Original fic intro

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Original fic intro

Post by Shinova »

I've decided to finally write something involving my personal fic universe. The part I'm planning to write, however, takes place somewhere in the probably latter half of the larger story, so if I just went in and started writing people would have no idea what was going on.

So I wrote up a sort of introduction; a crash course, you could say, to my universe.

Here it is, and it will hopefully be followed by a worthy actual fic. Enjoy.

PS: Does anyone have spare webspace for a RTF version of this? It looks better than this version.

A Beginner's Crash Course to Avagon

by Shinova

Official Newcomer Orientation
Lunaria, Machine Dreamer, Second Gen.
Command Ship Arcadia,
A0103557-7 Tralis, Northeast Arm, Sector 8, 23-88-3 negative

Greetings, newcomer. I am Lunaria, Machine Dreamer of the second generation, administrative staff to the command vessel Arcadia. This briefer has been composed to give you, newcomer, a brief summary of the cosmos, its structure and laws, and of the Order itself and its mission.

On behalf of the associates, crew, and dignitaries aboard the Arcadia, and of the Order in general, I welcome you. You have been chosen, or you have chosen, to participate in the greatest humanitarian-aimed war effort in known history. We are dedicated to the furtherment of all that can be categorized as subcomponents and, or, aspects to and of the overall good, and strive to preserve and promote peace, prosperity, and happiness for all throughout the cosmos. To this singular mission we are united as a single, cohesive force. Through our similarities and differences we strive toward this, and we hope that you will become a beneficial contributor to our quest.

The first subject of this brief is the state of existence itself. The structure of the cosmos begins at the smallest common habitat known to most inhabitants of the known cosmos: the planet. You will be familiar with this. Most species and civilizations have had their beginnings on planets—often sometimes their ends as well.

A planet is usually just one of many in a solar system; commonly referred to simply as system. Most systems are binary. Some are singular, and a few rare examples can comprise of many stars at once; although most such examples are of artificial construction.

From the system we move out to the sector, or cluster. A specified volume of space comprises one such standard sector, which can contain hundreds, or even thousands, or millions of systems. The term sector may also be used in different contexts, or to sometimes mean entirely different things. Occasionally a sector can be loosely utilized to describe an arbitrary volume of space; or the term is often used as a descriptive to a certain object, such as the Order's own sector guardians, which are used to autonomously keep the peace in far-out territories where the Order's mainline forces often find themselves unable to patrol.

Standard sectors are usually grouped by the twenties or the thirties into an arm. A typical galaxy is arbitrarily divided into four quarters. Each quarter is an arm.

There are many different types of galaxies, of many varying shapes, individual qualities, and sizes, and therefore the number of systems within each galaxy can vary widely as well. The number of galaxies also varies as well per given universe. Which leads us to our next habitat unit.

The universe can be most briefly described as the byproduct shockwave of a massive antimatter reaction. There may be a finite or infinite number of these within each dimension; travel between them is often incorrectly referred to as inter-dimensional travel, or the travel between parallel universes, between two places occupying the same space and time. In reality, it is simply travel as most perceive it: the movement from one space—and possibly time—to another, separate from the origin. More information on both the often mistermed inter-dimensional travel, and the detailed structure and lifespans of universes can be found in the Record, the Order's depository of knowledge and histories.

The final unit is the dimension. Each dimension is an infinite space of many subdimensions and universes, and no two are exactly the same in terms of composition and properties. For example, one dimension may allow the use of the extra-physical, most commonly referred to as magic, while another may simply not, for one reason or another. There are an infinite number of dimensions, all reportedly stacked in a veritable dimensional tower stretching downwards and upwards into infinity. Despite the infinite nature of the tower, there is a centerpoint; a single dimension with properties so vastly unique compared to other known dimensions that it is used as a reference point for the Order and many others. From this central reference plane, dimensions that stack upwards along the tower are classified by the letter A, followed by a number designating how many steps high the given dimension is, followed in turn by a dash and a number designating the specific universe. Those that stack downwards use the letter B. It should be important to note that the concept known as time does not progress uniformly across universes and dimensions. Where one observer may record the passage of a single solar year, another in a different dimension may experience a million such years.

That is the general guideline of the state of the cosmos. Once again, for more information, please feel free to consult the Record at any convenient occasion.

The second subject of this brief is the state of law. Or, more specifically, the order of laws in relation to such things as physical law, divine law, and such. The many dimensions of the tower have their own rules and properties. Some may be relatively unique, but in general there is a more or less common order of laws in existence.

The first law is that of physics. These are the commonly known and accepted rules of natural physics that describe and govern most of the tangible cosmos. These rules can be described through the application of mathematics, and through such, can be utilized toward greater understanding or practical use. At the low end, one can grasp and apply physical law to help one lift an object with less effort on the person's end. At the highest ends of application, a user can conceivably remake large amounts of matter, such as planets, or galaxies, to their ends. There is, however, an eventual limit to how far the power of physical law can go.

The second law is magic. Magic can be thought of as less logical, and more intuitive. Less methodical, and more chaotic. Magic can be most simply described as the access of energies beyond that of the physical realm to accomplish physical acts with more ease, or to accomplish things that physical law cannot. Magic can range from the simplest of lighting spells to chants that can unravel subdimensions. Magic has one "weakness," so to speak. The source of magic power is external, and there is more often than not a finite quantity and limit to how much a user can access in total, and how much said user can access per arbitrary unit of time.

The third law is that of the divine. Whereas magic is the performance of acts beyond that of the reach of physics via the access of an external source of energy or capability outside that of both the user and the boundaries of physical law, divine law is the accomplishment of acts beyond that of physical boundaries, but through the very nature of the user him, her, or itself, not via access to an external source. Most so-called gods or god-like beings are such divine entities. Their very structure and relatively unique qualities are the source, if one could call it, of their abilities. Thus, divine law is not contingent on the existence or access of a potentially unstable external source—therefore, divine law is ranked higher than that of magic.

An exception or oddity to the law hierarchy is that of the psychic. Psychic power stems from a sentient's willpower alone. Some beings possess more mental capacity than others, therefore their psychic power can be greater. This mental capacity that is the source of psychic power can also be artificially created via most genetic engineering, which is in the realm of physical law, and yet psychic power can often replicate many effects attainable only through magic or divine. Therefore, psychic law presents a conundrum to most circles within the Order, generating debate as to where exactly should psychic power be placed in the law hierarchy.

The fourth official law is the universal. Out of the uncountable trillions of physicists and engineers, the billions of powerful and famed wizards and sorcerers, and the millions of divine god-like entities, there exist, as of the present time period, only two known examples of the universal power. Both are known associates of the Order. They are the legendary Kay, and Shiara. Their power stems from that which is unanimously concluded in all circles as the only real universal similarity between all living sentients, biological, mechanical, or otherwise—the soul. The soul is what differentiates an intricately-crafted copy or imitation of a true sentient from the real specimen. All true living things, whether they be biological, machines, non-corporeal, or beings of pure thought, all possess a soul that is truly unique in the cosmos. This soul is a well of conceivably infinite power and capability; the nexus of imagination and the fuel for emotions and thought. Normally, this power of the soul is untapped. Even now, the exact means to how Kay and Shiara were able to access this incredible resource is, as of yet, unknown. What is known is its capability. The universal law is commonly referred to as the rule-breaker. This law is capable of overriding all lower laws. A universal attack of sufficient strength can breech any known defense—physical, magical, psychic, or divine. A universal defense of sufficient strength can, in return, deflect any known physical, magical, psychic, or divine attack. This power can also rejuvenate other living things, repairing both body and sometimes mind—or it can be used to manipulate things like matter and energy to construct or reconstruct objects. The healing ability, too, bypasses all lower laws—poisons or magical curses, for example. To summarize: the universal power can destroy anything, and heal anything.

The fifth, and final law, is the Ascendancy. Over the course of the time, many peoples and species have surpassed all known boundaries and have managed to attain the apex of conceivable evolution. They become Ascendants—a state of being considered the closest one can attain to being considered a true god. The basic concept of the Ascendancy is that the Ascendant in question is subject to no rule but its own. The Ascendants watch over the cosmos, and occasionally intervene for their own aims. Their precise goals or desires may not be known. All however, cannot deny their supremacy over all things.

And lastly, the final section: the state of affairs. As a newcomer to the Order, you must be briefed on what the Order is, and why it has been conducting its mission for uncountable universal lifetimes since its conception.

The source resides within the Ascendants themselves. As more joined their ranks, they splintered into numerous factions, each coveting their own ideals—and sometimes even actual territories with the dimensional tower. Over time, the superficiality of most of their ideals in comparison to the greater scope of things resulted in these particular Ascendants relinquishing their individual ideals and joining others to form larger groups of Ascendants representing ideals of greater scope and significance. In time, there remained only two camps of Ascendants: the Ascendant Council, and the Renegades. The Ascendant Council represented and preached all the minor details and sub-ideals that comprised a greater ideal known simply as good. The Renegades coveted the exact opposite: the over-arcing ideal known as evil. With such a polarized set of philosophies, conflict was inevitable.

Even so, the Ascendants had known early on that direct conflict against one another was an impossibility; their virtual omnipotence prevented this. Thus, the Ascendants turned to the lower realms of the dimensional tower. It was there that their ideals would take shape and oppose one another. Through the lives and efforts of the inhabitants of the dimensional tower—us—would the last and greatest philosophical debate be resolved.

The Order was created by the Ascendant Council to embody and champion their ideal of good. The first agents and civilizations that joined the Order spread the ideal, and now in the present day, innumerable universal lifetimes after the Order's moment of conception, the Order spans thousands of dimensions, comprising of billions of races and civilizations, all closely or loosely united in the pursuit of good. Twelve command ships, such as the Arcadia, form the core command nexus of the Order. From there, the Order directs fleets, races, agents, all manner of peoples. From the lowliest planet-bound nation barely discovering space travel, to the great and nearly invincible Sakharran Vanguard. From the most primitive water-bound boat to the awe-inspiring legion warships and sector guardians. All live and fight for peace, prosperity, and everything else the Order was meant to embody.

At the other side of the conflict is the Opposition. An army of darkness that surpasses scopes of power and number that most physical beings cannot comprehend. The Opposition exists for a single purpose: to propagate suffering to all before it. Civilizations bent of conquest and enslavement, innumerable races of demons and other such monsters, evil spirits and divine beings—all manner of malevolent entities comprise the heel of the Opposition which seeks to crush all that it cannot outright enslave or corrupt. At the apex of the Opposition's command structure—if it can be called as such—are the Archlords. Beings of immense power. They are to divine entities as the latter can be to a typical human, and even such a comparison can be inadequate. Only a few visibly active Archlords are currently known from the unknown number that may exist: Secundebraun, the Dark Tree; Inferno, of the Sun; Mamongon, the Godmaster; Shion, the White; and the Man of the West. Underneath these Archlords are their own personal vast armies, commanded by Dark Lords. These are the primary generals of the Opposition, carrying out their Archlord's commands and individually directing their forces. Doom Lords accompany these forces. They are the strongest single combatants of the Opposition (barring the Archlords). They serve to spearhead major assaults and advances into Order-controlled space. Underneath them may be a myriad of different individual command structures and organizations—most of the time the Opposition does not truly operate in a clear, organized fashion; instead preferring to overwhelm their victims with sheer terror and ferocity.

End of section.

Congratulations. You have completed our introductory brief. On behalf of the Order, I hope you have enjoyed this session and hope that it has answered any possible questions or concerns you may have had regarding your induction. As mentioned, please consult the Record for any details on subjects covered by this brief, or to request any other information. For information regarding duties or assignment, please consult your designated liaison, CO, or representative. And finally, once again, on behalf of everyone aboard the Arcadia and the Order, I welcome you, and hope that your time with us will be a worthy and fulfilling one. Thank you.

> End Session
> Restart
> Access Order Record of Knowledge and Histories
Access Granted.
> Query terms: "Terran Federation", "Kay", "timeline"
4 Results found:

- History of the Terran Federation (Wayne Isaac Clay, Shebul Ve-Khlan)

- Terran Federation Technology Overview and Assessment (Wazuki)

- Terran Federation War and Civil War Chronology

- Humans in the Terran Federation (Arcadia diplomatic corps)

> Access Terran Federation War and Civil War Chronology. Focus: "Kay"
Displaying entry:

A0223900-2 Milky Way, Southwest Arm, Sector 10

T-minus 49 solar days to end of war:

Opposition Archlord Secundebraun effectively eliminated by combined offensive spearheaded by:

Kay (Human Female, Combat Specialist, Universal Law)
Jano (Genetically engineered Human Female, Class 5 Psychic)
Zerin (Hybrid, Human and unidentified, Female, Magic Specialist)
Wazuki (Sakharran, Scientist, Self-Exile)

T-minus 11 solar days to end of war:

Kay volunteers to the sole defense of Ankirdia valley, on Terran Federation colony Sigma 31, against enemy rebel ground forces, full battalion of 20,000 men. Battle ends in victory. Enemy casualties: 100%, no survivors.

T-plus 5 solar days after end of war:

Kay is awarded the Polaris Star for selfless valor, the highest military honor with the Terran Federation, and is awarded honorary Grand Admiral rank.

T-plus 8 solar days after end of war:

Kay disappears.

T-plus 220 solar days after end of war:

Kay discovered on B1200321-11 Alpha 3, Western Arm, Sector 9, 65-22-2, planet locally designated: Garukk; by Ciridian, Sakharran ruling council member.

End of entry
Awaiting input...
What's her bust size!?

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