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Asteroids Fanfiction

Posted: 2005-03-01 04:52pm
by Battlehymn Republic
Yes, stories based on the game Asteroids.

Luke Rounda finished the story Festival Among the Rocks in 1997 and is currently working on the a sequel.

I'm starting a collection of stories called The Frontier, a collaboration with him.

Posted: 2005-03-01 05:02pm
by Trogdor
Why do you think stories based on Asteroids would surprise people? There are fics on pong for crying out loud! :D

Edit: Fixed grammer, and 700 posts! 8)

Edit2: I read the first one, which is pretty good. The idea of aliens in an Asteroids fic is blasphemy though, the enemy is supposed to be the evil rocks of doom! :lol:

I'll probably get around to reading the sequel and your fic pretty soon.

Posted: 2005-03-01 05:57pm
by Elheru Aran
Fics on Pong ?! :wtf:

I so have got to see this....

Posted: 2005-03-01 08:19pm
by Trogdor
It's in the games section of I never bothered to read them, though, so it wouldn't surprise me if they were crap.

Posted: 2005-03-01 09:32pm
by Slartibartfast
Trogdor wrote:I read the first one, which is pretty good. The idea of aliens in an Asteroids fic is blasphemy though, the enemy is supposed to be the evil rocks of doom! :lol:
Helloooooo??? There's UFOs in Asteroids.
Like, hellooo? Anybody home? Like, I don't think sooo!

Posted: 2005-03-01 09:39pm
by Trogdor
Slartibartfast wrote:
Trogdor wrote:I read the first one, which is pretty good. The idea of aliens in an Asteroids fic is blasphemy though, the enemy is supposed to be the evil rocks of doom! :lol:
Helloooooo??? There's UFOs in Asteroids.
Like, hellooo? Anybody home? Like, I don't think sooo!
Oops. It's been a long time since I last took command of the USS Triangle.

Posted: 2005-03-01 11:55pm
by Singular Quartet
FFN scares me at times.

There are 57 fics for Doom, just beating out the 55 for Pong.

How the fuck does that work, exactly?

Posted: 2005-03-03 07:51am
by HemlockGrey
FF.Net has fics for MINESWEEPER for Chrissakes.

Posted: 2005-03-03 10:18am
by Slartibartfast
I once played a Centipede text adventure game (interactive fiction).

">shoot creature"
"With your pulse rifle, you manage to segment parts of the monster, but he keeps coming after you! A giant spider jumps out of nowhere, trying to bite your neck."
">evade spider"
"The spider misses, but manages to spray a few of the giant mushrooms with poison. The giant centipede, upon touching the poison, goes on a berserker rage rushing towards you."
">shoot creature"
"You blow several more segments but it keeps coming. Your ammunition is dangerously low."
">shoot creature"
"You manage to get most of the pieces of the centipede, but eventually your gun overheats, and he reaches you, tearing you limb for limb."
" *** YOU HAVE DIED ***"

Posted: 2005-03-09 04:25pm
by Battlehymn Republic
The forword to my collection. There are numerous references to Festival Among the Rocks.

Disclaimer: This story is loosely based on Luke Rounda’s Asteroids fanfiction, “Festival Among the Rocks”. However, it’s so loosely based, it resembles the original work in nearly no way at all. This is based on an Asteroids universe that is a not so much of a dystopian future, but rather a depressing one.

Frontier Prospects

The night is young, the void is deep.

The frontier is smashed, the future is bleak.

Prospectors make shitty poets.

The writers were wrong. Space isn’t the happy destination for a shiny, united human race. All a bunch of malarkey. Sure, there’s less taxes and laws, less red tape, less idiotic armies running about gunning for you. Not that Earth is facing any large conflicts lately. But the frontier is a myth. I’m not a bold, impetuous, yet slightly gruff miner looking for the nearest motherlode. Ha! Like a regular shmill can, with all of the companies flying around with the stateart devices. Few will even find one claim in their life. ‘Prospector’ is a generalized, meaningless title, like ‘colonist’ or ‘settler’. The only prospect you look out for is whoever pays the biggest bucks.

I could very well work for them- but as what? Automated systems mean that there’s no need for anyone above bookkeeper. There’s no need to run all the way out to the wilds for that line of work. Bureaucracy times a trillion back home. I don’t even have to go to Earth, the orbital colonies and Mars would do as well. Hell, even Pluto’s considered civilized now. I wouldn’t do manual work in a rock mine, anyway. That’s robot work. There’s a hellalot of stones out here, but there’s no future in working with them. And don’t listen to Nomad, either. Asteroid-smashing is a lonely job for suckers who can fly and shoot but either can’t fight against real targets or have résumés lousy enough to be rejected by the private security firms desperate enough to use automated robot sentries to guard their operations. And you think I would want to spend the rest of my days breaking apart asteroids to serve big business transit lines, to aid supply lines for the military? Actually, I don’t quite mind the second part- they are protecting humanity’s collective ass… most of the time.

Scoff. Aliens. Enigmatic, insidious, uncommunicable. Who cares? So there’s only one species of spacefaring life besides humanity, hell, only one species that is actually above the range of protozoa. So the xenobiologists and theologians are all dazed up in a tizzy. That sure doesn’t mean mankind will lose out on all of our valuable minerals and living space! And advanced technologies of course, and a valve to let out our murderous impulses. Let the united fleet go forth and exterminate, we’ll all pay a percentage of income to the governments back home a year, and I’ll keep out of the way. No military or military-funded jobs for me- please. It’s not the ranks and lifestyle, it’s the death of it all. Thank God that the afbs don’t feel like invading us. Their weapons make ours look like a beam pen against a mining laser. We can’t adopt the tech, either, not with most of the physics missing.

No, the only danger I can make a profit out of is humanity. Plenty of scofflaws out there, despite anti-afb garrisons nearby and sheriffs and all of that floatsam. Sheriffs. In the fucking 24th cent. Idiots, the whole lot of them. They aren’t hypocrite lawbreakers- though most are corrupt, naturally- but they’re such cross-eyed inbreds it isn’t even funny. It’s like a few generation ships got here but only one family survived, and they dumped the kissing cousins on us poor folks. The whole system’s screwed up, if you ask me. Earth has been peace way too long without anyone deciding to help us. It’s like they used up all of their energy building the orbitals. How many Mars terraforming experiments have been attempted? Oh, the homeworld lights up when you get close to it, but the rest of the system are just stable, well-populated mining towns. Not much better than here, just with more people.

Speaking of which- I was talking about that, wasn’t I? Ey! I digress easily. There’s a crushing sense of ennui out here amongst these dull rocks. Space is cold, the only lights pass quickly, so drinking is always a sport. I hunt people. Well… not as a bounty hunter, per se. They go all over the humanized sectors, from home all the way to the asteroids. Me, I stay here. I’m a pirate-killer. It’s not as stupid as it sounds. Three-quarters of the raids on ships are made by organized groups. The stars are flooded with their kin. Space Pirates. Everyone thinks they’re a joke, just a gaggle of raiders with a delusioned sense of honor. Not so. Raiders are different from pirates. Raiders pretend; pirates live. They really must be the gene-broken children of the generation ships. They think that they have nations out here, and it’s their duty as the first settlers to pillage and rape every single ship and settlement that’s come here since they first got here. Not that the generation ships were a great tribute to humanity’s prowess- three hundred thousand left, a few hundred got here. Laughably, several of the ships were intercepted after ftl got invented! Sad.

So some got pissed. Their lives, their whole existence was for void. So they dredged up what they could from their big ships, used them as bases, and started raying everyone who got close. Most got killed off after the Ten Year’s Campaign of the last century. But more remain. A lot of illiterates who settled here joined them. The difference between them and raiders? They have culture, and raiders don’t. They have grandeur fixations, and raiders know that they’re petty. Pirates do create elaborate socnets, with their own men out here in the settlements. They consider themselves sovereign nations with agents and spies, instead of muggers that you see only if you fly unescorted and alone. There are enough of escorts, bodyguards, bounty hunters, and that sort of mercenary out here. I’m a pirate killer.

I hunt pirates. This hat is a badge given by the colonial authorities. I’m don’t do the typical shoot-to-kill sort of job. I have to investigate these matters. I can crack locks and break heads, I can borrow ships and never return them… and even sometimes I get the promised romance and adventure. Often not, though. It’s a bit like fighting organized crime crossed with chasing fanatic survivalist guerillas. They have vendettas, and they relent but only after they satisfy their ideolog requirements. They don’t torture like La Famiglia, and they don’t fight until they’re reduced to beating you with detached limbs like the Foxmen, but they’re still a harsh crew, pardon the pun. Some of their ‘captains’, they’re as bad as serial killers. Lunatics, the whole bunch of them. It’s unsettling to have a decapitated, skinless cadaver hit your window while you’re in space, I tell you that…

It’s a bit like foreign spytasking, too. Far less sophisticated people, though. I meet informants in the cantinas, I beat threaten to shoot them with the gun I’ve hidden underneath the table, I start brawls just for diversions. I get a lead, fly to some deserted mines, talk to the loners of space, do my job. There are some specialized teams out there, who actually find the lairs and blow the hell out of them. I get some company now and then, but much less. The old anti-raider, Gray Blade, has helped me. So did that new hotshot, Trespasser. Colonel Krasnov, the military governor of Alkes, is a good flak for a military man. But often I don’t get wingmates for my assignments, not even military dimlights who know how to fight but don’t know how to stay alive.

It’s a niche field at the time, like so many hobbies on the frontier. I expect more will shift to this if I don’t finish it. One’s got to keep busy in the dark, dark, future.

Posted: 2005-07-14 11:32pm
by Battlehymn Republic
“Forced Retirement”

“Join the great exodus! Help save humanity! Meet new lifeforms to study or kill!”

Those brochures… no.

Three generations frozen. Ninety billion gone to void. Blast them, beat them, break them.

This blaster is a newish one… I think it’s from LasCoTech. Or is it Colonial Armaments? Frontier United Creations Killtech Section? There’s no hole in the barrel. Crystal and glass in this thing… blasted fragile in a real fight. I saw enough of these ‘modern’ weapons kill the user.

This time, I want it to. I need it to.

Outside this viewport… bores the hell out of me. I had a career out there.
Paid well. Forgot about the bitterness. Kept it in. Let it out when I had to be really sadistic bastard. Planked ‘em, plinked ‘em, plonked ‘em. Then politics got involved. Oh, those military bastards were always too busy. Out fighting aliens, or stamping on rebels, or going back to Earth to kiss ass. They never fought us unless we brought the fight to their doorstep. And they killed us… not with war but with peace.

Earth- damn it, I bet Nelson’s Column is gone by now.

And the rest… damn them all. Damned Salazar. Damned Reiter. Traitors. They knew what they were getting into. When the armada came and blew away my kinsmen, I didn’t blink a second eye. Traits of traits. Ha.

Ah, screw it, I came here to kill mys-

No. They didn’t give me this leg for nothing.

Let them come. I’ll get-

The door slides open easily with the fiddled card, smooth as death rides over the terminus. It’s quite sad, really. This was a man who was a scourge. Scourges don’t just come out of nowhere. Even among the poor and defective, scourges demand respect.

The old man’s not alone. He sits behind the starlodge desk, slumped over, but he’s breathing heavily. Two goonloons stand behind him, dressed in full regalia. My Hypnos Tas sends thousands of volts into the turncoat’s nerve system vis-à-vis a shot to where the skull meets the spinal cord faster than the more traditional-looking pirate can hiss “Decatur!” in melodramatic loathing. The scurvy dog’s been reading too many Jack Sparrow tales. Heavy eyeliner gives him panda-eyes over his trim mustache and Vandyke beard. His cutlass is a raysword and his blaster’s butt is tattooed with engravings and etchings. He struggles to ready his pistol. I shoot him with a blaster set on shock.

His companion is also a wantabe reenactor, but is dressed less gaudily. The corsair wears pajama pants under a flimsy vest with no shirt underneath. He’s probably no more thought of Medina than taken a style check at his turban-like flophat of many colors. His sword is made of superheated space alloys, ready to strike, as is the dagger in the other hand. I shoot him with the Taser set on high. His one-thousand-first tale has ended in tragedy.

He fries, he dies. At the very least he won’t be playing with sharp objects once he gets out of his coma. The other is tougher than I thought. He actually dodged the shot before I fired, which was the only way to avoid it. He nearly brought the cutlass down on the old man’s throat before I kicked a chair into him, knocking him back. I shot him again, but he let himself fall to avoid the shot. He slants forward though his body is on the ground, and shoots at me with the fancy gun. No dime. Far too off. I shoot him again.

Scurvy dog is down. Blasters aren’t meant for nonlethality. The coin-sized hole in his shoulder is cauterized, but he’ll miss it.

The room was crappy, grimy, and Spartan. The only bucca-gear I could see was the classic Jolly Roger grinning on the cap on a shelf. It actually looked like something that Napoleon might wear, had he been willing to be never taken seriously. I grabbed the cap and slipped it into the unbuggable shielded pocket in my jacket. Another trophy.

I turn to the scourge.

“It’s an honor to meet a brigand so great who needs a second-rate PKer to rescue him.”

He’s barely conscious from the Tas shock, yet he flashes me a profane gesture.

“So you hate being called brigand, pirate?” I looked down at the prostrate form. “You’re past your prime, old dawg. Can’t turn tricks no more. Your nation has forsaken you.”

An explosion burst somewhere out in the hall. I sighed, and slung him over my shoulder. I ran out of the corridor, where a third pirate stood. A young buck, dressed in an astrosuit even gaudier and foppish than the other two combined. I managed to shoot him three times with the Tas before he realized that he had been hit in the eye with pure voltage.

I ran into the elevator. No one was aboard. The lodgekeepers must have sealed off the floor on purpose, which meant that the military men were already here. So much for getting credit for securing the last Crossguard Privateer all by my lonesome.

The blue-tuniced dimlight in front of the elevator pointed a gun at me. How many of his pals did I just save from the pirate nations? No matter. I threw the old space dog into his arms. His superior came to me and saluted.

“Well done, corporal,” he said to my rolled eyes, “You’ve secured him quite well. We’ll take it from here. You’ll be receiving you recompense in just a moment.”

The old codger is on the ground, dreaming of the blood and booty. I shrug my shoulders.

“Just make sure to spell my name with an ‘u.,’” I replied.