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I got ideas, you got critiques?

Posted: 2006-01-22 08:22pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
I have way too many ideas for fanfics floating around in my head. Far too many. Thus, like many before me, I'm going to lay out a few of my better ideas for you to choose which I should write.

Idea the first: Re-write my old ST/SW fanfic which I stopped because I thought I'd written it far too fast-paced and poorly and didn't know how to fix certain creative blocks and missteps I took. Be sure, it will be quite different from current cross-over fanfics. The plot is a unique, if eccentric little web of Trek one-shots vs. Imperial power, etc.

RoTS AU fic: Obi-Wan, Yoda, and dozens of other surviving Jedi including a cyborganised Mace Windu fight with the former CIS leaders and a proto-rebellion using the old seperatist fleet which they managed to save before Anakin got to Mustafar. Anakin himself is entirely intact and has become the most proficient lightsaber-duellist in the galaxy, hunting down Rebel sympathisers and Jedi masters with impunity in between raising his young twins to be Sith like himself, as a growing rift comes between him and Palpatine and he plots his ascent to sovereignty. That summary probably made little sense, but it will all be explained. And if the ratings start to drop, I'll throw in gratuitous sex and a crossover!

Original fic: A near-future fic wherein a highly-advanced Solar System has globalized into the Islamic Bloc, the Russo-Chinese Republic, the Pacific Rim Alliance, the European Confederation, America and its client states, and the Indo-African Conglomerate. It will focus on the threat posed by the Russo-Chinese, the emerging power from the former shitholes of the Indo-African nations, and America's growing isolationism and degeneration.

Babylon 5/Star Trek/Star Wars crossover: Very fuzzy ideas, but expect to see EarthForce/Federation/Imperial forces in pitched battles with Klingon/Minbari/Rebels, until the eventual coming of the Shadows and the Borg. It'll probably suck, honestly.

Posted: 2006-01-22 08:34pm
by Shinova
Elaborate the first idea, but so far I like the second one, that ROTS AU one.

Posted: 2006-01-22 08:42pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Basically, the first involves an experimental Federation fleet designed using super-Voyager tech to combat the Borg being diverted to hold a wormhole opening to the SW galaxy against an Imperial admiral who is strangely receiving no support in this war from Coruscant or any other sector. Meanwhile, Borg steamroll, Romulans sneak, and Vader has died and been replaced.

Posted: 2006-01-22 08:46pm
by Shinova
I see. In that case I still like the second idea better. :)

Re: I got ideas, you got critiques?

Posted: 2006-01-22 09:29pm
by Sidewinder
Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:Original fic: A near-future fic wherein a highly-advanced Solar System has globalized into the Islamic Bloc, the Russo-Chinese Republic, the Pacific Rim Alliance, the European Confederation, America and its client states, and the Indo-African Conglomerate. It will focus on the threat posed by the Russo-Chinese, the emerging power from the former shitholes of the Indo-African nations, and America's growing isolationism and degeneration.
Every time a non-Chinese author writes a story about China, it tends to devolve into racist portrayals of the Chinese, conspiracy theories, and people with non-Chinese names pretending to be Chinese by sprouting fortune cookie quotes that were supposedly said by Confucius. (I'm Chinese; I can get away with writing stories about China.) Avoid this at all costs; either send PMs to board members of Chinese descent for advise on how to write this story, or don't write it at all.

Re: I got ideas, you got critiques?

Posted: 2006-01-22 10:08pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
Sidewinder wrote:
Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba wrote:Original fic: A near-future fic wherein a highly-advanced Solar System has globalized into the Islamic Bloc, the Russo-Chinese Republic, the Pacific Rim Alliance, the European Confederation, America and its client states, and the Indo-African Conglomerate. It will focus on the threat posed by the Russo-Chinese, the emerging power from the former shitholes of the Indo-African nations, and America's growing isolationism and degeneration.
Every time a non-Chinese author writes a story about China, it tends to devolve into racist portrayals of the Chinese, conspiracy theories, and people with non-Chinese names pretending to be Chinese by sprouting fortune cookie quotes that were supposedly said by Confucius. (I'm Chinese; I can get away with writing stories about China.) Avoid this at all costs; either send PMs to board members of Chinese descent for advise on how to write this story, or don't write it at all.
The hell? This would have little to do with the Chinese, and those Chinese portrayed don't spout philosophy- these are conniving politicians and Thrawnian generals, for Christ's sake.

Posted: 2006-01-22 10:13pm
by Shinova
Even with conniving politicians and Thrawnian generals it'd be good to portray them as Chinese as accurately as possible.

Posted: 2006-01-23 12:00am
by Sidewinder
Shinova wrote:Even with conniving politicians and Thrawnian generals it'd be good to portray them as Chinese as accurately as possible.
Tom Clancy's The Bear and the Dragon had conniving politicians. Dale Brown's Fatal Terrain had generals comparable to Grand Admiral Thrawn in stategic thinking. Neither author portrays Chinese people as Chinese people in their books, only as Cold War-era stereotypes that right-wing nuts use to scare the public into believing their stupid conspiracy theories. Trust me, if you're not Chinese, it's better not to use Chinese people in your stories. (Chinese-Americans are okay; growing up in America, I act more American than Chinese, so it's easy to portray someone like me.)