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Challenge: Adapt Star Wars for a Child's Bedtime Story

Posted: 2005-07-07 11:14pm
by Battlehymn Republic
George Lucas once lamented about how this generation doesn't have fairy tales of its own, and then went on to make Star Wars. It's also been described as a modern-day myth, a lot like how Tolkien did his thing.

However, I've never heard Star Wars told as an actual oral story. That kind of hurts my conception of it as a future folktale told in the burning tire fires of a post-apocalyptic society (though I think that's a scene in Reign of Fire ... which is on tonight on ABC... but I can't see it, pobre).

Write out how you would tell your children/nieces and nephews/young siblings ANH as a bedtime story. And by how I mean your actual dialogue.

Posted: 2005-07-08 12:27am
by darthdavid
Why, oh why did you have to mention that steaming pile of shit Reign of Fire and taint an otherwise good thread?

Posted: 2005-07-08 12:30am
by Battlehymn Republic
Well, for one thing I've read in a review that there's a part where the survivors gather around a fire, telling stories of a long-lost world, including their hero, Luke Skywalker.

Also, it's on TV tonight. But I haven't seen it yet.