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Cleaned Up Fan Fic: Perversions of the Force

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:35am
by Stravo
This is KELLY's Story. She wrote it, she made it what it is. I have done nothing but put it in a cleaned up sticky thread. So please, enjoy to your delight:

She sat at the bar waiting on her contact. Wuher poured her up another shot of Corellian whisky. It was the usual clientele at the Cantina in Mos Eisley, a mixture of every race in the galaxy.

In the corner, Max Rebo played his keyboard. It was a beautiful piece from Alderaan. She leaned against the bar and listened, turning out all the other sounds. A hand on her shoulder brought her out of her reverie. She spun on the person and nearly fell off the stool. "What are you doing here?"

The tall redhead smiled softly. "I almost couldn't believe it when they told me."

She blinked. "Told you what?"

"That you would be here."

She looked deep into those green eyes. The ones that had captured me not too long ago, she thought. She was lost, yet again. After another moment of staring, everything clicked. "You're…" she trailed off, her eyes wide.

"Yes, I am. Let's go sit at a booth so we can talk."

They moved to a booth near the back. She sat across from him, facing the front of the cantina. From here, she could see everyone and everything. It was something she learned from a friend long ago.

Pash slid into the seat and looked at her. "Do you know why you are here?"

Her eyes kept cutting from him to the door. "No, I don't. I was just told to come here."

Knowing from her look that they would be safe, he continued. "I need your help."

"With what?"

He shifted uneasily in his seat. "I need you to pretend to be my wife."

Her head snapped back to him. "Do what?"

He could see the confusion and wonder in her eyes. He leaned over and lowered his voice even more. "I need you to pose as my wife."

"Why me?" She sat back, completely baffled as to why she had been chosen.

He looked around nervously, a slight red tinge to his cheeks. "Can we go somewhere else to discuss this?"

She shrugged. "I suppose so. Where?"

"Your ship?" It would be familiar territory for both of them.

She nodded and stood, dropping a few credits on the bar as she passed. "Thanks Wuher."

The bartender scooped up the credits and nodded as they left.

She led him to her ship, the Zena's Revenge. Keying in the lock code, she waited for the ramp to come down. Her mind wandered to the last time he had been on board. Pash had saved her life after the life support system had been fried. I would have died had he not been there.

He followed her quietly up the ramp. She wondered what he was thinking. Moving into the cockpit, she motioned for him to sit in the navigation seat. She turned the pilot's chair around to face him.

Winger looked up and beeped hello to Pash.

"Hello Winger," he replied. "Nice to see you again."

The droid turned it's domed head to her and asked why he was here. "We need to talk," she said. "Why don't you go make a cursory check on the shield generator. It didn't look right on the last test."

Winger blatted something not nice to her and rolled towards the back of the ship.

She watched him leave then looked up at the man sitting before her. "So, would you care to tell me a little more about this job?"

He sat with his arms on his knees, leaning forward, looking at the floor. "It seems that people have been going missing lately."

"That doesn't sound unusual. Where?"

"Outer rim territories. It just started here on Tatooine recently."

"Ok, but where do we come in?"

"It's only couples disappearing. And there is something similar to all the couples."

The light finally came on. "You must be joking."

He shook his head sadly. "I wish I wasn't. That's why I wanted you on this with me."

"How many," she asked quietly.

"Six couples so far." He looked genuinely worried. "I had to fight tooth and nail to get them to let me have you."

He was hiding something. She could feel it. "You're not telling me something."

He wouldn't look up.

"Pash, tell me."

He chewed on his lip for a moment. Taking a deep breath, he told her. "One of the couples is Aulduin and Mya."

Her heart stopped. My Jedi master has gone missing and I didn't know. "When did this happen? Why wasn't I told?"

He looked at her, a deep sadness in his eyes. "Three weeks ago. We weren't sure that it wasn't just Aulduin going into hiding, but when he failed to check in at all…"

She held up a hand. "Whoa, reverse thrusters. 'Check in'?"

"You know as well as I do that Aulduin would not just stop working. He always checks in once every few weeks during his training with Mya. He failed to check in last week and any attempts to contact him went unanswered. That's when they sent me to go check on them." His head dropped.

She knew in her heart what he was going to say, but she had to ask. She had to hear it from him. "What did you find?"

He didn't want to tell her. She could see it in his face. "Please Pash, tell me." She was about to get on her knees and beg.

He looked up into her eyes. "Their house had been ransacked. And…"

Her worst fears were about to come true. She could feel it. "And?"

He reached down and unzipped a pocket on his pants along his calf. He pulled out a metal shaft. "I found this laying next to their bed." His voice was quiet and haunted.

Her shaking hand reached out and took her Master's lightsaber from him. She flicked the switch that disengaged the two handles. They felt warm in her hands. It was if they were trying to tell her something. "What do we need to do," she asked in a soft, yet even tone.

"I have id's and an apartment set up for us in town. Our guess is that whomever is taking them knows these people are Force sensitive since most of them have no idea."

She nodded, turning the lightsabers over in her hands. "They will pay for anything they have done to Master Aulduin and Mya" She stood and moved towards the back of the ship.

Pash watched her leave. He had to admit that there was more than one reason he wanted her on this case. First and foremost was that one of the missing was her Jedi Master. Second was the ache he had felt since the last time they had spoken. Just before the Battle of Endor.

She had taken him to where the Rebel's had met after evacuating Hoth. Shortly after arriving, however, she got called to another job. He had waited, hoping to see her again, and was rewarded when she returned with the plans to the second Death Star. She had been greeted warmly by everyone, but he had stayed back, just watching.

They spoke one last time, just before the fleet was deployed. She was leaving to take Mon Mothma to safety. He was leaving to join the rest of his squad. It had been short and sweet. Her telling him thanks for saving her and he telling her thanks for getting him to the fleet. He groaned every time he thought about it. "I should have said more," he whispered to himself.

Kelly went to her room. She lay the lightsabers on the table and began packing a bag. Throwing clothes and other things into the bag, she mulled what was happening. "How could something have happened to Master Aulduin and I didn't know?" She tossed in another flightsuit. "I mean, I have known any other time something has gone wrong. What makes this time different?"

She pulled the flightsuit out and threw it against the wall. Sitting hard in her chair, she began to cry.

A short time later, Pash knocked on the door. "Hey, are you alright?"

She quickly wiped the tears from her face. "I'm fine," she said not looking at him. "Just packing a bag."

He saw the suit on the floor against the wall. Moving over, he lay a gentle hand on her shoulder. "We're going to find them," he said quietly. "I promise."

Something happened when he touched her. All her inhibitions vanished. Turning around, she buried her head in his shoulder. The tears flowed. He just put his arms around her and pulled her close.

She cried. For the first time in a long time, she cried. It was as if the floodgates had opened. Pash was being so kind and gentle. It confused her, but also comforted her. She could barely hear him speaking softly to her, trying to calm her.

She eventually did and pushed away from him, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "I'm sorry," she said quietly.

His arms dropped to his sides as she moved away. "It's not a problem," he said trying to force away any frustration from his voice.

She turned to her bunk and stood there quietly. Closing her eyes, she focused on the Force. Soon she regained her composure and reached for her bag. "Shall we go," she asked as she turned.

He looked at her face, amazed at how quickly she forced her emotions away. "Sure." He reached out to take her bag.

For some reason, she let him take it. She picked up Aulduin's twin lightsabers and connected them together, pulling the string from one end to put them around her neck. As they moved towards the ramp, she stopped at one of the crew quarters. "Hang on a moment," she said as she keyed in a complex code to unlock the door.

The door slid aside to reveal a rather dusty room. He didn't get to see much before the door slid shut behind Kelly. Obviously she didn't want anyone to follow her. He leaned against the wall and waited.

Kelly stepped into Lee Talon's old room. Bounty Hunter, friend, could have been lover… She shook the thoughts from her head and moved over to the suit of armor that hung on the wall. It had been Lee's old suit. He left it when he deserted them.

Touching a panel on one of the arm plates, a compartment popped open. She pulled the tracer from inside and closed the panel. "I'm glad you left that, Lee." Turning around, she went back out the door.

Winger had arrived and was guarding the door. She looked down at her faithful companion. "We've got a job, Winger. I want you to stay here and keep a close eye on the signal from this tracer." She showed the droid the small piece of metal.

He scanned the tracer and picked up the signal. Beeping, he focused in and popped out a radar. It showed exactly where the tracer was. Proud of himself, he rolled back towards the cockpit.

"Let's go," she said as she headed for the exit. Pash pushed himself off the wall and followed.

The "apartment" wasn't more than a four-room hovel. It had a living area, a kitchen, a bedroom and a refresher. It was sparsely decorated with basic amenities. They were to pretend to be a newlywed couple.

Kelly walked into the bedroom and dropped her bag on the chair that was in the room. There was one large bed and a dresser occupied the far wall. "Wow, they shelled out a lot for this one," she said sarcastically.

Pash stood in the doorway looking very uncomfortable. "Well, you can sleep on the bed. I'll take the couch."

She didn't face him when she spoke. "If we're supposed to be a couple, we should probably act like one."

His mouth dropped open and his eyes widened. "Are… are you sure? I don't want to force you into anything."

She nodded. "I must confess that every day since the last time I saw you I've thought about you."

He moved to stand behind her. "I've thought about you too." Gently, he lay his hand on her shoulder. "I always wished we'd had more time. I wanted to talk to you... to thank you."

After a moment, she turned to look him in the eye. "I didn't do anything except what was needed."

They looked deep in each other's eyes. He saw something he'd never seen before. There was a lust in hers along with a bit of… fear?

She licked her lips. This was what she'd been waiting for. Standing on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his. They were soft and quickly formed to hers. He returned the kiss with passion. They wrapped their arms around each other and relented to their desires.

His hands traveled along her back and shoulders. They came towards the front and ran across her breasts before beginning to unbutton her blouse.

Kelly moaned into his mouth, running her hands through his hair. She reveled in the fell of his hands as they pushed her shirt from her shoulders. Lowering her arms, she allowed it to fall to the floor.

Pash took half a step back to gaze at her beauty. He watched as a blush crept across her face. "You're staring," she said in embarrassment.

"You are the most beautiful woman in the galaxy." He meant every word of it. Leaning forward, he kissed her again.

He began to trail kisses down her neck and across her chest. His hands cupped her breasts as his lips caressed the mounds. He flicked his tongue across a nipple and was rewarded as a low moan escaped her mouth.

A feeling of pure ecstasy flowed through her body. She moaned and entangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. His mouth enveloped her breast and his tongue wrapped around the nipple.

He ran his hands down her sides to her hips. They traveled around to unbutton and unzip her pants. Pushing them down, he kissed across her stomach and lowered himself on his knees. He inhaled her scent for the first time and immediately hoped it wouldn't be the last.

Her legs parted of their own free will as he ran his hands along her thighs. His hand brushed just past her epicenter and she squealed in delight. Looking up into her face, he could see how much pleasure he was bringing her. That was exactly what he wanted to do. Please her.

She looked down at him lovingly. Brushing a lock of hair from his face, she smiled. That was all the encouragement he needed. Moving his head forward, he parted her legs and spread her labia. He licked her from back to front. Her knees buckled, but she grabbed his shoulders to steady herself.

He let himself smile, wondering if she'd ever had anything like this done to her before. He licked her again, flicking his tongue as it crossed her clit. Her grip tightened on his shoulders and she moaned. He repeated this process several times. Then he brought a hand around from her tight ass to slip a finger up into her nether regions.

She groaned as she felt him touch her where only she had in the past few years. Grinding her hips against him, she relished the feeling as he began to flick his tongue over her clit again. He carefully slid another digit in, which only made her moan louder.

He tried to take it slow and easy, enjoying the taste and feel of her body. But she was anxious. Her body pushed hard against his face as she quickened the pace. He only wanted to please her, so he increased his speed. She was so wet that it was easy for him to add another finger into her cunt.

That was exactly what it took to set her off. Her body stiffened as the orgasm rushed through her. Pash took his fingers from her and replaced them with his mouth. He sucked every last drop.

Her orgasm subsided and he slowly stood up to kiss her. "That was incredible," she whispered.

"I'm glad you liked it," he replied.

She quickly kicked off her boots and pants and stood before him naked. "It's my turn now." She reached for his shirt, but he took her hands in his.

"You don't have to. I only wanted to please you."

She shook her head. "It's a two way street, Pash. I want to show you how much I care." After he let go of her hands, she helped him out of his shirt. She grinned as she ran her hands through his chest hair. "I never knew just how handsome you really are."

He blushed as red as his hair. She leaned forward and kissed him softly. He tried to pull her closer, but she wouldn't let him. She kissed down across his chest as she began to undo his pants. Pushing them over his hips, she stopped as they fell to the floor. "Silk?" she asked of his boxers.

"Uh, yeah," he replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I like silk. Especially black silk." She kissed his lips again before dropping to her knees before him. Slowly, she slipped her fingers under the band of his boxers and pushed them down. Her hands traveled back up his legs to his manhood. Taking it in one hand, she marveled how much she'd underestimated the size.

Reaching out with her tongue, she licked the tip of the head, tasting his pre-cum. It was salty, yet intoxicating. She flattened her tongue and ran it over the top. He let out a sigh of contentment and entangled a hand in her hair. She let her tongue travel over every inch of his manhood. It pulsed under her ministrations.

Making her way back to the head, she began to slowly feed him into her mouth. She allowed her teeth to graze his skin. He moaned and tried to push himself further. She held onto him with both hands, wanting full control of the situation.

Once he quit struggling, she began to swirl her tongue along the sides of his hard cock. He pulsed in her mouth. She was amazed that she was unable to get him all the way into her mouth. She wrapped her hands around the base and began to suck gently on his member.

His hips began to move as she bobbed her head up and down on his cock. Her tongue danced across the skin. He knew he wouldn't last long. Grabbing her head, he helped her move back and forth.

She could feel it. The throbbing was more intense. His hands held her head tightly. She tightened her mouth around him, sucking hard. That was enough of an incentive. He pushed against her, shooting his load down her throat. She swallowed it all. Once he was finished, she let him slip from her mouth.

He pulled her to her feet and kissed her deeply. "You are incredible."

She stepped back to sit on the bed. "Perhaps we should get some rest before the next round," she said as she pat the bed beside her.

He grinned and moved over to her. In one swift movement, he had her pinned to the mattress, kissing her with passion.

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:38am
by Stravo
Chapter 2. Much shorter than the first, but people were asking for it...

Over the next week, they spent it interacting with the community. Pash got a job and Kelly stayed at home. They got out and met people. While at home, however, they got to know each other very intimately. They made sure they were seen together in public. Kelly even tried to subconsciously use the Force on occasion.

Then it happened.

They were curled up together in bed. Pash had finally drifted to sleep after watching her for hours. Neither of them awoke as the fluid was injected into their blood streams.

Back on the Zena's Revenge, Winger noticed a drastic change in the position of the tracker. He went to the cockpit and began the startup sequence. There was no way he was going to lose this.

Pash rolled over. Something was missing. He couldn't feel Kelly. All he felt was a cold, hard floor. His eyes flew open and he took in his surroundings. It looked like he was in a cell of some sort. There were people around, all looking in some sort of distress. His eyes searched for Kelly.

"Your wife won't be in here," an older man said to him. "They took all our spouses."

"Where are we," Pash asked as he sat up.

The man shrugged. "Some sort of prison I guess. You woke up a lot faster than most of the ones here. You must be pretty tough."

"I used to be in the military." Pash rubbed the back of his head as he stood up. He wandered over to the bars and looked out.

"I wouldn't touch those if I were you."

"Hadn't planned on it." The area outside was not familiar to him at all. He sighed and hoped Kelly was doing okay.

The Dark Lord sat on his throne looking over his subjects. "Is the new one ready," he asked of his aide.

"Just about, Master. She has not awakened from the injection yet."

"Bring her to me when she has. I hope she will be an excellent addition."

"Yes, Master." The aide bowed and backed away.

Darth Cav snapped his fingers and three beautiful women appeared before him, all naked. The three bowed low. "You know what I wish," he said aloud.

The first, a blonde, came up and stood behind him, running her hands along his shoulders. She leaned down and began kissing along his neck.

The second, a brunette, dropped to her knees in front of him. Deftly, she slipped his already hardening cock in her mouth. She began ministrations to bring him to full readiness.

The last woman, a red head, climbed into his lap. She looked down at him seductively as he began to suck on her breasts. He was far from gentle, biting and pulling on the nipples.

The brunette leaned up and began to lick Red's snatch, getting her ready for the Master. Once they were both well lubricated, Brunette lowered Red down over the Master's tool, watching it slide all the way in.

Cav grunted, lifting his hips slightly to force himself to the hilt. Red began bouncing up and down on his lap. Blondie continued kissing his neck and nibbling his ears. Brunette stood up and began playing with Red's breasts. He just watched and enjoyed the feeling of his cock in such a tight hole.

His mind drifted to the new one. She was so fresh and beautiful. She was going to make quite a wonderful addition to his collection. Red brought him back to reality as she screamed, her orgasm begging for release. He raised his hips, triggering the eruption for both of them. His thoughts, however, were not of Red but of the blonde exotic beauty.

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:40am
by Stravo
This is for you, IG and Mike. I think you may like this chapter.

Kelly drifted in and out of consciousness. Something was wrong. Finally, she pushed herself into a sitting position. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. She blinked slowly, trying to focus on those around her. That was odd. She didn't remember being anywhere there were other people. She thought she was alone with… her head began to pound.

She hadn't even noticed she was naked.

A figure crossed the room towards her bed. "So good to see you awake," he said.

She slowly looked up, letting the rest of the room catch up before she said anything. "Where am I?"

"Your new home," he replied. "The master wishes to see you now."

For some reason, she felt compelled to follow. She stood and moved behind the man who lead her into a large room. At the other end was a raised platform with a throne on top. In the throne sat a man, not particularly handsome, with long, greasy black hair, wearing nothing. She was repulsed at the sight of him, but could do nothing except follow the man before her.

Once she reached the dais, she felt like she must lower herself to her knees before this man. A vision came to her of herself worshiping this man. Her body moved of its own volition, following what the vision had shown her.

"Very good," the man said. "You can follow orders."

She looked at him strangely, trying to figure out what he was telling her.

"I am Darth Cav. You now belong to me and will do anything I ask."

"I…" She wanted to say no. She wanted to run away, but her head began to throb. "Yes, Master," she finally choked out. She was sitting on her knees, her hands lying on her thighs. Looking towards the side, she tried to see into the shadows. A pair of red, glowing eyes met her gaze.

"Ah, I see you've made a choice." He waved towards the "creature" with the red eyes. "Come, IG. Show her the benefits of owning a droid."

The tall, slender assassin droid, IG-88E, approached the human woman. He admired her form, more deciding if she could be a possible threat than in a sexual manner. "Rise up on your hands and knees," he commanded.

As she did so, a small panel opened on his chest. He pulled out a long phallic shaped object and connected it to his pelvic region. He lowered himself so that his midsection was even with her ass. The tip of a finger opened and a gel like substance squirted out and landed on her crack. IG reached over and began to smooth it over and into her asshole.

She gasped at the cold metal touching her skin and yelped when he penetrated her virgin hole. It didn't take long for it to warm up. She quickly grew accustomed to the feeling of his finger sliding in and out. She whimpered when he removed it.

IG pointed his "cock" at her ass and slowly slid it all the way in. If he'd been able to feel, he would have realized just how tight she was. She moaned and grunted until his midsection rested on her ass. Slowly, he began to withdraw and repeat the process.

The feeling was incredible. She opened her senses and allowed herself to actually feel every inch of the droid's phallus. She jumped slightly as his cold hands grasped her breasts, rolling the nipples between his fingers. Sighing in contentment, she let herself get lost in the feelings.

At the appropriate interval, IG began to speed up. He could tell from her moans that she must have been enjoying it. She pushed back hard on him, but he quickly adjusted. He matched her tempo with every stroke. Finally, she shoved back and stopped, screaming in orgasm. Slowly, he withdrew and moved back to the shadows.

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:44am
by Stravo
Pash sat on his cot thinking. He didn't have any immediate options. The bars were electrified and he periodically saw guards walking by. The man across from him, Stormbringer, sat patiently. He grinned when he noticed Pash couldn't come to a logical course of action either. "I've been trying for quite a while to come up with something," Stormbringer said.

Pash looked at the floor and noticed a pile of clothes under the cot. He reached down to find Kelly's nerfhide jacket. He felt the right sleeve. It was there! Reaching in, he pulled the trip she had shown him and a metal pipe fell into his hand. "I can't believe they didn't get this!"

The other man's brow furrowed. "What the hell is that?"

"Her lightsaber." He began messing with the bottom of the hilt. "Damnit, was it left or right?"

Another man, Stravo, walked up and looked over Pash's shoulder. "Try this." He reached down and pressed a small section of the hilt before turning it to the left. They heard a distinct beep before the 'saber reset.

Pash grinned. "Depending on where exactly we are, we should have a cavalry here soon."

"How is that?"

"Kelly isn't really my wife. We work for the NRI and..."

Stravo snorted. "Welcome to the club."

Pash was shocked. "What?"

"Stormbringer and I both are NRI. We still haven't gotten out of here."

He let the grin spread across his face again. "Ah, but your brother isn't Wedge Antilles."

Both men looked shocked. "As in General Wedge Antilles of Rogue Squadron?"

Pash nodded. "Yes. And with his little sister in trouble, he'll be here as soon as he can."

Kelly lay on her designated cot curled up in a fetal position. Her eyes were glazed over and she shivered as she thought about what had happened. Her mind wanted to shut down, to forget everything that had happened. She had no control.

"How could I have let them DO that to me?" her mind shouted. "They took me and I just sat there! Why didn’t I retaliate? Why did I enjoy it?" Her mind battled with the drugs that coursed through her veins.

A soft humming brought her back to the present. She looked over to see a red haired young woman sitting on a cot not far from hers. The girl was humming an old Naboo lullaby. She looked very familiar to Kelly. "Mya?"

The young woman's head snapped up and looked around. Her eyes finally rested on Kelly's prone form.

She slowly sat up. "Mya, it's me, Kelly."

A glint of recognition appeared in her eyes. "Kelly?" She moved over to the other cot and sat beside her. "By the gods, Kelly! I am both glad and sad to see you." She grasped the other woman in a tight hug.

"Where's Aulduin?"

Mya frowned, "I don't know. They… they took him away and drugged me. I haven't seen him since. You're the first person I know." She began to cry.

Kelly wrapped her arms around her, comforting her Master's apprentice. "It's ok, Mya. We'll find him." Her head swam. She could feel Mya's body against her. It was intoxicating. She kissed the top of her red head and inhaled. It was no wonder Aulduin had taken her in.

Mya must have been feeling the same way. Her head was lying comfortably on Kelly's chest. All she had to do was turn her head slightly and she could kiss her mounds. She let her hands slide up and cup her breasts, creating even more cleavage for her to enjoy.

The move startled Kelly and she inhaled sharply. It didn't deter Mya as she began to feast on her supple breasts. Her tongue darted out and flicked over the nipples causing Kelly to moan loudly.

Kelly ran her hands up and down Mya's back. Her skin was so smooth and soft. She allowed her hands to travel along her thighs. When she brought them back up, the red head parted her legs. Kelly's fingers trailed lightly across her inner thigh to her mound. She brushed her fingertips across and went down her other leg.

Mya shuddered. She bit down on Kelly's nipple, causing her to jump. When the hand returned to her center, she relaxed and sucked more.

She knew what the apprentice wanted. She flattened her hand over the hot, moist opening. She could feel the lips trying to pull her hand in. Mya moaned, pushing her hips towards her hand. Using her free hand, Kelly lifted the younger woman's head and kissed her deeply.

Mya sucked Kelly's tongue into her mouth the moment it passed her lips. Kelly moaned as Mya moved a hand down between her legs. Neither cared if anyone was watching. They were so wrapped up in each other.

Kelly broke the kiss and moved her way down, kissing along her cheek to her neck and down to her nipples. She suckled each one for a moment before slipping down to the floor. She opened Mya's legs and was excited to see the orange patch of fur at her center. Trailing her fingers along the inside of her thighs, she made her way to the apex. Moving her head in, she inhaled the sweet scent. Her tongue darted out for a taste.

Mya moaned loudly. That excited Kelly. Quickly, she moved forward and ran her tongue from bottom to top. The tip of her tongue dipped into Mya's nether regions as she passed. Another shudder from her gave Kelly the courage to take a step further and push her tongue as far as she could into her wet hole.

Mya's hips raised off the cot. "Oh, Kelly," she moaned in ecstasy. Kelly moved her tongue like a piston, in and out of Mya's cunt. She was enjoying the reaction she was receiving from her ministrations.

It didn't take long for Mya to orgasm. She pushed hard against Kelly's face as she released. Kelly closed her mouth over her snatch and sucked every last drop. She made her way back up Mya's body and kissed her deeply, letting her taste herself.

Mya returned the kiss with great passion. After they parted, she grinned mischievously. "It's my turn."

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:46am
by Stravo
WARNING: Brief mention of same sex joining. I promise it isn't much. You'll like what's just after it much better. (AND NO, IT IS NOT WEDGE AND TYCHO! I WILL KILL THE FIRST PERSON WHO SAYS IT IS!)

Wedge Antilles smacked at his alarm clock, trying to silence the annoying buzzing sound it was making. When the sound didn't stop, he pulled the clock from the bedside table and threw it across the room. The noise was still there. Something in the back of his mind clicked and he sat up quickly.

Looking around the room, he finally isolated from where the noise was coming. He went over to the closet and opened the door. The sound was louder here. He pulled out a box. Within, he could hear and feel the buzz of a datapad. He reached in and pulled out the offending piece of equipment.

He stared at the purple colored pad for a long moment while the last piece fell into place. "Sith, something's happened to Kelly." His sister had given him the pad several years ago, when she had created her lightsaber. If she were ever to get into something she couldn't get out of, she would trigger the failsafe she had hidden in the hilt of her lightsaber. He put his thumb over a reader on the pad and waited for it to scan. A moment later he was looking at coordinates.

Moving to his terminal, he typed in the coordinates and waited. It was a planet somewhere beyond the Outer Rim territories. "Wylde Space," he muttered to himself. "Why is she all the way out there?" He shook his head, dismissing the question. He needed to help her, no matter where she was. This failsafe was for extreme emergencies only. Picking up his comlink, he dialed a number. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he waited for an answer.

"What," came the sleepy voice of Tycho Celchu as he answered.

"Get up, Tych. We have an emergency."

Kelly awoke alone and cold. She sat up and looked around. Mya was nowhere to be found. Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she noticed that she was alone. She grabbed the sheet from her cot and wrapped it around her. Quietly, she slipped across the room and out into the hall.

She could hear moaning. Following the noise, she found the main hall. There was an orgy going on. She'd never seen anything like it before. Everyone was naked and engaged in all sorts of interesting positions.

There was one couple pleasing each other in a sixty-nine position. She saw several men with leather whips smacking each other until one bent over and the largest one shoved his cock up his ass. There was a pile of women pleasing each other. Several had breasts while the rest licked the others' cunts.

At the center, she saw her red haired friend. Mya had her mouth around Darth Cav's cock and another man was filling her from behind. Kelly was appaled. She slipped into the shadows to watch. Without her lightsaber there wasn't much she could do.

Darth Wong sat back and templed his fingers before him as he thought. The images from IG-88E's camera were most excellent. However, he was not a happy Sith.

On his left, Darth Yoshi muttered, "He's gone too far, Wong."

"I must concur," Darth Utsanomiko agreed.

Wong watched a few moments longer. Cav had forced himself into the mouth of one of the women. He was spanking her ruthlessly as she sucked him off, no will of her own. "Captain," he said to an uniformed man standing behind him. "Get me IG immediately."

"Yes, Lord Wong." Captain Frank walked over to the comm station and keyed in IG's frequency.

IG-88E stood in the shadows not far from where Kelly stood. He was surprised at the emotions flowing from her. None of the others had shown any emotions. She kept rapt attention on the orgy. He continued to watch her until an annoying blinking light appeared on his optical screen. He stepped back against the wall and brought up the holoscreen.

An image of Captain Frank came into view. "Master Wong wishes to speak with you." The image faded and refocused on Darth Wong.

"What do you need," IG asked bluntly.

"The plans have changed. You are to remove Darth Cav and bring the Force-users that seem the most malleable to me. Do you understand?"

"I get an extra fifty thousand for this."

Wong sighed and waved his arm. "Yes, yes. Whatever you wish. Just make sure he's dead before you leave."

"As you command." The transmission cut off just as Kelly bumped into him. She had a look of absolute horror on her face. "Do not worry," he said quietly. "Soon he will touch no one every again." He turned and began his search for the Force-sensitive. He already knew of one.

For some odd reason, she believed him. She turned and headed back to the sleep room, covering her ears to the noise of the orgy. Suddenly, she bumped into someone. She looked into the eyes of Darth Cav's aide. "Come with me," he said quietly, pulling her along to another room.

"Don't drug me again," she begged as the door closed.

"I don't plan on it. My name is Larz. I have grown tired of Darth Cav's little game. I will make a deal with you. I will release your loved ones if you will kill Cav."

Her eyes widened. "Kill him? But I have no weapons."

"You will," he said with a smile. "I must retrieve the clothes from your husband's bunk. I will bring you your weapon of choice."

Kelly searched through the haze of the Force, testing Larz's will. He was telling the truth. She nodded. "When will you do this?"

"I cannot tonight. But, tomorrow, I will have everything arranged. Now get back to your cot before they are finished. We can't have you be seen here." He led her back to her cot. "Here, this is only a sedative. It will put you to sleep."

She took it and swallowed it down. "Thank you, Larz." He smiled and nodded before quickly moving away. Soon, she drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:48am
by Stravo
IG-88E moved stealthily through the throng of entangled bodies. It had been several hours since his contact with Darth Wong. He had gone through all the Force-sensitive captives and chose the ones most suitable for Wong's request. There were many to choose from, including one whom was quite strong in the Force. Unfortunately, he was well trained. Cav had kept him locked up and came to beat him every day.

IG had heard the Jedi's name once, Aulduin. He knew nothing of the man, but the way Cav treated him, he must be powerful. He had been present at the last beating. Afterwards, IG was sure he'd heard the Jedi say something. He had recorded it for later. For some reason, he decided to listen to it now.

"Kelly, help me," breathed the Jedi's voice on the recording. Who was this Kelly? IG wanted much to find out who this woman was that seemed to be so important to the Jedi and who could save him. He brushed aside his curiosity and continued through the masses.

Pash was awake. He hadn't been able to sleep since he'd been there. It was making him weak, he knew, but he was much too worried about Kelly to care. Stravo and Stormbringer had gotten with the others and began developing a plan. He was running the many ideas through his head when someone tapped his shoulder.

Sitting up, he saw a demure man, not much older than himself. "If you wish to see your wife again, you will give me the clothes that were under your bunk."

"Excuse me?"

"The clothes. Give them to me."

Suddenly, the two were surrounded. "Is there a problem?" Stormbringer asked.

Larz sighed. "The deal I made was with his wife. Please leave."

"I don't think so," Stravo said as he pushed the smaller man down to sit on the cot beside Pash.

The red headed pilot's hands grabbed the front of Larz's robes and pulled him close. "You will tell us everything, or you will not leave."

He rolled his eyes. "Barbarians, all of you."

"Why you…" Pash drew his arm back to slap him, but was stopped by one of the other captives.

"That would not be wise," Verilon offered. "He may be our way out of here." He waited until Pash relaxed before releasing his arm.

Stormbringer nodded. "Verilon has a point." He looked down at Larz. "First, however, he has to tell us why he wanted the clothes."

Pash dropped him back on the cot. Larz sat up and straightened his robes, taking his time while he picked his words carefully. "There is an item among the clothes that I must get to the young woman."

"And that is…" Pash prompted.

"Something I personally placed there." Larz returned his stare. His eyes widened in shock as Pash pulled the lightsaber from under the pillow.

"Do you mean this?" He thrust the metal pipe in his face. "Her lightsaber. I'm curious as to why you put it with her clothes? Has this been your plan all along?"

The entire room was quiet as everyone looked at Darth Cav's aide expectantly.

Larz huffed and crossed his arms. "Cav is an idiot. When I saw that your wife owned a working lightsaber, I had to bring it along. If anyone could take him out, she could. Or at least I thought. I didn't think the drugs would react like they did."

"Wait a minute, drugs?"

"Darth Cav requires all of the Force-sensitives to be given a drug that makes them unable to resist anything he says."

"You fucking gave her drugs?!" Pash's arm reared back again.

Larz threw his hands up in defense. "I had no choice!"

He started to swing at the sniveling little man, but a woman stepped in the way. Aerius slapped Larz across the face. "How dare you take advantage of those women that way. What does he make them do? Please him?"

Larz nodded ever so slightly.

Aerius's hands flew up to her mouth. She could hardly believe what her mind was telling her. Verilon took her by the shoulders and led her away from the group. Another man stepped up, Luke Starkiller. "Is there any permanent damage from the drugs? Will our wives and husbands be helpless slaves the rest of their lives?"

"The drug eventually wears off," he explained. "Your wife has recovered the quickest," Larz said to Pash.

"Perhaps we should let him take the 'saber," Luke suggested.

Stormbringer and Stravo looked at Pash for confirmation. They made a silent decision and nodded. Pash held Kelly's lightsaber out to the aide. "One condition. Let us out as soon as she starts to fight him. She'll need our help."

Larz took the end of the lightsaber. He noticed it was the "open" end, where the blade would come out when activated. Sweat appeared on his forehead, but he knew this was a showing of trust between him and the other man. "Agreed. I will send some people to release you as soon as I can."

They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like millennia. Pash was eventually satisfied with what he saw in the other man's expression and let go. "You touch her, I kill you."

Larz mentally rolled his eyes. "You have my word."

Wedge Antilles and his patchwork squadron dropped out of hyperspace on the other side of the system from where his sister's emergency signal had been transmitted. "Scan the system for me, Gate," he told his R5 droid.

As the droid did its job, Wedge received a transmission from one of the other ships. "Veggie," Mirax said after he switched the comm on. "I'm picking up a beacon. It's the Jagged Edge."

Wedge pulled up the signal on his display. Sure enough, it was his Kelly's ship. He responded to the hail and received a text transmission.


He began to develop a plan.

Darth Cav lounged on his throne, a cute little blonde in his lap, his cock penetrating her ass. He made her sit still and not move a muscle as he fondled her breasts and fingered her clit. She was trying so hard to behave, but could not keep from orgasming.

Cav was angry. He picked her up and tossed her to the floor. "IG," he called in a summoning tone. "Come show her what happens when one of my pets don't behave."

IG-88E walked up to the poor young woman who was groveling on the floor, begging forgiveness. He grabbed her long, golden locks and forced her to the floor. He began to open the compartment that held his attachments. However, he stopped and looked at the Dark Lord sitting alone. Now was the time. "Darth Cav, the council has deemed it to be your time. DIE!"

As he screamed, all of the panels on his chest opened. Blasters began firing at the Dark Lord. Cav watched in amusement as he began repelling the shots. What he didn't notice was the needle-like spike hurling right for his head. He saw it as it passed through the smoke of the blaster fire. It caught him in the forehead, piercing him to the chair. His eyes, still wide open in shock, were immortalized. Darth Cav was no more.

Then all hell broke loose.

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:49am
by Stravo
Kelly was awakened by a shake of her shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes to see Larz standing above her. "Here," he said quietly, shoving the lightsaber and some clothes into her hands. "Be quick. The time is right."

She nodded and sat up. "You remember your part in this, correct?"

"They will be awaiting your arrival." He bowed and quickly disappeared.

The lightsaber bounced on the mattress as she dropped it to begin dressing. The clothes were her own, for which she was grateful and curious. As she began to dress, she heard blaster fire coming from the main room. She quickly finished, grabbed her lightsaber and headed that way.

IG-88E smirk as he looked into the dead eyes of Darth Cav. He sent a pulse out from his body, which rendered all in the room unconscious. He quickly began picking through the bodies, pulling out the ones he'd deemed to take to Lord Wong and placed them into a hovercart.

Kelly ran into the room, lightsaber at the ready. There wasn't a sole moving. She made her way to the front where she saw Cav's lifeless body. He had an immortal look of shock on his face. "Go to hell," she said quietly as she drew her arm back and swung towards the dead man.

As her hand nearly reached him, she ignited her lightsaber and severed his head from his shoulders. "I'm glad you got what you deserved."

She watched the head bounce to the side. Her senses began to tingle, but she wasn't fast enough. A blue light engulfed her and she fell to the floor stunned. Her lightsaber clattered from her hand, the blade extinguishing. She had enough time to see the dark black tranperisteel arm reach for her as she slipped into oblivion.

On the other side of the compound, Larz fired a stun blast at another guard. He picked up the blaster rifle the man had dropped and continued on. His arms were getting full, but he didn't have much further to go.

Two guards later, he arrived at his intended destination. He unlocked the gate and was immediately swamped. Weapons were taken from him quickly. The throng moved quickly from the prison towards the main area of the compound.

Pash ran into the main room and nearly fell over. He saw the headless body on the throne. He knew Kelly would have been the only one to do that. Running over, he saw that it wasn't the lightsaber that had killed him. He looked around. "Kelly? Where are you." He didn't see her anywhere. "Kelly!"

The others had begun waking their loved ones, covering them with sheets and blankets. Stravo and Stormbringer carried a tall man between them into the room. Pash immediately recognized him. "Jedi Aulduin. Are you okay?"

Aulduin looked wearily into his eyes. "You are her beloved," he muttered. "You… must save her. I fear for their lives. They wish to…" The blonde Jedi fell unconscious.

Pash's eyes widened. "Get him somewhere and tend to his wounds." The two NRI operatives nodded and dragged the Jedi off. Verilon appeared at his elbow. He turned to face the young man. "There are many missing, yes?"

Verilon nodded. "Yes, my life partner is missing. I can tell by your face that your wife is as well. Although, I do know exactly who killed Darth Cav."

"How do you know this?"

"The needle like spike in his head. There is only one assassin who uses those. He is a droid." Verilon produced a datapad he'd found and handed it to Pash.

The tall man took the pad and looked at the information. He'd never known about a fifth IG-88 droid. He wondered if even his father knew this. "Thank you, Verilon. This will be a great help."

Wedge and the rest of the X-Wings had decided to make a strafing run near the compound. Perhaps they would be able to draw the enemy out. They were just about to start bombing when Wedge's collision warning klaxons began to blare. He looked around outside the ship and pulled up just in time as a small dagger-like freighter pealed out of the atmosphere.

"Mirax, get a tag on that ship heading your way!"

"I'm on it Wedge." Her fingers danced across the board. She sent a tracer drone out quickly and guided it towards the odd looking ship. "Come on," she whispered to it, urging it forward.

The ship got into range and suddenly jumped into hyperspace. "SHIT!" She had missed.

Wedge heard her exclamation and sighed. "It's ok, Mir. We'll find them."

Mirax's board lit up with communications. "Uh, Wedge, I think we better land. I'm getting NRI codes up here."

"Hopefully that's Kelly. Let's go."

[End of Part One]

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:50am
by Stravo
(HUGE thanks to Iggy for writing the majority of this chapter. *kiss* Thanks Iggy. You got me out of my writers block )

Kelly awoke in a place she didn't recognize. She was lying on a bed in a small cell built out of duranium. Sitting up, a wave of dizziness hit her and she had to lean against the wall until it subsided. *Okay*, she thought. *Time to figure out what's going on.* She was fully clothed, for which she was thankful, but her lightsaber was gone. The soft hum around her told her that she was in hyperspace. Hesitantly, she reached out and touched the barred door, feeling the cool steel.

As if responding to her touch, the door opened. "Come out," a metallic voice said softly. Kelly stepped out into a dark corridor, at the end of which was a chair. The occupant had his back to her, and sat facing the ship's controls. Slowly, the chair swung around revealing her captor.

"You," she spat. Distaste filled her.

"Yes," answered the droid.

"Your name is IG, right?"

"I am IG-88E, IG-series assassin droid and sixth of the line." He stood, towering over her.

"I though Boba Fett said he iced all of you years ago." She took a step back.

"He did not. I must say, I'm impressed, Miss Antilles," the assassin said. "I did not think you would recover from my stunbolt so quickly."

"Where am I?" Her eyes had not left him.

"Aboard my ship, the IG-2001, en route to a...certain destination to turn you and the others over to my employer."

"Others?" The droid made a gesture and Kelly looked around to see seven other people, all in their own caged rooms. All of them were clothed in simple white tunics. Kelly recognized Mya among them. "What did you do to them?" she asked.

"Only stunned. They should remain asleep for another hour or so."

"Who's your employer?"

"A man who seeks people to train in the ways of the Force. He sent me to find Force-sensitive candidates."

"A rough way to do it, don't you think?" The droid did not answer. "Why'd you kill Cav?"

"Another part of my job. Darth Cav betrayed my employer."

"Then why'd you help him attack those people?"

The assassin paused. "It was necessary..."

"Oh, bullshit!" She exploded. "I know why. Because you're a sadistic son of a bitch, just like him. You're an assassin, for god's sake! They programmed you to enjoy hurting people!"

"I had no choice," the droid said, his voice amazingly steady. "Do you have any idea about my trade? I had to sacrifice a few small fish to get the shark. It was part of the job."

"Yeah? Did you think of that before or after you took advantage of me?" Kelly wiped at her eyes, surprised to find tears there.

The assassin was silent for a long time. "For what it's worth, Miss Antilles, I am sorry. Had I a choice, I would not have done so. If, however, I had refused, we both would be dead, Cav would be alive, and your friend Mya would still be his slave."

That brought Kelly up short. "How do you know about Mya?"

"Cav captured a Jedi Knight by the name of Aulduin. He kept him chained in a room by himself and beat him often. During these beatings, I heard him say both your name and hers. I knew there had to be a connection."

Kelly's hand went to her mouth. "You saw... Master Aulduin?"

"Yes. I believe he was rescued by the NRI captives during our escape."

"Our escape? OUR escape? You abducted us, you heartless bastard!" Kelly felt her frustration returning. "Where's my lightsaber?" The droid was silent. "Where?" She asked again forcefully.

The droid turned and picked up a gunbelt from the console. A pair of sabers dangled from it, one of them being hers. "Here it is. Take it. Attack me if you wish, but be warned, I've trained myself well in saber fighting." He took hers and tossed it to her, then held the other one loosely.

"Where did you get that saber?" she asked curiously.

"One of my earliest hunts. A former Jedi named Hasss Bethar. He'd escaped the Purge, but angered one of the Warlords."

Kelly felt sick. This murdering droid had killed a Jedi and taken his closest possession as a trophy. She thumbed the button on her saber, igniting the purple blade. "I swear, you soulless monster. If I have to kill you, I will."

He ignited the crimson blade of his own saber. "Come at me then. We'll see who'll do the dying."

She charged, blade held high, but he blocked, thrust out an arm, and knocked her back. As recovered, but he swung the blade around his head, and tried to bring it down on her ear. She barely blocked in time, but he kicked out and knocked her over. Before she could recover, he had one foot resting lightly on her breastbone and the tip of his saber at her throat. "Not bad," he said. "But you need to learn more about conventional hand-to-hand to fight with maximum ability." He deactivated the saber and allowed her to stand.

"Why not just kill me?" She stood and brushed herself off, quite angry she'd been bested by a droid.

"Two reasons. First, my employer will pay me extra for bringing back so many of you, and second, you interest me."

"What do you mean?" He caught her offguard.

"Do you realize that of all the people there, you alone recovered from the drugs?"

"A servant named Larz said he needed my help, so he gave me less," she explained.

IG-88E shook his head. "No. The slaves would be given drugs at different intervals by different people. No one could lighten the dosage enough." The droid held up a hand. "Enough questions. Return to your cell and stay there. We'll be arriving soon."

"What if I don't feel like it?"

"Make no mistake, Kelly Antilles. I am the only one aboard capable of flying this ship. No biological could possible do it. In short, you need me, but I don't need you. Think about that carefully before choosing to attack." The droid returned to his seat.

Kelly collapsed onto the bunk, frustrated and scared. Pash had no idea where she was, and whoever was controlling IG didn't seem like the kind of person she wanted to meet. Pash...she hadn't thought of him in a while. Her mind drifted back over the brief amount of time they'd spent together. She knew in her heart she was completely in love with him.

Her hand brushed across one of her breasts. His touch was so gentle. She began to massage it through the material of her shirt. He would take her to the bed, holding her close. Her other hand drifted between her legs. He would kiss her softly. She began to rub against her pants.

She closed her eyes and thought about how he would touch her. She opened her pants and slid her hand down under her underware. She stroked her lower lips as he did. Slowly. Her other hand slid up under her shirt. She took her bare breast into her hand and began to twist her nipple.

She began to moan, her mind completely engaged on Pash. She pushed her pants down past her hips and slipped a finger past her wet folds. She gasped at the intrusion. Her finger began to move in and out.

Soon, she slid another in and increased her speed. In her mind, she was being pleased by Pash. Her moans grew louder as she pleased herself. Her hand left her breast and moved down to her clit. She began to run a finger in circles, teasing herself.

Another finger slid into her pussy. She pumped them in and out, harder and faster. Her finger began rubbing her clit just as hard and fast. She didn't care who heard her. She only wanted release. More and more, faster, harder.

The wave hit suddenly. She moaned loud as she held her hands against herself, feeling her orgasm flow. She lay her head back, a vision of Pash in her mind. "Find me soon, love."

"All right everyone," Pash said, rubbing his forehead. "We've got eight people missing, a previously unaccounted-for assassin droid on the loose, and a dead Sith Lord on our hands."

"You pointed out the facts rather well," Verilon said dryly.

"Can it," Stravo said. "Let the man talk." Verilon glared at the older man, but said nothing.

"The only questions are," Pash continued. "Who's the droid working for, and why does he want these people? Verilon, you said your partner, Alyrium, is missing?"


"So is Kelly, and her friend Mya as well. All three of these people were Force-sensitive. Coincidence? Possible, but I doubt it."

"Excuse me," a voice said softy. It was Aulduin. "Darth Cav once mentioned a man named Darth Wong to me. It seems it was a former master, whom he betrayed."

Pash shrugged. "It's a start."

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:51am
by Stravo
(more thanks for Iggy. He gets credit for the next chapter too)

IG-88E activated his comm. system as the IG-2001 soared in the direction of two Star Destroyers hanging silently in the darkness. "Beowulf, this is IG. Come in."

"Receiving you, IG. Do you have your cargo?"

"Do you have my payment?"

"Docking Bay 2." The speaker clicked off and IG sat back. Had he been human, a self-satisfied smirk would have crossed his face. The IG-2001 swiftly moved towards the giant dagger-like ship. Like an arrow through a hoop, the ship flew through an opening in the side and arrived at Darth Wong's base. Snapping a pair of stuncuffs on each of the captives, he awoke all of them with a quick jolt of electricity. Finally getting to Kelly's cell, he stopped and looked at her sleeping form as he picked up her lightsaber. He gently put on the stuncuffs and woke her with a tap on the forehead.

"Wha-?" she blinked awake as her turned away to start the landing sequence. She tried to stand, then realized her hands were cuffed. She hung her head for a second then stood and leaned on the door. Across from her was a man, also cuffed. His thick white hair hung from his head like a proud mane, and she couldn't tell his age by looking at him. "Were you kidnapped too?" she asked.

"I'm here, aren't I?" he asked, his voice thick with sarcasm.

"Sorry.," she mumbled. "My name's Kelly."

"Alyrium Denryle."

"Are you NRI?"

"No. My partner, Verilon, is. I'm a pilot, myself."

She brightened. "Really? My partner is a pilot."

"You'll excuse me if I don't get very excited." Kelly slumped again, depressed. A sudden tremble went through the ship as IG set it down. They'd arrived.

IG ushered his captives out, encouraging them with a massive pulse rifle. As Kelly passed by him, he again noticed the strong defiance he'd sensed in Cav's room. This woman would bear watching.

From the recesses of the hanger came three men. The center of them was tall, taller than IG-88E. His light brown hair seemed to be naturally unruly and a shock of it fell in front of one eye. He wore all black, and had a lightsaber at his waist. On either side were men dressed in Imperial uniforms. One, average height with short blond hair, had the rank bars and proud bearing of a Captain, while the other, who surrendered only an inch to the Captain, had mid-length dark brown hair and the rank badge of a Commander. Each Imperial carried a large black briefcase. They stopped several feet away from IG and his line of captives. "IG-88E," the tall man said.

"Darth Utsanomiko. I've delivered what I promised, now where's my payment?" There was no emotion from the assassin.

Utsanomiko gestured, and the two Imperials opened the cases, revealing row after row of credits. IG nodded, and slung the rifle over one shoulder. "Look them over if you want. Captain Frank, Commander Wilkins, I'll take those."

The droid carried the briefcases into his ship and came back out. Utsanomiko had not moved. "Well, Yoshi?" he asked to no one in particular.

"Impressive," came a voice. A woman stepped out from behind the tall man and Kelly suddenly got very nervous. The girl was short, barely 5'2", but exuded confidence. She wore black leather high-heeled boots that reached halfway up her thighs. Her gloves were also black leather and nearly reached her elbow. In addition to her gloves and boots, she wore a one-piece leather corset that screamed 'dominatrix' and barely covered her. The top of it cupped her large breasts, but curved down in the middle to show off a lot of cleavage. The bottom rode high enough to reveal her thighs all the way to her hips. Around her slender waist was a black gunbelt, a sliver-plated blaster on one side and a lightsaber on the other.

Her blue eyes seemed to laugh at Kelly, and contrasted well with her light brown hair, which spilled down over her back, shoulders, and chest. Her skin was firm, smooth, and well tanned. All of her features produced a charming effect when combined with her full lips, which currently held a mysterious smile. The final touch was the short riding crop she carried.

Kelly caught herself studying the other woman as though she were interested in her, rather than as a potential enemy. Darth Yoshi slowly walked up the line of captives, tapping her palm with the crop, or sometimes letting it tap her lips teasingly. As she passed Kelly, her eyes flicked to her and Kelly shivered. As Yoshi kept walking, Kelly studied her back. Her shoulders were bare and the same creamy tan as her arms. Her ass was incredible, not too tight, but not too loose and seemed to scream for a lover to hold it.

Finally, she stopped in front of Alyrium. "Well, you're a handsome one," she said seductively, her riding crop tracing his collarbones. Alyrium stood stiffly, eyes ahead, and did not respond. "What's your name?"

"Denryle, Alyrium. Lieutenant, New Republic Starfighter Corps. Serial-"

"Sh, sh, shhhh," she said, gently pressing the tip of the crop against his lips to quiet him. "There's no need to be so...nasty." Kelly snorted before she could stop herself, and Yoshi snapped her gaze around. "Excuse me?" she said coldly, slowly strutting over. Do you have something to say?" She draped her arms around Kelly's neck, pulling her face down towards her own and pressing their bodies together. "Well?" she asked softly, her tone seductive. Kelly swallowed as Yoshi's eyes bored into her. Yoshi pulled her even closer, closing her eyes. She kissed Kelly gently, her tongue flicking across Kelly's lips. Despite herself, Kelly closed her eyes and enjoyed the taste. Suddenly, Yoshi pulled Kelly against her, pressing their lips together hard and kissing her deeply. Kelly squeaked and tried to pull away, but Yoshi held her. Finally, the Sith Lady let go and licked her lips, a fierce grin on her face.

"Oh, I like you!" She turned to the Imperials. "Captain, escort this young lady to my room. I'll be along shortly."

"Yes, my Lady." Frank saluted. He then came forward and took Kelly by the arm. "Come along, miss." She went silently. Wilkins turned to follow.

"Commander," Utsanomiko said.

"Yes sir?"

"Take several stormtroopers and escort the remaining prisoners to Block C. Make sure they are given food and fresh clothes."

"Yes sir."

As they left, IG-88E turned back to Utsanomiko. "Is our business concluded?"

"I would say so. Are you leaving?"

"Business to take care of. Bounties to catch."

"Iggy!" Yoshi said, a pouty look on her face. "You're not staying? I was looking forward to getting drilled."

"Another time, perhaps." An amused tone entered the droid's voice.

Captain Frank, formerly of the Imperial Navy, walked ahead and to one side of Kelly. Finally, they came to a door. "In there," he said. "Wait on the bed." *Good luck, young lady*, he thought as she entered.

The door closed behind her, and Kelly looked around. The room's opulence surprised her. The colors tended towards a light peach or tan, making it very easy on the eyes. Kelly went over and leaned on one of the bedposts, preferring it to sitting with her hands cuffed behind her. She considered using the Force to undo the cuffs then decided she'd better not. After a few moments, Yoshi barged in like some kind of Goddess entering her temple.

"So," she said as she walked to a clothes rack. "Where're you from, girl?" Kelly was silent. Yoshi lifted a hand and made a circling motion.

"Corellia," Kelly blurted out before she even knew it. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Corellia, huh? Thought so. What's your name?"

"Kelly." She grimaced, wishing she had better control.

"Oh, that's cute." Yoshi sat down, brought her leg almost straight up, and slowly unzipped the boot. Kelly found the sight fascinating. Yoshi repeated the process with her other boot then stood with her back to Kelly, reached around, and pulled on the zipper of her suit. Despite herself, Kelly found herself looking at Yoshi's ass a second time, imagining herself grasping it with both hands. Yoshi finished unzipping and tugged off her gloves to lay them on the chair. Kelly watched Yoshi's back as her arms moved, knowing she'd just freed her breasts and was now pushing the tight leather down past her navel. Yoshi bent over to push the outfit down her legs, giving Kelly a look at her shaved mound. "Hey," Yoshi said suddenly, straitening up. She waggled one finger. "No peeking, bad girl. Turn around." Kelly did so, feeling a little pang of frustration at not being allowed to watch. "Oh, you don't need those here," Yoshi added. Kelly's cuffs came apart, and she brought her hands up to rub her wrists. A few moments later, Kelly felt Yoshi's hands running down her back.

Yoshi took another step, cupping Kelly's breasts and squeezing them, her own breasts pressing into Kelly's back. Kelly gasped in surprise and let Yoshi undo her jacket and shirt and pull them off. Yoshi's skin was cool and felt soothing to the touch. Slowly, the Sith Lady pushed Kelly down to the bed, kissing the back of her neck. She then crawled over her and knelt in front of her face. She pulled the taller girl's face into her shaved snatch, forcing Kelly to eat her out. Kelly did so willingly, taking the opportunity to fulfill her earlier fantasy by placing both hands on Yoshi's soft ass and squeezing. One of Yoshi's hands left Kelly's neck and traveled over to squeeze one of her nipples.

"Yeah," Yoshi said, her voice breathy. "Yeah, that's it. Lick it. Yes. Lick my pussy. Oh, yeah. Yes!" Her hand pushed Kelly in even closer while the other increased it pressure on her nipple. "Oh, yeah! Yes! Oh, baby! Ohhhhhhhh!" She moaned and leaned forward as her climax hit. "Well," she said, recovering. "That was nice." She lifted Kelly's chin. "But you've still been a bed girl." A devilish smile lit her features as she reached under the bed for something. "You've gotta be punished!" She held up a black strap-on dildo and began tying it on. "Don't move, Kelly," she said. Standing at the side of the bed, she inserted the dildo inside Kelly and began thrusting.

Now, it was Kelly's turn to moan in pleasure. "Oh, god. Oh...oh yeah! Harder!" Her hips bucked up against the dildo as Yoshi increased her pace. Yoshi felt Kelly's climax building, and suddenly pulled out. Kelly groaned at the sudden lack of stimulation, trying to push back and get the dildo inside her again. Yoshi held her firmly, gently tracing two fingers around Kelly's clit. "No. Please...fuck me. Please!" Kelly begged.

"Not yet," Yoshi said seductively. "You have to redeem yourself first." Yoshi lifted one hand high in the air and brought it down on Kelly's ass in a swift spank. Kelly shrieked. "You watched me change. You're a bad girl, aren't you?" She spanked Kelly again.

"I'm sorry," Kelly said, clinching her eyes shut as tears threatened to appear.

"Not good enough." A third spank. "Say the words, girl."

"I'm a bad girl," she finally said. "I'll never do it again."

"That's better." Yoshi bent over and blew on Kelly's moist entrance. Kelly moaned and nearly collapsed. "Tell me you're sorry."

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

Yoshi spanked her again. "Address me properly."

"I'm sorry, Lady Yoshi." Her mind wanted to rebel, but her body told her otherwise.

"Good girl," Yoshi said, gently rubbing Kelly's ass. "You learn quickly. As your reward," she shoved the dildo in all the way up to the hilt.

"Ahhhhh! Oh god!" Kelly shuddered in a wave of pleasure. This time, Yoshi held nothing back, fucking her with all her strength. Kelly's chest heaved and she screamed as she finally hit a climax, squeezing the dildo between her legs.

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:52am
by Stravo
(once again, Iggy wrote most of this)

The lyrics are 'Let's Get This Party Started' by Korn

A man is crying, takes me to a certain place.
Which I don't often mind.
You see a family walking.
Always thinking of being somewhere else in time.

Ted stood in a darkened room, his blue lightsaber lit and at the ready. He scanned the area around him, both with his senses and the Force. His opponent, the tall man named Utsanomiko, was an expert at cloaking himself in the shadows, useful for a Sith.

So I fall face down in a rut.
I can't seem to get out of.
Please wake me.
Please give me some of me back.
The feelings I had.

Ted, although only 19, had nearly completed his Jedi training when he'd been abducted by Darth Cav. Despite the Dark Lord's attempts, Ted had never fallen. Cav had been a fool full of himself, but Utsanomiko was different. He spoke softly, working his way into Ted's mind and making him nervous.

Sometimes I wish I could be strong like you.
It doesn't matter.
Each time I wake I'm somehow feeling the truth.
I can't handle.

A red blade lit and Utsanomiko rushed Ted, who stepped back and used his leverage to block an attack that might had cleaved him in two. The two men began an all-out battle of slashes and blocks. The Dark Lord then leaped over Ted, making a slash in the process, and disappeared into the shadows.

Let's get this party started.
I'm sick of being you.
You make me feel insane.
We don't give to you.
Let's get this party started.
You make me feel insane.
I want to be the one.
To make myself sane.

Ted cursed at how easily he'd lost his opponent. "Where are you?" he said, knowing there would be no answer. "Come out and face me!" The teenager began quickly walking, first towards the wall, then along it, searching through the room with the Force.

Time is ticking, it makes me feel content.
With what I have inside.
Constant paranoia surrounds me.
Everyone I see is out to get me.
So I fall face down in a rut.
I can't seem to get out of.
Please wake me.
Please give me some of me back.
The feelings I had.

Ted found a pillar in his way and bounced a fist off it, then snapped to attention as a soft laugh reached his ear. Then, his posture straight, he closed his eyes and concentrated. The snap-hiss of Utsanomiko's saber came a split second before Ted thrust his own saber over his head and blocked the incoming blow.

Sometimes I wish I could be strong like you.
It doesn't matter.
Each time I wake I'm somehow feeling the truth.
I can't handle.

Ted lashed out, his sidekick splitting the air, but Utsanomiko leaped over it. The tall man twisted in midair to avoid the subsequent slash of Ted's lightsaber. Ted leaped to the side to avoid the Sith's return thrust, and it hit the pillar instead.

Let's get this party started.
I'm sick of being you.
You make me feel insane.
We don't give to you.
Let's get this party started.
You make me feel insane.
I want to be the one.
To make myself sane.

You make me feel insane.
You make me feel insane.

The two once again began a long series of slashes, sabers crackling. Utsanomiko seemed to be trying to batter Ted into the ground with his overhead blows. Ted gritted his teeth and threw himself into the fight, attacking with everything he had.

Sometimes I wish I could be strong like you.
It doesn't matter.
Each time I wake I'm somehow feeling the truth.
I can't handle.

Tears flowed from Ted's eyes as a thrust grazed his arm. With a strangled roar, he took a wild swing at his enemy, forcing him to jump back. Utsanomiko grinned, further spurring Ted on to attack. Without realizing it, he had slipped into the Dark Side.

Let's get this party started.
I'm sick of being you.
You make me feel insane.
We don't give to you.
Let's get this party started.
You make me feel insane.
I want to be the one.
To make myself sane.

Ted finally tried to end the fight by jumping high into the air and bringing his saber down on Utsanomiko, but the Sith Lord turned in a full circle, and Ted missed. Ted froze as the tip of the red saber came to a stop just in front of his forehead. "Not bad," Utsanomiko said. "But you'll have to do better in the future." He took Ted's lightsaber and nodded to a pair of stormtroopers standing beside the room's entrance. "Take him back to his room.

"Ted!" Zaia cried out as she saw her partner shoved into the room. Ted looked dead on his feet. Sweat filled his short brown hair, and his brown eyes couldn't open more than halfway, he was so exhausted. He collapsed onto the bed, his head falling into Zaia's lap. She gently put her arms around him, turned him over, and held him. "Are you alright?"

"He beat me," Ted said softly.


"He's incredible. There was no way I could fight him."

Zaia gently rocked him. "Don't worry. We'll find a way. We always do."

Ted's hand came up and stoked her cheek. "I love you, Zaia."

She smiled and kissed his palm. "I know." He brushed away a lock of red hair and gently brought her down to kiss him.

IG-88E walked the streets of a planet called Hak. His contact was here somewhere. Then, he felt a hand grasp his wrist. He turned to see a bearded man standing there. "Are you IG-88E?" he asked.


"I've got a slight problem with a hot dog vendor."

The droid nodded. "I'll see what I can do." The two of them walked into a nearby alley. "Are you Lennox?"

"Yeah." The agent fished around in his pocket for something, then handed the droid a computer chip. "Be careful with that, it's fragile."

"I'm aware of my responsibilities, Lennox," the droid said as he set the chip in a sealed compartment. Suddenly, something dropped to the ground between the two conspirators. It was a large metal box, with large red letters on one side:


The box exploded, killing Lennox instantly and heavily damaging IG. The droid looked up through the smoke to note two men. He fired his blasters, killing both. Then, his arm fell to the ground. Electricity sparked as the droid lay close to 'death'.

Yoshi moved like a sacrificial offering entering a demon's lair. Despite her dominating personality, she always got nervous dealing with the head of the Council. The chamber was dark, as it often was, and seemed to close in around her. "Lord Wong?" she asked softly.

"Yes?" a voice answered. She saw him seated at the row of windows, looking out at the stars. His fingers were steepled. As always, his black hood covered his head.

"I've come to make a request," she said with a bit more confidence.

"And that is?" He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I want Kelly Antilles as my apprentice."

"Out of the question," he replied quickly. "She's already been assigned to me."

Yoshi blinked in surprise. "Why?"

"She is strong in the Force. It is only right that I train her."

"Well, I'm asking you to make an exception." She put her hands on her hips.

"Why?" He turned to look at her, his hazel eyes boring into her own.

"I think I'll work better with her."

"No," he said in a fianl tone.

She reached out and coaxingly ran two fingers along his neck. "Please?"

He took her hand and pulled her to him, kissing her hard. She was taken aback slightly, but knew she could use it to her advantage. She returned the kiss deeply.

Wong reached out and began removing Yoshi's bodice. His hands ran along her sides, sliding it down to the floor. He felt her shudder under his touch. A rare smile crossed his face as he threw her onto the floor, her ass facing him. He whipped off his cloak, revealing his naked body. Wrapping and arm around her waist, be pulled her back and impaled her with his cock.

She gasped at his intrusion, but quickly began to groan as he began pounding in and out of her ass. She always loved it when he fucked her this way. Feeling every inch of his hard cock was incredible.

He leaned over her and grabbed her breast in his hand. He pinched her nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. This always turned her on. Her moans grew louder. He thrust harder into her, her anus grasping his rock, hard member.

"Oh yes," she cried. She pushed back hard against him.

Wong grunted as his climax overtook him. He shoved his cock into her ass, shooting his seed deep within her. He pulled out and put his cloak back on. "Get out."

She was panting on the floor, her orgasm right on the edge. "What?!"

"Are you hard of hearing, woman? I said OUT. And Antilles is mine. Find yourself another slave." He moved back to his spot before the windows.

Yoshi grabbed her corset and ran from the room. This was the first time he'd ever sent her away. She was angry. Somehow, someone was going to pay.

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:55am
by Stravo
WARNING: Some objectionable material present. Beware.

Thanks again to Iggy. He's writing the story, I'm writing the smut.

Pash stormed through the corridors of NRI Headquarters. Behind him were Stormbringer, Aerius, Stravo, and Verilon. All of them were pissed. Coming to his father's office, Pash palmed the door open and barged in without warning. His father, Airen Cracken, head of NRI, looked up from where he was speaking to a rather heavyset, bearded man. His face took on a closed look. "I'll finish with you in a moment, Dalton," he said. The other man nodded.

Pash put both hands on the desk and leaned over his father. "All right. I want an explanation. Why have you classified everything relating to Kelly and the other abductees?"

"Are you asking as my son or as a New Republic officer?"

"General," Verilon interrupted. "This is how all of us feel, not just Pash."

"We've lost friends, loved ones," Stravo added calmly. "And we all want to know why we're being rebuffed."

"You've brought up a good point, Stravo," Cracken said. "Now here's another. I don't want a group of loose cannons like you going out hunting for your partners. Do something rash, and we might all regret it."

"So we're just going to sit here with our fingers up our collective ass?" Aerius asked, taken aback.

"No. All of you will return to normal duty. Other agents are beginning a search."

"Bullshit!" Stormbringer said. He took a deep breath before continuing. "General, I was the ranking NRI officer on the scene. I had data, witnesses, and accomplices. Larz, who might've been a massive source of good info, was taken and we haven't seen him since. I strongly protest the way you're handling this situation."

"Duly noted."

"Where is Larz," he demanded.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Exasperated, Aerius ran her fingers through her short blond hair.

"Listen to yourselves," Airen said. "You sound like a bunch of howling monkeys. Do you honestly think you're fit to conduct an operation?"

"YES!" they all shouted.

"Which is exactly why you shouldn't. Now, out. And no more of this arguing." For a moment, the different group members looked at each other, as if wondering whether they would obey the General or not. Finally, Stravo nodded, and they slowly walked out.

"Passionate," Dalton commented.

"True, but it gets on my nerves after a while. Honestly, there's a reason we have an Intelligence branch and don't hand everything over to the flyboys." Airen was quite frustrated.

Dalton smiled merrily. "And yet I've heard you complain about the wasted Intelligence talents of Wedge Antilles."

"If that man pulled his head out of the clouds and transferred, he'd be a weapon of Death Star proportions. In any case, what's the news?"

"We've got a man inside the Beowulf. He's an Imperial officer, disgruntled. We've got an agent working to get him a chip that should bring the ship's defenses down." Dalton checked his watch. "He's late with his report, but not enough that I'm worried yet."

"Good. Report back when we've got some kind of confirmation."

"Yes sir." Dalton stood, saluted, and exited the room.

"God damn it!" Pash yelled as he punched the wall. "What's he thinking?"

Aulduin laid a hand on his shoulder. The Jedi had waited for them outside the building and had accompanied them back to the Jagged Edge, which they had used to return to Coruscant. "I'm sure your father has a very good reason for this, Pash. It may be that other agents are already on their trail."

"Possible," Verilon said. "But I don't like being cut out of the loop like this."

"None of us do," Stravo growled. He sat and rubbed his temples.

"Whatever the General's up to, it must be pretty big," Stormbringer commented. "Otherwise he wouldn't have come in and shut us down like that."

"It's still pretty damn irritating," Aerius said. She placed a hand on Stravo's shoulder and he took it in his.

Winger rolled up to Pash, whistling frantically. "No, Winger, slow down, I can't understand you."

With an irritated beep, Winger popped out a screen. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?

"I don't know. Nothing, looks like."


"Neither do I, Winger, but there's really no options open to us." He pat the droid's domed head and sympathized with the green and silver R2 unit. Suddenly, his stomach growled loudly and he blushed. "Guess I'm a little hungry. Anyone want to go get food?"

"Me," Verilon said.

"I'll come along," Aulduin added.

"I'm not hungry," Stormbringer said still leaning in the doorway.

"Me neither," Stravo added.

"Me neither," Aerius echoed. Pash shrugged and the three men left. Winger rolled off towards the cockpit, tootling angrily. Stravo sighed deeply. Aerius wrapped her arms around his neck

"This sucks," Stormbringer said softy.

Stravo simply nodded. He kissed Aerius's arm. She reached out and grabbed Stormbringer's hand. "I guess we just have to be here for each other," she said softly, looking at them expectantly.

Stormbringer stared at her. She was beautiful, so petite. Ever since his partner had been abducted, he'd thought about no one else, yet this young slip of a woman enticed him. Could he really betray the woman he loved?

Stravo felt Aerius run her hand down his chest seductively. He shivered under her touch. It had been a long time. But, what about Stormbringer?

Aerius pulled Stormbringer over to sit beside her. She leaned over and kissed his neck and whispered into his ear. "I want you both." She moved to Stravo and did the same.

The two men looked at each other. Stormbringer shrugged and Stravo pulled Aerius into his arms for a deep kiss. She wrapped her arms around him. Stormbringer moved closer to her back and ran his hands along her sides and up to her breasts. He began to place kisses along her bare neck.

She moaned into Stravo's mouth and pulled back slightly so Stormbringer could slide his hands around between them. Stormbringer took her breasts in his hands and gently massaged them. Both men found themselves quickly getting hard. Aerius squirmed as she felt herself getting hotter and wetter.

Stravo broke the kiss and stood, holding a hand out to Aerius. She grinned and took it, grabbing Stormbringer's as well. The three made their way back to one of the cabins. Stravo stood behind Aerius and slowly removed her shirt. Stormbringer crouched and began removing her pants, trailing kisses down her tummy.

Aerius moaned as Stravo cupped her breasts in his hands and kissed her neck. Stormbringer kissed his way down to her treasure. He inhaled deeply and let out a sensuous growl. He parted her legs and licked across her labia.

Her knees weakened and she slumped back into Stravo's arms. He picked her up and carried her to the bed. Stormbringer quickly undressed and dove back between her legs. He licked and sucked her clit as her juices flowed.

Stravo undressed and began work on her breasts. He massaged one while licking all around the nipple on the other. She was writhing under their touch. He felt her hand reach out and grab his cock. He grunted and his hips began moving.

Stormbringer ran his tongue the length of her labia, dipping in to taste her sweetness. He heard her moan contentedly and smiled. The next time, he let his tongue slide in and out slowly like a little cock. She groaned and pushed her hips towards him. He took a finger and slid it slowly into her as he began to suck on her clit.

Aerius was in complete bliss. She had one man sucking her breasts and another sucking, no fingering now, her pussy. "Oh," she moaned. SHe hoped to whatever gods there were that they would never stop. She squeezed her hand around Stravo's cock and moved it up and down. He was so big. She wanted him badly.

She reached her free hand to Stravo's face, pulling him up to kiss him deeply. "I want to feel you in me," she told him as she squeezed again.

He groaned at the feeling. He looked around frantically for something to lube himself with.

Stormbringer had heard Aerius's admition and sat up watching. He knew what Stravo was looking for. He found himself on his knees before the other man, taking him into his mouth.

Stravo looked down in shock. He almost pulled back and punched him until he felt the pull against his cock. He groaned and reached down to move Stormbringer's head up and down.

Aerius rolled over and watched in fascination. She licked her lips in anticipation. Stormbringer finally pulled himself from Stravo's cock and moved in front of her.

Stravo climbed up behind Aerius and pulled her hips to him. He slowly slid into her hot, wet box. She moaned as she reached for Stormbringer's cock, bringing it to her lips. Both men grunted as they found themselves up to the hilt in Aerius.

They began a slow, sexual dance. In and out. Quickly they settled into a rhythm that brought them closer to ultimate satisfaction.

They increased their speed, all moaning together. Stravo could feel his orgasm approaching. He began to thrust harder into Aerius. This encouraged the small woman to suck harder on the cock in her mouth. Stormbringer grunted and thrust deep into her. He leaned forward and began to fondle her breasts. She returned the favor by grasping his balls.

Stravo reached around and began stroking Aerius's clit. She moaned over Stormbringer's cock. The two men thrust one last time as their climax caused them to shoot their cum deep inside her. The feeling sent her over the edge. Her pussy clinched around Stravo's cock as she swallowed all of Stormbringer's cum.

They all collapsed onto the bed, finally sated.

IG slowly managed to get to his feet. He began shutting down damaged systems and shunting them into backups. When he was done, he'd eliminated the risk of a short-circuit, but at the cost of all but one blaster. His left arm was missing, half his photoreceptors were out, and his legs were both damaged. His power core was also bleeding energy, and wouldn't last too long. If someone got an itchy trigger finger, he'd get blown away. Shakily, he began walking back towards his ship, estimating he had ten minutes before he lost all power.

Fifteen minutes later, he staggered up the IG-2001s ramp. Once inside, he fell and had to crawl through the ship. Soon, even that energy left him, and he was force to push himself along with his legs. Coming to a sealed room, he barely managed to reach up and punch several buttons, opening the door. Using the doorframe to prop himself up, IG looked at the new body standing there. He'd been working on it for months, and it was finished. It was also his only hope. IG tried to reach out to the data port in the arm, but fell at the body's feet. With the last of his energy, he reached up and grasped the arm, connecting ports. As the power to his photoreceptors failed, he initiated a data transfer, hoping it wasn't too late...

Posted: 2002-11-27 03:59am
by Stravo
It was nearly midnight at the police precinct when the man walked in the door. He was above-average height, with brown hair tied back in a braid and eyes hidden behind sunglasses. He wore jeans, a dark shirt, and a trench coat, along with several gunbelts and other weapons. The most interesting thing about him was that he held what appeared to be a scorched droid arm, which reached from over his shoulder. The officer on duty looked up in surprise as the man walked towards him, dragging what was probably the rest of the droid. As he came to the desk, he stopped. "You have a dismantle-on-sight reward for assassin droids, correct?" he asked. His voice was like soft durasteel.

"Ah, um, yes," the officer said. "All of Hak does."

The man suddenly pulled on the arm, flipping the droid over his shoulder and onto the floor before him. "How much for a slightly crispy IG series?"
The officer's jaw dropped as he looked at the torched droid. The once gunmetal gray of the body was now charred black, chunks of the armor had been blown off, and several limb fragments were missing. "An IG? I thought they were all gone."

"This one was very much alive. Up until a couple hours ago."

"Well. I'll have to check with the central computer. Give me a moment." The man nodded and crossed his arms. The officer typed quickly, glancing at the man out of the corner of his eye the whole time. Finally, the computer beeped. "Yes sir, there's a reward," the officer said.

"How much?"

"Twenty thousand credits."

"Good." The man handed the officer a datacard. "Put it on."

"Y-yes sir." The officer took the card and transferred the money onto it. "Here sir," he said, handing the man his card. Without answering, he turned to leave. "'Scuse me sir, but what's your name? Didn't say on the card."

"Ignatius. Ignatius Thorne." The man walked out.

IG-88E, now known as Ignatius Thorne, left the police station. His new HRD body allowed him to blend in perfectly, made no sacrifice in speed or power. In fact, he was now even more agile and flexible. He grinned. He'd been shocked at the new sense of touch he felt, and the range of expression the muscles gave him. He'd spent nearly an hour looking in the mirror, doing the same things humans did. *And now,* he thought, *I'll use these new abilities to finish my job. Speaking of which...*

As Thorne walked down the street, he pulled out a long-range communicator. These comms were highly valued due to their rarity. Their high price was due to the fact that they used the same tech as the holonet. In effect, they allowed one to phone a person several planets away without paying the massive visual fee. Thorne had gotten it from a business partner. He dialed a number. "Yes?" came a voice.

"IG-88E, one-one-alpha."

"What is it?" asked the cold voice on the other end.

"We've got a change of plans, Admiral. Wong's men hit Lennox during the meeting."

"Have you got the chip?"

Iggy reached into his pocket and touched the delicate chip. "Yes sir. Problem is, I've had to transfer into a new body. I've got an idea, but I need you to get me back onto the Beowulf."

"Tell me."

The ISD-II Beowulf soared between two of the planets in an uninhabited system. The mighty Destroyer, built out of stealth materials, looked like a flying skyline. Aboard the bridge, Captain Frank stood, admiring the view of the massive gas giant off the port bow. "Quite a view, isn't it?" he commented to Wilkins, who stood beside and behind him.

"Yes sir," Wilkins said neutrally. Frank rolled his eyes. Wilkins was a terse speaker, and rarely ventured an opinion. Frank considered him a man too consumed with his career, although he respected the man's intelligence and calmness under pressure.

"Excuse me, sir!" the sensor officer barked.

"Yes, what is it, Ensign?"

"We have a contact, bearing one-two-five. Sensors read it as a Lambda-class shuttle. IFF tags it the ArmorPierce."

Frank frowned. "That's one of Kanos', isn't it?" Wilkins nodded. "Comm. Are they saying anything?"

"Yes sir. They're asking permission to dock. They say they have a peace offering."

"Very well. Allow them entry to the forward bay. Wilkins, have Lord Wong meet us there."

"No need," a voice came. Both men jumped and saw Wong standing behind them.

Frank collected himself. "Milord," he said to cover his surprise.

"Well," Wong said. "Admiral Kanos extends the olive branch. Let's go see what he wants, shall we?" The three men left.

Lady Shinova sat on her bed in meditation, her blue-green hair flowing down her bare back and shoulders. Then, she jumped and cursed as someone pounded on her door. Throwing on a robe of soft purple, she called out, "Enter."

Yoshi barged in, wearing a leather outfit that covered her from neck to hips, leaving her thighs bare. "Shinova, I need to talk to you."

"What is it, Yoshi?" she asked, sitting back down and taking a sip of tea.

"It's Wong. I want him out of power," she pouted.

The taller woman raised an eyebrow. "Care to expand on that?"

"I don't want him as the Council leader anymore."

"Why?" Yoshi explained about how Wong had thrown her out of the room the preceding night. "That's it?" Shinova was surprised her fellow female was so upset over something so trivial.

"Yeah, that's it! I demand to be treated with a level of respect, and this bastard's got none."

"Yoshi, hon, think about it for a moment. There's no way you'll convince them to toss Wong out on this alone."

Yoshi collapsed onto the bed beside Shinova. "I know. But dammit, he's pissing me off."

Shinova smiled lightly and moved to sit behind Yoshi. She rubbed her shoulders lightly. "Relax, Yoshi. I understand how you feel, but you need to calm down and play your cards right. If you storm into the Council chamber with this, you'll get laughed out." Yoshi sighed and went limp, her head falling onto Shinova's shoulder. Shinova put her arms around Yoshi and held her for a bit. Then, she felt Yoshi's lips on her neck, and her hand slowly sliding up her thigh. "Hey!" she exclaimed, and started to pull away. Yoshi moved quickly, pushing Shinova down and throwing herself atop her. Yoshi looked at her with a pouty face, and Shinova relaxed. Yoshi kissed her deeply, the hand still moving up Shinova's thigh.

Yoshi broke the kiss and looked down at the beautiful woman. Shinova's hair was splayed out around her head like a halo. She'd always lusted for the Dark Lady and hoped now was the time. She could see the curve of her breast peeking from the robe. The hand on Shinova's thigh traveled up under the silk, pushing it aside. She moved up across her firm tummy to her perky breasts. She began massaging a breast as she leaned down to kiss her again.

Shinova slipped her tongue between Yoshi's lips. Their tongues began a sexual dance. She reached up and began unzipping the other woman's corset. Yoshi seemed to flinch for a moment before helping get herself out of the leather bodice.

Yoshi, now nude, lay down across Shinova's body. Starting at her lips, she kissed and licked down her neck to her breasts. They were perfect little globes resting on a perfect body. Her tongue traveled all over Shinova's breasts, but avoided her nipples. She could hear the other woman moaning and writhing beneath her. After enough torture, she slowly wrapped her tongue around a nipple.

Shinova groaned in pleasure. It had been a long time since she'd let a woman touch her. Yoshi's tongue danced over her nipples expertly. She could feel herself getting wetter.

Yoshi left Shinova's breasts and kissed along her tummy and down her legs. As she came back up, she parted her lover's legs and without pretense dove into her hot snatch. He tongue darted in the wet hole. Shinova moaned and she smiled. Her taste was so sweet, but not as sweet as that girl. She had to do this right to gain Shinova's vote.

Shinova reached down and entangled her fingers in Yoshi's brown hair. She loved the look of the sex goddess between her legs. She lifted her hips towards her as Yoshi licked across her lips to her clit. As the younger woman nipped her love button, she moaned loudly. She could feel her climax building quickly.

Yoshi was in heaven. She lapped up Shinova's juices as they spilled from her cunt. Her nibble of Shinova's clit caused the other woman to wrap her legs around her. Reaching up, she slipped two fingers in Shinova's hot, wet hole and began pumping them in and out. Shinova thrust her hips against her as she began to suckled the sexy woman's clit.

Shinova soon became lost in the feeling. She moaned and ground herself against the dominatrix. Her back arched in pleasure. Soon, she felt the tidal wave of her climax. Her legs grasped Yoshi tightly, keeping her close.

Yoshi pulled her fingers out and replaced them with her mouth. She sucked every last drop from the blue-haired goddess. She was so satisfied. She crawled back up to Shinova and gave her a soft kiss. As they lay beside each other, basking in the afterglow, a soft tone rang though the room. The two of them looked at each other. "Council meeting," Shinova said.

Yoshi sighed. "Remember my offer," she said as she kissed Shinova again. Getting up, she grabbed her bodice and left the room unnoticed.

Shinova shook her head at the retreating form. "We'll see." She moved to dress appropriately for the meeting.

Posted: 2002-11-27 05:54pm
by Stravo
The Sith filed into the Council Chamber one by one, where Wong was already waiting for them. First was Utsanomiko, second only to Wong in seniority. Yoshi followed immediately behind. Following Yoshi was a Chiss female, Sev'rance Tann. She was average height, with crisp, stern features. Next was Admiral Valdemar, a former Imperial naval officer. His black uniform was spotless, as was the lightsaber hanging at this hip.

Immediately after him strode the hulking form of Typhonis, a cyborg Skakoan. Typhonis was a cold and calculating Sith Lord, often quiet at the meetings and rarely venturing an opinion except when asked. Shinova was right behind him, now dressed in Jedi-style robes, colored black. Next came the hooded and cloaked form of the man who only called himself Necronlord. His red eyes glowed from underneath his hood, and in one hand was his staff. Last came the most junior member of the Council, a short Chadra-Fan named Xalev. He'd been an apprentice when Cav went rogue, and was voted onto the Council shortly after. Despite his small size and mouse-like appearance, he was just as immersed in the Dark Side as the rest of them.

The nine of them took their places around the circular table in the middle of the chamber,standing behind their chairs. They closedtheir eyes and bowed their heads. "May theDark Side be with all of us," Wong began.

"And may it grant us power in this universe," Utsanomiko continued.

"So that we may siphon its secrets for our mutual gain," Tann added

"In this realm where power grants the holder all they wish," Typhonis and Shinova said together.

"And where those who seek power may work together to attain it," Xalev finished the first part of the oath.

"Now we take our seats, with no one above the others," Valdemar said.

"And may we work together in concert, free from the petty restraints of altruism and loyalty to the foolish, at this gathering andall to come," Yoshi and Necronlord finished.The oath finished, they took their seats.

"I've called this meeting for three reasons," Wong said. "All of which are very serious. First, our agents finally caught up with Lennox."

"He was dealt with, I assume?" Necronlordasked.

"At the cost of both of my men." Wong continued, not wanting to dwell on the subject. "Second, this is Ignatius." He waved the tall man forward. "Our 'old friend' Kanos sent him over as a peace offering."

"Can we trust Kanos?" chittered Xalev.

Typhonis nodded. "About as far as I can throw him." He adjusted his voice box and continued. "However, this gesture is quite...amazing."

Wong nodded and looked at the Chiss. "That is why he will be Lady Tann's apprentice." Ignatius lowered his head and moved to stand behind the blue-skinned female.

Tann looked him over appreciatively. "Many thanks, Lord Wong. He should be... quite the padawan." She licked her lips seductively.

"What about the rest of us?" Yoshi pouted.

Wong scowled at her, knowing exactly what she wished to hear, but never would. "Lady Shinova, you will have the young Mya. She is slightly trained, but very malleable."

The blue-haired woman smiled. "Thank you, Lord Wong."

Wong nodded and continued. "Necronlord, you have Sylvar Fyre. Typhonis, yours is Lusankya. Xalev, you have Alyrium Denryle." The three nodded their approval.

"That leaves Ewo to Valdemar, Utsanomiko has already chosen Ted, brother of your apprentice, Yoshi, Zaia."

Yoshi pouted. "What about that Antilles girl? I want her."

Wong narrowed his eyes at the dominatrix. "I already told you, Antilles is mine. You will NOT challenge me."

Several of the others had to hold back theirlaughter as Yoshi blushed all over. She quickly stood, her chair falling to the floor behind her. "Excuse me," she growled as she stomped out of the room.

"I think we've met long enough, since the third reason I asked you here was to assign the Force-sensitives," Wong said. He stood and moved towards the door. "Your apprentices will be brought to you tomorrow. Good luck." All of the Sith Lords stood and bowed to each other.

As they slowly left, Lady Tann turned to look Ignatius over. He wore a simple black shirt, jeans, and a lightsaber. Obviously, Kanos had taken his other weapons. She turned to leave and he fell into step behind her. "So, what's your full name?" she asked.

"Ignatius Thorne." His voice was cold and methodical.

"And how old are you?"

He hesitated. "Twenty-six."

"Have you had any training in the Force?"

"No, milady, although I know how to handle alightsaber."

"Good," she said in approval. "Your training will proceed much faster that way." As they continued to walk in silence, Iggy found himself admiring her figure. She was tall and fairly muscular, but not enough to detract from her figure, which was excellent. Her skin was smooth, and a neutral blue that was easy on the eyes. Her hair was straight, a very dark blue-black, and fell past her shoulders. She wore a simple robe of light gray, against which her prominent breasts clamored for attention. He stopped examining her and looked straight ahead, not wanting to get distracted.

Yoshi tore through the halls of the Destroyer at just below a run. Her arms were crossed tightly and she grit her teeth. She collided with one Ensign and kept going. "Hey!" he said before realizing who she was. She spun and glared at him. He gulped, "Sorry, milady." She continued on. Finally, she turned a corner and barged right into Commander Wilkins. The Commander, being larger than her and also moving at a good clip, nearly knocked her over. Whipping an arm out, he managed to catch her before she fell all the way to the floor.

"All you alright, Lady Yoshi?" he asked quickly, hoping he wouldn't be Force-choked for slamming into her. She held him by the arms for a moment, staring into his eyes. Then she pulled him to her and kissed him fiercely. He was shocked and tried to pull away, but she held firm.

Finally, she broke off and took a breath. "Come with me, Commander. Now." He sensed that to argue would be pointless and probably fatal. He acquiesced and allowed her to drag him off in the direction of her room.

She palmed the door closed behind them and locked it. Wilkins was surprised when she backed him against the wall and began kissing him furiously. She reached a hand down and grasped the front of his pants. "Come now, Commander. You cannot tell me that you aren't turned on by me. I've seen you watching me. I feel your eyes on me. You want me." She ran her tongue over his lips.

He could feel himself getting harder as she fondled his crotch. He could not deny the words she said. He'd always found her attractive. Having her standing before him dressed in that sexy catsuit that always turned him on was quite distracting. "Lady Yoshi, I..."

"Sh," she said laying a painted talon on his lips. "I already know the answer."

"Yes, but I am going to turn the tables." He grabbed both her wrists and held them tight as he pulled her towards the bed.

Yoshi looked at him in shock. Never had anyone treated *her* this way. However, she wasn't going to fight just yet. She was too intreagued to find out what he was going to do.

Wilkins stopped beside the bed. He pulled her to him in a deep kiss. As they kissed, he reached behind her and began unzipping the catsuit. He could feel her relaxing in his arms, her tongue searching out his. Taking a step back, he pulled the tight latex over her shoulders and past her voluptuous breasts. His mouth watered at the sight and he lowered his head to take envelope one.

Yoshi moaned. She knew his desires, yet she never knew just how good he actually was. Tossing his cap aside, she ran her hands through his short hair. His tongue danced over her nipple, bringing her such exctacy.

He smiled to himself, knowing he had her. Slowly, he lay her back on the bed and began removing the catsuit. His hands trailed lightly down her body. She began to writhe under his touch. She surprised him when she sat up and tore his jacket and shirt off. Tossing it to the side, she grinned at him. "My, you are the catty one," he said, his voice deep and sultry.

"Meow," she said with a giggle as she lay back down. He lay on top of her, kissing her lips deeply. His hands travled along her sides, brushing her breasts. He relished in her shudder. It meant he was doing exactly what he intended.

She reached down and undid his pants, pushing them past his hips. She was surprised to see that he wore no underwear. His hardening member flopped against her legs. She cackled in joy as she grasped it with both hands.

Wilkins gasped at her movement. He reached down and gently, yet forcefully too her hands and pinned them above her head. Her eyes widened in wonder. He smiled and used his knees to spread her legs. In one swift stroke, he buried his cock deep within her.

She moaned and arched her back as he began to suckle her nipples. He stroked her with his manhood, pushing in as far as he could go. She pushed her hips towards him, increasing their speed. He began grunting each time he pound into her. Faster. Harder. He rammed his rod into her.

Yoshi couldn't believe the sensations she was feeling. Her climax was surprisingly approaching fast. She wanted to move her hands, pull him closer, but he held her down. This excited her and made her wonder if this is what her apprentices felt when she tied them up.

Wilkins was surprised at how tight she was. Perhaps the rumors were true and she'd never been with a man this way. Her pussy was clinching his cock like a vise. He was not going to be able to last long. He grunted and shoved himself into her again.

"Oh god, fuck me," she screamed, wrapping her legs around him. She could feel him so deep within her. "It feels so good. Oh yes." She was moaning loudly now. Good thing she had a slience field around her room active at all times.

This was plenty of encouragement for him. He thrust deep, his orgasm about to flow. He felt her pussy grab him and that was all he could handle. He shoved himself as far as he could and shot his load.

She felt his cock spazm within her. The movement caused her to orgasm harder than she ever had. She screamed, her hips off the bed. Pulling him down to her, she kissed him hard.

Wilkens cradled Yoshi in his arms, basking in the afterglow. He leaned down and softly kissed her forehead. "I hope I did not offend you, Lady."

She cuddled up against his chest. "Never, Commander. In fact, you've helped me to make up my mind."

He smiled. "Good," he said soft enough she couldn't hear. Perhaps now he would get the field promotion he deserved.

Posted: 2002-12-02 10:35pm
by Stravo
The snap-hiss of lightsabers filled the room. Sylvar Fyre stood facing the Sith who called himself Necronlord. She leapt forward, bringing her gold blade to contact his crimson. They began a rapid fire exchange, moving almost too quickly for the human eye to follow. Sylvar's handling of the saber was nothing short of masterful and her expertise kept Necron on the defensive. Then he came at her with a powerful overhead blow. She blocked it, but an uppercut connected with her midsection. She grunted and fell to one knee. "Not bad," he said with a feral grin.

He looked down at the young woman. Sylvar was in her mid-twenties and very petite. Her hair, which was tied in dreadlocks, hung around her face. She glared up at him before flipping away. As she did so, she kicked off her boots, leaving her barefoot. She rushed him again, but this time she moved much more gracefully. Her movements were quick, fluid, and pixie-like. She grinned as one of his slashes went wide, enhancing her pixieish appearance. Then she moved in and shoulder slammed him. He barely slowed and shoved her to the floor again. She rolled away and came up, lightsaber facing him. He felt her anger at being knocked over so easily. She felt him probe her mind and suddenly switched off her saber. "No. My anger in not for you to use." She frowned, tossing her lightsaber onto her boots.

He laughed softly. "You'll see, my young apprentice." He strode over to her. "You don't know the power of the dark side."

"And I don't want to. Stay away from me."

He laughed again and placed a hand on her head. "I'll show you." Suddenly, Sylvar was bombarded with images the Sith. Their empire of thousands of years ago, the lords, the slaves, the massive constructions devoted to them, the worlds they held under their way. She felt excited and scared simultaneously.

Hours later, Sylvar lay on her bunk, the room dark. She still felt shell-shocked from Necron's sudden mind link. Even so, she still had the presence of mind to snap to attention as her door cycled open. It was Utsanomiko. She gasped and stood, but he quickly moved into the room and let the door shut behind him. He grabbed her shoulders, lifted her off the ground, and forced her against the wall, his hot breath on her face. "No," she said, but he forced his mouth over hers, kissing her harshly and deeply. She put both hands on his face and managed to push him away. "Stop it, Miko," she said. She tasted alcohol on him.

"No," he growled, pressing his body against her. "I've wanted you ever since I saw you all those years ago."

"I wasn't yours then, and I won't be yours now."

"But I've spent all that time wishing for you. I had to live knowing you chose him over me. Please, Sylvar, reconsider." He kissed her again.

"Mmph," she said as she pushed him off. "No, Miko. You being here like this proves I can't trust you."

"But I love you," he pleaded. "When I saw you walk off IG's ship... you can't understand how I felt!"

"Let go of me," she said firmly. He did so, and backed off a few steps. "Miko, I know how you feel. But we can't be a couple. Not now. Not ever."

"I could take you using force," he said, a threatening tone in his voice.

"Yes, you could," she said softly. "I doubt I can stop you. But even if you do, you'll never have my heart." She stood with her head lowered.

In an instant, he had her against the wall again, one hand unzipping her top. "I find that perfectly acceptable," he said into her mouth. His chest pressed against hers, pinning her to the wall. Holding the back of her head with his free hand, he could feel the shaved portion of her hair. He tore her top off and began pulling off her pants as his mouth devoured hers. Despite herself, Sylvar felt the heat rising within her.

He finished pulling off her clothes and reached for his belt. Sylvar closed her eyes and let herself imagine it was her fiancé back home. She pulled his shirt off and wrapped her legs around him. He finally managed to get his pants off and positioned himself against her. Without waiting, he rammed himself all the way in. He groaned at her tightness. She squeezed him even more as he began thrusting. She moaned loudly, her nails digging into his powerful shoulders.

He pulled at her legs, pulling them up until they rested on her shoulders, nearly folding her in half. Her moans grew louder and she screamed as her orgasm hit. She squeezed Utsanomiko tightly, hoping he would reward her with his own. He did, cumming with a load growl that sounded like her name.

As they slowly calmed down, he rested his head on her chest, and she ran a hand though his hair. "I think you should go now," she whispered to him solemnly. He slowly let her down, put his clothes back on walked out, with many a backward glance. Sylvar didn't even bother crawling back to the bed, she just pulled the blanket over her and fell asleep. Utsanamiko never noticed the tears running down her face.

In high orbit around a blue planet called Earth, the USS Darkstar made final preparations before leaving. Aboard the bridge of the Intrepid-class ship, Captain Tim Jones ran his hand along the armrest of the captain's chair. "A fine ship," he remarked to his first officer. Commander Robert Scott "Scooter" Anderson nodded, his expression cheerful.

"We're ready to depart sir," he said.

"Good. Mister Azeron! Inform McKinley that we're ready to depart!"

"Yes sir!" The Communications officer said smartly.

"Helm, set course for Bajor, warp seven."

"Aye, sir!" The Darkstar set of in a blazing streak of light.

Halfway to Bajor, the Sensor Officer called out," sir, I'm picking up an anomaly ahead of us."

"What is it, Mister Kennedy?"

"I don't know sir. Its-" Whatever Kennedy had been going to say, it was cut off in the sudden din that followed. The Darkstar struck something, and everyone was hurled out of their seats. A roaring filled the bridge, and everyone clamped down on their ears. The space outside turned bright blue, and the Darkstar hurtled off to places where no Federation ship had ever gone before. It would be the second Intrepid-class ship lost in two years.

Posted: 2002-12-03 05:09pm
by Stravo
Kelly Antilles kept her eyes open as she was escorted through the halls of the Star Destroyer Beowulf. She'd never been on so large a ship before. It felt so empty, so cold. She wished she were back on the *Jagged Edge* with Pash.

Pash! She hoped he was alright. Since she'd arrived, she spent most of her time in meditation. The Force came easy to her here, but it showed nothing of her future. The whole situation now frustrated her. What did these dark Jedi want?

The halls became darker as they walked along. She could feel the dark side penetrating everything here. It frightened her, but she locked her jaw and kept a passive face. The guards stopped before a door and pressed the buzzer. She felt it before the door opened. Whoever was inside was a powerful dark Jedi.

She was forcibly shoved through the door as it closed quickly behind her. The stun cuffs on her wrists sent a jolt through her body. She shrugged it off as she regained her balance. Looking around, she saw a very plain room. There were several meditation mats around on the floor in front of a huge observation window. Outside, she could see several TIEs flying a pattern around the ship. She was unable to determine where they were from the stars.

A door opened to her right. An imposing figure wrapped complete in a dark cloak stepped into the room. She shuddered, feeling the dark side flowing from him. The cuffs snapped open and fell to the floor. "I don't think we will need those," he said in a deep voice that penetrated her very soul.

Kelly took the opportunity to rub the feeling back into her wrists. "Thank you," she managed to whisper. Her throat was dry. She was so nervous.

He noted she was uncomfortable and motioned towards the meditation pads. "Please, have a seat. Are you hungry? I could have some food brought in."

His sudden generosity was a shock to her. This was not what she expected. "Y.. yes, thank you. That would be nice." She moved towards one of the mats and dropped into a cross-legged position.

Lord Wong removed his cloak and tossed it to the side. It seemingly hung itself on a coatrack near the door. He wore an open tunic and pants which showed off his lean, muscular body. Dark hair flowed from his head and down to his shoulders. He moved over to stand above her.

Kelly looked up and had to swallow hard. She'd never seen a man like him before. He was so handsome and carried himself with an air of superiority. Quickly she lowered her head and lay her hands in her lap.

A smile crept across his lips. "You are Kelly Antilles, apprentice to Aulduin Sunstar."

"Perhaps," she said defiantly.

He began to walk around her slowly, stopping every so often to look at her. His body was so close it was nearly touching her. "You are a Corellian. That much I can tell from your flippant attitude."

She snorted. "Yeah, we Corellians are a feisty bunch. We never give in." She looked up at him hard. The smile on his face was so cold that she shuddered involuntarily.

"I think you'll find that even Corellians are malleable by the dark side." He looked her in the eye, probing her mind.

Her eyes widened as she threw up a mental barrier. *No, you're not getting into my head.* She breathed deeply and closed her eyes. She had to keep him at bay.

He began to question her about her life, her training. She gave up answers freely. These were not important. She only cared to keep him from her mind. He pressed on, getting more personal. She answered what she could, but the strain on her mind was pounding.

"Has this Pash ever fucked you in the ass?"

"What?" She looked up at him in utter confusion.

Her defenses lowered and he was quick to delve into her head. He watched her life unfold before him. She screamed and grasped her head. "No! Please don't!" She begged him, tried to force him out, but had no strength. She collapsed onto the floor unconscious.

Wong looked down at her. She had lasted much longer than he had expected, but his will was stronger. Yes, this one was going to make an excellent apprentice.

Posted: 2002-12-06 06:09pm
by Stravo
Kelly looked around her as she pulled on the clothes she had been given. Mya and the other females were here, yet she was the only one dressing in fighting apparel. Her Master's love approached her. "Kelly, you are going to fight one of the male apprentices."

She looked up as she pulled a boot on. "Well, that explains a few things. Why me, though?"

Her green eyes darted from side to side as she made sure no one was listening. "Lady Sylvar says it is because you and he are the strongest. It is a test to see who has the strongest apprentice."

Kelly sighed. She still was having flashbacks of Lord Wong entering her mind. "Strongest apprentice, eh? Sounds like a battle of egos to me." She finished lacing up her boot and stood before Mya. "Perhaps I can get this apprentice to help me."

The younger woman looked at her, tears in her eyes. She saw so much of Aulduin's influence in Kelly. Wrapping her arms around her, she let the tears come.

"Oh Mya, please don't cry." Kelly held her close. The last time she'd done this, they'd ended up in bed together. Would this be a repeat performance?

"I'm afraid for you, Kelly," she confessed as she buried her head in the other woman's chest. "You're all I have left now."

She lifted her head and kissed the tears away. "He's fine, Mya. Aulduin is looking for us. I just know it." She leaned down and kissed her lips softly.

Mya returned the kiss hungrily. She reached for the zipper in front of the skin-tight jumpsuit Kelly was wearing. Pulling it down to her mid tummy, she pushed it aside, letting the other woman's breasts free. She cupped them with her hands and squeezed.

Kelly was shocked at first, but quickly recovered. She had no idea what Mya had in mind, but she wasn't about to stop her. A moan escaped her lips as Mya's fingers gently caressed her nipples. She held the younger woman close to her as they kissed.

Mya broke the kiss and trailed down to Kelly's breasts. She took one in her mouth and began to suckle it. The other, she twisted the nipple between her fingers, making it hard. She heard Kelly moan and that encouraged her even more. Her tongue flicked over the nipple in her mouth as she tweaked and pulled on the other.

Kelly entangled her hands in Mya's hair and moaned. She pulled her close, wanting to feel everything. They had gained an audience. Zaia slowly approached and moved Mya's hand as she took over, sucking the other nipple. Sylvar and Ewo, not wanting to be left out, dropped to their knees and pulled Kelly's suit down to her ankles. Their tongues touched as they licked her from either side.

Kelly's knees were weak as she felt the four mouths devouring her. She pulled Mya and Zaia's heads closer to her and closed her legs over the tongues assaulting her. Her moans grew louder the more turned on she became.

"Tsk, tsk. Do you ladies want your warrior worn out before her battle?"

Everyone scrambled and looked up to see Lady Shinova. "We're sorry, Mistress," Mya stammered in apology.

Shinova looked approvingly over Kelly's body. "It's quite alright. Get her dressed and ready. The others are waiting."

Kelly walked out to the fighting mat. She looked across the mat at her opponent. There was something familiar about him. Shrugging it off, she ignited her purple lightsaber and stepped forward. "May I know your name before I defeat you?" she asked in a smug tone.

"Ignatius Thorne," he replied coldly as he ignited his own blade. The deep, blood red cast an eerie glow about them. "Shall we begin?"

She nodded and saluted him with her blade. He nodded and moved quickly towards her. Their blades clashed as she blocked his blow to her shoulder. Pushing his blade away, she made several quick swipes at him. He easily blocked them all.

He again took the offensive, his blade arcing in at her midsection. She moved to block, but he suddenly halted, leapt back then drove forward again, aiming for her heart. She barely managed to twist aside in time, and he landed on one knee. "What are you trying to do, kill me?" she hissed.

"If that is what it takes," he replied, his cold eyes boring into hers. Suddenly, they hardened, and a wave of Force energy flew out. She easily dissipated it with a wave. He wasn't as experienced as she was. Good. His lightsaber moved to sweep her legs out from under her. She jumped backwards, but another push hit her in mid air. She landed overbalanced and fell. They both scrambled to their feet, and the two sabers clashed again. Kelly came at him with a two-handed cut, but he parried it and tried a riposte to her stomach. Once again, she barely dodged. *There's no point holding back* she realized. *This guy's playing for keeps.*

She took a step back and held her blade up before her. Her eyes closed as she concentrated on the Force. She used the battle techniques Aulduin had taught her. Too bad she didn't have a second blade. That would surely ensure her victory.

Iggy watched her closely. *Foolish woman,* he thought as she closed her eyes. He casually approached her and swung his blade at her mid-section.

Her blade flashed and came down to block. She opened her eyes, a hardened look on her face. "Do not underestimate me." The purple blade began to move quickly, stabbing and slashing at her opponent.

His red blade countered, sparking off hers as they briefly touched. "I'll demand the same from you," he growled. His eyes tightened in concentration for a moment, then he launched himself into a backwards flip that was higher than any normal human could jump. As he landed, he suddenly launched his saber like a spear, using the force to guide it right towards her. She grinned. He'd made a big mistake. As the saber flew towards her, she reached to the side and brought her own saber around, knocking it away.

Then, his shoulder slammed into her midsection. *He followed it!* she realized. *He followed the saber!* She fell backwards, but managed to turn it into an awkward backspring, landing on one knee, out of breath. He called the saber back to his hand. "Nice move," she coughed as she tried to stand.

He nodded as he lit his blade again and charged while she was still coming up. She knew he wanted to take her while she was weakened. She let him come to her. He lowered his shoulder and she raised a hand.

Ignatius suddenly found himself flying backwards. The Force push had surprised him. Not again. He kept his feet when he landed. Suddenly, he seemed to tense every muscle in his body. He growled. An rush of air seemed to emanate from his body. *Pumping himself up for something,* Kelly thought. *Just bring it.*

The tension in Iggy's muscles activated a series of commands running to the layers of organic material he'd built into his body. The material, not organs in any proper sense, was what provided him with his connection to the Force, a connection he'd lusted after ever since he'd first tasted battle with a Jedi. The droid had cheated, bastardized the Force for his own gain. He was, by simply existing, a perversion of the force.

Now, the material received a series of electronic and chemical stimulants, coaxing out the power the droid needed.

Kelly sensed a wave of darkness from her opponent. "What the hell?" she said aloud. Suddenly Ignatius rushed her, moving twice as fast as before. She is finding it hard to block every shot. The others bounce off her Force shield as she keeps backing up.

Soon, she finds herself against the wall. Iggy slams his blade against hers over and over. He pushes her to the floor until her blade flies away. She held up her hands to block the next blow, but he stopped.

Ignatius extended a hand to the fallen Kelly, extinguishing his lightsaber. "You're pretty good," he said with a smile.

"Not as good as you, apparently," she said as he pulled her up.

"Don't sell yourself short. You just need to learn better hand-to-hand. Then you'll be unstoppable." The words struck a familiar chord in Kelly's memory. She frowned and looked at Ignatius strangely. "What?" he asked.

"Have we ever met? You seem so familiar."

"Doubt it. I think I'd remember you," he said with a smirk.

She shrugged. "Whatever." *I'm keeping my eye on you, Iggy*

They heard clapping coming from a balcony above them. A light comes on and shows all of the Dark Lords and Ladies applauding their efforts. "Bravo," Lord Wong says. "I am very impressed by both of your abilities. You two will soon be a grand addition to our council."

Kelly looked up and frowned. There was no way she would ever join them. She would rather die first.

Iggy, however, was quite pleased, both with his own performance and the reaction of the Sith Council. If they approved of his fighting, it meant he was very close to finally getting what he'd wanted for so long. A nod and small smile of approval from Lady Tann sent a thrill running through him. He stepped forward, catching Kelly's attention. In full view of her and the Sith, he bowed deeply, one hand over his heart. As he returned to a full stand, he caught her eye. The corner of his mouth twitched in a smirk. Both knew who the Sith respected now.

Kelly threw her lightsaber against the wall as she walked into the dressing room. "How could I have fucking lost!" She was angry, very angry. She reached out and crushed a chair to pieces using the Force.

"Kelly?" Mya appeared from around a corner. She'd felt the dark flow from her friend and was instantly worried. "Be careful," she whispered.

She came to her senses and saw the chair. "What am I doing." She collapsed to her knees. "I don't want to fall." The tears came easily as she cried out her frustrations. "I WILL NEVER FALL!"

Posted: 2002-12-16 09:54pm
by Stravo
Dalton breathed in deeply before slowly letting it out. Finally, he gathered up the courage to knock on General Cracken's door. "Yes?" came the older man's voice. Dalton gulped and opened the door. "Oh, it's you, Robert. Come in, come in." He waved Dalton to a chair. "So, what's the news?"

Dalton sighed. "Bad news and more bad news, sir."

Cracken folded his hands and looked at the agent. "What is it?"

"First, Lennox dropped out of sight for a while. When we finally went looking, we found this." Dalton handed the General a file. Cracken opened it and looked at the contents.

"That's quite a blow," he sighed. "Lennox was a good man. Did they get the chip?"

"Not as far as we can tell. It wasn't on his body and we found a pair of dead men at the scene we think were working for Wong. Whoever Lennox's contact was got away."

"Well, a ray of hope, nonetheless. And the second piece of bad news?"

"The safe house we were using to hold Larz was infiltrated last night. Someone snuck in, disabled several of the guards, and took off with Larz."

"Sith." Cracken's frown grew deeper. "Any clues?"

"None yet, but we're looking."

"And you keep looking. You keep looking until you find whoever did this." Cracken pressed both hands on the desk. "We've been trying for a very long time and we're too close now to let ourselves be sabotaged. We were planning this since before the Zsinj campaign. We've got to finish off Wong and Kanos now, before they reconcile." He slammed a fist into his desk in emphasis.

"I understand sir. I'll do my best." Dalton stood, saluted, and left.

Airen shook his head and sat down slowly as the young man left. "I have a very bad feeling about this."

Three blaster bolts came out of nowhere, but a lightsaber of dark silver swung and knocked them all away. The trio of remotes began rapidly bobbing, weaving, flitting from side to side, firing all the while, but the holder of the lightsaber dodged left, right, down, and the lightsaber swung back and forth, intercepting any she couldn't dodge in time. Her dark brown hair, flowing down her back with her side locks running down her chest, swung as she moved. Her broad, muscular shoulders and arms held a lot of power, which she proved as she suddenly reached out, snared a remote and crushed it with the Force. She wore a crimson muscle shirt, pants of a dark tan, heavy brown gloves and black boots. Her eyes, a fiery gold, swept over the room as she looked for her next target. She was an agent in the NRI, and an expert at using the Force. Her name was Lusankya.

Twenty feet away from his apprentice stood Typhonis, controlling the remotes with the Force. He smiled as she spun the lightsaber in a circle, knocking a bolt right back to the remote that fired it. The little sphere, moving at a fast clip, took the bolt hard and shattered. Lusankya, finally able to focus on one target, ran straight for the final remote, knocking bolt after bolt after bolt away as she came after it. Finally, the silver lightsaber sliced
the remote in half. Lusankya stood up straight and grinned, proud out herself. Her features, which were cold and stern when she was concentrating, shifted to produce a beauty only her loved ones knew.

"Very good," Typhonis said. "Very good indeed." Lusankya, breathing hard, composed herself and looked at the Sith Lord.

"Is that your best?" she asked, confidant. Typhonis snapped his fingers in reply. A door slid open and a pair of Super Battledroids ran out, one already aiming. Lusankya brought her saber up just in time to block a 4-bolt burst then ran at the droids. As she reached the first of them, she spun, brought her saber down, and chopped off the droid's gun arm. A second slash
cut the droid from armpit to abdomen, finishing it. Lusankya turned to see the second droid coming at her, fist cocked for a blow. She was quick, but not quite quick enough. The huge fist lashed out and caught her in the temple, knocking her to the floor. Her lightsaber fell to her side. As she looked up, her vision cloudy, she saw the droid aim at her with great
deliberation. As it fired, she thrust an arm out, caught the bolt, and sucked in the energy. She then shunted that energy into a Force push, throwing the droid back into a pillar.

Lusankya climbed to her feet, her head still swimming from the punch. Stumbling over, she picked up her lightsaber. Despite the pain, she felt good about the fight. She'd had little experience with the energy technique, but her family had always been good at it. Abruptly, the room tilted and she fell.

Her mind took her back several months earlier, in the strange combination of dream and memory that plays when your temperature is over 110. There was snow on the ground and her NRI partner, Stravo, was beside her. Both of them wore heavy clothes and she was sighting through the scope of a sniper rifle at a civilian harbor for old-fashioned yachts. She realized that it was Halanit, a planet she'd visited while working with Wraith Squadron. She spoke softly, keeping her eyes fixed on the target. "Any sign of them?"

"Nope," Stravo replied, keeping his macrobinoculars over his eyes. She admired that. Professionalism. Suddenly, an explosion caught their attention. Several yachts went flying, and the water turned rough. Seemingly out of nowhere, three TIE Interceptors and a Lambda-class shuttle roared over their heads, breaking for high orbit.

"Those crazy fighter jocks," she said, half annoyed, half amused. Then the comm attached to her rifle beeped and she looked at the screen.


"Gotta be Phanan," Stravo said, referring to the cyborg pilot who seemingly took nothing and nobody seriously. He grinned at her. The first time he'd seen her, he'd suddenly started swooning, and she'd nearly decked the guy before realizing he was goofing around. She'd liked him ever since. "Well," he said turning onto his side so he could see her entire body, "ready to go?"

"Y-" Lusankya cut herself off. She looked at Stravo and a soft smile crossed her lips. He was so handsome, even in all those clothes. She looked him up and down, looking at his black hair, silver eyes, and lean body. "Not just yet," she said. She leaned towards him and kissed him on the lips. His eyes widened in surprise then closed as he returned her kiss. Finally, she broke off and rolled onto her back, letting her head lay on the snow.

"What if we get caught?"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that," she said. She crooked a finger, beckoning him to her. He chuckled and moved on top of her. Their lips met in a passionate embrace. "I'm so glad I met you."

He reached out to brush a stray lock of her hair from her face. His hand slid down to cup her cheek. "So am I," he replied quietly, looking deep in her eyes.

She had to blink, breaking the gaze. "But, sometimes I can't stand when you get serious." She slapped at him playfully, tossing a bit of snow at him.

"Is that so?" He took off his gloves and tossed them aside. Picking up two handfuls of snow, he acted like he was going to dump them on her, only to drop the snow and slide his hands up under her clothes. He deftly unzipped the top of her suit and placed his cold hands on her bare chest.

Lusankya squealed and tried to push him off. He held fast and began to massage her breasts in his hands. His fingers lightly played across her skin. Her nipples were hard instantly and she moaned her approval. Her hands, bereft of gloves, slid under his clothes and up his muscular back. She pulled him down to her, kissing him hard.

Stravo began to unzip her jacket and pushed it aside as he kissed down along her jaw and neck. The cool air made her nipples tighten more as he made his way down. He kissed across her breast, never touching the hard little nubs.

He was driving her crazy and he knew it. She arched her back towards him, trying to bring his lips to the center. When he did finally envelope her nipple, she moaned. "Oh gods, yes." He feasted on her breast as he unzipped her suit all the way. Sliding a hand between her legs, he cupped her pussy, pressing slightly.

Frantically, she grabbed his jacket and pulled the zipper down. Next, she went for the front of his flightsuit. She growled in frustration as the zipper would not work. Instead, she grasped either side of the zipper and pulled. It made a nice ripping sound that turned her on even more. Pushing the material aside, she ran her hands over his chest and down towards his manhood.

He gasped as she wrapped her hands around his cock and began to pull. "Careful," he whispered. She was so hot and wet. His hand slid gently across her labia as he slipped a finger into her. She moaned and pulled harder.

"I need you, Stravo," she begged. Her body writhed beneath him.

He deftly reached under her and pulled her knife from its sheath. With one swift stroke, he cut her suit and ripped it open. She guided him to her hot hole. He was amazed at how easily he slid in. Soon, he was buried in her up to the hilt.

She moaned and arched her back, lifting her hip towards him. He felt so good. She wrapped her legs around him as best she could. He leaned down and began to feast on her sweet skin as he began to slide in and out. She ran her hands through his tousled hair.

He made love to her, slow and hard. He watched as a sheen of sweat appeared on her brow as she took was he had to give. She was so beautiful in midst of passionate sex. It was something he never tired of seeing. She was gripping him tighter. Time to get down and dirty.

He increased his speed, thrusting into her. She grunted with each stroke, her head lolling back, rolling left and right. He could tell she was rapidly approaching the brink. Of course, he was too. The way her pussy was clinching his cock was mindbending.

"Yes," she mumbled. "There... right there... I... ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She screamed as he orgasm flowed through her.

He quickly released his own load deep into her. Gently, he lay on top of her, kissing her forehead. "I love you, Lusy."

"I love you too, Strav."

Pash sat in the cockpit of the Jagged Edge, turning things over and over in his mind. Suddenly, the comm gave a soft beep. Without bothering to look at it, Pash reached out and tapped a button. "Yes?" he asked disinterestedly.

There was a pause. "Am I addressing Pash Cracken?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

Pash felt his blood run cold. No one except his father and the other NRI agents knew he was here. "Who is this?" he asked as he sat up.

"That's not important. What's important is that I know you and several friends of yours are in a bit of a bad situation."

The chill grew colder. "How do you know that?" He was wary of who might know what's going on.

"Amazing what you can learn when you've got a computer and a bit of determination, isn't it?" the voice laughed. "Here's the situation, pal. I have information that I think you'll find very useful. Meet me at Imperial City Skyline tomorrow night at ten. Otherwise, you might never see Kelly again. Got it?"

"Look, how do I find you, what's your name?"

"Don't worry about finding me. Just be there, and I'll find you." The comm clicked and Pash knew the line was now dead. He sat looking at the panel for a long time. Finally, he blinked and came to his senses. "If this is the only way I can find her, so be it. I love you, Kelly Antilles."

Somewhere, deep in space, a young blonde woman smiled in her restless sleep. And in that moment, her resolve grew stronger. She knew she had something and someone to live for.

Posted: 2002-12-23 12:01pm
by Stravo
The bridge was dark, and only emergency lights were glowing. Consoles
sparked where they had been damaged during the Darkstar's wild trip. A
hand streaked with blood and ash from burning circuits reached up and
grasped the top of one console. Tim Jones, his other hand holding his
gashed forehead, pulled himself to a standing position. He looked around
the bridge as other crew members came to, several pulling themselves up,
several remaining prone. "Scooter?" he asked. The answer came in the
form of a grunt and several words unbecoming of an officer. Jones turned
to see his XO shoving a tipped chair off of himself and standing. He
seemed uninjured. The two men exchanged nods and Tim staggered back to
his own chair. "Sing out," he said as he sank into it. "Let me hear






The rest of the bridge crew reported in. "All right, gentlemen. Let's
pull it together. Azeron, see if you can raise San Francisco. Mr.
Kennedy, get our star charts running and figure out where the hell we
are. Clark, get me a bearing and speed. If anyone's console is busted,
try using a lesser one. You've got five minutes. Scooter, give me a
hand-" Anderson pulled Jones to his feet. "The Commander and I are going
to check out the rest of the ship. Mr. Treder, you have the conn."

"Yes sir," said the Lt. Commander with spiky blond hair. The two men
went into the turbolift and disappeared behind the sliding doors.

Alyrium charged, fist cocked to deliver a heavy blow, but Xalev ducked,
grabbed his arm, and flipped him onto his back. The pilot let out an
inarticulate noise of anger, flipped over, stood and charged again, both
hands out to choke the little Chadra-fan. This time, Xalev grabbed
his wrists and pulled his arms into an X, checking Alyrium's progress.
He threw himself backward, pulling the larger man with him. As he did
so, Xalev drove both legs into Alyrium's midsection, flipping him onto
his back again. The pilot scrambled to his feet while Xalev rose
and dusted himself off. "Well?" the Chadra-fan asked in his chirping
voice. "Is that all?"

"I haven't even started," the pilot shot back, frustration seeping into
his voice. He ran at Xalev again, this time trying an uppercut. As his
arm lashed out, Xalev jerked his head back, letting Alyrium hit air. The
Chandra-fan grabbed the apprentice by the neck and side and threw him to
the ground. This time, Alyrium had to stop to wipe blood from his mouth.
"How?" he asked. He was thoroughly confused as to why he couldn't lay a
hand on the small creature.

"You're tense, I'm calm," Xalev replied. "You apply excessive force, I
redirect that force through fluid motion. You wear yourself out, leaving
me fresh and ready to finish you off." Xalev made a motion and a pair of
stormtroopers came forward. "Enough for today. Return to your cell and think about what you've learned."

As the three left, Xalev drew his lightsabers and held them at the waist
in a 45-degree angle. He stood in a heavily modified cat stance and
ignited the two half-length blades. He bowed to an imaginary opponent
and began his kata. It was smooth, fluid, exactly the way he'd fought
his apprentice. Occasionally, he spun the sabers, creating a beautiful
red sheen on his dark robes. As he finished, Xalev reholstered the
sabers and closed his eyes. Suddenly, something wet and squirming
dropped onto him from the ceiling! The heavy mass knocked the Chadra-fan to the floor and he let out a squeal, more of shock than any real fear. Then he grit his teeth as he realized the identity of his attacker.

"That's it," Shinova said softly. "Concentrate." Mya floated almost a
full two feet above the mat, eyes closed in meditation. Shinova, dressed
in her typical black Jedi-esque robes, stood several feet away from her.
Then, Mya frowned and began trembling. Finally, her concentration broke
and she fell back to the mat. "You're improving," Shinova said honestly.
"Try again."

"Yes milady," Mya said softly and situated herself on the mat again. As
she closed he eyes, she extended her senses to fill the room around her.
As she did, she couldn't help but feel the convoluted spiral of emotions
from her Mistress. Shinova, while hard-edged and cold on the outside,
also seemed to be filled with a deep sadness. Why, Mya couldn't guess.
"Lady Shinova?" Mya asked quietly.


She hesitated, not completely convinced she should actually do this.
*Here goes nothing,* she thought. "Tell me about yourself." The request
seemed to genuinely take Shinova by surprise and she arched an eyebrow.


"Because I'm interested."

Shinova, her curiosity piqued, came to sit before Mya. The taller woman
looked down at her apprentice. "Well, what do you want to know?"

"Where are you from?"

Shinova smiled slightly. "A small, out of the way planet called Tigris."

"What's it like there?" Mya was genuinely beginning to take an interest.

"A lot like Alderaan, if that means anything to you. Mostly grassy
plains and savannahs." Shinova went to rub her shoulder and Mya caught
the glint of something gold on her arm.

"What's that?"

"This?" Shinova pulled her sleeve up to reveal an bracelet which
spiraled around her upper arm like a snake. "A gift. From a friend."
Shinova's voice dropped and Mya knew she'd hit on something.


Shinova smirked. "Someone who meant something to me at one time." She
let the sleeve drop and Mya sensed that a window of opportunity had just
shut. "So, anything else you'd like to know or are we finished?"
Shinova's voice had taken on an air of irritatedness.

"Lady Shinova," Mya hesitated. This question could very well get her
killed, but she had to know. "Were you ever a Jedi?"

The blue-haired woman stared at Mya for a full five seconds before
suddenly rushing forward and grabbing Mya with both hands, pulling her
face towards hers, her expression furious. "Don't youeverassociate
me with those weak-willed fools," she threatened. "Ever! Do you
understand me?" Genuinely frightened, Mya nodded. Shinova released the
redhead, practically throwing her away. "Go. Return to your room and
stay there."

"Y...yes milady," Mya said shakily. She left the room, nearly running
out. Once she was alone, Shinova pressed her hands to her eyes, trying
to stop the flow of tears.

Mya nervously padded through the halls of theBeowulf,retracing the
path she'd taken to meet Shinova. The apprentices had been given free
reign in a relatively small area of the deck, but stormtroopers guarded
the exits and cameras watched to make sure they didn't get together at
all. Suddenly, Mya heard voices. She pressed herself up against a wall
to listen. "-on the ship," one was saying. It was a high-pitched, chirpy

"Just wanted...time...the ship," another said, almost too softly to be
heard. This one was a low-pitched, resonant voice.

"That's too bad," the chirpy voice continued in a stern tone. "You are
not part of the crew, nor are you an apprentice. Now, return to your
room and stay there."


"NOW." Mya heard a sigh. "And one other thing," the chirpy voice added.
"If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I will kill you. I don't care
whose plaything you are, you'll learn to treat a member of the Council
with respect. Understand?"

"Yes m'lord," the other voice growled. Mya heard a door hiss shut.

An irritated sigh floated around the corner. "Honestly, Yoshi's the one
who brought that... that... *thing* aboard. Why, I can't imagine, but
now I'm the one always shooing it back to its room. What do I look like,
a caretaker?" Another voice answered, too soft to be made out. "That's
not funny!" The chirpy one said, irritated. "If Yoshi would get off her
lazy rear end and keep that creature satisfied, I wouldn't be getting
dive-bombed!" The other voice said something. "I think YOU should tell
her. Hell, she respects me even less than that pet of hers, and I
actually-" The chirpy voice cut off as the other spoke. "Fine, fine," it
said. "Later."

Mya heard footsteps coming towards her. "Honestly," the voice grumbled.
"I'm a Council Member now, you think she'd show a little respect, but oh
no, not Yoshi. She's too good for that." The Chadra-fan rounded the
corner and nearly ran right into her. His eyebrows shot up. "What the?"
He leaped forward and grabbed the front of Mya's shirt, pulling her down
to look him in the eyes. "What are you doing? Explain yourself or you'll
have to answer to Xalev!"

"L...Lady Shinova dismissed me. I-I was walking back to my room," she
squeaked out, completely shocked.

"Ah, yes. Mya, isn't it?" She nodded. "Tell no one about what you've
heard, understand?" She nodded again. "Good. Now, go on." He released
her and turned away, thinking. When he realized she hadn't moved, he
glared up at her to see her staring at him. "What?" he demanded,
exasperated. "Haven't you ever seen a Chadra-fan before?" She nodded,
her gaze not wavering. "Then why are you staring at me?" Slowly, she
reached a hand down and rubbed it through his fur. Instantly, he felt
himself relax all over. "Hey, stop that," he said, not really wanting
her to. She reached around and slowly scratched him behind the ear. He
actually started purring.

A smile spread across her lips. She was glad he wasn't upset with her.
"You're so cute!" she said.

"" he said, only putting token resistance in his

She smiled, knowing he was just saying that. She ran a finger along his
ear and he shivered. "Yes, you are," she whispered.

He grumbled something in his own language and readjusted his robes. "You
need to get back to your room. I will escort you." She nodded and
removed her hand from his ear. "Nonononono," he said as he took her hand and placed it back on his ear. "Keep scratching right there." She began to scratch and he growled happily. "Yeah, that's it. Now, let's go."
Together they walked down the hall, Mya still scratching behind his ear.

A man stood in a darkened room, looking out at the Coruscant skyline.
Slowly, he took a drag on his cigarette. Behind him, another man entered
the room. "So, what's the story?" the newcomer asked.

"Cracken agreed to the meeting, just like I said he would," the first
man answered. His voice was low and rough. "How's Larz?"

"A little nervous, but he's holding himself together fairly well. You
sure about this?"

The man took another drag. "Well, it's a bit too late to be anything but
sure, don't you think?" He chuckled darkly

Posted: 2002-12-27 08:10pm
by Stravo
Kelly entered Wong's quarters, taking note that the stormtroopers took up guard outside the door as it closed behind her. She found him sitting on a mediation pad before the windows. "You sent for me?" she asked as she stood behind him, hands clasped together resting on the small of her back.

"Have a seat," he said, gesturing towards the pad beside him.

She sat crosslegged on the pad, facing the same direction as he was. Her mind wondered why he had summoned her so long after the test against Ignatius. Looking over at him, she saw his eyes were closed and his features relaxed. He was meditating. "I didn't think Sith meditated."

"So little do you know of the Sith." He paused for a moment before continuing. "You did well against Ignatius."

"I lost," she snorted. "I would think that would have made you upset."

"Your strength does not lie in your arms."

She cut her eyes towards him. How would he know what her strengths are?

"I am very surprised Aulduin didn't teach you to shield your thoughts better." He let his words sink in. Before she could reply, he continued. "Your strength is in your shield. If you concentrate all your power, you would be invincible."

"And give in to the dark side," she hissed. "That's what you really mean."

"You really do not understand. There is no light and dark. That is something people have placed in your head. The Force is what you make of it."

The words hit close to home. She had never thought there were two sides. If the Force is in all living things, how could there be two sides?

He sensed the growing conflict in her. "Go back to your room and mediate on this. When you are ready to learn more, return and I will teach you what you should have learned from Aulduin."

She nodded and stood, moving in a rather dream-like state towards the door. The door slid open as she approached. Stepping through, she never noticed the troopers as they took up station on either side of her, following her back to her room.

Ignatius watched from around the corner. He knew Kelly would never slip to the dark side. It wasn't her destiny. Then why was she leaving Wong's quarters? Especially with that dazed look upon her face? His brow furrowed for a moment, a movement he still marveled at since he'd taken this form. With a shrug, he moved to Wong's door and knocked.

The door slid open. He scanned the dark room, easily finding Wong's heat signature. Moving over to where the man sat, he dropped to the meditation pad beside him. Somewhere in his processors, he noted that the pad was warm. Kelly had probably been sitting there a short time ago. "Lord Wong, you wished to speak with me?" His voice was neutral.

"Do you know why Admiral Kanos chose you to be presented to me as a gift?" Wong's voice was level, yet honestly questioning.

"He believed I would be a welcome addition to your conclave."

Wong nodded approvingly. "And you are. I was quite impressed with your lightsaber technique against the Antilles woman. You've had no training, yet you bested a Jedi apprentice. That is no small feat."

Ignatius smiled coldly. "Thank you, Lord Wong."

They sat in silence before the younger man spoke. "Is the Dark side stronger?"

Wong smiled inwardly. "The Dark side can give you your heart's desire and more."

"So it is stronger."

This was quite amusing to Wong This one is after nothing more than power. "If that is how you wish to put it then yes, the Dark side is stronger."

Ignatius nodded and stood. "Thank you, Lord Wong. You have assisted me in making a decision."

Wong turned his head. "I have?"

"Yes. And for that, I thank you." He turned and headed for the door.

Kelly's mind battled the entire walk back to her room. There has to be a light and dark side, one half said. How else can you know what is good and what is evil.

But, the other side countered, Master Aulduin has always said that the Force is in all living things. How can it have sides when it is in everything?

Explain the Empire and the Rebellion.

That has nothing to do with this. That was a political war. This is about the Force.

How is it any different? It is two factions in the same space warring against each other.

But does that mean one side is stronger? Can they not be equal?

Id shrugged. Perhaps, but not from what I've read and seen. Remember, there was a prophecy about one who would bring balance to the Force. If someone was meant to balance the Force, how can it be in balance to begin with?

Ego huffed. That prophecy was fulfilled by Anakin Skywalker.

Was it? Are there truly as many Sith as there are Jedi?

Who says that is what the prophecy meant? A prophecy is meant to be vague. Perhaps Anakin's rise and fall and return was the balance?

Id snorted. You certainly have quite the imagination.

I thought that was your job, Ego laughed. And what about that stupid Jedi code? "There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no death; there is the Force." I mean, you have to have emotion or I'd not exist. As well as passion. And death? That's part of life, isn't it?

Ah, but you must not forget the rest. "Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others. Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy. Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training." Do you not follow that?

Jedi are guardians of peace, yeah right. Since when?

There hasn't been a war since the breakup of the Empire.

But aren't Sith Jedi, as well?

Id had no reply. She wasn't sure exactly what a Sith was. Um...

HAH! Maybe, if we decide to train with Lord Wong, we can find out what a Sith is and be able to understand this more.

It's too dangerous. If there does turn out to be two sides, I'd rather not find out the hard way.

But don't you think it's worth the risk?

Her hand tapped the door panel. Left and right, yin and yang, back and forth, the two voices battled. Kelly stepped into the room then froze in the doorway. What if everything Aulduin had taught her was propaganda? She didn't really know exactly what a Sith was. Only one way to find out. She spun on her heels and headed back to Wong's quarters.

She nearly ran into Ignatius as he exited. Stepping back in surprise, she muttered, "Sorry." She looked at him coldly. What's HE doing here? she thought. Don't you have your own Master to take care of you? Go on, leave. Get out of here. Wong is mine.

He looked into her eyes as he passed. There was something that didn't seem right to him. He wished he could read her mind. Putting his theories in a special file, he continued past her.

Kelly huffed as the door closed behind her. She made her way to the meditation pad and sat beside Wong.

"Have you made up your mind?" His voice was serene, as if he knew the answer.

She put a determined look on her face. "Teach me."

Posted: 2003-01-11 03:38pm
by Stravo
Zaia sighed as she watched her brother wearing a hole in the floor of their room. "Ted, calm down," she told him for the umpteenth time. He was making her nervous.

"You know I can't stand being cooped up," he replied as he passed her. "This is ridiculous. Master Utsanomiko hasn't sent for me in days!"

His words sent chills through her. He actually wanted to see the Dark Lord? "MASTER Utsanomiko? Have you forgotten all you've learned? Utsanomiko is a SITH LORD! He isn't interested in what's best for you."

He waved her off. "Yes, I know. But, if I can learn to beat him, perhaps I can get us out of here."

"How? You think you can take on that many Sith?"

"Of course."

Zaia shook her head. Once he got an idea in his head, there was no stopping him. She had a bad feeling this wasn't going to turn out very good. If she didn't do something, he'd end up on the wrong end of a lightsaber... or worse. "Ted?"

He stopped pacing and looked at her. "What?"

She had to try. He was her brother after all. "Think for a minute. Nine Sith Lords. All well-trained. All perfectly willing to slice you up if you step out of line. Think, Ted."

He held her gaze then looked down at the floor. You're right," he said softly. Suddenly, all the energy seemed to bleed out of him, and he sat down. "I'm just... sick of being jerked around."

"I know." She crossed over and hugged him. "Don't worry bro, I got you into this, I'll get you out." She turned to go back to her original position, and thus missed the look of pure venom he shot her.

The two men entered the room side by side. One wore Mandalorian armor, colored dark blue with green trim, sans helmet. He had close-cropped blond hair and blue eyes. The other wore an Imperial uniform with the rank of Colonel.

The ready room of the Starfury was fairly dim, but lit by screens along the walls. The different screens broadcast views of Star Destroyers, and several displayed maps of several sectors of the galaxy.

As the two walked across the room, the thin carpet muffled their steps. It was black with a huge rendition of the Imperial Emblem in silver, stretching from wall to wall. They approached the center of the room and halted, facing the back of a chair beside which stood a third man. This one had spiky red hair, which fell nearly to his shoulders. He wore battle-scarred armor that had once been a standard Imperial Guard uniform. He had added to it a black gunbelt from which hung a pair of heavy blasters, black boots, and heavy spikes over one shoulder. As the
two arrivals halted, he bent and whispered to the chair's occupant. The chair turned to face them. "Olrik, Ando, good to see you back."

Olrik saluted, and Ando nodded. "A pleasure to see you, Admiral," Ando added.

Admiral Kanos sat back and steepled his fingers. "Your report, gentlemen."

"The Republic is cementing its hold over Zsinj's territory," Olrick said, his words filling the near-silent room. "By the most recent data, it seems they will soon have a solid hold over two-thirds of it."

"Rogriss was unable to keep them back?"

"Apparently. He was injured in one of the latest battles. The Imperial Fleet fought well, but was unable to keep the Republic back."

"And no thanks at all to Warlord Teradoc," Ando added with a snort. "The fool brought his own fleet into the middle of the fray and got hammered by both sides."

Kanos frowned, his brown eyes boring into the two men. "End result?"

"The Republic is still young," Olrik said. "But it's growing rapidly. A year from now, maybe two, and it will control a strong percentage of the galaxy."


"Admiral, we're all aware of your... agreement. Both Ando and I feel it would be best to strengthen it."

Kanos nodded and pressed his palms together. "I agree. Now then." He turned to face a Commander standing by the screens. "What's the status of the Beowulf?"

"Sir!" Commander Smi barked to cover his surprise. "The Beowulf is currently in the Zexel System. She seems to be making fair speed for the orbit of the fourth planet."

"How long until she reaches Chorax?"

"Three, maybe four days, sir, depending on what route they choose."

"Well, what route do you think they'll choose?"

Smi gulped. "Um, projections indicate they will commit themselves to at least two more jumps before arriving there. I'd say roughly 95 hours, or nearly four days, as an estimate, sir."

"Good." Kanos stood and clasped his hands behind his back. "Talen?"

"Yes sir?" The Guardsman snapped to attention.

"Inform all personnel aboard the Commissar and the Falkenhorst that their leave is hereby canceled. We'll leave port in eight hours and move to set our trap."

Shinova sat on a meditation pad looking out at the stars. She'd been reflecting on herself ever since the outburst with her apprentice. Such incidents were not like her and she was not happy she'd lost control. Her mind began to drift back over the years. She'd been young, a fool. A voice interrupted her reverie. "Do I detect a hint of wistfulness in your expression, Lady Shinova?" Necronlord asked as he entered the room.

Shinova glared at him, quite upset that he'd broken her meditation. "Do I detect a fist ready to plant itself in your face, Norcen Drol?"

His red eyes narrowed beneath his hood. "That name," he announced forcefully, "no longer has any meaning for me."

"Spare me the righteous indignation," she huffed. "I think you've spent too much time with that damned Holocron and not enough maintaining your sanity. And for heaven's sake, will you remove that hood of yours? There's nothing there to be ashamed of."

With a growl, Necronlord pulled off his hood revealing his face. He was fairly handsome with wild dark brown hair, goatee, and strong jaw line. Two things marred his features. The first was a twisted, purplish scar that trailed across his right cheek. The second was the fact that his irises and pupils glowed a bright red.

"Well? Happy now?" he asked.

Shinova smiled slightly. "You can get rid of that scar if it bothers you so much, Drol."

His hand went to touch the scar, moving down the twisting, turning groove, which branched off now and then. "No," he said softly. "This is a part of me. A decision I chose to make. And stop calling me that."

Shinova shrugged. "As you wish." She closed her eyes and returned to her meditation. He stood where he was and simply looked at her, silent. After a few moments, she cracked an eye open and looked at him. "Enjoying the view?"

"It is... exquisite," he said, his eyes not leaving hers.

"Why not take a closer look," she said huskily, her thoughts now only on him. They had known each other for so long and knew what the other needed.

His robe dropped to the floor as he moved to sit before her. A light tunic barely covered his muscular chest and shoulders. He took her in his strong arms and pulled her close, his lips so close to hers. "Is this close enough?"

"Perhaps," she replied breathlessly. It has been far too long. She closed the distance and kissed him softly.

He drank in her lips, so soft and caring. Laying back on the floor, he pulled her on top. His arms wrapped around her gently. Much too long.

Her hands pressed against his chest, feeling every muscle. She gently caressed him, pushing his tunic aside to touch bare skin. "Drol..."

"I know, Shin," he replied to her unasked question. His hands moved to her shoulders, sliding the cloth from them and down her back, exposing her breasts. The cool air quickly made her nipples erect. He pulled her up further so he could feast on them.

Shinova moaned as his tongue wrapped itself around her breast. He'd always known which buttons to press and when. She ran her hands through his long hair.

His hands traveled down her back to her ass. He grasped it tightly, enjoying the feel of her soft skin. One hand slipped between her legs to her folds. She was so wet and ready. His finger lazily drew across her opening, dipping in slightly. He hardly felt it as she lifted them from
the floor telekinetically. His pants began to slide down his body, releasing his engorged cock.

Soon, they both were naked, their bodies entwined in mid-air. Drol pushed her down to kiss her lips. "Shin... you don't have to."

"Yes, I do," she replied, laying a finger across his lips. His cock now throbbed against her labia. It was so intoxicating. Reaching down, she guided him into her hot, wet hole. She shuddered as he filled her completely.

Slowly, methodically they began to make love. He thrust into her before withdrawing and repeating the process. Hearing her groans turned him on more than anything. He adjusted them to a position where he could get even deeper. She gasped in surprise before moaning low and long.

The tempo grew faster. The thrust grew harder. Soon they were bouncing against each other like horny womprats. "Oh yes!" Shinova screamed. He had found her g-spot and was grinding against it hard. It wouldn't be much longer.

He knew she was on the edge, just as he was. One more thrust would be all he could take. He pound hard into her, releasing his seed deep into her. He felt her pussy contract, sucking him dry. Her body began to shake as she was wrapped in her own orgasm.

As the aftershocks faded, Shinova gently lowered them to the floor. She kissed his sweat covered forehead. "Thank you."

"Anytime, my dear."

Pash stood on the balcony of the sightseeing attraction, Coruscant Skyline. It was a high tower, set in the middle of a fairly flat area of Coruscant. Several kilometers away was a huge string of buildings. Pash could see the Imperial Palace, the Senate Hall, and NRI Headquarters from where he stood. His watch beeped, indicating that it was nine forty-five. Fifteen minutes until his contact showed up. Around him, people began leaving as they finished taking their holos and went on to the next attraction. One man walked up to the railing beside Pash,
nodding hello as he lit a cigarette. "Coruscant," he said to no one in particular.

"What about it?" Pash asked, willing to burn some time.

"They call it the Hub. The Capital. The Homeworld. Some even refer to it as Coordinates zero-zero-zero. It's been the seat of power for thousands of years, for the Galactic Republic, the Empire, and the New Republic. Hundreds of billions of people call it home. It's the only planet in the galaxy that exists as a city unto itself." The man took a drag on his cigarette. "What a shithole."

Pash nodded. It was common knowledge that millions lived in poverty on Coruscant. The government just couldn't help them all. "So, that's your take on it, mister..." He trailed off.

He looked the man over. He was tall, taller than Pash by a few inches. His brown hair fell into his light brown eyes as he studied the pilot. Those eyes carried a haunted look, and Pash knew that there was more to this man than met the eye.

"Come with me." The man's tone invited no argument and Pash knew he'd found his contact. The two left the railing and walked to where a speeder was docked. The man gestured for Pash to take the passenger's seat, flicked away his cigarette butt and the two took off, merging with
a stream of traffic.

"So, I hear you and a few friends of yours have a slight problem, Captain Cracken," the man said after a few minutes.

"You think you can help us?"

"I know I can help you." He lit another cigarette.


"Because I have a stake in this as well." The man reached into his jacket and pulled out a flimsy photo. "This is my fiancée. Recognize her?"

Pash studied the picture. "No, sorry."

"Well, no reason you should. She was kidnapped along with the other missing NRI people from the Cav operation." The man placed the picture back under his jacket and took another drag on his cigarette.

"Do you have some information?" Pash asked expectantly.

The man nodded. "I've got a witness, a partner, and a few contacts."

"Sounds good," he said with a nod of his head. "Are you NRI? Freelance?"

"NRI, but I'm doing this under the table. Your father doesn't know about it."

"So he shot you down, too?"

"Yeah." The man offered Pash his hand. "Nice to be working with you, Captain. Agent Dolphin, at your service."

Posted: 2003-01-15 10:42am
by Stravo
Engineering, Jones decided, had fared better than the bridge during the Darkstar's journey. Most of the consoles were intact and only a few people had been injured. The warp core was mercifully undamaged. Jones and Anderson had paid a quick visit to sickbay, where Jones had his gash mended. The rooms had been quite full, but most of those there had received only minor injuries. As the two men entered the large room, Chief Engineer Arminius zeroed in on them. Oh, Christ,Jones thought when he saw the look on Arminus' face. "All right, captain," the Chief said, his voice full of anger and scorn. "Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on here?"

"Chief, we hit some kind-"

"HIT?" the man practically screamed. "We HIT something? What, has Clark lost his marbles or something? What's he done to my ship?"

Jones suppressed a bark of anger. It was no use, Arminius was too rabid when it came to the fact that he'd been working on the Darkstar longer than Jones, despite the other man's higher rank. "First off, Chief, we didn't hit anything that caused structural damage. It was probably some kind of fold in space-time. Second, we've only received minor injuries from that crazy trip."

"So where in the Sam hell are we?"

"We don't know."

"We don't know? WE DON'T KNOW?!" The Chief's face began to change colors. "What are you people doing up on the bridge, huh? Drinking Romulan Ale and having a grand old time, with no one watching where the hell the ship's going?"

"Arminius," Anderson broke in, "you know darn well-"

"Quiet, Scooter. This doesn't concern you." The Chief took a step closer to the captain. "Now you listen here, junior. Your slick moves might work on the Admirals, but I'm not impressed. For all the time you've spent on the Darkstar, my crew and I have been shot at, thrown around, stomped on, and laughed at. Now, you'd better figure out where the hell we are or I might just have to-"

"That's enough, Chief," Jones broke in.

"Why, you snot-nosed punk! I oughta-"

"You're out of line, Arminius." Jones' cold tone finally got the Chief to quiet down. "Now, what's the situation here?"

"We're fine. Just fine. ANDY!" he suddenly barked. Across the room, a younger man, his torso buried in a console, jerk up and bashed his head.

"OWWWWW!" the yell filled Engineering.

"You little moron!" Arminius bellowed. "What've you done this time?"

"Nothing, Chief!" he squeaked. As Arminius stalked towards the unfortunate crewman, Jones and Scooter seized the opportunity to get out of Engineering.

Ewo walked into the room at a steady pace. Her gaze was serene, and a slight smile rested on her lips. Her silver hair fell past her shoulders to nearly mid-back. She wore a simple uniform of white, belted at the waist. Her soft blue eyes currently were half-closed seductively, which belied the intensity they carried when she dueled. Admiral Valdemar had noticed that glint the day she walked off the IG-2001. It was a look similar to his own. He smiled and offered her a half-bow as she reached the middle of the room. "Hello, madam," he said, his rich voice filling the room.

She stopped and returned the bow with the smoothness that only came from a high-class upbringing, which she had received back on Ralltiir. "Good to see you, my dear Admiral," she said softly, her sultry voice matching his in courtesy. Valdemar killed the smile before it could creep onto his face. A true one in a million, he thought. IG was certainly lucky to find her, as was I.

"So, how are you this fine day?"

"I've found myself to be a bit...manic," she said, a mysterious grin crossing her face.

"Is that so?" he asked. "And how do you propose to relieve yourself of this mania?"

"There are several ways," she said. "One of which I would prefer..." she trailed off and tapped the lightsaber handle hanging at her side.

"Ah. I would be honored to assist you in your proposal, my dear lady," he said, unhooking his own lightsaber. The two walked to the center of the room, where a long pad had been laid down from one wall to its opposite. They stepped on, several feet apart, then simultaneously turned to face each other. She drew her lightsaber and ignited the yellow blade. A second, smaller blade, curved around the hand guard. After all, she thought, a proper saber follows tradition.

She placed her left hand at her hip and held the saber at a 45-degree angle. "Are you prepared, Admiral?"

"A small moment," he said. He removed his black cap and uniform jacket and placed them on a nearby chair, leaving him with a plain white shirt, which showed his athletic figure quite well. He's quite a specimen, Ewo thought. A true prize to be sought.

He ignited the red blade of his own saber, which reflected his upbringing in traditional fencing. It was built to match a foil, with a cup-shaped guard that started at the emitter and spread out towards his hand. Not that it would do much good against a lightsaber, he thought. All the more reason to enjoy the thrill of the battle. He smiled broadly and struck a fencing pose, blade forward, flank to his opponent, free hand above his head. "Best of three?" he asked.

She nodded. "As you wish."

He came to his starting position and a referee stepped between them. "Begin," he said, stepping back again. Valdemar moved in, striking quickly, his blade seeking a target, but Ewo batted it aside. The two began a long back-and-forth, sabers clashing, open smiles on their faces. Both were professional duelists with years of training and conditioning and it showed in their crisp, powerful movements. Finally, Ewo managed to knock Valdemar's blade aside and hold her own at his throat. "Point, Ewo," the referee called out.

She did not move her saber. "Have I tired you already, dear Admiral?"

"My sweet, lovely Ewo, I am simply getting warmed up," he said as they retook their positions. The referee gave the signal and Valdemar came in, faster than before, swiftly batting her blade aside and holding the tip at her breastbone. A shocked look crossed her face.

"Point, Valdemar," the referee said neutrally. Ewo set herself as they prepared for the final exchange. "Final point, begin." The two sabers crashed into each other and they began a wild series of exchanges that would have left even the most elite of fencers with their mouths agape. The Force gave them a speed and reaction time that no normal person could hope to emulate. It also brought them a sense of fulfillment. Ewo, once beginning to learn the Force, had quickly began besting even the quickest and shrewdest of duelists in her league. She enjoyed winning, but the easy victories left her hollow. Likewise, Valdemar had grown frustrated at the ease with which he defeated both human and robotic opponents. Both had been ecstatic when they found the other was a duelist as well as an aristocrat. Such thoughts ran through both of their minds as Valdemar brought his blade in from above and Ewo was forced to use her handle blade to stop it. The two of them leaned into the clash, their sabers crackling.

"You've gotten quicker," he commented.

"And you have gotten stronger," she replied. "But I am still going to win." She suddenly applied all her weight to the saber, pushing Valdemar back. He failed to compensate quickly enough, and fell backward, dropping his saber. It went out as it hit the floor. Ewo stood over the prostrate Admiral.

"Victory to Ewo," the referee said.

"Thank you," she said, not moving. "Now leave us, please." The referee bowed and exited. Ewo turned back to Valdemar, who was smiling.

"So. Was I successful in relieving you of your anxiety, milady Ewo?"

"Indeed," she said, a faint sheen of sweat on her brow. "I thank you." She extinguished her saber and allowed him to stand.

"I am honored. Now, would you care to join me for a drink?" He gestured to a table where a bottle of red wine sat with two glasses. "In honor of your victory."

"Well, in that case, I must accept." She strode over to the table. Valdemar held his hand out and his saber flew into it. He attached it to his waist and followed her as she seated herself. He picked up the bottle, uncorked it, and poured into her glass then his. He sat to her right and held his glass to hers. "To victories worth achieving," she said.

"And to an opponent worth competing with," he added. The expensive Chandrilan crystal clinked as they touched their glasses. She took a sip and held her glass to her lips, watching him over the rim. "Yes, Lady Ewo?" he asked, noticing her gaze.

"Admiral," she began as she set her glass down. "I believe I must reassess myself."

"In what way?"

"I am not as... calmed... as I believed myself to be when our match ended." She stood and leaned back against the table, looking down over her shoulder at him.

He set his own glass down. "May I be of any assistance?" he asked as he stood and moved to stand before her.

"I believe you can." Her hands ran up the front of his shirt to his shoulders.

He smiled. "It would be my honor," he said. She pulled him to her, kissing him fiercely. Her tongue parted his lips to do battle with his.

Valdemar responded with as much desire. His hands deftly undid the buttons on her uniform top and pushed it aside. He was pleased to see she wore no underclothes and leaned down to feast upon her perfect breasts.

She held him close and moaned. "Oh Admiral," she cooed as he suckled her nipple. Sliding her hands down his back, she moved them around to undo his pants and slide a hand into his briefs.

That was more than enough encouragement for him. He undid her pants and pushed them past her hips. Then he swept his arm across the table behind her, sending the glasses and wine tumbling. The glasses crashed to the floor. The bottle tipped and rolled down the table, spilling its contents everywhere. He lifted Ewo onto the table as his clothes fell to the floor.

She looked at him, deep lust on her face. Her hand still on his member, she guided him into her. As he thrust into her, he grabbed her wrists and pinned them beside her head. They kissed hard.

Valdemar kissed and nipped down her neck to her breasts as he pound into her. She leaned her head back and let out a low moan. He slid his hands slowly down her arms to cup her breasts. He rolled the nipple of one in his fingers as he suckled the other.

Ewo's hips raised from the table, trying to take him further into her. He was driving her mad. She wrapped her legs around his and pulled him close. Each thrust made her grunt with effort. Soon she would know exctasy.

He couldn't hold back any longer. With three swift strokes, he shot his load deep into her with a grunt. She writhed under him, feeling every drop. Soon, she climaxed, her pussy clinching his cock. They fell back against the table exhausted.

Shortly after Ewo left, a chime sounded. "Enter," the Admiral said. Necronlord strode through. Something was different about him, but it took Valdemar a moment to nail it down: the Sith Lord no longer wore his hood. He gave a mental shrug. "Ah, Norcen," he said with a slight nod. "What brings you here, my old apprentice?"

"I'd like your help, Master Valdemar."

"Really?" he asked, pouring himself a glass of wine. "Would you care to expand on that sentiment?"

Necronlord explained.

Pash stood facing the group of NRI agents he'd come to know over the past few days. Beside him stood Agent Dolphin, Larz, and a dark-haired man who only identified himself as Einhander. The agents had not been happy about Pash bringing the renegades into their planning and even now, Stormbringer and Stravo looked less than pleased. Verilon's expression was neutral, as was Aulduin's. Aerius seemed to be evaluating the three men, as if wondering which one would betray them first. "So, uh," Pash said. "I'd like you to meet Larz, well, you already know him from Cav's place..."

Larz did not look frightened as he had before. His fingers were steepled and a superior look was on his face. "Seeing you again is quite... satisfying," he said.

"And these are the guys who sprung him out of prison. This is Einhander." He gestured to the dark-haired, green-eyed man who nodded and shook hands with several agents, but offered no comment. Pash turned to Spanky. The agent held another cigarette in his hand. "And this is Agent Dolphin, NRI. His fiancée was kidnapped along with the others, so he's got a stake in this, just like us."

"Great, fine, good," Stormbringer said, interrupting. He stabbed a finger at Einhander. "What's your full name, and why are you involved in this?"

Einhander glanced at Spanky, who gave a slight nod. "Einhander is my full name," he said, his voice soft but strong "and I'm involved in this because I believe that one of the men behind the disappearance is a man I once knew. A man I want to kill."

"Fair enough," Stravo said as Stormbringer raised an eyebrow. His silver eyes locked onto Spanky's brown. "And you. You claim to be NRI, but I've never seen you before. What's your whole name?"

Spanky blew out a breath of smoke. "Spanky Theodore Dolphin." Verilon snickered, and Spanky speared him with a glare. "Find something funny, pal?"

Verilon tried to kill the smile, but failed. "So, you're telling us that your name is Spanky, The, Dolphin?" He laughed. No one else saw the humor in his jest.

Spanky took a long drag on his cigarette then leaned forward and blew a cloud of smoke into Verilon's face. The other agent coughed. "You find that amusing?" he asked. There was no humor in his voice at all. Pash caught Verilon's eye and drew his thumb across his neck. Verilon got the message.

"Nope," he said. Pash sighed inwardly. Wedge, where are you when I need you? Wedge and all the members of his impromptu squadron had been called back into active duty. General Cracken had even found Mirax a job and she was unreachable.

"All right everyone," Pash said. "We've got plans to make and we've wasted enough time on introductions."

"Quite inspiring," Larz remarked flippantly.

Pash glared hard at him. "You were a prisoner less than a day ago. Unless you'd like to return to that status, I suggest you shut up."

Larz sniffed. "There's no call for that. We're allies now."

Pash leaned towards him, all his anger fixed on this one man. "Maybe," he said in a calm, but firm tone, "but as far as I'm concerned, you still helped Cav take advantage of all our loved ones. That means if I feel for one second you're not helping to the best of your ability, or if we fail because you fouled up on your info, we use you for target practice. Got it? Ally?"

Larz inhaled shakily. "Yes. I believe you've made you point."

"Good." Pash looked down at the table, trying to regain his senses. "Let's get to work."

Posted: 2003-01-17 02:22pm
by Stravo
Wong watched Kelly like a hawkbat as she went through a slow kata. "That's right," he said softly. "Focus your emotions. Not simply your anger, nor your passion. All of them work together to produce your being."

"So, our emotions make us who we are," she said flatly.

"It makes sense, doesn't it?" he replied. "Our emotions determine how we act, how we think, even who we love."

Kelly hesitated. "Love?"

Wong laughed softly. "It seems strange, doesn't it? A Sith Lord, lecturing a Jedi apprentice on love. Well, perhaps not as strange as one might think." He motioned for her to join him at the window, and she did so. "The Jedi have a saying: There is no 'why'. The Sith believe that 'why' is the most important of questions."

She blinked. "I don't understand."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the Jedi believed that serenity and detachment from one's emotions was the path to righteousness. Some of them, those who would become the Sith, disagreed. They were certain it was emotions, the flow of life around a person, that determined what was right and wrong."

"But," Kelly interrupted, "wasn't it a Sith that developed an Empire? Didn't he conquer the Old Republic? Didn't he and his apprentice kill thousands?" Her voice was indignant.

"Yes they did, and there is no denying it." Kelly was surprised by his honesty. "But those Sith, the leaders of the Sith Empire, made a crucial mistake. They were quick to anger and distrust, and it consumed them." Wong looked out at the stars, an expression of sorrow on his face. "They parted from the path that the first Sith had set down, and it destroyed them." He smiled, and gently wrapped an arm around Kelly's waist, pulling her closer. With his other arm, he gestured at the window, taking in all the stars they could see. "You see, the true Sith believed that all emotions must be kept in balance. Anger and hate were not to be fed and used solely, but neither were they to be pushed aside and forgotten."

She stiffened as he touched her, but his gentleness caught her off guard. She relaxed and concentrated on his words. "You mean, it's all right to be angry?"

"Of course. It's unavoidable. But to allow that anger to grow and consume you is where you become lost. You must keep it balance with serenity and compassion, and yes, love."

Kelly frowned. "But, my master Aulduin taught me that when you learn to quiet your mind, you can sense the flow of life around you, and do what must be done to correct what's wrong."

"You master is an intelligent man," Wong said with a nod. "But he has only been taught to think it one direction. Yes, keeping your mind clear and pure is one way to solve your problems, but there are other ways. Has it ever occurred to you that the reverse is true?"

"The reverse?"

The corner of Wong's mouth moved up in a smile. "By tuning your emotions to that of those around you, you can develop a focus that even the greatest Jedi cannot duplicate. That focus, that rush of emotion can carry you straight to victory. When you want something, when you want something so badly you can taste it, touch it, trade your life for it, you gain an insight into a situation that could never be gained by staying separated."

Kelly blinked. She could here the truth in his words. She'd even thought along those lines before, but the way Wong expressed it, so eloquently, and so self-assured, made them seem like the answer to the age-old question: How does the Force work? "What you're saying makes sense, but I'm not sure if I believe you."

Wong laughed and his arm withdrew. "I would expect no other answer, Kelly Antilles. You're strong, intelligent, and it's quite obvious you've learned to think for yourself. You've spent years learning the Force, one way of approaching it, one school of thought. Now, I'm not saying that your way is the wrong way, and I'm not saying mine is right, but rather, they are parallels."


"Two different paths leading to the same goal, mastery of the Force. One is not necessarily better, but both will appeal to different people."

"I think I understand," she said softly.

"Good. Return to your quarters. I'll teach you more tomorrow." Kelly turned and walked out, the door sliding closed behind her. The room fell silent. For a long moment, Wong looked out at the expanse of stars. Then he began to laugh.

The creature slithered through the air ducts. He had gone back to Yoshi's room, but she immediately threw him out. When she'd first picked him up, they had the best times. Now, however, she didn't pay any attention to him. He resented that and went off in search of a new Mistress.

Kelly walked towards her room and thought of what Wong had said and how he'd touched her. He'd been gentle, something she hadn't expected. She closed the door behind her and it locked automatically. Leaning against the wall, she began to touch herself where he had. A moan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and imagined him before her.

There was a loud thump in front of her and her eyes shot open. Looking down she saw a tentacled creature with one huge eye staring at her. "Who...or what are you?" she said as she looked it over. The creature seemed to be all eye, although a flap of skin concealed a thin mouth. A dozen or so tentacles branched off from the main body, which was nearly as large as a human torso.

"Humans cannot pronounce my name." The hidden mouth said on a low-pitched, resonant voice. "But, Xalev calls me 'Evil Sadistic Bastard.'" It grinned, if you could call it that. The mouth didn't change, but the eye suddenly seemed mirthful.

"Ok, that answers that question. Now, why the hell are you here?" She slid past him and moved towards the bunk.

"I am in search of a new Mistress. Mistress Yoshi has obviously grown tired of me and I must serve a Mistress or I will die."

Kelly snorted. "You'll die?" She removed her jacket and stretched, getting the kinks out from her session.

He eyed her body. Yes, she would do very well. "Yes, human women have something that can only be found on my home planet. It sustains us. That is why we do not leave our planet without a Mistress."

She looked at him, still skeptical. "So, what is this 'thing' only human women have?"

One of the creature's tentacles snaked up her leg under her pants to her epicenter. She gasped as it parted her lips and slid up into her. "The juices that are here have a mineral in them that sustain us. I have not had any in so long. I shall surely perish if I do not have any soon." He pushed his tentacle further into her.

She reached back and grasped the edge of the bunk tightly. "Um...I...oh god." She didn't realize just how hot she had been after her meeting with Wong. Desire flowed through her. "Ok," she finally breathed. "I'll help you out...but just this once."

"Thank you, Mistress...uh," he looked at her. "I do not even know your name."

"Kelly," she said breathlessly as she felt him sliding his appendage in and out slowly. "My name is Kelly."

"Mistress Kelly. What a beautiful name for such a beautiful human." He gently ran a tentacle along her body. "So beautiful you shouldn't wear clothing."

She chuckled at his double meaning and quickly removed her pants and tunic. Standing before the creature naked, she suddenly felt self-conscious. "Um..."

He could tell her sudden reluctance, after all, he was sensitive to the Force as well. Two tentacles reached behind her and removed a pillowcase. He brought it up to her face, folded over to make a blindfold. "Perhaps if you only feel and not see you will like it better?"

She allowed him to tie the case around her eyes. "Yes, this might work." She felt several tentacles sliding up her back. "Hey...what are you doing?"

"You must trust me, Mistress Kelly. I promise I will do nothing to harm you." He felt her relax and continued. Gently, he lay her on the floor upon a blanket he'd pulled from the bed. This entire time, he'd not removed the tentacle that was within her. Sliding up her body, he moved his mouth over her labia. She was leaking fluids out around his appendage. He licked them up quickly and began sucking the hard little nub all human women had. He'd found that when he did this, they gave him all the liquid he required and then some. It also seemed to somehow satisfy them as well.

Kelly was nervous, but he was being so gentle. She felt him moving in and out of her, making her so wet. Two tentacles had moved up and were lying across her breasts. His suckers lay on her nipples, suckling them. She moaned and ran her hands down them. He shivered at her touch. No other human had touched him that way before. He felt it to the tip of each tentacle. It encouraged him to move in and out of her faster and harder.

She moaned in reply. "Oh god, yes." Her hips bucked against him. His mouth locked on her clit and sucked hard. He wrapped two tentacles around her breasts and squeezed them. Her fingers dug into his skin as she felt her orgasm approaching. ESB loved her voice. He loved her body, the way it moved, the way it tasted. He felt her body tense as her climax took over. Her pussy tightened around his tentacle. That drove him wild. He experienced something he never had before, complete and utter bliss. He slid out from her and sucked up every drop of her juices. Kelly laid back, completely exhausted. "That was incredible," she said removing the blindfold. She looked down at the now limp creature lying across her lower body. "Feel free to come back any time."

"Really?" He was in shock. Had he done that well?

She pulled herself from under him and moved to kiss the top of his head. "Yes. I mean that." Evil Sadistic Bastard was suddenly happier than he'd ever been in his entire existence

Stravo and Stormbringer walked side-by-side around the exterior of the Jagged Edge. They'd told everyone that they'd gone out to catch a breath of fresh air, but had really left to discuss things privately. "What do you think of them?" Stormbringer asked. Stravo was an expert at reading people's motives and Stormbringer trusted him.

"Einhander seems like a straight shooter," the older agent said. "And Larz is pretty easy to read when he gets nervous. The third guy though-"


"Yeah. I don't know about him. I've never seen him before, and he seems like he's right on the edge."

"A lunatic?"

"Not yet, but he's close. Push him too far and he might explode. And there's something else."


"I don't know. I'm pretty sure he was telling the truth about his fiancée, but there something else, something he's holding back."

They reached the ramp. "Let's keep an eye on him," Stormbringer said before they stepped up. "If he gets twitchy, we might have to waste him."

Stravo pressed his lips together in a frown. "Not the best method for finding every spy, but if we have to..." He touched his blaster. Stormbringer nodded.

As they walked into the planning room, Spanky was bent over the table, another cigarette burning. He didn't look up. "You said you'd be back ten minutes ago," he growled.

"We got held up," Stormbringer said, his voice frosty. Stravo shot him a cautioning glance. "Sorry," he added.

Spanky didn't seem to care. "So," he said, addressing everyone. "How much do you guys know about what we're up against?"

"Well, nothing really," Pash said. "We haven't been given any information from NRI. They've been keeping us in the dark."

Spanky sighed. "I figured as much. Fortunately for you, I do know." He gestured to Einhander, who took out a large envelope. Inside was a flimsy with nine pictures on it. "Meet the group Darth Cav left," Spanky said smugly. "The Sith Council. We have little to almost no data on most of them, other than names." He began pointing and naming each one. "Wong, Yoshi, Necronlord, Typhonis, Valdemar, Utsanomiko, Tann, Xalev, and-"

"Shinova," a voice said coldly. Everyone turned to see Aulduin. He face was pale, grim.

"How did you know that?" Spanky asked, eyebrow raised.

Aulduin stabbed a finger down at the picture of the beautiful blue-haired Sith. "I know this woman!"

Posted: 2003-01-19 05:37pm
by Stravo
Aulduin partially collapsed onto the chair. Pash lay a hand on his shoulder as he sat looking into his hands. He felt the eyes of the others upon him, their minds questioning, some confused, some hostile. Verilon started to ask a question, but Dolphin pressed a hand to his chest and held a finger to his lips. Verilon hesitated a moment then nodded. "Are you alright?" Pash asked. His voice seemed dim and far away.

Aulduin continued looking at nothing, his mind wandering back through the years. Suddenly, he snapped back to the present and looked around at the curious stares. He couldn't tell them. Not here and not now. His mind settled on a course of action. He stood. "Pash, will you come with me?" His voice was flat and emotionless. The red-haired pilot blinked, then nodded. Aulduin wordlessly headed to the exit, slowly pulling up a cloak for himself. Pash grabbed a jacket, and followed.

As the two left, Verilon started to follow them. Spanky lay a hand on his shoulder. "No," he said.

"No?" Verilon asked, eyebrow raised.

"Leave them be. Aulduin will tell Pash what he needs to know, and Pash will tell the rest of us when the time comes."

"Are you sure?" Aerius asked, obviously worried about the Jedi Master.

Spanky looked at her and nodded. "If I wasn't, I'd be following them myself." He paused and took a drag on his cigarette. "Sometimes, you can't stay in public for one more second. Sometimes, you just have to get away for a while. I've seen agents who've carried too much emotional baggage around for too long. It... destroys them from the inside."

"Aulduin probably just feels more comfortable with just one person to talk with than all of us," Stormbringer added. "OK, now come on. I don't want them coming back and saying we were lazy." Spanky smirked.

Pash followed Aulduin down the ship's ramp and out into the Coruscant evening. The air was warm and dry after the bright day. Aulduin silently turned to walk away and Pash followed wordlessly. As they walked, getting further and further from the others, Pash took in his surroundings. They'd docked the Jagged Edge on the border of a moderately well protected neighborhood and the underworld. As the two continued, Pash found himself touching the butt of his blaster, reassuring himself that it was still there. Some of the people around them were giving them the once over, as if evaluating how much trouble they'd be to overpower. Despite being in the middle of a crowded thoroughfare, Pash didn't feel safe at all. "You sure about this?" Pash asked Aulduin. The Jedi did not reply.

They continued walking and evening turned into night. The normal working class people went home and the real scum came out. Hookers, druggies, dealers, and gangsters of every race and gender filled the streets. Now Pash was really nervous. The two of them might get jumped and he wasn't sure if Aulduin's Jedi abilities would keep them safe if they got mobbed. Spanky's words came back to him: "Coruscant. It's the only planet in the galaxy that exists as a city unto itself. What a shithole."

Aulduin seemed oblivious to it all. He simply continued walking aimlessly. The two men passed a well-lit bar and Aulduin started to turn away, but then, perhaps sensing Pash's discomfort, turned and walked in. Pash followed, glad to get off the street. The bar's colors tended towards a dark blue or black, and the red lighting made it very warm. Aulduin silently strode up to the bar and Pash came up beside him. The Jedi said something to a bartending droid, which promptly brought them a pair of lomin-ales. "You come here often?" Pash asked.

"Never," Aulduin said tonelessly. Pash sighed and looked around him. The bar was shaped like a large semicircle, divided into three sections. In the middle was the bar itself, along with standing room. On one side of the semicircle were tables and booths for couples and groups. On the other side was a bank of holoscreens, all showing different sporting events. Pash recognized podracing, shockball, and zoneball. There was some sport he'd never seen before with four-legged animals on a curved track. In front of the screens were more tables, mostly full of male humans and aliens who cheered, groaned, and shouted according to how one team or player was performing. As Pash took it all in and sipped at his drink, he noticed a pair of eyes lock onto his. They belonged to a male humanoid wearing a trench coat, holding a large glass of some bright orange drink. The man grinned faintly and began to walk -almost strut- over towards the bar.

"I think we're in trouble," Pash hissed to Aulduin, his eyes not leaving the man. Once again, the Jedi did not respond. Pash turned back to the bar hoping the humanoid would leave him be, but the other man sidled up next to him.

"Hey," he said in a raspy voice. He glanced furtively and produced a small bag of bluish powder. "You wanna buy some charium?" He was a drug dealer. Pash swallowed and was trying to think of a way to turn him down when Aulduin sat up straight.

"You don't want to sell us charium," the Jedi Master said, making a small hand motion.

The dealer blinked and pulled the small bag back into his coat. "Ah, I don't wanna sell you charium," he said, his voice sober. He went to sip his drink.

The Jedi made another motion. "You want to go home and rethink your life."

The dealer promptly set his drink down. "I want to go home and rethink my life." He hesitated. "Again." He shook his head and left.

Pash let out the breath he'd been holding. "Good move."

Aulduin looked at him for a moment, then stood. "Let's get a booth."

"Fine by me." Pash followed.

The two sat down in the booth furthest from the loud sports programs. "So," Pash began. "Are you ready to tell me?"

The Jedi sighed. "You meet a lot of people when you're a Jedi," he said. "Some people you forget after a short time. Some you remember for a while. Some people you meet and get to know and you always remember facets of their personality. And then there's some people you can meet once and never forget in a thousand years."

"Shinova," Pash said.

Aulduin nodded. "Years ago, after the Clone Wars, but before rise of the Empire, I met a young Jedi from the planet Tigris. She was kindhearted, open, and quite intelligent. I remember she was always smiling, whether it was from an accomplishment, or a new understanding, or when meeting someone. She was the consummate Jedi, always caring and guiding the younglings, but never foolishly separating herself from others. We developed a friendly rapport and I always knew I could count on her." He sighed deeply, and Pash knew he was building up to something important. "Shinova met someone. A man named Carcom Telthen. They fell in love."

"I thought that was forbidden for a Jedi," Pash said astonished.

Aulduin nodded. "That's right, it was. But ,Shinova was willing to give up the Jedi for this man. I harbored no ill will towards her for it. Well, a year or so passed, and they were married. She had a son. He was Force-sensitive."

"I think I can see where this is going," Pash said softly.

Aulduin nodded. "Pash, while I am loathe to speak against the Jedi, sometimes I did not agree with our practices. One of these was the taking of Force-sensitive children form their families." He took a sip of his drink. "Shinova was reluctant, but eventually allowed her son to be trained as a Jedi."

"So, what went wrong?" Pash asked.

Aulduin scowled. "Everything went wrong, Pash. Do you think the Emperor's purge was kept to the grown and trained Jedi Knights?"

Pash's blood ran cold. "No, you can't be serious."

"Yes. Shinova was not told and was led to believe that her son had been spirited away. I... I couldn't live with that. I told her the truth." Aulduin blinked away tears. "Never have I wished to hurt a friend in such a fashion. Shinova became very bitter towards the Jedi who were left and absolutely refused to help us. She returned to Tigris, alone, and left Carcom on his homeworld for a while. She would return when she was ready to face life again."

Aulduin fell silent for a long time. "And?" Pash prompted.

The older man looked directly into Pash's eyes. "Carcom's homeworld was Alderaan."

For a moment, the significance of the statement didn't register. Then the realization hit Pash like a hammer punch. "He was there when... when the Death Star..." Aulduin nodded. Pash felt a sudden and immense sorrow for Shinova and what she'd gone through. He couldn't think of anything to say, so he simply growled. "Jeez, what a dirty trick."

Aulduin nodded. "I only saw Shinova once more. When news of Alderaan's destruction reached me, I went to Tigris." A tear rolled down his face. "And once again, I was the bearer of bad news, the worst news I could possibly bring."

Pash winced and reached out to clasp Aulduin on the shoulder. "I'm sorry. If I were in your position, I don't know if I'd have the guts to tell her."

Aulduin smiled briefly. "The news... it destroyed her. She became obsessed with getting revenge and when I tried to reason with her, she attacked me. I can only imagine that she ran, met one of the other Dark siders, and joined them. Perhaps she wants to wash away her past, or maybe her hate for the Jedi finally drove her mad. I do not know." He finished, his voice barely above a whisper.

"One more reason for us to find them. After all these years, maybe she's come to terms with what's happened." Pash hoped it was for the best. "Maybe she's just waiting for an opportunity to break away, start a new life, go back to the way she was before fate decided to wreak havoc in her life."

Aulduin smiled and echoed Pash's thoughts. "We can only hope."

Posted: 2003-01-24 11:04pm
by Stravo
Zaia was frustrated. No matter what she said or did, Ted refused to calm down. He had gone to meet with Utsanomiko, and had returned even more frustrated. Apparently the Sith Lord had thrown him out, saying he was too weak to train. Zaia knew her brother and she knew Utsanomiko was pushing his buttons perfectly. Ted was getting more and more impatient, less willing to talk, until finally all he did was pace back and forth angrily.

Finally, Zaia gave up and left him to himself for a while, hoping that would calm him down. Yoshi hadn't been too effective a teacher and, until today, had only met with Zaia once. She seemed to have her mind set on something else, though Zaia had no idea what that was. As she watched Ted pace back and forth, something snapped. "Ted, will you just calm down?" she asked.

"Shut up!" he growled, not slowing his pace. Zaia jerked her head back in surprise. Ted never talked like that.

"Hey... are you okay?"

"I'm fine, damnit! What the hell are you so worried about?"

Zaia stood and walked over to him. "I'm worried about you, Ted. You're acting strange. This isn't like you." Ted growled something under his breath. "What?"

"I said screw you. You're just jealous because Yoshi hasn't shown you any attention."

Zaia lightly slapped Ted across the cheek. "Ted, listen to yourself. You're-" she didn't get a chance to finish, because slapped her across the face.

"Enough!" he roared. "I've heard enough! Get out and leave me alone!" He grabbed Zaia by the shoulders and threw her out of the room. She was so stunned by the fact that he'd slapped her, she put up no resistance. She felt herself be propelled out into the hallway and heard the door shut behind her. She felt herself slam into something warm and soft, not like the wall she'd been expecting. Opening her eyes, she found herself face to face with a man slightly taller than her. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized he wasn't a Sith, but *was* very handsome. His long brown hair fell into intense blue eyes, and she realized his arms were halfway around her, keeping her from sliding to the floor. Despite herself, she blushed.

"Uh, hi," she said, feeling extremely awkward.

"Are you alright?" he asked. His voice was soft, low-pitched, and pleasant to the ear.

"Yeah," she said, her eyes not leaving his. "I'm Zaia."

"My name is Ignatius," he said. Suddenly, she realized that he hadn't let go of her.

"Um, I can stand on my own, I really can," she said. Slowly, he let go of her.

"Sorry," he said.

She smiled. "It's no problem. So, are you an apprentice, too?"

He nodded. "So, what was that all about?"

She sighed. "A little argument. Looks like I've been kicked out for a while."

He was silent for a minute. "You may stay with me, if you like."

She hesitated. This handsome young man was asking her to stay the night? Lucky for me, she thought with a smile. "Lead the way."

IG-88E had been assigned the same type of room as Ted and Zaia, although his lack of a roommate meant he had more space. He often kept the lights dark since he did not require them to see. He gestured to one of the beds. "You may sleep there," he said.

"Thanks," Zaia answered. Then, she turned to look at him. "So, where are you from?"

"Nar Shadda," he answered. It seemed to satisfy her, so he went to sit on the edge of his bed. He didn't really need to sleep, not the same way humans did, but he was fairly certain that there was a holocam or two in his room and he needed to keep up appearances. He expected Zaia to go over to her own bad, but she confounded him by sitting down next to him instead.

"Aren't you going to ask me anything?" she asked. That took him completely off guard. He suppressed a scowl as he wondered how most humans acted in this situation.

"So... where are you from?" he said hesitantly.

"Ghorman. It's a mid-rim world, mostly forests and mountains."

"How long have you been using the Force?" Perhaps he could get a bit more information from her.

"A few years. I'm a little ahead of my brother, so I watch out for him." She smiled. "How about you?"

"I am just starting to learn," he answered. "The person who threw you out of your room... he is your brother."

"Yep. That's Ted."


"He got a little angry. He needs time to blow off some steam." She smiled. "What about you? Any family?"

He caught himself simply gazing into her green eyes like an idiot. Focus, you're an assassin, he told himself. You won't get anywhere acting like a moron. "No, no family."

"None?" He shook his head. "Not even a girlfriend?" He suddenly realized that her arm was snaking out around his midsection.

"Uh... what's a girlfriend?" he asked before he could stop himself. Her brows shot up towards her red hair.

"You've never had a girlfriend?" she asked.

"Well... no." He suddenly realized she was leaning towards him.

"So you're a virgin?" She had an impish grin on her face.

"Uh..." he didn't answer as he felt her hand slip under his shirt and run up his back. The sensation was electrifying and he inhaled sharply. Her smile changed to that of a well-fed predator. "Well, I guess that answers that question," she said. She pressed her lips to his, her tongue finding its way inside his mouth. For a moment, IG was totally and completely lost in the sensation. He had no idea what to do, so he let his tongue play across hers.

Zaia moaned in pleasure and leaned into him, sliding her other hand up his back. She was rewarded with another shiver from this handsome young man. Maybe it was just the frustration from not getting through to Ted, but she was feeling quite horny. She continued to feast upon his soft lips.

Iggy was confused. Somewhere within this new body, he desired her touch. She was so soft and smelled so sweet. Yet, his "brain" kept telling him this was not right. You're an assassin droid, not a human. You've got a job to do. He ignored it.

She pushed his shirt up and over his head, returning to his lips after it had passed. Her hands ran over his muscular chest, causing more chills. He was reacting perfectly.

Her eyes captivated him. He could not turn away. Sitting still, he was shocked when she took his hands and placed them on her breasts. Not really knowing what to do, he began to softly knead them.

"Mmm, yes, that's right," she responded. "Perhaps you'd do better directly on the skin." She grinned and pulled off her shirt. He ogled her voluptuous body which pleased her to no end.

This time, he reached out on his own, wondering what the two globes would feel like. His receptors nearly overloaded when he lay his hands on her breasts. Her skin was so soft and warm. The response she gave him when he grasped them made him feel so good.

For a virgin, he's not half bad, she thought as she began to unbutton his pants. She was amazed that he didn't move when she unzipped them and reached inside. What amazed her more was his size. "Holy sith!"

"What? What is wrong?!" He looked at her in shock and fear.

"I've... I've never seen one this big before." She began to stroke him.

"Is that a problem?" He really hoped it wasn't.

"Oh no, not at all." She lowered her head to his pelvis and licked the head of his cock.

This was a new sensation. He felt what he guessed humans called "aroused." A moan escaped his lips and left him confused. The moment she put him entirely in her mouth, he gasped. "Um..."

She licked his length and looked up. "Don't worry, sugar. I'll take good care of you." She returned to what she was doing.

Her mouth was the most sensuous thing in the galaxy as far as Ignatius was concerned. His receptors were in overdrive and he moaned loudly. He felt this tingle like he wanted to eject something into her mouth. That would not do.

He grasped her shoulders gently and pulled her up to him, kissing her softly. She used the Force to shed herself of her pants and straddled his lap. He lowered her down onto his hardened appendage.

Zaia moaned as he filled her completely. Her senses were open to every touch. Grasping his head and kissing him deeply, she began to ride this sexy creature. She pushed him back on the bed without breaking contact. Her hips ground against him, taking him as deeply as she could. He was touching her internally the way no man had ever before.

Ignatius was a bit surprised as they lay back on the bed, but soon realized why she had done it. He had slipped even farther into her. Her body moved like a rekk as her hips rose and fell. His own pelvis began to move in rhythm with her. That only made her go faster and moan louder.

She was going to cum soon. It was what she wanted and hoped he was getting as much pleasure from this as she was. She pressed her hands against his chest as she lifted herself and began to slam him into her over and over.

He knew she was taking immense pleasure in this, so he followed her lead. The tingling sensation began again. He couldn't hold back this time. He grabbed her hips and pistoned her on his appendage.

That was it. Zaia screamed and dug her fingers into his chest. Her body spasmed as she orgasmed. Holding him tight, she let the wave ride over her until she collapsed on his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close as she fell asleep. His mind was screaming, you idiot! What the hell is wrong with you? You are a gaddamned assassin droid! You're not here on some pleasure cruise! You've got a job to do!

And it can't be done until the contact shows up, he argued logically with himself. Until then, I have little to do other than accustoming myself to this body.

This is why IG-88A kicked you out! You are a loose cannon and ever since you got ahold of that lightsaber, you've been obsessed with biologicals and that force of theirs.

Ignatius gave a mental snort. And since when do I care for what that overrated egomaniac thought? He's dead, I'm alive, and I'll do what the fuck I want. I'll handle my jobs the way I see fit, and if my employers don't like it, they can hire someone else for it. Now, enough! Iggy took a deep breath and closed his eyes, slipping into recharge mode. To the eye, it seemed as though he'd fallen asleep, his arms around his lover.

Mark Sheppard smiled and slipped on his sunglasses as he stepped out onto the roof lot of NRI Headquarters. It was a beautiful afternoon, and his shift had just ended. He was looking forward to going home and relaxing. As he strode towards his speeder, he noticed a man bent over another speeder, the hood up. He was evidently having trouble with the machine, because he cursed under his breath as he worked on it. "Need a hand?" Sheppard asked.

The man looked up with a wan smile. "Yeah. I can't figure out what the hell is wrong with this thing."

"Well, let me take a look at it," Sheppard said as he reached the man. He didn't recognize the man, but there were a lot of people working at NRI. He took a look under the hood and found the source of the trouble fairly quickly. "Here's what's wrong," he said. "Your inhibitors aren't connected."

"Oh." The guy shrugged. "I'm no speeder jockey. Can you take care of it?"

"Yeah, no problem." Sheppard worked for a minute, then stood up." There you go. Should run fine now."

"Thanks," the guy said. He pulled out a datapad and did some writing. "Here, thanks for the help."

"No thanks, it's all right," Sheppard said. "It's no problem."

"But I'm from Commenor," the man said. He handed him a credit chit

"A check from Commenor is always welcome," Sheppard said without missing a beat. He took the chit, along with the small slip of flimsy the man passed to him. Then he turned to head to his own speeder, the incident already forgotten as he focused on his new problem.

Sheppard arrived at his apartment fifteen minutes later. The moment he closed the door, he took a small device out of his pocket and scanned the area for listening equipment. There were none. Satisfied, he went to his desk and pulled out the slip of flimsy the man had given him. It read: 22-12, 43-8, 193-3, 55-7. 78-2, 61-10, 174-1. 89-5, 109-14, 81-7. It was a fairly simple number-letter substitution code, but there was a trick to it. If one wanted to decode the message, they would need a certain book. It was fairly old, written before the Clone Wars, about the structure and stability of government. Sheppard had tried to read it once, but had fallen asleep by the third page.

Now, though, he took it off the shelf and turned to page 22. The code worked in a fairly simple fashion: the first number of each code set was a page, the second was the number of the letter needed. For example, the first letter would be found by looking at the 12th letter on page 22. Sheppard took out a writing tool and copied down the letters underneath the numbers. When he was finished, he looked at the massage for a long time. He sat back and pondered what he had to do. There would be no more Coruscant sunsets, no more relaxing after work. What he was about to do would shake the Republic to its foundations and have dozens of agents out for his hide. All because of ten simple letters:


Posted: 2003-02-03 01:44pm
by Stravo
Stravo needed a drink. This whole thing was getting much too complicated. Nudging Stormbringer with his elbow, he motioned towards the ramp with his head. The other man understood and nodded, making his way off the ship. "It's getting too crowded," he said with a scowl.

Stormbringer had to agree. "If only we could get the information NRI has on this group, we'd be in much better shape."

The older operative began moving down the walkway. "I don't think they even *have* any information. Cracken is just blowing smoke up our collective asses."

"Maybe, but wouldn't it be better if we actually *knew* that was true?"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, why don't we go see if we can find out what Cracken really knows."

Stravo stopped and looked at him. "And how do you propose we do this?"

Stormbringer smiled and held up a flimsy. "Today's codes. We've only got an hour left to use them, but I think I can get in far enough and get the information before they kick us out."

He snatched the flimsy from his fingers. "How the fuck did you get these?"

"Let's just say I can be rather persuasive." He grinned cattily.

Stravo just rolled his eyes. "Come on. There's a safe house nearby we can use." He led his fellow operative through the dark underground of Coruscant.

"We're in," Stormbringer said smugly as he pulled up the NRI files on Darth Cav. Paging through, he found that it was closed. There was nothing on the kidnappings. "Damnit!" He slammed his fist on the desk.

Stravo looked over his shoulder. "They probably moved everything when that Sith Council took them." He typed a few things in and was rewarded with a red flagged file titled SC. "Bingo. Now we just need level 9 clearance to get into this sucker."

Stormbringer ran his finger down the flimsy. There were clearance codes for every level. He got down to 9 and found it blank. Taking a chance, he hit enter. The screen scrambled for a moment before settling. The file was huge. He swallowed hard and began to search through.

Stravo skimmed the file. There was little new information listed. In other words, the NRI knew next to nothing. As he had expected, all the information on the kidnapped Force users was in this file. His heart panged when he saw Lusankya's name. Her file, full of information on all her missions, was nearly the largest of them. The largest actually caught him by surprise.

"Antilles' file sure is big," Stormbringer said mirroring his own thoughts. "It also seems to be a bit personal too. I see a lot of notes written by General Cracken."

"Maybe he's worried Pash is going to fall in love with her," he replied with a shrug.

"He already *is* in love with her."

"Point." Stravo was skimming through Kelly's file when the connection suddenly stopped. The screen went blank. "What'd you do?"

Stormbringer held up his hands in defense. "Nothing! I don't know what happened." He looked at his chrono. "Two minutes early to be the password shift." He attempted to reconnect to the NRI server, but had no luck.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Stravo muttered.

"So do I."

The screen shimmered and words scrolled across:


Dalton smirked as he lifted his fingers from the keyboard. He'd anticipated this move ever since General Cracken had thrown the group out of his office. Stormbringer's codes had been flagged and Dalton had known the instant they'd set up in the safehouse. His smile broadened and he chuckled as his video link to the safehouse showed the two agents rushing out the door in a near panic, thinking someone might know exactly where they were.. He considered sending in a team, but decided against it. He knew that even as bullheaded as the group was, they were ultimately on the same team.

The two NRI operatives stepped out of the safehouse quickly and into the crowded streets. Both were quite upset that they'd been caught. Even more than earlier, Stravo decided he needed a drink. "There's a quiet little bar around the corner..."

Stormbringer cut him off. "Lead the way. I could use a drink."

Smiling, Stravo turned the corner and headed for the Spice Run.

The outside of the Spice Run was much like most bars in this neighborhood. Many creatures mingled just outside the doorway. They shouldered their way inside. It wasn't as crowded in here, luckily, and it was well lighted. As they headed to a booth, they noticed that the "clientel" here was a bit higher than in most bars in this neighborhood.

Stormbringer discovered why when he looked at the menu. "Ten creds for a whiskey!"

Stravo chuckled. "You have to expect that around here. If they were competitive, they'd have all that scum outside in here.

With a sigh, he went ahead and ordered. He looked up towards the door and saw three very well dressed females walking in. He whistled low.

Stravo looked up and saw the Twi'lek, Rodian and Shistavian move towards the bar. He had to admit they were quite nice looking.

"Man, that Twi'lek is hot." He could feel the temperature rising. Unconsciously, he licked his lips. It had been too long since the last time he'd seen her.

"I didn't think you liked things like that," Stravo said with a raised eyebrow. Admittedly, he needed a little action too. He'd always wondered what a Twi'lek was really like.

"Normally, I'm not," Stormbringer admitted. "But we've been under such pressure and stress lately, I thought..." He shrugged.

"And a good thought it is. Shall we?" Stravo stood and moved towards the ladies.

Stormbringer smiled and followed. "Hello ladies," he said as they approached. "Could we buy you three a drink?"

"Three?" A voice came seemingly from nowhere. There was a shimmer beside the Twi'lek and a beautiful woman came into view. She had light blue skin and piercing green eyes. Her red pouty lips curled into a grin. "There are four of us here."

Stormbringer's jaw dropped. This was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. "Yes, of course there are. Well, can we buy all of you a drink?" His eyes never left hers.

"That would be very nice." Her second eyelid blinked across her eye. She watched the human nearly fall over himself to get the waitdroid's attention. "My name is Eleas. These are my friends, Rhy'la, Teelac, and Lela." She pointed to them as she gave their names. First the Twi'lek then the Rodian and finally the Shistavian.

"A pleasure," Stravo said with a polite nod of his head. "I am Stravo and this is Stormbringer."

The waitdroid had finally made its way over and took their orders. They sat and chatted for several hours while drinking. Teelac and Lela left after an hour. By the end of the night, the four were rather drunk. "Do you boys need a ride to wherever you're staying?" Rhy'la asked Stravo. Over the evening, they had flirted heavily with each other.

Eleas's eyes sparkled. "They could just come back to our place," she suggested with a wink.

Stormbringer threw a hundred cred chit on the table and held his arm out to Eleas. "I like that idea. Shall we?"

The foursome walked out into the early morning. The only way they knew it was morning was from looking at their chronos. This far in the underground, you couldn't see the sky.

Eleas and Rhy'la led them just a few blocks away. They came upon a rather tall apartment building. Getting in the lift, they rode up several floors. The building was rather nice, and once they were inside the apartment, the men had to admit it was very appropriately appointed.

Rhy'la moved to turn on the stereo. Soft music seemingly came from the walls. "Have a seat, gentlemen. We're going to change into something more comfortable." She winked at Stravo and moved to her bedroom. Eleas headed towards her own.

Stormbringer flopped down into a chair with a satisfied sigh. "Man, we struck the jackpot, didn't we?"

Stravo chuckled. "I suppos so." His head turned towards Rhy'la's room. "Did you hear something?"

The door opened slightly and the green skinned Twi'lek peeked out. "Stravo, would you mind coming in here? I'm having problems with this damned zipper."

He grinned and winked at Stormbringer as he stood. "Sure thing, Rhy." He was dragged into the room by a giggling Rhy'la.

Stormbringer sat back and waited. And waited. He stretched and tapped his hands on the chair's arms. Luckily he was a patient man. The time began to slip by. He stood and paced the floor a bit. The alcohol had all but worn off. Finally, he'd had enough waiting. He moved over to her door and tapped lightly. "Eleas?"

There was a chuckle from the couch. Turning, he saw her shimmer into view. "Took you long enough, soldier." She winked.

His heart nearly stopped when she called him "soldier". *How does she know,* he thought. "You really are a sly one." He slapped a grin on his face and moved to sit beside her.

"I'm a chameloid. I'm supposed to be sly." She slid a hand behind his neck and pulled him close for a deep kiss. Her tongue parted his lips.

He loved that she was taking charge. His brain wasn't coherent enough to control any situation. Suddenly, he pulled back away from her quickly. "Hey... wha... what are you doing?" He ran a hand across his mouth.

"You've never been with a humanoid reptile before, have you?" She sat back and looked at him, her forked tongue snaking out to lick her lips.

He looked at her in shock. "N... no, I haven't. I've never even seen anyone of your kind before."

"That's because we're only visible when we want to be seen." She shimmered from existance, only her eyes and smile left.

"That has to be the sexiest thing I have ever seen." He leaned forward and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him as he picked her up and carried her to the bed.