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Whats the best ST / B5 fan fics out there.

Posted: 2005-07-22 07:44am
by mr friendly guy
I would have to go for a universe of change and its sequel those who stand still being completed written by Albert G who used to post on

He also has another story called a thin veneer which involves the TOS Federation going up against the Minbari. These fics are updated roughly every 2 weeks. They do tend to perhaps power up Trek slightly but overall I wouldn't call them wanked and the Trek in his stories are much less powerful than "Terran Empire" or "Portal".

Another good one is the best of both universes which gets updated regularly, although not as frequent.

I strongly recommend you read some of these fics. If anyone knows of other good ST / B5 x-over fics, please link as I am a sucker for crossover related fiction.

Posted: 2005-08-12 01:51am
by Grey Eminence
I have been following AlbertG for a while now. And in my view he puts out the better of ST/B5.

E1701 did some good work with "When the looking glass shatters", also at However he has not updated in almost 9 months at this point. I also have to like his work because he invoked Turtledove's "Guns of the South". Unfortunately that is around the time he started to post less frequently.

Posted: 2005-08-15 05:14am
by Kruk