HDS...fuck you if you cant accept proof, and Necronlord, I thought someone with a detailed 40k knowledge would understand, although HDS may not have told what I was saying, if he even understood.
The Imperiums Technology is maintained, they DO have plenty of things they dont really understand, and produce them because the STC templates allow them to do it quicker and easier, rather than designing their own untried technologys .
However, they CAN and do produce new ships, and utilise new technologys, as well as designing things for cutom use...the Holographic/sensor shield in Kill Team for example.
My contention was, that they are not limited to the same old designs.
The Firestorm frigates are a new design, as are the Idolators(or infidel) Raiders. which were created using stolen Imperium designs, that were NOT STC designs, they were an attempt to create a new ship.
Similarly the Mk 8 armour suits are from within a thousand years IIRC, and since living to 800+ isnt a problem for a some Techpriests Im not sure how you can claim they cant build them anymore.
New Titans are constructed, that work just great, they arent "Lost Tech" if you can build new ones..or is my english failing me ?
Not to mention that they were redesigned after the Heresy.
The current Dreadnought is the Mk 5 dready, its a better design, an improvement on the stc system that produced it.
Join us, in the vast army of metallic kiling machines, The C'tan need YOU
For food...
I'd gather, from looking at the quotes, that advanced manufacturing technuiqes where lost over the centuries and millenias, possibly materials tech too and so on, and this essentially forced them to make lower-grade weapons, engines and ships that simply couldn't be as good.
Yep, in some cases thats true.....but it isnt uniform over the Imperium, feral or lower tech worlds will have lesser ability to create advanced goods, but they will still have these nice basic designs.
The Imperial Guard are nominally equipped with material produced at Hive/Industrial-Forge world, level planets.
The Space Marines have their own forges and industrys.
The Emperor is their only possible chance of ever regaining most of it
Hmm, I think a functional STC Database would also do the trick.
Or something that would stop Chaos from thieving every new technology, then fragging the data.
i.e. the Slaughter classes scartix coil, the (3rd) founding SuperSpace Marines, etc.
Plus kicking the Void-Dragon off Mars so the Techmages can get on with the work rather than draining their lives away into his Sarcophagus!
this is of couse not very reliable.
And ofter makes your brain AC numbers that wouldnt let a Thunderhawk get out of orbit
Throw out any data for ranges from the game mechanics. the reason the ranges are so poor is so you don't need acres to play using tanks.
I found a schematic that puts the Range of the Demolisher cannon at 2000mtres, plasma guns at 1500 and Lascannons at 2000metres as well.
However the best thing about an AT-AT is that it is slow moving (compared to say, elda
Eldar Gravtanks max low altitude speed as noted in a Whitedwarf article is 154kmph
At high altitude its 850kph
Not bad for an APC/Battletank
The Marauder is, of course, the big air/space bomber used by the IoM, and the lascannon are standard twin-linked models
Its a little baby of course....compared to the Starhawk Bomber and the Fury Interceptor. these are the main Space fighters used by the Imperium.
From memory the Fury has several Banks of lascannons.
But they can't destroy planets, eh?
I mean thats why they need the special exterminatus ships for right?
As Necronlord says, Exterminatus Ships are when they have to do it quick.
Exterminatus usually dosent result in the planet blowing up IIRC.
Mainly cause blowing the planet up tends to annhilate lots of the resources, Exterminatus dosnt do that as badly.
They use Virus Bombs...which eat everything organic. and in some cases ignite the atmosphere.
Big fusion bombs...dunno, usually "flash of light" is the most we get for those(these may be the "geo-nuclear strikes" referred to when the Word Bearers destroy 3 planets in the Ultramar system.
Cyclotronic Torpedos...chain reaction warheads, ignite atmophere and create planetwide plasma storms that strip the planet down to the Bedrock.
Cyclotronic torpedos have been known to destroy planets though, usually cause they destabilise the whole planet.
[/quote]but the exterminatus can be done as a hit and run
A case in point being the example in the Tyranid codex.
Massive tyranid fleet eating the planet.
A squadron of cobras zip in and fire off a volley of torps, the Tyranids manage to block a third of the torps, but the planet is still incinerated.
Indeed the device powering the Planet Killer is either Necron or Slann in origin. That last line,
"postulated functions...tertiary warp core phasing accelerator"
The first bit of fluff on the Pker describing the destruction of Savaven detailing the planet blowing up...HDS report is from the perspective of a Guardmens or Naval official, this is from the perspective of Abaddon himself.
"with a continent sized detonation the planets core erupted...(planet gets knocked off course)
...with a final death spasm the planet disintigrated into a billion shards of molten rock which spread across the heavens like glowing dust.