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Awful Star Trek vs. Star Wars fanfiction
Posted: 2002-08-04 01:07am
You think Portal was bad? For some truly awful ST vs. SW fanfic, visit the following page:
Posted: 2002-08-04 02:17am
by Kazuaki Shimazaki
I've seen products. I don't wanna look... Sadly, I saw FanFix products FIRST, and it took a lot of quality ASVS FanFic before I regained any confidence in FanFiction
Posted: 2002-08-04 02:53am
by Subnormal
Wow I just read a good one.
It appears to be written by someone with some knowledge it is a short sweet destruction of Federation space.
Posted: 2002-08-04 08:57am
by Mr Bean
I'm a stinky poo head, and I have no idea of what powers I play with.
Posted: 2002-08-05 04:34am
Heh. Check out
Battle Royale. What a steaming pile of felched donkey turd that is. The author has the Defiant and the Pheonix take out 4 Star Destroyers and thousands of fighters. Two hits from the Defiant's pulse phasers are supposedly enough to down the shields on an Imperial ship.
It is to laugh.
If you want to see some REALLY crappy fanfics, go here:
Posted: 2002-08-05 01:21pm
by Stravo
Considering how much time and effort goes into writing something, I am shocked that anyone would devote that time and effort to produce steaming piles of shit like some of the fanfics here. In my research on how to write fanfics I have definately stepped in some real dogshit stories and it is my policy not to do so again....I'm still paying my therapy bills because of Portal
Posted: 2002-08-05 02:42pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Who says they're putting time and effort into it?
Posted: 2002-08-05 04:15pm
by Stravo
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Who says they're putting time and effort into it?
You have a point....but I can just see one of these nerds just hunched over his keyboard typing away and giggling to himself. "That's cool...huhuhuh."
Posted: 2002-08-05 05:16pm
by David
I don't have any power outside of the forums I moderate huh?Mr.Bean see your last post.
Hahaha, I have powers too.
Posted: 2002-08-05 05:57pm
by Faram
Found one fanfic that i really liked
Luke Vader
Summary: Six-year-old Luke Skywalker is kidnapped, enslaved, and
sold to... Darth Vader. From this moment, his life will never be
the same and will eventually surpass his wildest dreams when he
finally earns the right to claim his Sith identity after years of
secret services to the Emperor.
Off to read the next chapter
Posted: 2002-08-05 06:24pm
by Mr Bean
No Test Moderatorship David?
Or Annocments I can post there!
Posted: 2002-08-05 06:30pm
by Sothis
I only looked at the titles, and was scared to actually read any of the fics themselves.
Posted: 2002-08-05 08:10pm
by Master of Ossus
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Who says they're putting time and effort into it?
A considerable amount of time is necessary for any writing piece--much longer than most people would think. Effort, on the other hand....
Sadly optional for some of these pieces. I've seen Fourth Grade proficiency writing examinations with more quality than many of these.
Portal is worse than most of the ones, even here, though.
Posted: 2002-08-06 04:57am
A considerable amount of time is necessary for any writing piece
I dunno. Most of these stories seem to be on the order of two or three pages. I can do that in less than an hour (when I'm REALLY in the mood), and that's when writing a GOOD story. Most fanfics seem to be "enterpris fird too torpeedos the stardest royr shield fell then the nex ttorpedo bluw up the bridge thes tardestroye exploblew up good job picard said now deanna lets have sex"
Sorry. I can take a shit on a piece of paper and wind up with a better tale than a lot of the crappy fanfics out there.
Posted: 2002-08-06 09:20am
by Peregrin Toker
Actually, it doesn't come as a shock to me...... on the other hand, I've heard grisly stories of erotic Thundercats fanfics......
(shot of a Starfleet officer writhing in disgust)
.... THUNDERCATS!.....
(slideshot of a Klingon officer writhing in disgust)
..... FANFICS!....
(shot of two Sith Lords writhing in disgust)
No, I haven't read an erotic Thundercat fanfic, but I've heard about one....
Posted: 2002-08-06 04:23pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'm sure many of these "ST beats SW" fanfics are written by the same 10 people.
Posted: 2002-08-07 12:38am
by Anarchist Bunny
I'd gladly read Portal than this.
Erotic. Homosexual. Harry Potter. Fan. Fiction.
Thats right folks, there is no god.[/u]
Posted: 2002-08-07 12:48am
by Stravo
anarchistbunny wrote:I'd gladly read Portal than this.
Erotic. Homosexual. Harry Potter. Fan. Fiction.
Thats right folks, there is no god.[/u]
I...have lost...the
Posted: 2002-08-07 12:49am
by Anarchist Bunny
OH Yeah, and I don' care if this is a awful SW vs ST thread, that had to be posted.
Posted: 2002-08-09 10:13pm
SPOOFE wrote:Heh. Check out
Battle Royale. What a steaming pile of felched donkey turd that is. The author has the Defiant and the Pheonix take out 4 Star Destroyers and thousands of fighters. Two hits from the Defiant's pulse phasers are supposedly enough to down the shields on an Imperial ship.
It is to laugh.
If you want to see some REALLY crappy fanfics, go here:
Godawful. Where would we be without you? Really though, Godawful is for more generic awfullness rather than such specific crimes to reason...
Posted: 2002-08-10 11:04pm
by Crossover_Maniac
anarchistbunny wrote:I'd gladly read Portal than this.
Erotic. Homosexual. Harry Potter. Fan. Fiction.
Thats right folks, there is no god.[/u]
I've seen worse, how about
10 year old lesbian fan fiction
Posted: 2002-08-10 11:06pm
by Crossover_Maniac
And if you're brave enough to read even one story, avoid the stories with an !H! beside it (hentai=sexual content). I learned what it meant the hard way.
Posted: 2002-08-10 11:16pm
by Crossover_Maniac
I think I managed to top the list of disgusting crap people put on the net with the
Harry Potter Slash RPG.
Posted: 2002-08-11 02:55am
by Peregrin Toker
It's manga. Would you expect Japanese pop culture not to jam-packed with weirdness???
Posted: 2002-08-13 09:17am
by Andras
Ok, a little late, but here are some of my favorite storys from Fanfix
Rebellion pages
Luke Vader(3 storys)
Jedi my Weequay butt!
Empire pages
Emperor's Elite
Between the Trilogys
Freedom Adventures
Archeology in Hyperspace
Travelling Conflict
As long as we're together ( mushy)
There is one more that I can't find, it has Luke captured, and Mara is assigned to turn him, they both escape, but get recaptured then Leia and Han go looking for Luke on Corucant.