempt to jam the mechanism. Phasers have no effect on the door. K-9 offers to blast it, but the Doctor tells him to conserve energy as he has another job for K-9. The Doctor uses the dimensional stabilizer to age the door, until it breaks down. They quickly overpower the remaining guards.

K-9 attempts to interface with the ship’s computer. He fights a titanic battle with the ships CPU, managing to interfere with a lot of the ships functions including life support. With the gravitic anomaliser interfering with beaming, and Picard holding the door, the Voth (not a battle harden race) decide to negotiate. They agree to negotiate.

The Enterprise receives a hail from Starfleet. They need Picard to bring the Doctor to Earth ASAP ( Picard had communicated to Starfleet about the Doctor’s arrival) with the reasons not explained. However Picard feels he is needed to negotiate with the Voth. The Doctor reassures him that the TARDIS is more than capable of catching the Enterprise after negotiations have been completed. Romana suggests the E-E sends out a subspace signal to guide the TARDIS since the Doctor’s control of the TARDIS is erratic at best.

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22nd century – on board the Enterprise

The Suliban capture Daniels and Paris + the Enterprise crew. Paris makes a speech about how a war involving time travel can be fought and refought until the battles go the way of the Federation. And that is what the Federation will do, even if history is mangled in the process, for only victory is enough to stop the Enemy’s genocide. The Suliban leader shoots him in the head.

The Suliban take the crew of meet ‘Future Guy’ aka the Sphere Builder. The Sphere Builders orders that Archer be put to death, however the Suliban leader points out that Archer is needed for the Suliban to be ascendant. That Archer will help form the Federation who will in turn defeat the Sphere Builders, who will in turn be defeated by the Sphere Builder’s real master, leaving the galaxy ripe for the Suliban. He then destroys the device which allows the Sphere Builder to project his image into the 22nd century.

In the distraction Archer manages to over power the Suliban leader. He then rescues Daniels. Daniels needs to hide the time ship, until they are ready to be used as a template for newer and more improved time ships. The best time to reveal them would be after the Dominion war and after a new treaty has been negotiated with the Romulans as the Federation has more than 150 members united in their cause, and besides the Borg have limited external enemies in that period. Thus it will be easier for the future feds to mobilize the 24th century feds resources into improving technology, so by the time the temporal war erupts, the federation technology will be better.

Daniels with the help of the Enterprise crew gather the time ships. Daniel needs a new location to hide them. He reprograms the hologram to cause the time ships to resemble Bajoran artifacts. The Enterprise with some of Daniel’s modifications arrive at Bajor and the time ships are transported by shuttle and hidden on Bajor. Daniel tells Archer not to worry, as the future will take care of itself, and to be the man that history remembers. Daniel then enters one of the time ships. The original plan was for the time ships to be hidden in various time periods until someone gathers them in the 24th century. However now that they have been gathered, all there is to do is wait. Daniels then places himself in suspended animation.

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Doctor Who universe

The EMH tells Janeway the Rutan genetics does vaguely resemble another species known to the Federation. That of the Changelings of the Dominion. Janeway confronts the Rutan, who has no need now to take crew member’s form, and reverts back to the humanoid form he wore when they first met.

The Rutan admits that the Rutans are losing their war with the Sontarons pointing out the advantages the Sontarons have as a cloned race. However the weapons tech (ie future feddie tech) will allow the Rutans to turn the tide if they can understand the principles and build their own version. That is why he killed several crew members, to hi jack Voyager.

The EMH modifies Seven so that her latent Borg parts reactivate and she walks through the forcefields in Engineering. The Rutan grabs her and sends an electric shock through her, however her Borg exoskeleton withstands it. In the fight that follows seven grabs a fire hydrant and smashes the Rutan only to find it passes harmlessly through him. Finally Seven deactivates the forcefield allowing Janeway to enter and in the fight blasts the Rutan with a phaser rifle. Already dying from the Sontaron attack, the phaser blasts kills him, forcing him to return to his true form. A tentacled green blob.

Janeway notices how this universe has similar parallels to their own. The Rutans are similar to the Dominion Changelings, while the Sontarons being a cloned race which do not require food, feeding off energy from a connection in the back of their neck is similar to the Jem’hadar. The only difference is that in this universe, the ‘Jem’hadar’ and the ‘changeling’ fight each other instead of one being subservient to the other.

Janeway takes Voyager back through the gateway.

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24th century – Federation space

Arriving back in the ST universe, Voyager is confronted by a 29th century time ship. It offers to tractor beam Voyager while it takes Voyager to Earth using a different FTL method which doesn’t involve time travel (to avoid detection by the Enemy).

Once arriving at Earth, the Federation in the 24th century convene a meeting and sends a message to the Enterprise to bring back the Doctor after hearing about another time traveler.

The charon explains the history of the time wars to the 24th century feds. He reiterates how the Enemy has already destroyed multitude of species and continues to destroy more. He activates a reality bomb to show how it works, while the 29th century Feds scan it. Newer reality bombs will need to be made, ones which will not destroy Federation time ships.
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24th century – DS9

Daniels is woken up from suspended animation, and immediately demands that the time ships be taken to Earth. He manages to get through to the Federation council, who after having met the 29th century feds, orders Federation ships docked at the station to take him and the time ships.
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24th century – Federation space

The Doctor and Picard complete negotiations with the Voth, who agree to allow the Federation to investigate the gate. The Voth also agree to leave Federation space well alone. The Doctor takes Picard in the TARDIS and heads towards Earth. They will reach it before the Enterprise does.
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24th century – Earth

As the TARDIS appears in orbit around Earth, the reality bomb explodes. The TARDIS is badly damaged and its structural integrity will not hold. Picard hails Starfleet and an emergency beam out is done of the Doctor, Picard and K-9.

The moment the Doctor beams down to the Federation council, the Charon shrieks in anger.

He is one of them. He is one of the Enemy. One of the Time Lords of Gallifrey.

Insert Doctor Who music right about here.
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Never apologise for being a geek, because they won't apologise to you for being an arsehole. John Barrowman - 22 June 2014 Perth Supernova.

Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.
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