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Tales of the Ulendra (original Fantasy-ish)

Posted: 2006-07-23 05:41pm
by Dooey Jo
This is a story of sorts that I wrote some time ago. It's part of a backstory for some characters and events in my little universe. As such, it doesn't read like a traditional novel or short story but more like a mythological text, sort of like the Silmarillion I guess (though I've never read it in English so I'm not sure how it would read).
You have been warned 8)

Tales of the Ulendra, part 1

And there you have it. Do you find it utterly dull and dry, or weird and wonderous :P

Posted: 2006-07-24 01:55am
by Darth Raptor
That was pretty interesting. I liked the style at first, but it seemed to deviate significantly from that style about halfway through (although such a transition was kinda necessary, as it became more dialogue-intensive). None of the Ulendra strike me as particularly bright, though. Ormydian especially. I do like Mayuni.

Posted: 2006-07-25 07:56am
by Dooey Jo
Darth Raptor wrote:That was pretty interesting. I liked the style at first, but it seemed to deviate significantly from that style about halfway through (although such a transition was kinda necessary, as it became more dialogue-intensive).
Actually, the reason I changed the style was because the "sources" for the story changed from being bits and pieces left from the first people of the story and records from the Dark Monks, to songs and legends from the Nonusen people, which contained different details. That was the idea anyhow, I don't think it worked out be quite as clear a difference as I originally imagined...
None of the Ulendra strike me as particularly bright, though. Ormydian especially.
That's right. Or well, they think like the Ulendra mostly would. Ormydian was considered wise in the "mystic homelands", but they don't "naturally" have the same feelings and thoughts there as the people on the planet they went to. So when Ormydian was cursed to experience evil thoughts and feelings, which he wasn't at all prepared for, he sort of snapped and became evil himself. That is the evil thoughts and feelings eventually became the only things he was capable of knowing.

The same thing sort of happens to Alfibel when she joins the Nonusen people. She doesn't just look like one of them, but actually becomes one of them, and forgets all about what she really is. She didn't need to be cursed for it to happen because she actually wanted it. Yeah, you could probably analyse the shit out of this story. That's also kind of the point :mrgreen:
I do like Mayuni.
Glad to hear it! She is quite an important character for the over-arching story of that world.