I'm not an actor though. I'm a techie. I get to learn lighting, sound, and costume design, how to make a light plot, how to read a light plot, I get to learn a lot of electrician stuff, play analysis, directing...techie stuff.Larz wrote:I never understood the reasons behing taking theatre in college... if one just works at it they can learn to adlib, fake emotions, and memorize lines without having to pay over $1000. Does having a degree in theatre help to get theatre jobs or something?
And actually, jobs in teatre are so hard to get, and it's unbelievably competative, that it just looks a hell of a lot better if you have some degrees under your belt.
I'm not saying that's a sure-fire way to get a job, as I have a friend, an actor, who has a phd in theatre, and he still has trouble finding work. I have another friend who is currently working on his masters, and he already won a Jeff award (the Chicago version of the Tony's). He's a techie though.
edit...i'm not even planning on going into theatre after college...hehehe