"Anatomy of a War - Home Front" (by Sunhawk)
Posted: 2005-12-29 02:20am
This is a short story written by a fan of "Anatomy", using an original character of his in a new surroundings due to, well, you'll see.
New Appalachia - Alliance of Democratic Nations
Universe Designate AR-12
26 November 2153
The early morning air was crisp and clean, the chill of winter rustling the tough mountain grasses that clung tenaciously to the thin soil of the mountainside. There were only a few puffy white clouds floating in the sky, and some thin contrails etched trails behind passing aircraft. Some winter flowers were in bloom amidst the tough grasses, lending a bit of cheerful color to the tableau.
A narrow, but well-marked, hiking trail ran along the face of the mountain, lazily meandering about. A foot trail, old but maintained, that led to an overlook. Along the trail, here and there, were wider areas, often used in the summertime for picnics, but nearly totally deserted now in the chill winter.
But not totally deserted, a single figure sat on a large boulder, pensively staring out at the landscape. A new hiking pack rested against the boulder as the figure sat there, as she'd sat there for the last couple hours, silent and still. A fairly young girl, not quite 13 but fairly small for her age, eyes gazing out steady and intent, a deep sea-blue that seemed to shift and sparkle with her moods, but were now pensive and a bit sad.
In the distance a shape rose into the sky, the morning sun glinting off of it, rising on a pillar of fire as it thundered towards the heavens, almost directly over where the girl sat. As the shuttle drew closer, the Marine Corps markings could be made out, the girl finally standing as it approached... coming to her best attention, and snapping off a salute.
Then it was past, and the girl's shoulders slumped a bit, then she hopped off the rock, shouldering the pack, adorned with a few unit badges and other gifts from the Marine's at the New Appalachia base, and started hiking back down the mountainside, tears glistening in her eyes, while above her adopted father was going back to war.
11 December 2153 AST
It was a quiet evening, but a tense one, the Maxwell family all sat in the family room of their small house, glued to the holovid as Fox Interstellar broadcast from the front, live footage of the fighting on Bajor from an embedded reporter. Despite the censorship, the family was tenser than usual, because for all that the newsies were careful they still were able to recognize friends and neighbors. Their Marines...
Hecate and Bethany sat on one couch near the window while Gilbert, at 8, had claimed a pillow on the floor. Wanda Maxwell, their mother, sat in the recliner. While Bethany and Gilbert both were simply fascinated and, to be honest, more than a little excited, both Hecate and Wanda were much more subdued, Wanda had seen her husband come home more than once from battle scarred and injured, and Hecate, well, Hecate had already lost her birth parents to the cauldron of war, and was terrified of losing another.
The footage faded to a commercial break when suddenly a knock sounded on the front door, three firm knocks. Silence. The holovid shut off as Gilbert lept to his feet and ran to the window to look outside then froze, eyes bulging a bit. Wanda and Hecate both went pale, while Bethany simply looked confused, trailing behind.
A pause, and after a deep breath Wanda opened the door, then paled even more. Standing there, in uniform, was one of the staff officers from the Base, carrying a briefcase. But he was alone, and looked a bit startled, beneath his professional demeanor, at the reaction, before understanding lit his eyes and he smiled, looking apologetic.
A short pause, broken by the Lieutenant "Hello, Mrs Maxwell."
Before he could continue, Wanda interrupted, her voice remarkably steady considering her pallor, "What happened? Is he alive?"
The lieutenant looked a bit sheepish at that, and quite hastily held up the briefcase. "Oh, my apologies, Mrs Maxwell. It's not that at all. I came to give this acceptance letter from the Prep School to Hecate, since it came in a bit late I wanted to make sure she got it as soon as possible. I didn't mean to scare you at all."
Wanda relaxed, taking a deep breath and looking just a bit sheepish herself. "Oh, do come in, Lt Johanson." she said, smiling now, as Hecate stood behind her, eyes shining at what she had just overheard.
Lt Johanson nodded, smiling at the obviously excited teenager, "Certainly, Mrs Maxwell, I also have some papers that would need to be signed, and the Student Handbook that Hecate would be expected to familiarize herself with before the next form starts." he replied, stepping inside.
Hecate trailed behind, stars in her eyes, almost jumping about but restraining herself, just barely. Then a thought crossed her mind and she paused, swallowing, and looked down, murmuring something to herself in her native tongue.
"Jeg skal fly Pappa, akkurat som du alltid sa jeg kom til å gjøre"[1]
18 December 2153 AST
"Norchester Alpha Five, you are number one for takeoff under VFR, wind 12 from 310. Over"
"Copy that, Tower, Norchester Alpha Five is number one for takeoff at the threshold, VFR. Over"
The single turboprop purred as power was smoothly applied, the light plane, a refurbished T-10 primary flight trainer, picked up speed and rose into the air. The faint murmor of radio chatter in the local airspace, the soft purr of the turboprop and the sound of rushing wind outside the only sounds as Hecate Maxwell guided the old trainer into the sky with a maestro's delicate touch, her skill and confidence belying her youth.
"Lima Three, Flight Ops. You are cleared for a record run. Wind is 15 from 218 true, over."
"Copy, Flight Ops, commencing record run now."
"Good luck, Lima Three."
The crowds were loud and boisterous, as they always were at the Annual Runstadt Air Races, the atmosphere electric as the Junior Division Time Trials progressed, young pilots, many sponsored by local corporation involved in Runstadt's local VTOL market, had been racing all day in timed trials. With as few roads as Runstadt had, and with how rugged the terrain was, small VTOL's were the primary method of transportation, and most citizens of the planet learned to fly at an early age. The Free Rasalhage Republic flags snapped in the breeze, static displays of the FRR's Aerospace fighters were proudly gawked at while pilots strutted about, the center of attention during the Races.
At the main field, a highly modified racing version of the ubiquitous Lockheed-Boeing Transit light VTOL sat light on the skids, then, as the starting light turned green, it positively lept off the ground, going vertically upward for mere feet before surging forward in a quick climb. The twin turboshafts roared, exquisitely tuned for maximum power, the VTOL accelerating rapidly, the pilot confident... certain...
Hecate Radick-Gustafson was behind the controls, firmly handling the cyclic and collective with a level of skilled competence rare even for pilots three times her age, the youngster a prodigy, already sponsored by the local brance of Lockheed-Boeing.
"New Westland Control, this is Norchester Alpha Five, on VFR. Requesting clearance to Angels 4, destination Pliune Township. Over"
"Norchester Alpha Five, clearance granted, be advised there is a minor stormfront coming in at 13 from 310, expect turbulence."
Smoke drifted lazily over the town, the large tank farm to the east burning while the shattered remnants of the local militia desperately struggled against the elite warriors of Clan Wolf. The giant OmniMechs stalked about, contemptuously shrugging off any attacks and blasting the outclassed infantrymen. A single star of heavy Omni's pursued one of the few militia mechs still standing as it fled into the surrounding forest, the Trueborn Warriors cocky, they had taken no losses so far.
Almost unnoticed, and certainly not classified as a threat, a lone civilian VTOL raced overhead, painted in the bright gaudy colors of a racing VTOL, the Lockheed-Boeing emblem emblazoned on the fuselage, but there was more, a pair of infantry Inferno SRM launchers were rather crudely bolted to the sides as well, exposed wiring leading into the cockpit.
The VTOL swooped down behind the Clan Omni's and smoke trails connected the two crudely mounted launchers to their targets... the forest itself, incendiaries spilling out, lighting the dry forest ablaze. The VTOL raced away, too fast for the Clanner's to get a lock on it, as flames roared, turning what had been an 'easy' pursuit into a descent into hell, not even Clan Omni's able to long resist the furious heat of this inferno.
"All flights, this is New Westland Control. Be advised that the stormfront is strengthening."
"New Westland Control, this is Norchester Alpha Five, request clearance to angels 5 and routing east around front, over"
"Clearance granted, Norchester Alpha Five."
The sky was darker now, heavy with lingering smoke and ash, the forests burned out wastes, here and there littered with the scorched remains of burned out Omnimechs. The Clanner's took out their frustration on the local inhabitants, unable to stop the stinging attacks from that lone VTOL that had bedevilled them for days now.
In a residential area of town, an Elemental patrol stomped up to a small, rather unassuming house and simply kicked in the door, spraying the interior with gunfire. A cut off series of screams, then the point departed, leaving the house to burn behind them, a tarnished brass plate proudly proclaiming the residence of the Radick-Gustafson family.
"Pliune Township Control, this is Norchester Alpha Five, under VFR from Norchester. Requesting landing instructions"
"Norchester Alpha Five, you are cleared to enter the landing pattern, you are number three in the pattern."
A small electric heater struggled against the chill, warming the battered tent in which the young girl huddled, tears streaking down her cheeks. Outside, hidden from easy view thanks to the blind canyon she was in, sat her VTOL, a bit scorched from a few near misses, but undamaged. The Clanner forces still hadn't found her hideout, hadn't managed to track her here, but she was low on fuel, and almost out of Inferno SRM's for the jury-rigged launchers... that, and discovering what had happened to her parents, were what drove Hecate to tears, tears of grief. Tears of rage. The sky gradually lightened, the VTOL not having good enough sensors for night flying. Hecate looked up, blinking a few times, fists clenched, as the primary rose above the canyon walls. Finally she stood, and picked up her helmet, the bright colors almost mocking her as she stalked to the cockpit. The red rocks of the canyon walls glowed in the early morning light, almost crimson... almost blood.
"Pliune Township Control, this is Norchester Alpha Five. Approaching the threshold, Over."
"Norchester Alpha Five, we show you good on approach."
The T-10 flared over the threshold of the runway, a textbook landing, marred only by a slight jarring as a gust of wind from the oncoming front caught at the trainer, but other than that, smooth as silk, rolling out and braking smoothly.
The VTOL screamed through the air, mere feet from the ground, moving so fast to be almost a blur. The canyon had been left behind minutes ago, and now the brightly painted racer hugged the ground, charging straight towards the only spaceport on the planet. Turboshafts screamed at maximum power, the pilot deftly weaving around obstacles, with only enough fuel to reach the spaceport...
Above a pair of Omnifighters had spotted the racing VTOL, but they were too far away for an interception, although the warriors piloting them turned in, radioing in a warning. On the tarmac a Union-C sat, loading the remains of the Trinary that had been trying to pacify the world, while a pair of Broadswords sat farther away. Technicians were loading ammunition into the open Mech Bays while alarms screamed, a few Omni's racing into position, while a full star paused near the terminal, guarding a party of Clansmen who were on foot.
The VTOL screamed in, Hecate barely believing her luck at seeing the open bays, the belly of the VTOL almost touching the ground as Clanners tried to lock on to the blur. A few shots came close, but still the VTOL was untouched. It rose up, slightly, lining up the shot, and again smoke marked the flight of the pair of Inferno SRM's... without a targetting system other than Mark One Eyeball, with only luck and piloting skill, the two missiles whistled home, right into the bays... detonating right on top of several tons of 170mm autocannon ammunition.
Hecate intended to follow the missiles in, to use the VTOL as a missile itself, a kamikaze... but at the last instant, after launch, instincts took over, and she wrenched the stick over, the VTOL turning aside, even as the Union-C started to explode in a chain reaction. But the VTOL's charmed life was over, a single ruby spear slammed into the tailboom, staggering the fragile craft. And it was so low, that even the slightest staggering brought it into contact with the ground. It hit, spinning on the tarmac, sparks flying as metal and composites collapsed, followed by darkness...
"Tower, this is Norchester Alpha Five requesting taxi instructions, we will be staying overnight."
"Norchester Alpha Five, take Taxiway Beta 2 South to the tarmac, a follow me truck will meet you. Welcome to Pliune Township"
"Understood, Tower, thanks for the welcome."
Light. Soft, perhaps, but light. Hecate blinked her eyes, slowly regaining conciousness. Confusion, not recognizing where she is, followed by pain, as her body started reporting in.
"Ughhhh.... unfamiliar ceiling...." she managed, still confused, wincing as she tried to move, able to turn her head, and realizing that she was in some sort of hospital, but not like any she'd ever seen. An orderly walked over to her, the harried smile of somebody who was extremely busy, but a genuine smile nonetheless.
"Wh... where am I?" she managed, focusing on the orderly, as two Clanners entered her field of view, both Clan Wolf MechWarriors, causing her to stiffen, eyes darting to them, then back to the orderly.
"The sickbay aboard the Dire Wolf, Hecate" said one of the warriors, a hint of grudging respect in the clipped, precise tone, the orderly stepping back respectfully. "Khan Ulric Kerensky ordered you brought here for treatment for your injuries."
A pause, as the girl blinked, mind slow, fogged with the drugs that flowed through her battered body. Realization setting in, that she hadn't been killed, but was a prisoner. More words were said, barely heard over the pounding in her ears, before she passed out again.
The old T-10 parked at the indicated spot, and Hecate jumped out, drawing out tie-downs and chocks to secure the light trainer in place in anticipation of the incoming storm. She then turned, smiling and waving as she saw her adopted mother approaching. The first few fat drops of rain fell as the pair headed for the terminal, smiling the entire way.
Hecate was still confined to the hospital bed, too many broken bones, too many internal injuries. It had been a minor miracle that she had survived long enough to get to sickbay. She spent most of her time drugged with painkillers, or suffering from the constant pain of her wounds, but not all the time... and she wasn't so oblivious as to not notice the increasing panic amongst her captors. Something was happening, but, in some ways, she was coming to understand the Clans, to see their viewpoint. The deaths of her parents still burned within her, but she found that she could no longer hate like she had.
One night things changed, she awoke to chaos, alarms screaming as the Dire Wolf was boarded, soldiers in strange armor battling in the corridors, sickbay secured by a group of them...
She awoke again in a different room, to a different ceiling. Feeling far better than she had. The room was crowded with beds, evidently part of a ward. She found she could move a bit more easily, the pain no longer immobilizing her, the drugs no longer fogging her. She turned her head, to look at the next bed over, occupied by a grizzled older man, a tough guy, hair cut extremely short, recovering from surgery, much like her... he looked over in her direction, and smiled at her, the sort of smile that tough guys have when hurt.
Hecate cleared her throat finally, smiling back at the tough looking guy. "Ummm, hi there" she murmured, before wincing a bit at how silly she sounded.
"And hello to you as well, young lady. Good to see you awake again." he replied, voice deep and just a bit gruff, but friendly all the same.
Hecate glanced away, then back at the man. "Well, thanks. Where am I now?" she asked, a bit confused.
"Ahhh, this is DNS Mercy, one of our fleets hospital ships. You were in pretty bad shape when we got you off of that Clanner ship." he replied, still smiling, before he held out one hand across the gap between the beds "Master Sergeant Horace Maxwell, Alliance Marines."
"Alliance? Are you from the Outworlds?" Hecate asked, a bit baffled, but taking his hand, then looking even more baffled at his sudden bark of laughter.
"No no no, Alliance of Democratic Nations, kiddo, not from around here at all." he replied, looking up as a doctor approached, looking a bit harried and busy, like any doc in a busy ward would be.
[1]"I'm going to fly, Pappa, just like you always said I would."
New Appalachia - Alliance of Democratic Nations
Universe Designate AR-12
26 November 2153
The early morning air was crisp and clean, the chill of winter rustling the tough mountain grasses that clung tenaciously to the thin soil of the mountainside. There were only a few puffy white clouds floating in the sky, and some thin contrails etched trails behind passing aircraft. Some winter flowers were in bloom amidst the tough grasses, lending a bit of cheerful color to the tableau.
A narrow, but well-marked, hiking trail ran along the face of the mountain, lazily meandering about. A foot trail, old but maintained, that led to an overlook. Along the trail, here and there, were wider areas, often used in the summertime for picnics, but nearly totally deserted now in the chill winter.
But not totally deserted, a single figure sat on a large boulder, pensively staring out at the landscape. A new hiking pack rested against the boulder as the figure sat there, as she'd sat there for the last couple hours, silent and still. A fairly young girl, not quite 13 but fairly small for her age, eyes gazing out steady and intent, a deep sea-blue that seemed to shift and sparkle with her moods, but were now pensive and a bit sad.
In the distance a shape rose into the sky, the morning sun glinting off of it, rising on a pillar of fire as it thundered towards the heavens, almost directly over where the girl sat. As the shuttle drew closer, the Marine Corps markings could be made out, the girl finally standing as it approached... coming to her best attention, and snapping off a salute.
Then it was past, and the girl's shoulders slumped a bit, then she hopped off the rock, shouldering the pack, adorned with a few unit badges and other gifts from the Marine's at the New Appalachia base, and started hiking back down the mountainside, tears glistening in her eyes, while above her adopted father was going back to war.
11 December 2153 AST
It was a quiet evening, but a tense one, the Maxwell family all sat in the family room of their small house, glued to the holovid as Fox Interstellar broadcast from the front, live footage of the fighting on Bajor from an embedded reporter. Despite the censorship, the family was tenser than usual, because for all that the newsies were careful they still were able to recognize friends and neighbors. Their Marines...
Hecate and Bethany sat on one couch near the window while Gilbert, at 8, had claimed a pillow on the floor. Wanda Maxwell, their mother, sat in the recliner. While Bethany and Gilbert both were simply fascinated and, to be honest, more than a little excited, both Hecate and Wanda were much more subdued, Wanda had seen her husband come home more than once from battle scarred and injured, and Hecate, well, Hecate had already lost her birth parents to the cauldron of war, and was terrified of losing another.
The footage faded to a commercial break when suddenly a knock sounded on the front door, three firm knocks. Silence. The holovid shut off as Gilbert lept to his feet and ran to the window to look outside then froze, eyes bulging a bit. Wanda and Hecate both went pale, while Bethany simply looked confused, trailing behind.
A pause, and after a deep breath Wanda opened the door, then paled even more. Standing there, in uniform, was one of the staff officers from the Base, carrying a briefcase. But he was alone, and looked a bit startled, beneath his professional demeanor, at the reaction, before understanding lit his eyes and he smiled, looking apologetic.
A short pause, broken by the Lieutenant "Hello, Mrs Maxwell."
Before he could continue, Wanda interrupted, her voice remarkably steady considering her pallor, "What happened? Is he alive?"
The lieutenant looked a bit sheepish at that, and quite hastily held up the briefcase. "Oh, my apologies, Mrs Maxwell. It's not that at all. I came to give this acceptance letter from the Prep School to Hecate, since it came in a bit late I wanted to make sure she got it as soon as possible. I didn't mean to scare you at all."
Wanda relaxed, taking a deep breath and looking just a bit sheepish herself. "Oh, do come in, Lt Johanson." she said, smiling now, as Hecate stood behind her, eyes shining at what she had just overheard.
Lt Johanson nodded, smiling at the obviously excited teenager, "Certainly, Mrs Maxwell, I also have some papers that would need to be signed, and the Student Handbook that Hecate would be expected to familiarize herself with before the next form starts." he replied, stepping inside.
Hecate trailed behind, stars in her eyes, almost jumping about but restraining herself, just barely. Then a thought crossed her mind and she paused, swallowing, and looked down, murmuring something to herself in her native tongue.
"Jeg skal fly Pappa, akkurat som du alltid sa jeg kom til å gjøre"[1]
18 December 2153 AST
"Norchester Alpha Five, you are number one for takeoff under VFR, wind 12 from 310. Over"
"Copy that, Tower, Norchester Alpha Five is number one for takeoff at the threshold, VFR. Over"
The single turboprop purred as power was smoothly applied, the light plane, a refurbished T-10 primary flight trainer, picked up speed and rose into the air. The faint murmor of radio chatter in the local airspace, the soft purr of the turboprop and the sound of rushing wind outside the only sounds as Hecate Maxwell guided the old trainer into the sky with a maestro's delicate touch, her skill and confidence belying her youth.
"Lima Three, Flight Ops. You are cleared for a record run. Wind is 15 from 218 true, over."
"Copy, Flight Ops, commencing record run now."
"Good luck, Lima Three."
The crowds were loud and boisterous, as they always were at the Annual Runstadt Air Races, the atmosphere electric as the Junior Division Time Trials progressed, young pilots, many sponsored by local corporation involved in Runstadt's local VTOL market, had been racing all day in timed trials. With as few roads as Runstadt had, and with how rugged the terrain was, small VTOL's were the primary method of transportation, and most citizens of the planet learned to fly at an early age. The Free Rasalhage Republic flags snapped in the breeze, static displays of the FRR's Aerospace fighters were proudly gawked at while pilots strutted about, the center of attention during the Races.
At the main field, a highly modified racing version of the ubiquitous Lockheed-Boeing Transit light VTOL sat light on the skids, then, as the starting light turned green, it positively lept off the ground, going vertically upward for mere feet before surging forward in a quick climb. The twin turboshafts roared, exquisitely tuned for maximum power, the VTOL accelerating rapidly, the pilot confident... certain...
Hecate Radick-Gustafson was behind the controls, firmly handling the cyclic and collective with a level of skilled competence rare even for pilots three times her age, the youngster a prodigy, already sponsored by the local brance of Lockheed-Boeing.
"New Westland Control, this is Norchester Alpha Five, on VFR. Requesting clearance to Angels 4, destination Pliune Township. Over"
"Norchester Alpha Five, clearance granted, be advised there is a minor stormfront coming in at 13 from 310, expect turbulence."
Smoke drifted lazily over the town, the large tank farm to the east burning while the shattered remnants of the local militia desperately struggled against the elite warriors of Clan Wolf. The giant OmniMechs stalked about, contemptuously shrugging off any attacks and blasting the outclassed infantrymen. A single star of heavy Omni's pursued one of the few militia mechs still standing as it fled into the surrounding forest, the Trueborn Warriors cocky, they had taken no losses so far.
Almost unnoticed, and certainly not classified as a threat, a lone civilian VTOL raced overhead, painted in the bright gaudy colors of a racing VTOL, the Lockheed-Boeing emblem emblazoned on the fuselage, but there was more, a pair of infantry Inferno SRM launchers were rather crudely bolted to the sides as well, exposed wiring leading into the cockpit.
The VTOL swooped down behind the Clan Omni's and smoke trails connected the two crudely mounted launchers to their targets... the forest itself, incendiaries spilling out, lighting the dry forest ablaze. The VTOL raced away, too fast for the Clanner's to get a lock on it, as flames roared, turning what had been an 'easy' pursuit into a descent into hell, not even Clan Omni's able to long resist the furious heat of this inferno.
"All flights, this is New Westland Control. Be advised that the stormfront is strengthening."
"New Westland Control, this is Norchester Alpha Five, request clearance to angels 5 and routing east around front, over"
"Clearance granted, Norchester Alpha Five."
The sky was darker now, heavy with lingering smoke and ash, the forests burned out wastes, here and there littered with the scorched remains of burned out Omnimechs. The Clanner's took out their frustration on the local inhabitants, unable to stop the stinging attacks from that lone VTOL that had bedevilled them for days now.
In a residential area of town, an Elemental patrol stomped up to a small, rather unassuming house and simply kicked in the door, spraying the interior with gunfire. A cut off series of screams, then the point departed, leaving the house to burn behind them, a tarnished brass plate proudly proclaiming the residence of the Radick-Gustafson family.
"Pliune Township Control, this is Norchester Alpha Five, under VFR from Norchester. Requesting landing instructions"
"Norchester Alpha Five, you are cleared to enter the landing pattern, you are number three in the pattern."
A small electric heater struggled against the chill, warming the battered tent in which the young girl huddled, tears streaking down her cheeks. Outside, hidden from easy view thanks to the blind canyon she was in, sat her VTOL, a bit scorched from a few near misses, but undamaged. The Clanner forces still hadn't found her hideout, hadn't managed to track her here, but she was low on fuel, and almost out of Inferno SRM's for the jury-rigged launchers... that, and discovering what had happened to her parents, were what drove Hecate to tears, tears of grief. Tears of rage. The sky gradually lightened, the VTOL not having good enough sensors for night flying. Hecate looked up, blinking a few times, fists clenched, as the primary rose above the canyon walls. Finally she stood, and picked up her helmet, the bright colors almost mocking her as she stalked to the cockpit. The red rocks of the canyon walls glowed in the early morning light, almost crimson... almost blood.
"Pliune Township Control, this is Norchester Alpha Five. Approaching the threshold, Over."
"Norchester Alpha Five, we show you good on approach."
The T-10 flared over the threshold of the runway, a textbook landing, marred only by a slight jarring as a gust of wind from the oncoming front caught at the trainer, but other than that, smooth as silk, rolling out and braking smoothly.
The VTOL screamed through the air, mere feet from the ground, moving so fast to be almost a blur. The canyon had been left behind minutes ago, and now the brightly painted racer hugged the ground, charging straight towards the only spaceport on the planet. Turboshafts screamed at maximum power, the pilot deftly weaving around obstacles, with only enough fuel to reach the spaceport...
Above a pair of Omnifighters had spotted the racing VTOL, but they were too far away for an interception, although the warriors piloting them turned in, radioing in a warning. On the tarmac a Union-C sat, loading the remains of the Trinary that had been trying to pacify the world, while a pair of Broadswords sat farther away. Technicians were loading ammunition into the open Mech Bays while alarms screamed, a few Omni's racing into position, while a full star paused near the terminal, guarding a party of Clansmen who were on foot.
The VTOL screamed in, Hecate barely believing her luck at seeing the open bays, the belly of the VTOL almost touching the ground as Clanners tried to lock on to the blur. A few shots came close, but still the VTOL was untouched. It rose up, slightly, lining up the shot, and again smoke marked the flight of the pair of Inferno SRM's... without a targetting system other than Mark One Eyeball, with only luck and piloting skill, the two missiles whistled home, right into the bays... detonating right on top of several tons of 170mm autocannon ammunition.
Hecate intended to follow the missiles in, to use the VTOL as a missile itself, a kamikaze... but at the last instant, after launch, instincts took over, and she wrenched the stick over, the VTOL turning aside, even as the Union-C started to explode in a chain reaction. But the VTOL's charmed life was over, a single ruby spear slammed into the tailboom, staggering the fragile craft. And it was so low, that even the slightest staggering brought it into contact with the ground. It hit, spinning on the tarmac, sparks flying as metal and composites collapsed, followed by darkness...
"Tower, this is Norchester Alpha Five requesting taxi instructions, we will be staying overnight."
"Norchester Alpha Five, take Taxiway Beta 2 South to the tarmac, a follow me truck will meet you. Welcome to Pliune Township"
"Understood, Tower, thanks for the welcome."
Light. Soft, perhaps, but light. Hecate blinked her eyes, slowly regaining conciousness. Confusion, not recognizing where she is, followed by pain, as her body started reporting in.
"Ughhhh.... unfamiliar ceiling...." she managed, still confused, wincing as she tried to move, able to turn her head, and realizing that she was in some sort of hospital, but not like any she'd ever seen. An orderly walked over to her, the harried smile of somebody who was extremely busy, but a genuine smile nonetheless.
"Wh... where am I?" she managed, focusing on the orderly, as two Clanners entered her field of view, both Clan Wolf MechWarriors, causing her to stiffen, eyes darting to them, then back to the orderly.
"The sickbay aboard the Dire Wolf, Hecate" said one of the warriors, a hint of grudging respect in the clipped, precise tone, the orderly stepping back respectfully. "Khan Ulric Kerensky ordered you brought here for treatment for your injuries."
A pause, as the girl blinked, mind slow, fogged with the drugs that flowed through her battered body. Realization setting in, that she hadn't been killed, but was a prisoner. More words were said, barely heard over the pounding in her ears, before she passed out again.
The old T-10 parked at the indicated spot, and Hecate jumped out, drawing out tie-downs and chocks to secure the light trainer in place in anticipation of the incoming storm. She then turned, smiling and waving as she saw her adopted mother approaching. The first few fat drops of rain fell as the pair headed for the terminal, smiling the entire way.
Hecate was still confined to the hospital bed, too many broken bones, too many internal injuries. It had been a minor miracle that she had survived long enough to get to sickbay. She spent most of her time drugged with painkillers, or suffering from the constant pain of her wounds, but not all the time... and she wasn't so oblivious as to not notice the increasing panic amongst her captors. Something was happening, but, in some ways, she was coming to understand the Clans, to see their viewpoint. The deaths of her parents still burned within her, but she found that she could no longer hate like she had.
One night things changed, she awoke to chaos, alarms screaming as the Dire Wolf was boarded, soldiers in strange armor battling in the corridors, sickbay secured by a group of them...
She awoke again in a different room, to a different ceiling. Feeling far better than she had. The room was crowded with beds, evidently part of a ward. She found she could move a bit more easily, the pain no longer immobilizing her, the drugs no longer fogging her. She turned her head, to look at the next bed over, occupied by a grizzled older man, a tough guy, hair cut extremely short, recovering from surgery, much like her... he looked over in her direction, and smiled at her, the sort of smile that tough guys have when hurt.
Hecate cleared her throat finally, smiling back at the tough looking guy. "Ummm, hi there" she murmured, before wincing a bit at how silly she sounded.
"And hello to you as well, young lady. Good to see you awake again." he replied, voice deep and just a bit gruff, but friendly all the same.
Hecate glanced away, then back at the man. "Well, thanks. Where am I now?" she asked, a bit confused.
"Ahhh, this is DNS Mercy, one of our fleets hospital ships. You were in pretty bad shape when we got you off of that Clanner ship." he replied, still smiling, before he held out one hand across the gap between the beds "Master Sergeant Horace Maxwell, Alliance Marines."
"Alliance? Are you from the Outworlds?" Hecate asked, a bit baffled, but taking his hand, then looking even more baffled at his sudden bark of laughter.
"No no no, Alliance of Democratic Nations, kiddo, not from around here at all." he replied, looking up as a doctor approached, looking a bit harried and busy, like any doc in a busy ward would be.
[1]"I'm going to fly, Pappa, just like you always said I would."