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Maxillarian Chronichles

Posted: 2006-10-18 04:25am
by Major Maxillary
This isn't a fanfic, but a story I've been working on.

I figure this is a good place to get feedback, seeing as we're all big into Sci-fi here. And I chose this forum because, well, there's no "Origional Sci-fi stories" forum.

I put in HTML format because it's easier to put online. ... deracy.htm
[edit]Fucking freehostultra...[/edit]

I'd like advice one where to go, any errors or corrections, and if you just want to ask me a question about it, feel free. I need to flex my creative muscle and get back to work on this.

Posted: 2006-10-18 04:29am
by JLTucker
Dude. What the hell? I click on the page after it loads and I am prompted to download software.

Posted: 2006-10-18 04:41am
by Major Maxillary

Posted: 2006-10-18 05:00am
by JLTucker
From what I have read so far, one thing has bothered me: Savage has been inactive for 997 years, yet he can instanly walk again?

Posted: 2006-10-18 05:40am
by Major Maxillary
JLTucker wrote:From what I have read so far, one thing has bothered me: Savage has been inactive for 997 years, yet he can instanly walk again?
no, he needed some time.
After a few attempts, Captain Savage finally got his legs to cooperate with the rest of him, and struggled to his feet.
Oh wait, you mean the sentence after that?

Now that I think of it, it does look poorly worded. Thanks.

he wasn't as much inactive as he was dead. they had to grow an entirely new body for him.