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{idea}An Epic to span the centuries

Posted: 2005-09-09 04:12am
by Stuart Mackey
I am, I confess, a crap writer or I would do this myself. But I sometimes like to think {perhaps, foolishly?dammned if I know} that I can come up with the germ of a workable concept. As such, feel free to tell me if this concept is workable or about as usefull as tits on a bull.

I have read the principle books of such things as the Mayfair Witches and the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice. One thing that has allways struck me is the way those books encompass hundreds and thousands of years respectivly. My idea is an epic that shows the present and the past, the golden ages and the ages where the lustre of gold no longer shines.. from a certain point of veiw. But there is a thread, however thin, that binds all the affairs of the characters from one point to the next. Some characters end, but that thread, ethereal and elusive, continues regardless across the divide of centuries, as the ghost of Rome once haunted and inspired Europe long after its fall.

A Sith plan for domination and how they go about developing their power and avoiding detection. How Yoda trains the Jedi for the last Sith war, a concept that is doomed to failure by their own victory. The story could be written from Yoda's POV in his exile on Dagohbah and from Palpys throne on Imperial Centre?. The story would be composed of numerous substories that end at some point in the EU?.

As I said, I am a crap writer, but would be willing to help in such an endevour, perhaps, or if a person who has the talant and knowledge I lack writes it, all well and good and full credit to them.
Boquets and brickbats welcome.
My thanks to Haverkoff for planting the Idea, and feel free to run it if you like. Allthough its open to anyone.