T_T. Stofsk, for a start, you might want to try not stopping building SCVs when you have about 12 :p. Also, Spyder, don't 2 gate before core against T. Also, SCOUT, both of you, dammit. Come on people, I suck at this game, there's no excuse to look bad in my eyes .
gravity wrote:
T_T. Stofsk, for a start, you might want to try not stopping building SCVs when you have about 12 :p. Also, Spyder, don't 2 gate before core against T. Also, SCOUT, both of you, dammit. Come on people, I suck at this game, there's no excuse to look bad in my eyes .
Stofsk chose Terran, I chose random. I knew there was only a limited number of places he could be and that he wouldn't know what I had coming so I didn't want to tip my hand until I had teeth so I scouted with a zealot and had a few more in production, hence the two gates so I could replace them quicker should he be anticipating this.
There's method to my madness Mr gravity, had Stofsk chosen random as well I would have scouted with a probe and had Stofsk had prior knowledge as to what race I was I would have used gate core gate.
T_T. Stofsk, for a start, you might want to try not stopping building SCVs when you have about 12 :p. Also, Spyder, don't 2 gate before core against T. Also, SCOUT, both of you, dammit. Come on people, I suck at this game, there's no excuse to look bad in my eyes .
You sound like you have an idea on how to play the game. Why aren't you in the tourney? asdf, I'm not that good, either.
And hethrir, I shall try to be on saturday morning ;o
gravity wrote:
T_T. Stofsk, for a start, you might want to try not stopping building SCVs when you have about 12 :p. Also, Spyder, don't 2 gate before core against T. Also, SCOUT, both of you, dammit. Come on people, I suck at this game, there's no excuse to look bad in my eyes .
Stofsk chose Terran, I chose random. I knew there was only a limited number of places he could be and that he wouldn't know what I had coming so I didn't want to tip my hand until I had teeth so I scouted with a zealot and had a few more in production, hence the two gates so I could replace them quicker should he be anticipating this.
There's method to my madness Mr gravity, had Stofsk chosen random as well I would have scouted with a probe and had Stofsk had prior knowledge as to what race I was I would have used gate core gate.
Well, how does 2 gating against a chosen terran help, even if you're random? Terran will normally wall against random in case they're toss (heck, many terrans wall vs z and t anyway), in which case those early zealots are a a waste.
T_T. Stofsk, for a start, you might want to try not stopping building SCVs when you have about 12 :p. Also, Spyder, don't 2 gate before core against T. Also, SCOUT, both of you, dammit. Come on people, I suck at this game, there's no excuse to look bad in my eyes .
You sound like you have an idea on how to play the game. Why aren't you in the tourney? asdf, I'm not that good, either.
A combination of unusual timezone (Australia) and thinking I'd get owned by whatever good players there are. Also I don't play much anymore so I'm pretty rusty. I wouldn't mind the odd game if someone happened to be on though, what channel do you guys normally go to?
gravity wrote:
Well, how does 2 gating against a chosen terran help, even if you're random? Terran will normally wall against random in case they're toss (heck, many terrans wall vs z and t anyway), in which case those early zealots are a a waste.
Increases total number of units post early game. Means that when the goons do come along they've got some back up which is handy if he tries a marine drop or an early tank rush, it also makes unit production more efficient once the economy is stable. The extra units would have also been used to defend the natural expansion should I have needed it. That and if he doesn't decide to wall up (which he didn't the last time I played him) the game would have been decided.
Stofsk wrote:
Actually Spyder is also close to us in terms of timezones. All 4 of us could get into a four player ffa.
I'm into it if I can get my connection to hold, lately I've been having trouble trying to keep a game established with more then one person. Not too sure what's causing that, the router settings are all correct.
Sorry dude, have been very busy and I'm about to go North for a week. My band also has three gigs next month, so I'll be very busy with that. ANZAC Monday I may be able to play though, I'll try to be online.
I'll forfeit the match. I'm only home for 5 mins atm and won't be back 'till later and being in another time zone and starting work again I won't be able to play for at least another week. Sorry about that.
So I guess it's me vs. the victor of exonerate vs. spyder :O