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New fic idea...

Posted: 2003-01-06 08:07am
by weemadando
I had an idea for a fic today (before any of you whinge, new chapters of TK421, A Crossover Too Far, Deceiver and Dark Dawns will be coming when I set my comp up somewhere more permanent than on the floor of a spare room)...

Anyhow, its set right now. Today, 2003. The basic concept is that mythology, to an extent is correct. There are critters out there, but a program of eradication supported by all the main European and Asian religions (Christianities main sects, Islams main sects, Buddhism, Taoism etc) acting together i a "conspiracy" of sorts was thought to have cleansed the earth of them by the start of the industrial revolution.

However an ancient threat has just been rediscovered. The group is secretly reformed and it is decided that they should finally destroy this menace.

Using their considerable resources and influence they recreate their forces to fight against these rediscovered creatures of myth.

In essence its going to be modern tech and military vs critters and... other things. With a lot of conspiracy-esque stuff and whole bunch of shady backroom dealings.

Well? Vote in the poll and please comment.

Posted: 2003-01-06 07:02pm
by Darth Fanboy
I don't see Bhuddism and Taoism and some of the other Eastern religions being involved in this sort of conspiracy at all. However, as hard as it would be to get Christians, Muslims, and Jewish people to agree on anything I could see slaughtering hobbits as something we could all agree on.

you could maybe try a group of Christian "Mythology Mercs" on a mission and they eventually meet up with their Islamic counterparts. That would make for some interesting tension before whatever it is shows its ugly face.

Posted: 2003-01-06 07:44pm
by weemadando
Darth Fanboy wrote:I don't see Bhuddism and Taoism and some of the other Eastern religions being involved in this sort of conspiracy at all. However, as hard as it would be to get Christians, Muslims, and Jewish people to agree on anything I could see slaughtering hobbits as something we could all agree on.

you could maybe try a group of Christian "Mythology Mercs" on a mission and they eventually meet up with their Islamic counterparts. That would make for some interesting tension before whatever it is shows its ugly face.
Religious tension is at the core of it. As is the questioning of belief etc...

And the Buddhists and Taoists are involved because its not just critters of European myth that are real...

Posted: 2003-01-06 07:46pm
by Darth Fanboy
I see, so we will be seeing some warrior monks with sharp edged weapons?