Mount Gola
-By Corporal Aaron J Kendall (Ret)
Cast of Characters
Signals Detachment Commander = Sgt M Bean
Sigs Det 2IC = Cpl Aaron J Kendall
Signals Det Member = Sig Robin Hill
Signals Det Member = Sig Nephi Zea
Defence and Security Platoon (DNS Platoon) CO = Lt. R Ice
DNS Platoon WO - WO G "Moff" Yenchin
A Squad Commander = Sgt "Coyote"
B Squad Commander = Sgt "Pain" Rack
C Squad Commander = Sgt
D Squad Commander = Sgt
Misc Pvts and Cpls.
LCpl "Carpet" Calin
Pvt Booker
Brigade CP Members
Brigade Int O = Lt. Peter Jegs
Other Federation Military Personall
Joint Task Force 1 (Federation Spec Ops)
-Sgt L Revan
Bajoran Civvie #1 = Conse Quences
Skin Suit- Bio-engineered suit worn as a base layer of the Soldiers Enviormental System. A fully climate controled garmet modelled after a modern day dry suit, with fully enclosed feet and a balaclava face. Donned like a dry suit. It also provides full NBC protection when used with the helmet.
Mk I Helmet- Fully eclosed globe-like in shape. Contains full NBC filters and a 30 minute oxygen supply for extreme emergencies. Contains a squad level radio, and HUD which ties into the M-7 Pulse Rifle sighting system. Provides protection against shrapnell and shell splinters, as well as protection against stun and low-level kill settings on most energy small arms. The helment is lined with a transporter inhibiting metal, only through the use of a transporter beacon is the Marine able to be beamed up, the beacon is encased within the helmet and can be activated via the "Bracer" system on the soldiers forearm.
Mk I Breastplate- An armored breastplate that fits over the torso of the Marine. Similar in shape to the breastplate worn by General Veers in the 20th Century fantasy "Star Wars", except covered by a cammie fabric. Provides protection against shrapnell, shell splinters, and complete protection against "stun" settings on energy small arms. Protection against moderate level "kill" settings on energy small arms is provided, for example the breastplate can take 5 hits from a standard Jem'Hader rifle before protection is degraded enough to render the Mk I useless. As with the Mk I Helmet, the breastplate is lined with a transport inhibiting metal. It is normally covered by the Load Bearing Vest.
Mk II LBV- The Mk II Load Bearing Vest is exactly what it sounds like, a fabric vest designed to hold a Marine's personal gear while distributing the weight evenly over his torso. The vest provides holding capacity for eight 40 round magazines for his M-7 Pulse Rifle, and pouches for four M-5 Frag grenades, as well as two pouches for either M-6 Willie Petes or M-8 Smoke canisters. Various gas, flash bangs and energy grenades can be accomodated, but these are not part of regular issue kit. The vest also contains a first aid kit, a water bladder integeral to the back of the vest, and room for a days rations. The vest is made from a "smart" fabric that can change cammie pattern depending on the terrain.
Soldiers Enviromental System (Cammies)- A two piece fabric outfit with a "smart" camoflage pattern that can change with the terrain. The system also includes a pair of "combat" boots. A Marines gear will typically include another two sets of cammies and a spare set of boots. The cammies contain varies sensor spoofing materials, making the Marine harder to detect with traditional tricorders.
M-7 Pulse Rifle- A magazine fed (40 rounds), electricely operated railgun. The standard weapon carried by FMC troops. The diameter of the round is 10mm and for the standard round is a "flechette" designed to inflict maximum damage on an unarmoured or armoured enemy soldier. Various other rounds are available including AP, Incediary, Tracer, HEDP, and flare. The weapon can be fitted with an optional 35mm grenade launcher for which various rounds are available. The weapon is fitted with an electronic sighting package and backup iron sights. The electronic sight is connected by cable to the Marines "bracer" located on his forearm at which point an aiming reticle will become available on the Marines helmet display. The weapon is still employed at the shoulder, and all other marksmenship principles are employed. Maximum effective range is 800m for single fire and 1000m for group fire. However most engagements by FMC troops are under 400m. The battery powering the weapon is good for 10,000 rounds. FMC personall carry an aditional battery in their Mk II LBV.
M-6 Pulse Pistol- Standard sidearm carried by FMC troops. Magazine fed, electricely operated. Magazine capacity is 12 rounds of 10mm(k), a shortened version of the round used in the M-7 Pulse Rifle. Battery is good for 10,000 rounds and is interchangable with the M-7. FMC troops carry an aditional two magazines with them.
M-5 Frag Grenade- A simple frag grenade, pull the pin, throw, and five seconds later, shrapnell city!
M-6 Willie Pete- A white phosporous grenade. Method of employment is the same as the M-5. Except after the time delay the grenade will start dispensing thick clouds of white smoke. If you twist the top before throwing the grenade will explode after the time delay, throwing white phosphoruos everywhere. You don't want to be in the danger radius when it goes off!
M-8 Smoke Grenade- A simple smoke grenade, method of employment is the same as the M-5. It can dispense smoke in a vairety of colours. Most typical are green, purple, yellow, and white.
Carl Gustav- This is a somewhat unusual weapon for the FMC, as the design is lifted from the 20th Century Earth weapon of the same name. A "recoilless rifle" the Carl G is basically a hollow tube. The design was used to save on development time and funds. The only change to the Carl G of old is the fitting of modern sights which can interface with the FMC Mk I helmet. Various rounds are available, the most comman being High Explosive Anti-Tank - Rocket Assisted Propulsion (HEAT-RAP). The rounds have of course been manufactured with modern materials to be able to penetrate 24th century armour. THe weapon is employed by placing it on your shoulder and placing the targeting reticle on the target, and firing. The weapon is then reloaded by a loader. The rounds are unguided. Effective range is 900 meters.
Bison- Standard FMC APC, looking vagually like a boat with tracks. It carries 10 troops plus two crewman, a driver and gunner. The standard model carries a 30mm railgun
and a GPMG mounted coaxially. It also has two, eight round smoke grenade dischargers, and a further GPMG on the roof. There are many versions, but for the purposes of this story we will only see the APC and the Radio ReBroadcast versions. The RRB version mounts a GPMG and a 35mm grenade launcher as well as two, eight round smoke grenade dischargers. Most of the troop space is taken up with the various comms equipment needed to rebraodcast six radio nets. As such the vehicle only carries four crewmembers, a driver, gunner, and two signallers. In practice all members are signallers and take turns manning the equipment in back. The vehicles armour is lined with transport inhibiting materials.
Interim Vehicle Artillery Shield System- A vehicle mounted automatic shield system attached to each Bison. When activated it erects a force field over the vehicle and surrounding area up to 100m, protecting the occupants and sourounding troops from incoming artillery fire. This the sheild is only up when rounds are incoming, the rest of the time it is on standby to reduce the EM signature of the vehicle. It has been prone to activation by slow moving flying objects as well. It is pronouced Ive-Ass.
Bracer- A PDA for the FMC soldier, strapped to either forearm depending on preferance. The M-7's sight cable is attached to it to allow interfacing with the helmet. It allows for storage of practically any info the soldier may need, and most of the info is capable of being directl downloaded into the unit via cable. A special covered toggle allows for instant "zeroising" should the soldier be captured. All of the soldiers electronic equipment is controlled through this device, some soldiers have even been known to download books into it!
Kindly read and post whether you liked it or not. I have 5 other chapters lined up. Most of the The Mess members have already read it. As I've been previewing it there.
Chapter 1 wrote: Chapter 1
Kaw! kee! kee! kee! kekaw!
"What the fuck is that?" thought Corporal Aaron J Kendall as he lay on his foamie.
Kraw! Kee! Kee1 Kekaw!
"I hate this curseded planet." muttered Kendall as he slipped into his cammies and strapped on his breastplate and LBV. He watched as his cammies shifted to the puke green colour of his foamie. Reaching for his boots he heard the raucis from outside continue.
Kaw! kee! Kee! Kraw!
Stepping outside his hootch, Kendall fitted and sealed his helmet to his skinsuit and watched the helmet diagnostics go through their cycle. Retrieving his M-7 from the shelter he flipped his visor up and approached the sound of the racket which had wrenched him from his dreams of home.
"Hey Corp, check out the avioid!" Signalman Nephi Zea stood over a wounded Swoop Hawk poking it with a stick.
Kee! Kee! Kee! The hawk, obviously wounded continued screetching at the top of it's lungs, spinning around in the moss.
"You had the Ive Ass on again didn't you, Zea?" Cpl Kendall queried.
"I thought I heard incoming!" Zea pleaded in a nasal tone.
Kendall sighed, loud and long, "If there was incoming I would have woken up, thats the third bird you've butchered this week with that POS shield."
"Can I keep him, you know fix him up?"
"His beak is broken and so is his wing and a leg. He's fucked!" Kendall stepped over to the bird and picked him up, stroking his head and neck.
"I bet Doc Murphy can fix him up for me! C'mon Relic!" Zea looked at Kendall with wide eyes.
Relic slid his hands to either side of the wounded birds neck, which by now had stop keening and was nervously panting in his arms. "Don't fucking call me that, those days are behind me. It's either Kendall or Cpl, goddamnit!"
"Murphy can be over here in a few minutes, I'll get him, he's probably in the command trench." Zea turned to go get Medic Murphy.
"Don't bother, I'll take care of him." Bracing himself, Kendall grabbed the birds kneck in a quick motion and snapped it with a clean jerk.
Zea heard the crack and turned back to face the Cpl, "why'd you do that? Doc coulda fixed him up."
"Warrent Yenchin isn't going to let Doc patch up a bird, those medical supplies are kinda valuable to us." Kendall flipped down his visor, signalling and end to the conversation. He tossed the dead bird into the bush for the scavengers to have. Hefting his rifle he headed to the track to sit down.
"Asshole" muttered Zea under his breath as he followed the stocky Cpl to the track.
Relic stepped up the ramp into the Bison,clipping his M-7 into a rifle rack as he did so. He noticed that the IVASS indicator was glowing green. Dropping into the radio operators seat, he reached into the Commanders/gunners position and flipped the toggle down. The IVASS indicator flashed to a steady red. The low level hum that had been there before, dissapated quietly. Kendall removed his helmet and set it on the operators table, and turned to look out the ramp door, a haunted look on his face.
Zea stepped up to the ramp, nervously fingering his rifles safety as he did so. "Shit!", he thought to himself. "Not again, I hate that look", Zea muttered to himself.
"What look!?" Kendall snapped turning his gaze to Zea's eyes.
"That look you get when you think of what happened, it's like your staring through my soul." Zea shifted nervously, he finally stepped just inside the track and laid his rifle on the seat.
"Why do they call you Relic anyways, Corp?" Zea asked, a hint of aprehension in his eyes. He half hoped that the moody Cpl would finally open up to him, half hoped he wouldn't.
Cpl Kendall just sat there staring into Zea's eyes, a single tear rolled down his face. "None of your fucking business, Sig!" Snapped the Cpl, turning as he said and grabbed his helmet. Hoisting himself out of the seat he reached for his rifle.
Stepping outside the track, he plugged his rifle into his bracer, and chambered a round. "I'll be at the command trench! I'll see you at the end of your shift", he called to Zea.
"Whens that Corp?", Zea quiered.
Sighing the brooding Cpl responded, "check your bracer, the Corps issued you one for a reason." Turning away the Cpl headed off to find the command trench in the fog.