Fanfic idea I'm playing with...
Posted: 2005-03-09 04:53pm
Having some idle time on my hands (and needing the distraction), I thought I'd give myself another go at writing a fanfic. This time I intent to keep it a short fanfic overall, so hopefully this one won't fall into neglect as I have done with others.
Anyhow, enjoy.
Space, the final frontier. Vast and pitch black, sprinkled with millions of stars. In the distance, a planet floated motionlessly, serene and beautiful. Suddenly, the void was eclipsed by a dagger shaped vessel, a monstrous vessel that struck fear into the hearts of any enemy that would dare challenge her authority.
"Imperial Star Destroyer entering our sensor range, sir."
"On screen."
Captain Picard glanced at the view screen as the crisp and imposing image of the Star Destroyer flashed onto the viewer. Even at this extreme range, the craft looked enormous and dangerous. His eyes narrowed. He stood up, facing the viewer.
"Open hailng frequencies." Picard ordered.
"Aye, sir." reported the Klingon tactical officer. "Hailing frequencies open."
"Imperial warship, this is Jean Luc Picard of the Enterprise. You have entered restricted Federation space. Withdraw immediately or I'll destroy you. You have only one warning." Picard made a cutting motion with his hand the channel was closed.
Picard turned to his tactical officer. "Report their status."
"They've raised their shields. Readings are consistent with the Imperial warship going into battle mode." The Klingon grinned. Battle was his life.
"So much the better." nodded Picard. "Engage temporal and phasic shielding. Bring primary weapon systems online."
"Aye sir." the Klingon replied.
The sleek design of the Sovereign class starship, broken up only by the numerous weapon emplacements on her hull, glimmered for a moment, and suddenly seemed to fade slightly as if losing detail in a poor artistic rendering.
The andriod helmman scanned his console. "Readings indicate the Destroyer's sensor sweeps are far more intensive than previous readings of their sensor capabilities, sir. I suspect this particular warship may have been heavily modified in an attempt to gain tactical information on our capabilities, Captain."
Commander Riker glanced up. "Catching on, are they?"
"Don't underestimate them number one." Picard replied. "Despite our advantages, the Imperials are indeed a force to be reckoned with."
Picard's mind flashed back to his homeworld of Earth, shattered into an asteroid field in mere seconds. The Imperial's assault upon the Federation primary home world would never be forgotten. Or forgiven.
Riker smiled, a rather sadistic one without humor behind it. "Just an observation, sir."
"Imperial vessel is opening fire at extreme range with turbolaser batteries." Worf reported.
Picard only nodded.
Green bolts of energy closed upon the Federation starship, the potential power of such blasts mind boggling to the unfamilar. The first bolt reached the Federation ship...and passed right through it. The others followed with the same effect. Picard smiled at the thought of the Imperial captain's expression witnessing his ship's firepower, thousands of times greater than the ship he faced, being completely ineffective.
"Imperial vessel is continuing it's intensive scans." reported the Data.
"Let's not give them too much time to try and figure it out." Picard moved back to his command chair and sat down. His black gloved hand moved across his chair's interface, entering coordinates to be fed directly to the tactical station. "On my mark, warp to these coordinates and prepare to fire temporal-phased torpedo launchers."
"Aye, sir." was his answer.
The Enterprise, still appearing slightly faded and almost as if a mirage, flashed brilliant white for a second and disappeared, only to appear a second later a mere kilometer or so from the massive warship that confronted it.
"Fire." Picard's command was said with relish.
Half a dozen weapon emplacements on the Soveriegn starship's hull flashed as they launched their torpedoes, each glowing with every color in the visible spectrum. The Imperial Star Destroyer's batteries had barely compensated for the enemy starship's manuever before the torpedos reached their target. Despite shielding strong enough to withstand assault of weapons of it's own caliber, the torpedoes merely passed through them unheeded, entering the very bowels of the warship. Thier explosive force was hardly one the Imperials would call impressive, but at the heart of their main reactor, not much was required. The massive hypermatter reactor crumpled under the torpedoes as they combined explosive force along with gravimetric forces designed specifically to tear targetted material apart at the molecular level. The Imperial Star Destroyer begun to destroy itself, explosions ripping across it's surface until a final blast annihilated it in a display equal to a small star going supernova. Large pieces of debris scattered from the explosion's epicentre, some even passing right through the nearby Sovereign.
"Enemy warship has been neutralized." Worf reported. His grin was ecstatic, but his eyes reflected a dark pleasure at the thought of the enemy killed by his own hand.
Picard again nodded. His fist clenched, the black glove squeaking ever so slightly under the pressure. "Excellent." Standing up, his gloved hands straightened his black uniform, the only visible decoration on it his golden communicator. "Scan the debris field, there may be survivors despite the violence of the ship's destruction. They are impressively resilient, some sections may have survived."
"Aye sir." Worf began working his console.
Riker's armrest beeped. "Transporter room to bridge."
"Riker here."
"As per orders, sir, we managed to acquire several random prisoners from the warship seconds before it was completely destroyed."
Riker's eye brow perked up. "Anyone important?"
"There might be a command officer in our containment field sir. The uniform matches what little specs we have on them."
Riker stood. "Understood." He switched off the com unit. "Captain, I'll head to the transporter room for interrogation..."
Picard interrupted. "Belay that Number One. If we are indeed fortunate enough to have individual of some command level from Imperial forces, I very much want to see to him myself. You have the bridge."
Riker nodded, although not without some obvious disappointment. "Very well."
Picard strode over to the turbolift, but hesistated for a second before the doors. "Mr. Data, I'd appreciate your presence. I may have use for your unique abilities."
The andriod swivelled in his chair, getting to his feet. "Of course sir."
Picard waited until the andriod joined him in the turbolife, and the doors closed, reforming the image of a planet Earth surrounded by a circle of wicked looking blades, impaling smaller worlds around it.
Anyhow, enjoy.

Space, the final frontier. Vast and pitch black, sprinkled with millions of stars. In the distance, a planet floated motionlessly, serene and beautiful. Suddenly, the void was eclipsed by a dagger shaped vessel, a monstrous vessel that struck fear into the hearts of any enemy that would dare challenge her authority.
"Imperial Star Destroyer entering our sensor range, sir."
"On screen."
Captain Picard glanced at the view screen as the crisp and imposing image of the Star Destroyer flashed onto the viewer. Even at this extreme range, the craft looked enormous and dangerous. His eyes narrowed. He stood up, facing the viewer.
"Open hailng frequencies." Picard ordered.
"Aye, sir." reported the Klingon tactical officer. "Hailing frequencies open."
"Imperial warship, this is Jean Luc Picard of the Enterprise. You have entered restricted Federation space. Withdraw immediately or I'll destroy you. You have only one warning." Picard made a cutting motion with his hand the channel was closed.
Picard turned to his tactical officer. "Report their status."
"They've raised their shields. Readings are consistent with the Imperial warship going into battle mode." The Klingon grinned. Battle was his life.
"So much the better." nodded Picard. "Engage temporal and phasic shielding. Bring primary weapon systems online."
"Aye sir." the Klingon replied.
The sleek design of the Sovereign class starship, broken up only by the numerous weapon emplacements on her hull, glimmered for a moment, and suddenly seemed to fade slightly as if losing detail in a poor artistic rendering.
The andriod helmman scanned his console. "Readings indicate the Destroyer's sensor sweeps are far more intensive than previous readings of their sensor capabilities, sir. I suspect this particular warship may have been heavily modified in an attempt to gain tactical information on our capabilities, Captain."
Commander Riker glanced up. "Catching on, are they?"
"Don't underestimate them number one." Picard replied. "Despite our advantages, the Imperials are indeed a force to be reckoned with."
Picard's mind flashed back to his homeworld of Earth, shattered into an asteroid field in mere seconds. The Imperial's assault upon the Federation primary home world would never be forgotten. Or forgiven.
Riker smiled, a rather sadistic one without humor behind it. "Just an observation, sir."
"Imperial vessel is opening fire at extreme range with turbolaser batteries." Worf reported.
Picard only nodded.
Green bolts of energy closed upon the Federation starship, the potential power of such blasts mind boggling to the unfamilar. The first bolt reached the Federation ship...and passed right through it. The others followed with the same effect. Picard smiled at the thought of the Imperial captain's expression witnessing his ship's firepower, thousands of times greater than the ship he faced, being completely ineffective.
"Imperial vessel is continuing it's intensive scans." reported the Data.
"Let's not give them too much time to try and figure it out." Picard moved back to his command chair and sat down. His black gloved hand moved across his chair's interface, entering coordinates to be fed directly to the tactical station. "On my mark, warp to these coordinates and prepare to fire temporal-phased torpedo launchers."
"Aye, sir." was his answer.
The Enterprise, still appearing slightly faded and almost as if a mirage, flashed brilliant white for a second and disappeared, only to appear a second later a mere kilometer or so from the massive warship that confronted it.
"Fire." Picard's command was said with relish.
Half a dozen weapon emplacements on the Soveriegn starship's hull flashed as they launched their torpedoes, each glowing with every color in the visible spectrum. The Imperial Star Destroyer's batteries had barely compensated for the enemy starship's manuever before the torpedos reached their target. Despite shielding strong enough to withstand assault of weapons of it's own caliber, the torpedoes merely passed through them unheeded, entering the very bowels of the warship. Thier explosive force was hardly one the Imperials would call impressive, but at the heart of their main reactor, not much was required. The massive hypermatter reactor crumpled under the torpedoes as they combined explosive force along with gravimetric forces designed specifically to tear targetted material apart at the molecular level. The Imperial Star Destroyer begun to destroy itself, explosions ripping across it's surface until a final blast annihilated it in a display equal to a small star going supernova. Large pieces of debris scattered from the explosion's epicentre, some even passing right through the nearby Sovereign.
"Enemy warship has been neutralized." Worf reported. His grin was ecstatic, but his eyes reflected a dark pleasure at the thought of the enemy killed by his own hand.
Picard again nodded. His fist clenched, the black glove squeaking ever so slightly under the pressure. "Excellent." Standing up, his gloved hands straightened his black uniform, the only visible decoration on it his golden communicator. "Scan the debris field, there may be survivors despite the violence of the ship's destruction. They are impressively resilient, some sections may have survived."
"Aye sir." Worf began working his console.
Riker's armrest beeped. "Transporter room to bridge."
"Riker here."
"As per orders, sir, we managed to acquire several random prisoners from the warship seconds before it was completely destroyed."
Riker's eye brow perked up. "Anyone important?"
"There might be a command officer in our containment field sir. The uniform matches what little specs we have on them."
Riker stood. "Understood." He switched off the com unit. "Captain, I'll head to the transporter room for interrogation..."
Picard interrupted. "Belay that Number One. If we are indeed fortunate enough to have individual of some command level from Imperial forces, I very much want to see to him myself. You have the bridge."
Riker nodded, although not without some obvious disappointment. "Very well."
Picard strode over to the turbolift, but hesistated for a second before the doors. "Mr. Data, I'd appreciate your presence. I may have use for your unique abilities."
The andriod swivelled in his chair, getting to his feet. "Of course sir."
Picard waited until the andriod joined him in the turbolife, and the doors closed, reforming the image of a planet Earth surrounded by a circle of wicked looking blades, impaling smaller worlds around it.