Megatron looked over the 32 Decepticons- every member of the 6 Decepticon gestalt teams- gathered before him. All were (some uncharacteristically) quiet, but most were visibly impatient. So he did not waste words when he began.
“I shall make this brief,” said Megatron. “Our goal is quite simple- to continually improve on the gestalt design until we feel we have perfected it. Shockwave has come up with a quite brilliant variation on our former plan of simply building new gestalts, improving on each one in turn. Instead, we will need assistance from every single one of you. One further step in the evolution of the gestalt is all that is needed to perfect it.”
“Perfection that could bring us our ultimate victory?” asked Onslaught, leader of the Combaticons.
“I guarantee it. We shall grind every last Autobot beneath our feet.”
All of the warriors present immediately started conferring with each other. And though some weren’t entirely convinced, Megatron could tell that they were leaning towards near unanimous approval.
. The plan was so brilliant that he did not want to drag out the time it took to complete. All he had to do was sugar-coat the truth, and it would seem to the gestalts that the plan was pretty much what they did all the time, but on a much larger scale.
He could have forced it on them, but once it was established that it was possible to begin work immediately, his impatience got the best of him, and he decided the diplomatic approach was the best way.
Finally, a representative of each team came forward, and gave their answer.
The leader of the Decepticons was pleased.
Three weeks later…
Brawn looked at his cell-mates. All were ready to face death, consigned to the inevitability of it. They were in the heart of Decepticon controlled Cybertron, with the Autobot resistance tied up on the other side of the planet. Hot Rod and Kup were the highest ranking leaders of the resistance, and they knew that, not matter how much it tore them up to do so, they would only send more troops to their death if they tried to affect a rescue.
Repugnus sat in the corner of the cell, alone as usual. Joyride and Smokescreen sat in the other end, and Topspin restlessly paced back and forth between the walls of the cell. Surprisingly, it was Repugnus, the most anti social and least liked Autobot, who finally spoke.
“Guys, I know you don’t like me that much,” he finally said. “And to be honest, that never really bothered me. But I wanted you to know that it was an honor to fight with you.”
All present looked at him, and then at each other, before they all nodded their assent.
“I don’t know what they have planned,” said Smokescreen. “But I hope they don’t keep us waiting.”
“You’re in luck, Autobot!” came a malicious rasp.
And they looked and saw Fangry’s grinning muzzle. Windsweeper stood behind him, glaring at Repugnus. And both had their weapons aimed at the group, Fangry carrying a set of electronic shackles for Topspin.
It was time.
The five Autobots stood up, resigned to their fate.
“Things should go smoothly if we keep our distance from this one,” said Windsweeper, try to make it more of a suggestion than an order to the hot-headed Fangry. It worked, and while the others were shackled, Fangry gestured for Brawn
“I shall so enjoy seeing you deactivated,” hissed Windsweeper, the former Sanitation worker, to Repugnus, as he placed his shackles onto Repugnus’ wrists- the second they snapped shut, he would be unable to transform.
At that moment, Repugnus leaned forward and vomited oil all over the fastidious Decepticon, just as he prepared to close the shackles.
For a moment, Windsweeper was too revolted to react, and that was all the time they needed. Repugnus transformed into his Monsterbot mode and brought his pincer down into Windsweeper’s chest. It didn’t penetrate too deeply, but it staggered the Decepticon, and Brawn made his move, charging Fangry, who fired, hitting him in the shoulder, but Brawn closed the distance, batted the pistol out of his grasp, and punched Fangry as hard as he could, taking the Decepticon offline for the time being.
Windsweeper had been tackled by Topspin and Smokescreen, and they pummeled him until his struggles stopped. Smokescreen grabbed his pistol, and Brawn tossed Repugnus Fangry’s pistol. Repugnus transformed back into robot mode and took it, and in a few seconds, he shot off their restraints.
None of them spoke; they knew what to do, the only thing to do- take as many Decepticons with them as they could before the end.
As they made their way through the corridors, trying to find a fight, they noticed only half of the doors they came across were unlocked- the rest had their blast doors down.
“Like they’re telling us where to go,” whispered Smokescreen.
“Let’s not disappoint them,” said Topspin.
Suddenly, Repugnus whirled, and a second late, the other three could hear what he could- an odd gait, like two feet simultaneously hitting the deck at once again and again.
And a second later, something flew around the corner- a Decepticon that resembled a sky blue version of Lazerbeak!
“Its Squawk tail!” yelled Brawn, transforming into jeep mode so he would be prepared to run when reinforcements arrived. He had given the only weapons he found to Repugnus and Smokescreen, and Squawktalk was too fast for him, so it fell to Repugnus, Topspin (his built in arsenal free of the cell’s dampening field- that’s what the restraints Fangry brought had been for), and Smokescreen to do it. They returned fire, but the bird was too fast
A second later, a small form that resembled a pink gorilla leaped out into the hallway- Beastbox, who, like Squawk Tail, was one of Soundwave’s minions. The odd sound had been his knuckle-dragging method of travel.
Instantly, the two combined to form Squawkbox, and returned fire on the four Autobots, heedless of the numbers involved- his small size was an asset, making him that much harder to hit as he leaped to and fro about the hallway.
But the odds changed when Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw flew around the corner, joining the fight. The two birds opened fire just as Squawkbox was taken down by a laser blast directly in his face. His top half consisted of Beastbox, who would not rise again, and the shock took Squawktalk offline until they could be separated manually. Repugnus was literally hit by the last shot Squawkbox fired before he was taken down, and Lazerbeak hit him with everything he had.
The Monsterbot fell back, and Topspin transformed into his vehicle mode, letting his ally come to a rest right on top of him. Still clinging to life, Repugnus grabbed onto one of Topspin’s fins and held on.
“Retreat!” yelled Brawn, and Smokescreen transformed. All three vehicles took off down the hall, which was still empty for themselves and Soundwave’s casseticons.
Over and over again, they turned and turned, and all of them knew they were being herded, but when the roar of engines was heard, they knew that there were Seekers after them, and turning to fight was no longer an option.
But the sounds of pursuit stopped, just as spotted a huge open door at the end of the hallway, and as the doors behind them all shut, one after another. There was only one way to go now.
And they found themselves in an immense arena. Brawn recognized it immediately- it was the same arena where Megatron had fought in his early days in the illegal games that allowed him to find others like himself. If there was ever a single place on Cybertron that shaped the destiny of most Decepticons, this was it.
And over 30 Decepticons stood in the very center, lined up in phalanxes behind Megatron. And Brawn immediately recognized them as the gestalt teams: The Constructicons, Combaticons, Predacons, Terrorcons, Stunticons, and Seacons.
Devastator, Bruticus, Predaking, Abominus, Menasor, and Piranacon.
Megatron looked different as well, and Brawn instantly knew he had been reformatted with a new alt mode. But…what?
Their attentions seemed to be on Megatron, whose back was turned to them. Brawn couldn’t believe their luck- it was a trap, he knew, but they still had a slim chance to take out-
When Megatron turned and fired his fusion cannon directly at them, forcing them to scatter. They were nearly blown off of their feet when the resulting explosion collapsed the corridor behind them. They were trapped.
“Be honored, Autobots,” said Megatron, grinning. “You will be the first.”
Out of the shadows in the arena came a dozen more Decepticons. All had their weapons aimed at them. The group did not hesitate- they tried to fire anyway, but instantly Smokescreen was missing his pistol and the hand that held it, and Topspin was riddled with fire, immobilizing him. Repugnus was too weak to even raised the pistol he got from Fangry. But it seemed that the Decepticons wanted them alive- once their offensive capabilities were gone, they lowered their weapons. And Brawn knew they were about to find out why, when the call from Megatron came.
“Constructicons, unite!
Hook, Long Haul, Scrapper, Scavenger, Mixmaster, and Bonecrusher leapt off of the ground, shifting, changing, and locking together, and Devastator, the first gestalt, was soon staring down at the four Autobot prisoners.
“Stunticons, unite!”
Dead End, Wild Rider, Motor Master, Drag Strip, and Break Down transformed and merged to form Menasor. Menasor lumbered to Devastator, and stood shoulder to should with him, again, forming a line.
“Combaticons, unite!”
Brawl, Swindle, Blast Off, Onslaught, and Vortex became one, and Bruticus was standing before them, and he too, got in the line with Devastator and Menasor.
“Terrorcons, unite!”
The aptly named Terrorcons roared with delight, and the five voices became Abominus’ as he stretched his arms and snarled with anticipation. And in seconds, he was fourth in line.
Predaking soon stood where Razorclaw, Rampage, Divebomb, Tantrum, and Headstrong had been, and quickly he was in line as well.
“Seacons, unite!”
Piranacon was born from the unification of Tentakil, Nautilator, Skalor, Overbite, Seawing, and Snaptrap.
“We’ve seen ‘em before, Megatron,” said Brawn. “If they’re going to squish us, then do it now unless you want to bore us to death.”
“That isn’t quite what I had in mind!” roared the Decepticon leader, as he turned to the six gestalts. “GESTALTS- UNITE!!”
And what had just happened six times happened again, much more slowly but on a larger scale.
Devastator lifted off of the ground, both of his arms going rigid and locking to his side, his legs folding beneath him.
Predaking’s entire body went stiff as well, and locked into Devastator’s right shoulder.
Menasor did the same, locking into Devastator’s right shoulder. Bruticus and Abominus mimicked that, everything below their knees bending and folding back to form what appeared to be legs and feet. And the
What was now turning into a giant gestalt didn’t seem perfect yet. There were no hands, and the locks where the smaller gestalts were joining didn’t seem quite perfect, until Piranacon broke up into his component parts, and those parts flew around the behemoth and broke, folded, shifted, locking into place to reinforce the joints, and growing hands.
The new gestalt, though menacing, looked somewhat comical with Devastator’s tiny head resting in the center of massive shoulders- the ultra gestalt had grown somewhat after the transformation, but the head had remained the same.
Megatron laughed, and took off, flying to the top of the immobile giant, landing on his shoulders.
“Now, witness my ascension!” laughed Megatron- as he started to fold in upon himself, and in an instant, he was a larger facsimile of his own head with a pair of wicked horns that looked almost like pincers reaching skyward..
Megatron locked down on Devastator’s head, and a dull hum was heard throughout the giant gestalt activated, Energon surging through its body. Slowly, its arms raised, without a hint of strain despite the great weight. And the head came to life, a smile slowly
“Behold!” came the voice of Megatron. “Megatron has evolved. In his place, stands Gigatron- God of the Decepticons!”
Brawn glowered up at the behemoth, Smokescreen, Topspin, and standing tall, with Repugnus trying to defiantly stand. Death was coming. And no Autobot would give the Decepticons the satisfaction of showing fear.
But Gigatron did not care about that. He simply reached down and plucked Smokescreen out of the group, who was now the size of a small action figure in Gigatron’s grasp, and lifted him to his mouth, which distended like that of a snake- and devoured Smokescreen whole, the first bite sending forth a shower of sparks and smoke from Gigatron’s mouth. The chewing was like when a human did it- it was simply to grind the Autobot into smaller pieces so as to be sent to its inner Energon factory, not to soften and aid digestion.
After a moment, there was a hum, as the small amount of power Smokescreen had was absorbed into Gigatron’s system.
“The power demands for this body are incredible. For years we could not get around a way to sustain this state. But I found a way. Instead of crushing your kind, I will devour you whole!”
Topspin grabbed Repugnus and tried to carry him away- anything was better than simply standing there. But instantly, they were aught, and Gigatron crushed them in his immense fist before in turn devouring them.
Brawn knew there was no fighting this monster. He offered no resistance when he was plucked off of the ground, and slid into Gigatron’s mouth.
“CHOKE ON IT!!” screamed Brawn, as Gigatron’s teeth came down again.
And again.
And again.
As Brawn’s remains were digested and his Energon distributed through Gigatron’s system, the other Decepticons spared nervous glances at each other. If Megatron decided to stay in his new form for an extended period of time, he would not hesitate to eat one of them if he displeased them, more as a means to keep his system running than as a punishment for some unimagined failure.
But right now, the experiment was a rousing success. Though there were still Autobots stationed on Cybertron’s two moons, the majority were on Earth. They thought that the Decepticons no longer had a foothold on the human homeworld, but they were wrong.
“Straxus!” roared the beast. “Prepare the new space bridge for activation! We leave for Earth immediately!”
NOTE: This is not any of the previously established continuities, as most of the characters I want in this were never around at the same time- most were killed off before others were activated.
Transformers: Gestalts Evolved
Moderator: LadyTevar
- Bug-Eyed Earl
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Transformers: Gestalts Evolved
Last edited by Bug-Eyed Earl on 2005-03-29 04:25pm, edited 1 time in total.
BotM Cybertronian
- Bug-Eyed Earl
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Well, I always suck at starting fanfics, as themain portion that really got me inspired to write is yet to come and I'm still establishing.
I'm kind of surprised- 58 views and no one even told me it sucks. Well, come back later- I'm writing this as a gift for a friend, so I plan to finish it regardless. It should pick up then.
I'm kind of surprised- 58 views and no one even told me it sucks. Well, come back later- I'm writing this as a gift for a friend, so I plan to finish it regardless. It should pick up then.
BotM Cybertronian
- mr friendly guy
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My transformers lore is a bit rusty, but doesn't the autobots have metroplex, or (not sure in this time period) have Fortress Maximus. Aren't these huge robots close to Gigatron's size?
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Countries I have been to - 14.
Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, USA.
Always on the lookout for more nice places to visit.
- Bug-Eyed Earl
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Metroplex was certainly large- he's about gigatron's size. Omega Supreme was only about a head or a head and a half taller than friendly guy wrote:My transformers lore is a bit rusty, but doesn't the autobots have metroplex, or (not sure in this time period) have Fortress Maximus. Aren't these huge robots close to Gigatron's size?
BotM Cybertronian