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Perversions of the Force comments

Posted: 2002-12-02 10:20pm
by Kelly Antilles
Ok, here we go. Next chapter. Post your comments here.

Posted: 2002-12-02 10:25pm
by Kuja
Stravo'll post this in the sticky.
Kelly wrote:The snap-hiss of lightsabers filled the room. Sylvar Fyre stood facing the Sith who called himself Necronlord. She leapt forward, bringing her gold blade to contact his crimson. They began a rapid fire exchange, moving almost too quickly for the human eye to follow. Sylvar's handling of the saber was nothing short of masterful and her expertise kept Necron on the defensive. Then he came at her with a powerful overhead blow. She blocked it, but an uppercut connected with her midsection. She grunted and fell to one knee. "Not bad," he said with a feral grin.

He looked down at the young woman. Sylvar was in her mid-twenties and very petite. Her hair, which was tied in dreadlocks, hung around her face. She glared up at him before flipping away. As she did so, she kicked off her boots, leaving her barefoot. She rushed him again, but this time she moved much more gracefully. Her movements were quick, fluid, and pixie-like. She grinned as one of his slashes went wide, enhancing her pixieish appearance. Then she moved in and shoulder slammed him. He barely slowed and shoved her to the floor again. She rolled away and came up, lightsaber facing him. He felt her anger at being knocked over so easily. She felt him probe her mind and suddenly switched off her saber. "No. My anger in not for you to use." She frowned, tossing her lightsaber onto her boots.

He laughed softly. "You'll see, my young apprentice." He strode over to her. "You don't know the power of the dark side."

"And I don't want to. Stay away from me."

He laughed again and placed a hand on her head. "I'll show you." Suddenly, Sylvar was bombarded with images the Sith. Their empire of thousands of years ago, the lords, the slaves, the massive constructions devoted to them, the worlds they held under their way. She felt excited and scared simultaneously.

Hours later, Sylvar lay on her bunk, the room dark. She still felt shell-shocked from Necron's sudden mind link. Even so, she still had the presence of mind to snap to attention as her door cycled open. It was Utsanomiko. She gasped and stood, but he quickly moved into the room and let the door shut behind him. He grabbed her shoulders, lifted her off the ground, and forced her against the wall, his hot breath on her face. "No," she said, but he forced his mouth over hers, kissing her harshly and deeply. She put both hands on his face and managed to push him away. "Stop it, Miko," she said. She tasted alcohol on him.

"No," he growled, pressing his body against her. "I've wanted you ever since I saw you all those years ago."

"I wasn't yours then, and I won't be yours now."

"But I've spent all that time wishing for you. I had to live knowing you chose him over me. Please, Sylvar, reconsider." He kissed her again.

"Mmph," she said as she pushed him off. "No, Miko. You being here like this proves I can't trust you."

"But I love you," he pleaded. "When I saw you walk off IG's ship... you can't understand how I felt!"

"Let go of me," she said firmly. He did so, and backed off a few steps. "Miko, I know how you feel. But we can't be a couple. Not now. Not ever."

"I could take you using force," he said, a threatening tone in his voice.

"Yes, you could," she said softly. "I doubt I can stop you. But even if you do, you'll never have my heart." She stood with her head lowered.

In an instant, he had her against the wall again, one hand unzipping her top. "I find that perfectly acceptable," he said into her mouth. His chest pressed against hers, pinning her to the wall. Holding the back of her head with his free hand, he could feel the shaved portion of her hair. He tore her top off and began pulling off her pants as his mouth devoured hers. Despite herself, Sylvar felt the heat rising within her.

He finished pulling off her clothes and reached for his belt. Sylvar closed her eyes and let herself imagine it was her fiancé back home. She pulled his shirt off and wrapped her legs around him. He finally managed to get his pants off and positioned himself against her. Without waiting, he rammed himself all the way in. He groaned at her tightness. She squeezed him even more as he began thrusting. She moaned loudly, her nails digging into his powerful shoulders.

He pulled at her legs, pulling them up until they rested on her shoulders, nearly folding her in half. Her moans grew louder and she screamed as her orgasm hit. She squeezed Utsanomiko tightly, hoping he would reward her with his own. He did, cumming with a load growl that sounded like her name.

As they slowly calmed down, he rested his head on her chest, and she ran a hand though his hair. "I think you should go now," she whispered to him solemnly. He slowly let her down, put his clothes back on walked out, with many a backward glance. Sylvar didn't even bother crawling back to the bed, she just pulled the blanket over her and fell asleep. Utsanamiko never noticed the tears running down her face.

In high orbit around a blue planet called Earth, the USS Darkstar made final preparations before leaving. Aboard the bridge of the Intrepid-class ship, Captain Tim Jones ran his hand along the armrest of the captain's chair. "A fine ship," he remarked to his first officer. Commander Robert Scott "Scooter" Anderson nodded, his expression cheerful.

"We're ready to depart sir," he said.

"Good. Mister Azeron! Inform McKinley that we're ready to depart!"

"Yes sir!" The Communications officer said smartly.

"Helm, set course for Bajor, warp seven."

"Aye, sir!" The Darkstar set of in a blazing streak of light.

Halfway to Bajor, the Sensor Officer called out," sir, I'm picking up an anomaly ahead of us."

"What is it, Mister Kennedy?"

"I don't know sir. Its-" Whatever Kennedy had been going to say, it was cut off in the sudden din that followed. The Darkstar struck something, and everyone was hurled out of their seats. A roaring filled the bridge, and everyone clamped down on their ears. The space outside turned bright blue, and the Darkstar hurtled off to places where no Federation ship had ever gone before. It would be the second Intrepid-class ship lost in two years.

Re: Perversions of the Force comments

Posted: 2002-12-02 10:30pm
by Ted
Interesting thought of including RSA and the feddies, though you must wonder as to the sanity of the author by including them into a porno fic.

And Iggy, all mods can post in locked threads, ie you can post it into the locked thread.

Re: Perversions of the Force comments

Posted: 2002-12-02 10:32pm
by Kuja
Ted wrote: And Iggy, all mods can post in locked threads, ie you can post it into the locked thread.
I just tried. It wouldn't let me.

Re: Perversions of the Force comments

Posted: 2002-12-02 10:35pm
by Ted
IG-88E wrote:
Ted wrote: And Iggy, all mods can post in locked threads, ie you can post it into the locked thread.
I just tried. It wouldn't let me.
Then you gotta be the mod of the forum, hmmm, ah well, you could get one of the super mods to do it if Stravo aint here.

EDIT: Never mind, Stravo just posted it.

Posted: 2002-12-03 08:44am
by Edi
Interesting to see what happens to RSA & co, but I bet it's not going to be nice... :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 2002-12-03 08:52am
by Kelly Antilles
The insertion of said Federation ship was not my idea. Please, do not ask me any questions about it because I have no idea. I do not write Star Trek.

Posted: 2002-12-03 09:00am
by Edi
Okay. But I still expect that said ST ship and its crew are going to end up with an unpleasant fate... :twisted:

Posted: 2002-12-03 10:52am
by Darth Yoshi
Hmm. DarkStar. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

That said, nice chapter.

Posted: 2002-12-03 12:18pm
by Stormbringer
I like it, how ever I've got serious misgivings about the inclusion of trek.

Posted: 2002-12-03 12:40pm
by NecronLord
Ohh monuments... Necronlord likes monuments... Big pryamids especially so... :twisted: :D

My dirty tricks are amusing.
and I know Necrons traditionally suck at fighting but
She grinned as one of his slashes went wide,

Posted: 2002-12-03 12:48pm
by Kuja
Did I make a mistake including Trek?

Posted: 2002-12-03 12:50pm
by Stormbringer
IG-88E wrote:Did I make a mistake including Trek?
Depends on how the two of you are going to handle it. It's going to make it a lot tougher. You'd really better be on your toes.

Posted: 2002-12-03 01:04pm
by NecronLord
With that crew. I suggest capturing them and leaving them in a tiny cargo crate chained immobile to ass-fucking machines on full power with a ten year battery.

Posted: 2002-12-03 01:12pm
by Kuja
The USS Darkstar, as you can guess, is crewed by pretty much every troll and trekkie I've ever heard of. This was supposed to be a way to laugh at their idiocy. Eventually, they end up getting pasted (and that's not a spoiler, you KNEW I'd kill them off) :twisted:

Posted: 2002-12-03 02:03pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I'm glad you'll kill them. Now make my day and have them die slowly and painfully.

And you forgot CSS wannabe...

Posted: 2002-12-03 03:21pm
by Kelly Antilles
New chapter. Enjoy.

Kelly Antilles kept her eyes open as she was escorted through the halls of the Star Destroyer Beowulf. She'd never been on so large a ship before. It felt so empty, so cold. She wished she were back on the *Jagged Edge* with Pash.

Pash! She hoped he was alright. Since she'd arrived, she spent most of her time in meditation. The Force came easy to her here, but it showed nothing of her future. The whole situation now frustrated her. What did these dark Jedi want?

The halls became darker as they walked along. She could feel the dark side penetrating everything here. It frightened her, but she locked her jaw and kept a passive face. The guards stopped before a door and pressed the buzzer. She felt it before the door opened. Whoever was inside was a powerful dark Jedi.

She was forcibly shoved through the door as it closed quickly behind her. The stun cuffs on her wrists sent a jolt through her body. She shrugged it off as she regained her balance. Looking around, she saw a very plain room. There were several meditation mats around on the floor in front of a huge observation window. Outside, she could see several TIEs flying a pattern around the ship. She was unable to determine where they were from the stars.

A door opened to her right. An imposing figure wrapped complete in a dark cloak stepped into the room. She shuddered, feeling the dark side flowing from him. The cuffs snapped open and fell to the floor. "I don't think we will need those," he said in a deep voice that penetrated her very soul.

Kelly took the opportunity to rub the feeling back into her wrists. "Thank you," she managed to whisper. Her throat was dry. She was so nervous.

He noted she was uncomfortable and motioned towards the meditation pads. "Please, have a seat. Are you hungry? I could have some food brought in."

His sudden generosity was a shock to her. This was not what she expected. "Y.. yes, thank you. That would be nice." She moved towards one of the mats and dropped into a cross-legged position.

Lord Wong removed his cloak and tossed it to the side. It seemingly hung itself on a coatrack near the door. He wore an open tunic and pants which showed off his lean, muscular body. Dark hair flowed from his head and down to his shoulders. He moved over to stand above her.

Kelly looked up and had to swallow hard. She'd never seen a man like him before. He was so handsome and carried himself with an air of superiority. Quickly she lowered her head and lay her hands in her lap.

A smile crept across his lips. "You are Kelly Antilles, apprentice to Aulduin Sunstar."

"Perhaps," she said defiantly.

He began to walk around her slowly, stopping every so often to look at her. His body was so close it was nearly touching her. "You are a Corellian. That much I can tell from your flippant attitude."

She snorted. "Yeah, we Corellians are a feisty bunch. We never give in." She looked up at him hard. The smile on his face was so cold that she shuddered involuntarily.

"I think you'll find that even Corellians are malleable by the dark side." He looked her in the eye, probing her mind.

Her eyes widened as she threw up a mental barrier. *No, you're not getting into my head.* She breathed deeply and closed her eyes. She had to keep him at bay.

He began to question her about her life, her training. She gave up answers freely. These were not important. She only cared to keep him from her mind. He pressed on, getting more personal. She answered what she could, but the strain on her mind was pounding.

"Has this Pash ever fucked you in the ass?"

"What?" She looked up at him in utter confusion.

Her defenses lowered and he was quick to delve into her head. He watched her life unfold before him. She screamed and grasped her head. "No! Please don't!" She begged him, tried to force him out, but had no strength. She collapsed onto the floor unconscious.

Wong looked down at her. She had lasted much longer than he had expected, but his will was stronger. Yes, this one was going to make an excellent apprentice.

Posted: 2002-12-03 03:25pm
by NecronLord

Wong talks about anal


No me :D

Posted: 2002-12-03 03:53pm
by Cpt_Frank

Wong talks about anal


No me :D
My thoughts exaclty. I hope I get to kick some feddy vessel's ass!

Posted: 2002-12-03 03:59pm
by Kuja
Cpt_Frank wrote:My thoughts exaclty. I hope I get to kick some feddy vessel's ass!
It's.............possible. :twisted:

Posted: 2002-12-03 04:00pm
by Ted
NecronLord wrote:positive

Wong talks about anal


No me :D
I'll echo those same sentements, excellently written, it's more emotional and mental than the way Iggy writes, I like this chapter better than the others, to be honest, able, for me, to visualize the characters with the emotions played up.

Posted: 2002-12-03 06:11pm
by CmdrWilkens
Good plot, not much sex, still I've gotten a nice romp in the hay so all is well and I'll hapily watch as Kelly gets dominated by Wong's willpower...perhaps :)

Posted: 2002-12-03 08:58pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
WHat about meeeee...

Posted: 2002-12-03 08:59pm
by Kuja
Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:WHat about meeeee...
Be patient! *bash*

Posted: 2002-12-03 09:21pm
by Pcm979
IG-88E wrote:Did I make a mistake including Trek?
Yes. If we want to see RSA & Co. horribly mutilated, I'll go look a flamefic (Or write one myself). If it adds nothing to the story (eg. Has them killed & then that's that), then -in my humble opinion- it's a waste of time and jerks the reader out of the story.
But I'm not writing it, so I'll just shut up.