Star Crossed Possible Sequel - Thoughts?
Posted: 2002-11-19 12:53pm
To All:
I have had such an inspiration for a new tale in the vein of Star Crossed these last two weeks and the ideas keep coming at me. Please tell me if this is something you would like to see in writing. Keep in mind I most likely WILL NOT write this while Star Crossed is still active. It will be written after Star Crossed is finished. But I just need to know that I'm heading in the right direction.
Armageddon by Starlight: A Tale of the Clone Wars
"You have no idea what you've done." Picard breathed as the Trade Federation ships around him burned. A tight wedge of Victory Class Star Destroyers decimated the Separtisst left wing, a combination of heavy turbolaser fire and strategic concussion missiles sent ships scattering. A Nebula class cruiser braved the fire to close with the lead Stardestroyer only to meet its death in a fiery blossom of emerald turbolaser fire.
A formation of Defiants broke through the lines and began strafing runs on a lone Republic dreadnought. The Dreadnought's lack of point defenses were telling as the tiny Federation ships walked their fire along the mighty warship's hull with impunity. Until several Consistution class cruisers began to get range on them and scattered the formation with phaser and torpedo fire.
The Acclamators drew closer to Heroga IV. The Separatist lines were failing and the Republic's forces were bulling their way to the planet, clonetroopers filling the Acclamators to capacity. Each of the mighty troops transports was escorted by squadrons of the new Z-95 Headhunters and Federation single engine destroyers.
"I know precisley what I'm doing. I'm trying to win back the Federation's honor after the travesty that you've made of it, Picard." Kirk spat. His gold uniform nearly shone in the bright lights of the Enterprise's bridge.
"The Federation under Kirk has saved the lives of the Jedi knights you tried to kill on Tarakanna, Picard. We will not soon forget what you tried to do to us there under the guise of truce." Obi Wan added darkly.
"Why do we talk to this war criminal. Let's take him now." Anakin urged.
Picard stared at the three new comers who had beamed on his bridge the moment the shields failed under a concertaed assault of Jedi starfighers. It was obvious they had meant to take down the shields to confront him. But he never expected this, he never expected to face this apparition from the past.
"James T. Kirk, what else? Who else is leading this attack if not you?" Picard asked lowly.
"Crafted your strategy to counter me, eh? Well Garth of Izar thought it would be best if he handle this attack. The Republic is lacking in fleet commanders after your little strategem you pulled on Trakanna. And you call yourself a Starfleet officer? What happened to you?" Kirk asked darkly yet his voice sounded truly wounded.
"I had nothing to do with that massacre. Count Dooku said that Republic forces had betrayed us under flag of truce. We lost Nute Gunray and many of our own leaders, so don't sit there and accuse me, Captain. I will not be talked down to by a man that is tearing apart the timeline with his very presence here!" Picard thundered angrily.
"I will not allow you to bring harm to anymore of our commanders, Kirk. Your old Federation is as good as dead the moment they sided with the Republic's oppressors." a dark and dangerous female voice intruded on the gathering. A young woman walked down to viewscreen where the three stood, her crimson blade ignited.
"Lady Kallah, Dark mistress of the Sith. You really think you have any chance against us...let alone me?" Anakin spat and ignited his own blade.
"Anakin!" Kirk and Obi Wan exclaimed at once.
"Bridge to security we have intruders." Picard announced. Two battle droids stationed to the bridge immediately snapped to attention, weapons drawn. "Roger. Roger." They quickly descended to join the dark lady with their weapons tracking the newcomer.
Picard quickly turned to Riker.
"Signal to the planet, inform Count Dooku that we need to prepare for evacuation, we cannot possibly hold against these numbers." Picard snapped.
"I came here to discuss this peacefully Picard!" Kirk exclaimed.
"You should have thought about peace before you brought the Federation of your time into a war that our Federation was involved in, Kirk. You've turned this into a civil war!"
"You've been duped!" Kirk yelled back.
"I've heard enough, let's test the infamous Anakin Skywalker's skills." Lady Kallah hissed.
Anakin smiled and Obi Wan could feel the waves of overconfidence from his former padawan.
"Let's dance my lady."
Garth of Izar smiled ferally as the Trade Federation lines disintergerated precisely where he was sending the Acclamators.
"That manuever could very well have been disastrous if you had not managed to turn the left flank." Meerlinda observed casaully.
Garth turned in his coimmand chair on the Republic Cruiser Champion to face the beautiful young Jedi knight.
"I know that the Republic forces are accustomed to you Jedi acting as armchair generals but I've been leading fleets most of my life, Lady Meerlinda. I don't need your advice or criticsim. The fact of the matter is that Count Dooku is on that world and if we can capture him this war is soon over."
"I find your assesment of Dooku's importance at this stage of the war highly questionable. We have been fighting for two long years, too much blood has been spilled at this point to think that capturing one man will mean anything to the Separatists. This has turned into a war of survival for them.
"Who made it that? Certainly not me, your Chancellor has pushed us into victory after victory with only one goal, totally crushing this rebellion. If you ask me, he hasn't left us much room to manuever diplomatically." Garth retorted.
"Sir, Captain Robert April on the line." a young officer reported.
"Put him through."
Meerlinda watched him for a moment, checking his thoughts and his emotions. She had cured him of his insanity at Kirk's insistenece. If anyone was to lead the Federation fleets in the Grand Alliance as many had taken to calling it, Garth of Izar must be that man. She had seen his thoughts, his dreams and they disturbed her to the core. She could not shake the feeling that this brilliant commander was pulling one of his infamous gambits and posing that he was cured. Garth and Palapatine had spent many weeks together planning this offensive while she and Kirk tried to hold the Republic's forces together.
The attack on Kamino by Picard and his forces had nearly resulted in an absolute disaster were it not for Kirk's tactical genius and she briefly wondered why he did not see that he was as good a commander as Garth. He was most definately a better man. Her thoughts flowed to Jim Kirk and his boyish grin and the kiss they shared in that final moment when all seemed lost and she hastily put aside those thoughts.
That was not meant to be. Never. She was a Jedi.
"Robert, how goes it on the right flank?" Garth asked.
"Considering that you've assigned me our lightest warships and virtually no fighter support yet you expect me to hold of the brunt of the Separatists attack, I'm doing quite well." April replied wanly. Instead of a starfleet uniform he wore a thick cardigan sweater with the Strafleet symbol stitched on the breast. Robert April came from a long line of captains that believed in the privildeges of rank and as the first commander of the Enterprise and one of the ones that wrote the book on space exploration he was entitled to tweak the uniform a bit.
"If I didn't have faith in you, Robert I wouldn't have given you command."
"I just received the emeregency signal. Jim needs immediate evac."
Garth frowned heavily.
"I told him confronting Picard was a bad idea, this whole New Fedeartion is a travesty of what you and I built." Garth replied.
"Neverthesless we must launch a rescue immediately." Meerlinda urged.
Garth stared at her for a moemnt as if he had forgotten she was there and a cold smile crept across his lips.
"Of course, my lady, and the best kind of rescue is utterly destroying this fleet."
Meerlinda shook her head.
"I'm going in Garth, I just wanted to let you know, it would be nice if you supported the attack." April urged.
"I'm right with you, Robert. Let's save this boy genius." Garth replied.
Anyone's thoughts. If you like I can post a sort of lowdown on what is going to happen in this story, but I foresee a Star Crossed like big canvas set during the Clone Wars.
And as I said before, don't go begging for any chapters, I want to finish Star Crossed first. (This means you Bean)
I have had such an inspiration for a new tale in the vein of Star Crossed these last two weeks and the ideas keep coming at me. Please tell me if this is something you would like to see in writing. Keep in mind I most likely WILL NOT write this while Star Crossed is still active. It will be written after Star Crossed is finished. But I just need to know that I'm heading in the right direction.
Armageddon by Starlight: A Tale of the Clone Wars
"You have no idea what you've done." Picard breathed as the Trade Federation ships around him burned. A tight wedge of Victory Class Star Destroyers decimated the Separtisst left wing, a combination of heavy turbolaser fire and strategic concussion missiles sent ships scattering. A Nebula class cruiser braved the fire to close with the lead Stardestroyer only to meet its death in a fiery blossom of emerald turbolaser fire.
A formation of Defiants broke through the lines and began strafing runs on a lone Republic dreadnought. The Dreadnought's lack of point defenses were telling as the tiny Federation ships walked their fire along the mighty warship's hull with impunity. Until several Consistution class cruisers began to get range on them and scattered the formation with phaser and torpedo fire.
The Acclamators drew closer to Heroga IV. The Separatist lines were failing and the Republic's forces were bulling their way to the planet, clonetroopers filling the Acclamators to capacity. Each of the mighty troops transports was escorted by squadrons of the new Z-95 Headhunters and Federation single engine destroyers.
"I know precisley what I'm doing. I'm trying to win back the Federation's honor after the travesty that you've made of it, Picard." Kirk spat. His gold uniform nearly shone in the bright lights of the Enterprise's bridge.
"The Federation under Kirk has saved the lives of the Jedi knights you tried to kill on Tarakanna, Picard. We will not soon forget what you tried to do to us there under the guise of truce." Obi Wan added darkly.
"Why do we talk to this war criminal. Let's take him now." Anakin urged.
Picard stared at the three new comers who had beamed on his bridge the moment the shields failed under a concertaed assault of Jedi starfighers. It was obvious they had meant to take down the shields to confront him. But he never expected this, he never expected to face this apparition from the past.
"James T. Kirk, what else? Who else is leading this attack if not you?" Picard asked lowly.
"Crafted your strategy to counter me, eh? Well Garth of Izar thought it would be best if he handle this attack. The Republic is lacking in fleet commanders after your little strategem you pulled on Trakanna. And you call yourself a Starfleet officer? What happened to you?" Kirk asked darkly yet his voice sounded truly wounded.
"I had nothing to do with that massacre. Count Dooku said that Republic forces had betrayed us under flag of truce. We lost Nute Gunray and many of our own leaders, so don't sit there and accuse me, Captain. I will not be talked down to by a man that is tearing apart the timeline with his very presence here!" Picard thundered angrily.
"I will not allow you to bring harm to anymore of our commanders, Kirk. Your old Federation is as good as dead the moment they sided with the Republic's oppressors." a dark and dangerous female voice intruded on the gathering. A young woman walked down to viewscreen where the three stood, her crimson blade ignited.
"Lady Kallah, Dark mistress of the Sith. You really think you have any chance against us...let alone me?" Anakin spat and ignited his own blade.
"Anakin!" Kirk and Obi Wan exclaimed at once.
"Bridge to security we have intruders." Picard announced. Two battle droids stationed to the bridge immediately snapped to attention, weapons drawn. "Roger. Roger." They quickly descended to join the dark lady with their weapons tracking the newcomer.
Picard quickly turned to Riker.
"Signal to the planet, inform Count Dooku that we need to prepare for evacuation, we cannot possibly hold against these numbers." Picard snapped.
"I came here to discuss this peacefully Picard!" Kirk exclaimed.
"You should have thought about peace before you brought the Federation of your time into a war that our Federation was involved in, Kirk. You've turned this into a civil war!"
"You've been duped!" Kirk yelled back.
"I've heard enough, let's test the infamous Anakin Skywalker's skills." Lady Kallah hissed.
Anakin smiled and Obi Wan could feel the waves of overconfidence from his former padawan.
"Let's dance my lady."
Garth of Izar smiled ferally as the Trade Federation lines disintergerated precisely where he was sending the Acclamators.
"That manuever could very well have been disastrous if you had not managed to turn the left flank." Meerlinda observed casaully.
Garth turned in his coimmand chair on the Republic Cruiser Champion to face the beautiful young Jedi knight.
"I know that the Republic forces are accustomed to you Jedi acting as armchair generals but I've been leading fleets most of my life, Lady Meerlinda. I don't need your advice or criticsim. The fact of the matter is that Count Dooku is on that world and if we can capture him this war is soon over."
"I find your assesment of Dooku's importance at this stage of the war highly questionable. We have been fighting for two long years, too much blood has been spilled at this point to think that capturing one man will mean anything to the Separatists. This has turned into a war of survival for them.
"Who made it that? Certainly not me, your Chancellor has pushed us into victory after victory with only one goal, totally crushing this rebellion. If you ask me, he hasn't left us much room to manuever diplomatically." Garth retorted.
"Sir, Captain Robert April on the line." a young officer reported.
"Put him through."
Meerlinda watched him for a moment, checking his thoughts and his emotions. She had cured him of his insanity at Kirk's insistenece. If anyone was to lead the Federation fleets in the Grand Alliance as many had taken to calling it, Garth of Izar must be that man. She had seen his thoughts, his dreams and they disturbed her to the core. She could not shake the feeling that this brilliant commander was pulling one of his infamous gambits and posing that he was cured. Garth and Palapatine had spent many weeks together planning this offensive while she and Kirk tried to hold the Republic's forces together.
The attack on Kamino by Picard and his forces had nearly resulted in an absolute disaster were it not for Kirk's tactical genius and she briefly wondered why he did not see that he was as good a commander as Garth. He was most definately a better man. Her thoughts flowed to Jim Kirk and his boyish grin and the kiss they shared in that final moment when all seemed lost and she hastily put aside those thoughts.
That was not meant to be. Never. She was a Jedi.
"Robert, how goes it on the right flank?" Garth asked.
"Considering that you've assigned me our lightest warships and virtually no fighter support yet you expect me to hold of the brunt of the Separatists attack, I'm doing quite well." April replied wanly. Instead of a starfleet uniform he wore a thick cardigan sweater with the Strafleet symbol stitched on the breast. Robert April came from a long line of captains that believed in the privildeges of rank and as the first commander of the Enterprise and one of the ones that wrote the book on space exploration he was entitled to tweak the uniform a bit.
"If I didn't have faith in you, Robert I wouldn't have given you command."
"I just received the emeregency signal. Jim needs immediate evac."
Garth frowned heavily.
"I told him confronting Picard was a bad idea, this whole New Fedeartion is a travesty of what you and I built." Garth replied.
"Neverthesless we must launch a rescue immediately." Meerlinda urged.
Garth stared at her for a moemnt as if he had forgotten she was there and a cold smile crept across his lips.
"Of course, my lady, and the best kind of rescue is utterly destroying this fleet."
Meerlinda shook her head.
"I'm going in Garth, I just wanted to let you know, it would be nice if you supported the attack." April urged.
"I'm right with you, Robert. Let's save this boy genius." Garth replied.
Anyone's thoughts. If you like I can post a sort of lowdown on what is going to happen in this story, but I foresee a Star Crossed like big canvas set during the Clone Wars.
And as I said before, don't go begging for any chapters, I want to finish Star Crossed first. (This means you Bean)