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Cleaned up Fanfic: The War Diary of A Crewer: 2370-2373

Posted: 2002-11-26 12:26am
by MKSheppard
The War Diary of a Crewer: 2370-2373
A fanfic by
The Denizens of Star Destroyer.Net

{edited to clean up grammar from the original postings on SD.NET}

July 1st, 2370:
Today I arrived at Kuat, as per my orders. The
entire planet is devoted to one thing, and one
thing only, the Drive Yards. The entire planet's
economy revolves around it. As KDY goes, so does
Kuat the planet.

My shuttle took the long route around The Yard, as
everyone speaks of it here. Talking to one of the
shuttle pilots, I learned that his family has worked
for KDY for the last thirty generations.

There is a big buzz in the Navy. Rumor has it some
thing BIG is opening up, and that the Navy will be
expanded even further than it was under the first Five
Year Plan under Palpie.

I know I'm not supposed to even HAVE a diary in the
first place, thanks to all these asinine new regulations,
but I have this...well...feeling that whatever's happening
here is gonna be big.

Real big.

I just hope I don't die in the process of seeing it.

July 2nd, 2370

I don't believe what I just saw. While I was getting my
issued items, I happened to look outside a porthole and
saw not just one, but FIVE unfinished Executor-class
ships out in The Yards.

We only have three of those monsters in the Navy, and
they want five more?

July 3rd, 2370

Today was a big day. Lord Vader himself arrived at
around 0300 this morning, and rumor has it he killed
Admiral Sarn for not giving him a honor guard when he
arrived that morning.

I sure hope I don't get assigned to the Executor.

July 4th, 2370

Me and a bunch of other guys recieved their assignments
today. We were all assigned to the ISS Corruptor. At first,
we weren't sure what we had just gotten assigned to, and
when we saw our ship from the shuttle window, we were all in
shock, because the Imperators are the elite ships of the Navy.

Only the Executors are more prestigious, and here are a bunch
of guys off farm worlds stepping onto one of the most powerful
warships ever built in the history of civilization!

July 5th, 2370

Yesterday was spent recieving our assignments and drawing our
supplies from the ship's quartermaster, much as we would if
the Corruptor was like a planetary base, which in a way it is.

First we had to go to the paymaster's office, and notify him
that we were now assigned to the ship, and activicate our
accounts on the ship, which we'll use to buy luxury foods
and other goods on the ship's small shopping mall.

I find it still hard to believe that there is actually a kriffing
shopping mall on a starship, but there it is; a rather decently
sized one - sure does improve morale, being able to buy
cheesy trinkets.

Once our accounts had been activicated we went to the ship's
Housing Officer, who then assigned us to our quarters. We
all were assigned to the same housing block: 4356AA.

After that, we went over to the quartermaster and pulled
our supplies like personal toiletry items, our mattresses
and blankets, and other minor items.

We then went to 4356AA with the other new arrivals who
had been assigned to that block, and we set up our
beds and placed our personal effects inside the lockers
mag-welded to the undersides of our bunks.

Everything we own has to fit inside that locker, including
our uniforms, toiletries, and personal effects such as
books, weapons, etc. It may sound harsh at first,
but you get used to it, and you learn important lessons
on what is important and what isn't.

At 1200 hours, we were all marched off from our quarters
to one of the many mess halls aboard the Corruptor, where
we ate the standard Navy fare, which while not exactly
a gourmet meal, isn't survival rations.

Everyone of course, buys their own spices to make the food
palpatable; and this is the Navy's biggest secret; they make
a profit off selling us all the spices through the ship's PX.

After lunch, we were marched to our assigned assembly halls,
where we were assigned our first duties aboard the Corr-

Shit, an officer is coming! Gotta stop writing!

July 5th, 2370 (Cont'd)

Craft maintenance. We could have gotten a lot worse they say,
but I'm not real big on handling fuel and ordinance. Back in
training one guy had a bad suit in a decon drill. Stuff took
his skin off down to the bone. Lucky it was only a forearm.

Chief Schmidt's in charge of our crew, where assigned to one
of the new Starwings. I don't know where the recruiters found
him. We all came up to him to report for duty and he drew a
blaster on us, demanded to know our plan of action was if he
was a rebbey infiltrator.

He then took the next half hour to instruct us on how to use a
hydrospanner against hostile war driod boarders. I think that
freaked out Noor pretty well. He's okay I guess, didn't get
angry when we had to get the boat ready for alert and someone
forgot to yank one of the arming pins on a missile. But I don't
think that's gonna last.

After eight hours of it was back to 4356AA at 2100 hours before
we go to eat in the hall and get a little rec time. Getting late
now, lights out in five and I've got to go.

July 7th 2370

I saw Lord Vader! God damn he was scary. The guy next to me
nearly peed his pants. He was stalking past with that newly
promoted Captain behind him. Apparently, the Captain went
and bumped Vader's fighter against a cargo pod. Poor guy.

We were standing there while the Chief was called away for
something and Vader LOOKED at us, I mean really looked at
us. I felt like shrivelling up right there and then.

Then he went on.

That is probably the closest kriffing shave of my entire
life. Thank God it's over.

July 14th 2370

The ship is currently conducting the final tests in the
outer reaches of the Kuat system and is...well was
scheduled to leave Kuat tomorrow. However, events
have occured to delay our departure.

An accident happened today, at my station!

Towards the end of our shift, when we were loading a Starwing
with proton torpedoes, the engine of one torpedo suddenly
started, burning a gaping black hole into the belly of
one crewman.

The torp then crashed into the ceiling of the craft
maintenance hangar.

Fortunately, the safety prevented the torpedo from detonating
its payload, I guess in that case no one in that section of
the ship would have survived.

However, already bad enough, the fuel ignited, and the
resulting explosion killed 4 crewmen, destroyed 3 droids
and the gunboat.

I was knocked down by the concussion and broke my arm,
but thanks to the wonders of bone-knitting and bacta,
the medical droid thinks I'll be able to resume my
duties tomorrow.

My roomates and I are quite uncomfortable about this event.

I've never heard a single report of an accident like this
with a torpedo or missile. Safety on board Imperial ships is
just too tight for something like that to happen - torpedoes
are undergoing constant checks from the moment they arrive
on the ship to the moment they are loaded onto the bomber
and fired at the enemy, a torpedo with an engine flaw would
never have left the factory, much less arrive at this ship!

People speak about sabotage.

Our ship will not return to the yard for repairs - spare crew
and a new Starwing will be sent over via transport tomorrow.

Lord Vader obviously doesn't want any further delay to our mission.

Ah yes our 'secret mission'. It's so secret only the Captain knows
about it.

At least that's what I've been told. Obviously we ordinary underlings
are not trustworty enough.

The damage done to the hangar isn't so bad and should be repaired
within one or two days. But the damage done to the morale is devastating.

Not only have we lost five of our comrades, there is little doubt
anymore: We have a Rebel traitor on board.

Have to go now. It's 1630 now and the funeral is scheduled for 1700.

July 17th, 2370

Things have been picking up on the Bridge and Command Sections as of
lately. The younger, more arrogant and pompous officers have been
moving around the ship a lot more than usual.

I wasn't paying attention when I tripped on a pipe running right
below some durasteel and flew onto the Captain.

He was very nice to me - he helped me up and patted me on the back;
etc. He's quite old for a Naval Captain, way past the average age.

He reminds me kind of those washed out recruitmemnt officers,
or senior officers who decline promotions. I feel a little safer
on the ship now. Especially woith an devoted captain.

The final trials went well, though after them, the saboteur struck again.

He snipped some wires running from the reactor's power transference influx
to some foward turbolaser batteries. This would've had an effect in a
prolonged capital ship battle.

He's a very crafty saboteur.

One of my bunk buddies fixed it, though.

We're about to enter hyerspace to our secret rendevous.

Gonna be awhile, so I might as well get some downtime.

July 20th, 2370

We've arrived at the rendevous point (or so the people
in our section who have duty in the sensor crews say),
but other than this scuttlebutt, we have no other way of
telling if we've arrived or not. All of the external
views have been deactivicated, or put under security locks.

Also, the observation lounges have been shut down and have
had Stormie guards placed on them 24 x 7.

Since none of us has a rank high enough to override the
the lockdown, we just have to sit in our mess halls and
watch the HoloNet News while we eat.

Today was a busy day. We took on scores and scores of supplies,
including over 10,000 missiles of all types. I think I personally
supervised the loading of at least 3,000 of them onto carts for
storage on the deep storage decks.

When I got off duty at 1800 hours today, they were still taking
on supplies. This is certainly going to be a long duration mission,
because there's no need to load up our cargo bays to this
extent if all we're going to do is patrol the Empire.

As we were getting off duty at 1800 hours, Chief Schmidt told us
to be ready for duty at 0530 hours on Deck 44. Seems that tomorrow,
we'll be loading craft into the deep storage hangar decks.

The pace they're keeping us working at is unreal. We all hope
that they'll tell us the reason for all the secrecy and the
brutal rate of work soon.

One final note before Lights Out in our barracks - they've been
looking for that kriffing saboteur, but have found no sign of
him yet. He seems to be laying low, and with good cause -
for the entire crew is mad as hell and wants that 500
credit bounty on the kriffbucket's head.

July 23rd, 2370

The past couple of days had been really hectic, but by
pushing everyone past the limit, we'd been able to complete
sortie preparations. According to gospel from the navigation
quartermasters, we are currently on a four day hyperspace
trip towards yet another rendevous point, where we will meet
up with the rest of our fleet for the mission.

I came on duty today with the hope that I'll be able to get
a day of relative peace and quiet. After all, the saboteur
was still lying low from our boys eagerly seeking his scalp.

I was wrong. The Captain instituted a series of drills to
improve our combat readiness.

I did nothing all day but ready and de-ready fighters.
When the alarm sounded, the techs would surround a
TIE, be it a fighter or bomber. We will ram fuel tubes to
feed fuel slush for the engines, then lug torpedoes to
load onto the Bombers. When the entire Fighter Wing
was ready, the exercise ended. Then we practiced
armament switches from bombs to torpedoes and back.

With the accident more than a week ago fresh on our
minds, we took extra vigilance with the weapons. That
caused our efficiency to drop somewhat, much to the
Starfighter Officer's (and the Chief Maintenance Officer's)

Not that any of the other sections were spared. My
gunnery buddies spent all day on simulated anti-starfighter drills.
With Rebel starfighters becoming an ever increasing threat,
this was only prudent. The automated targetting was good
for capital ships, but starfighters still require some human

I understand the reasons for the drills, but it would be
nice if we could hear we were going soon.

Oh, sithspit! I forgot! Today is Inspection for Contraband
day! The officer in charge will be coming in any second to
inspect our items. I better stop writing and start thinking
about where to hide this diary...

July 23rd 2370 (other)

Damn, that was a shitty day. I spent the whole morning fixing
up a pair of security droids that had shorted out and started
hitting crew with stun blasts. Not much left of them once the
stormtroopers had finished, but the boss says to fix them
and thats what I have to do. I very nearly depleted my
entire stocks of droid parts before I even had ONE of
them reassembled.

Then I'm just reinstalling a double redunancy restraining
bolt on the second one when I get an emergency callout
to the shopping mall. Apparently one of the vending
machines had broken down and it was coming up to a
shift change, which meant that all of a sudden there'd
be a lot more people wanting something from it. So off
I go up to the mall area when a pair of stormies stop
me and perform a full security check on me.

Consequently I get there 10 minutes late and there's
a kriffing queue at the vending machine including a
couple of goddamn officers. And of course the kriffing
officers wanted my kriffing serial number to reprimand
me... Anyhow, I eventually got that sorted out, there
was a fault with the primary CPU in it. And by the
looks of things it will keep on happening.

So I put in a maintenance request to have all the
other vending machines checked. I guess this is what
happens when you contract to the lowest bidder.

So finally, I get back to my goddamn cabin at the
end of the shift and my bunkmate palms me this diary,
telling me to look after it. So here I am writing in a
contraband diary that I've been asked to hide. Well,
I know a good place in my workshop. And no one
would think to look there. Hell that might just work...

Can a mod stickyify this thread?

Posted: 2002-11-26 02:34am
by MKSheppard
I'll edit it from time to time, adding the newly written diary entries....

Posted: 2002-12-09 10:27pm
by MKSheppard
Bump for new piece