Alternate ending to ROTJ
Moderator: LadyTevar
Alternate ending to ROTJ
(this is my first attempt so be nice)
Luke hid in the shadows of the Death Star’s throne room; He listened as Vader, his own father, goaded him
“Give yourself to the darkside, Luke,” said Luke trying to tempt him in any way he could “It is the only way to save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you, son. Your feelings for them are strong, especially for –“ Vader stopped, he just read something very disturbing “Sister? So you have a twin sister. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me, but now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the darkside perhaps she will”
“NEVER!” screamed Luke as he sprang from his hiding place. He ignited his brilliant Lightsaber and proceeded to lay into this perversion of evil that had been his father. However it was not just Vader that fuelled his anger. In his mind he could hear his uncle Owen saying “Just another year” he could hear Ben “He was betrayed and murdered by a young student of mine called Vader…….from a certain point of view” Luck could hear Yoda telling him he was not a Jedi. There is no Lightside decided Luke, as he drove Vader further back, “all I have been taught is built on lies I control by destiny not two Jedi masters who were too scared to do what I AM doing”
Blow upon blow fell on Vader’s scarlet blade. The Dark Lord Of The Sith was on the retreat! He had no counter to the anger he had unleashed in his son, “this isn’t how it was supoed to happen” thought Vader “why did I stop Luke from hacking down Palpatine? We could have ruled the galaxy. Too late now”
All of a sudden Vader fell to his knees exhausted from the amount of strain his scared body was forced to endure. He lifted up his saber to ward off another blow, but in his weakened condition he miscalculated and felt his hand come off at the wrist
Suddenly the Emperor was out of his throne the final test of his new student now at hand
“Good!” Palpatine gloated “Your hate has made you powerful! Now fulfil your destiny and take your fathers place at my side!”
Luke continued to look at his father’s hand “We are just the same “ he thought. He thought back quickly to the duel Obi-Wan and Yoda had mislead him and down right lied to him this “certain point of view” thing was dreck.. Luke changed the grip of his lightsaber and drove the blade deep into Vaders heart. Luke rose and looked at his new master. Without prompting his disengaged his lightsaber and knelt on one knee at the Emperors feet.
“Rise my apprentice, join me at my throne as we enjoy the final victory over the Alliance”
Sitting in the throne the Emperor watched the screens with his yellow reptilian eyes only half open. “He must be using Jedi Co-Ordination to improve the fleet” thought Luke, “a dangerous tatic, too easy to rely on which is why Republic Jedi never used it unless in dire need”
But indeed the battle did seem to be going the way of the fleet. Star Destroyers that had been under barrage from much smaller Rebel Ships began to reply to the turbolaser fire.with some of their own. Two Rebel Escort Frigates exploded as the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimera began to get on her feet after the death of he captain. Commander Palleon shouted orders over the din of his batteries firing. The Super Star Destroyer Executor began to catch it’s beath too. For the last ten time parts it has been under assault from the rebel Flag Ship Home One.
Guns target that Mon Cal Cruiser, I want it dead” commanded Admiral Piett, “launch att remaining fighters, starfighter command. I believe they are simply waiting till their ground forces destroy the Death Stars shield generator. To be on the safe side place three Lancer’s around the far side of the Death Star. Only their fighters can get into the superstructure. Communications alert the Death Star to the possible line of attack.”
Ackbar on the bridge of the Mon Cal Cruiser Home One was panicking, or as close to it as any Mon Calamari can. “We’ve had it the Imperial Force is too strong”
“Give Han more time” came Lando Calrisians reply from the speaker
“I will not lose this force General Calrisian, We need to re-group and reassess. Half my ship is ruined and Home One is in good shape compared to the rest of the fleet”
“Leave me the fighters under my command then Admiral, We’ll make our own escape”
“I’ll Leave you Rogue Group and Green Group” agreed Ackbar.
Luke looked out from the window of the throne room,
“Master, the fleet is wining, Ackbar’s cruisers seem to be retreating”
“Yes my young student” gloated Palpatine “the are out gunned and over matched, but I forsee they they will leave the fighters. A wise strategy Maybe I should try and recruit some Mon Calamari to my navy.”
Luke nodded and continued to watch with mixed feelings. Those men and women out there dying had been his friends fighting and dying for a cause he now felt was flawed and based on lies. As if sensing his conflict the Emperor turned to look at Luke.
“I expect you to have some reservations at first, your father did, but in the end you can be assured I will never lie to you as Obi-Wan did”
A navy officer burst into to the Imperial Throne Room
“Sire the rebels have destroyed the bunker on Endor, we are naked” he shouted the he glanced down at the corpse of Vader and stopped mid run. Palpatine was annoyed at being interrupted while talking to his new student and merely glared at the Major as he was raised off his feet, his throat in an invisible vice. The Major fell dead beside Vader. The Imperial Guard re appeared at this point.
Deal with that,” Palpatine ordered looking at the bodies on his floor. With that he activated the commlink to the control room of the Station. “Commander I want those rebels dead NOW. Reduce power to the super laser and target the cruisers”
“Commencing primary ignition Sire” replied Commander Jerjerrod. With that another Mon Cal Cruiser was engulfed in flames
Alarms blared all over the bridge of Home One “Sir were half dead here we have to retreat” replied Orona the captain of the Cruiser.
“All ships prepare to jump out of here, we’ve lost”
Luke watched as the last ship left the engagement. He turned to face his master expectantly waiting.
“all in good time my young apprentice” soothed the Emperor “We have taken sever damage too the Fleet we need to take time to heal, the rest of the Alliance will die in due time. Now kneel ” With that Luke knelt at the feet of his mater. The Emperor held his hand out and Luke’s own lightsaber launched into his hand “I declare you Darth Nemesis”. Luke smiled, it was good to be on the wining side.
Luke hid in the shadows of the Death Star’s throne room; He listened as Vader, his own father, goaded him
“Give yourself to the darkside, Luke,” said Luke trying to tempt him in any way he could “It is the only way to save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you, son. Your feelings for them are strong, especially for –“ Vader stopped, he just read something very disturbing “Sister? So you have a twin sister. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me, but now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the darkside perhaps she will”
“NEVER!” screamed Luke as he sprang from his hiding place. He ignited his brilliant Lightsaber and proceeded to lay into this perversion of evil that had been his father. However it was not just Vader that fuelled his anger. In his mind he could hear his uncle Owen saying “Just another year” he could hear Ben “He was betrayed and murdered by a young student of mine called Vader…….from a certain point of view” Luck could hear Yoda telling him he was not a Jedi. There is no Lightside decided Luke, as he drove Vader further back, “all I have been taught is built on lies I control by destiny not two Jedi masters who were too scared to do what I AM doing”
Blow upon blow fell on Vader’s scarlet blade. The Dark Lord Of The Sith was on the retreat! He had no counter to the anger he had unleashed in his son, “this isn’t how it was supoed to happen” thought Vader “why did I stop Luke from hacking down Palpatine? We could have ruled the galaxy. Too late now”
All of a sudden Vader fell to his knees exhausted from the amount of strain his scared body was forced to endure. He lifted up his saber to ward off another blow, but in his weakened condition he miscalculated and felt his hand come off at the wrist
Suddenly the Emperor was out of his throne the final test of his new student now at hand
“Good!” Palpatine gloated “Your hate has made you powerful! Now fulfil your destiny and take your fathers place at my side!”
Luke continued to look at his father’s hand “We are just the same “ he thought. He thought back quickly to the duel Obi-Wan and Yoda had mislead him and down right lied to him this “certain point of view” thing was dreck.. Luke changed the grip of his lightsaber and drove the blade deep into Vaders heart. Luke rose and looked at his new master. Without prompting his disengaged his lightsaber and knelt on one knee at the Emperors feet.
“Rise my apprentice, join me at my throne as we enjoy the final victory over the Alliance”
Sitting in the throne the Emperor watched the screens with his yellow reptilian eyes only half open. “He must be using Jedi Co-Ordination to improve the fleet” thought Luke, “a dangerous tatic, too easy to rely on which is why Republic Jedi never used it unless in dire need”
But indeed the battle did seem to be going the way of the fleet. Star Destroyers that had been under barrage from much smaller Rebel Ships began to reply to the turbolaser fire.with some of their own. Two Rebel Escort Frigates exploded as the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimera began to get on her feet after the death of he captain. Commander Palleon shouted orders over the din of his batteries firing. The Super Star Destroyer Executor began to catch it’s beath too. For the last ten time parts it has been under assault from the rebel Flag Ship Home One.
Guns target that Mon Cal Cruiser, I want it dead” commanded Admiral Piett, “launch att remaining fighters, starfighter command. I believe they are simply waiting till their ground forces destroy the Death Stars shield generator. To be on the safe side place three Lancer’s around the far side of the Death Star. Only their fighters can get into the superstructure. Communications alert the Death Star to the possible line of attack.”
Ackbar on the bridge of the Mon Cal Cruiser Home One was panicking, or as close to it as any Mon Calamari can. “We’ve had it the Imperial Force is too strong”
“Give Han more time” came Lando Calrisians reply from the speaker
“I will not lose this force General Calrisian, We need to re-group and reassess. Half my ship is ruined and Home One is in good shape compared to the rest of the fleet”
“Leave me the fighters under my command then Admiral, We’ll make our own escape”
“I’ll Leave you Rogue Group and Green Group” agreed Ackbar.
Luke looked out from the window of the throne room,
“Master, the fleet is wining, Ackbar’s cruisers seem to be retreating”
“Yes my young student” gloated Palpatine “the are out gunned and over matched, but I forsee they they will leave the fighters. A wise strategy Maybe I should try and recruit some Mon Calamari to my navy.”
Luke nodded and continued to watch with mixed feelings. Those men and women out there dying had been his friends fighting and dying for a cause he now felt was flawed and based on lies. As if sensing his conflict the Emperor turned to look at Luke.
“I expect you to have some reservations at first, your father did, but in the end you can be assured I will never lie to you as Obi-Wan did”
A navy officer burst into to the Imperial Throne Room
“Sire the rebels have destroyed the bunker on Endor, we are naked” he shouted the he glanced down at the corpse of Vader and stopped mid run. Palpatine was annoyed at being interrupted while talking to his new student and merely glared at the Major as he was raised off his feet, his throat in an invisible vice. The Major fell dead beside Vader. The Imperial Guard re appeared at this point.
Deal with that,” Palpatine ordered looking at the bodies on his floor. With that he activated the commlink to the control room of the Station. “Commander I want those rebels dead NOW. Reduce power to the super laser and target the cruisers”
“Commencing primary ignition Sire” replied Commander Jerjerrod. With that another Mon Cal Cruiser was engulfed in flames
Alarms blared all over the bridge of Home One “Sir were half dead here we have to retreat” replied Orona the captain of the Cruiser.
“All ships prepare to jump out of here, we’ve lost”
Luke watched as the last ship left the engagement. He turned to face his master expectantly waiting.
“all in good time my young apprentice” soothed the Emperor “We have taken sever damage too the Fleet we need to take time to heal, the rest of the Alliance will die in due time. Now kneel ” With that Luke knelt at the feet of his mater. The Emperor held his hand out and Luke’s own lightsaber launched into his hand “I declare you Darth Nemesis”. Luke smiled, it was good to be on the wining side.
- Evil Sadistic Bastard
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Nice? You expect to be nice? Okay... (Mentally checks off list of invective usually used to describe people's fanfics.)
(several hours later)
Well, it shows promise. Polish it up a little and it'll be much better.
(And I mean this.)
(several hours later)
Well, it shows promise. Polish it up a little and it'll be much better.
(And I mean this.)
Believe in the sign of Hentai.
BotM - Hentai Tentacle Monkey/Warwolves - Evil-minded Medic/JL - Medical Jounin/Mecha Maniacs - Fuchikoma Grope Attack!/AYVB - Bloody Bastards.../GALE Force - Purveyor of Anal Justice/HAB - Combat Medical Orderly
Combat Medical Orderly(Also Nameless Test-tube Washer) : SD.Net Dept. of Biological Sciences
BotM - Hentai Tentacle Monkey/Warwolves - Evil-minded Medic/JL - Medical Jounin/Mecha Maniacs - Fuchikoma Grope Attack!/AYVB - Bloody Bastards.../GALE Force - Purveyor of Anal Justice/HAB - Combat Medical Orderly
Combat Medical Orderly(Also Nameless Test-tube Washer) : SD.Net Dept. of Biological Sciences
- Mike_6002
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Good good...........<cackels madly>

Member of The Cleaners (Scout, Sniper, Silent Assassain) <Origins of The Cleaners Pending>
"We are the Cleaners! Prepare to Die!" -The Cleaners Offical Motto
"Take what you can get in life" -Me
I'm fuckin insane wh00t wh00t and darn proud
#1 Fan of LT. Hit-Man
Member of Task Force Lennox
Remember to hug a moderator at least once a day
"We are the Cleaners! Prepare to Die!" -The Cleaners Offical Motto
"Take what you can get in life" -Me
I'm fuckin insane wh00t wh00t and darn proud
#1 Fan of LT. Hit-Man
Member of Task Force Lennox
Remember to hug a moderator at least once a day
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I like it. Everything is proceeding as plaan.
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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