lance wrote:
intresting, are you going to allow gestalt? If you do you should make them start off as 2 levels lower, sort of like 2nd editions multi classing.
captain tycho
Gestalt is the most broken thing since the Death Star after ANH.
It isn't that broken if you follow the guidelines, which are that gestalts go up against things that are a challenge rating of one or two higher than what they are, them being a level or two behind everybody else should work too. I would recomend no Prc also for the gestalt and limiting it too two classes, exept for certain things.
a couple examples fighter mage and mage cleric
examples a f6/m6(no prc) would have a base attack of 9, have saves of 6/4/6, and have 11 feats,30 skill points, caps of 15 and 7.5/50.5 hp cl 6
now With Prc F2/M4/Sps1/EK5-BA10, saves of 10/2/10 7 feats, 30sp, caps 15/7.5, 47.5 hp, and a CL of 9.
gestalt -1 F11/M11-BA 11, saves 7/3/7,10feats, 28sp cap 14/760.5hp CL11
gestalt -2F10/M10-BA 10, saves 7/3/7,10feats, 26sp cap 13/6.5 55hp cl 10
gestalt-3 F09/M09- BA 9, saves 6/3/6, 9feats 24sp cap 12/6 50.5hp CL9
For the C6/S6 BA7 saves7/4/10,5 feats 30sp, cap 15/7.5 42hp CL6/6
C3/S3/MT6-BA 6 saves 6/4/11,5 feats,10sp, cap 15/7.5, 39.5hp CL9/9 turns as a 3rd level cleric
gestalt-1C11/M11 BA 8 saves7/3/7 4feats,28sp cap 14/7,49.5 cl/11/11
gestalt-2 C10/M10 BA7 saves7/3/7, 4feats,26sp,cap 13/6.5, 45hp cl10/10 and turns as a 10lv cleric
gestalt-3C9/M9 BA6 saves 6/3/6. 4feats, 24 sp cap 12/6 40.5hp cl9/9
Things to note-
* This was not broken in 2nd edition
* constitition and intelligence mods affect the non-gestalts more.
*Gestalts are more likely to be hit by fear and other level based effects.
* The gestalts are slightly better at -2 levels than the the non-gestalt mix with prc.-3 is easily balanced/weaker,-1 is overpowered powerful
*If using a wizard add one feet plus one for every 5 wiz levels
* if using a duid instead of a cleric more power two the gestalt
*a Gestalt Cleric/Fighter has feats and turning ability over a cleric.
There are 4 more archtypes that I can think of that I will compare later if need be Warrior/Rogue,Mage/Rogue, Warrior/Warrior, Monk/Divine