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Posted: 2005-10-16 02:18am
by darthdavid

I have seen the immortal fire burn low, splutter and die, I have seen countless dreams crushed and the men who dreamed them killed, I have seen the shattering of the unbreakable. I am death. I am the end. I am that which all men fear and that which no one can know. My feast, my banquet, is life and aspirations. It has been long since I have fed but my mouth again waters for the sweet taste of broken dreams. I will be satiated. I will quench my thirst by making their blood flow, I shall feed my hunger by ripping their flesh and I will flex my muscles in the breaking of their bones. None shall live.

Deep shadows were cast in a circle by the fitful light of the ancient candle. Daniel wanted to sleep more than anything. He couldn't though. He had to figure out a way to make his finances work. His family needed them to, and if they didn't his fingers would end up broken. Then there wouldn't be a way for him to support himself because his line of work required very dexterous hands. Presently he was separated from his grim musings by a blood curdling scream.

“Lily? Annabelle? Anyone? HELLO?” At this point he was bounding up the stairs, a sense of dread growing deep within his being. It was as though something was telling him that this was not something for the eyes of man to witness. But at the moment that was irrelevant to him, he had to protect his family. As he reached the landing at the top of the stairs he heard a sickening gurgling noise emanating from his daughter's. “LILY? ARE YOU OK?” No answer except more gurgling, and some other, unidentifiable noise. Whatever it was filled him with dread. He bounded to his daughter's room, found the door open and was immediately frozen in unmitigated terror upon looking inside. A massive black shape, animal in form, exuding palatable waves of hatred even from the distance he was at was perched atop his 14 year old daughter's now obviously lifeless corpse. The gurgling had been her final breaths, gasped through a wrecked throat while the unidentifiable noise had been the action of it's wickedly curved claws tearing massive chunks of flesh from her body.

The sight destroyed his sanity and left him on a primal level, blinded with rage he charged the hulking creature, leapt upon it's back and anchored himself with it's coarse fur. Try as he might, beating it with head and legs, he could seemingly inflict no pain upon it. Finally it deigned to take notice of him. It launched it's self off the bed backwards with unimaginable force and drove him trough a wall before falling heavily to the floor. It then turned around and sunk it's vicious claws between his ribs and into his still beating heart. As the last fading wisps of consciousness deserted his mind Daniel wondered if there was a single thing he could've done to save his family.