Mange the Swede wrote:
The canon debate is getting somewhat tiresome. Star Wars Insider explicitly states the following:
"The first two Incredible Cross-Sections books were conceived to explore bold new territory in the Star Wars universe, taking a rare look inside more vehicles and vessels than we had ever seen before, and doing in in unprecidented detail. These books would represent the most thorough research ever done on these vehicles and would receive Lucasfilm's formal imprimatur as canon. These volumes would henceforth be sent out to licensees as reference guides and would become useful manuals for Industrial Light & Magic, where some of the artwork influenced details in Episodes I and II.
Since the Inside the Worlds... books were conceived somewhat later (and they use the highest canon sources) they enjoy the same canon status as the ICS-books. Of course, they're not the highest canon, but lesser canon. This aren't locations that were made up from scratch, but locations used in the movies, deal with it. And, to make a long rebuttal short, I see no contradiction in the use of the Metric system in the Star Wars galaxy. Perhaps the scientists on Coruscant arrived at the same conclusions as the French did in 1792
OK if they are canon, they are canon. (but see the beginnings segment below)
Incidently the French send people to measure the mountains in both Peru & Sweden after they found their initial measurements to give an Earth with a narrower waist rather then the theoregically assumed (and now proven) rotation induced bulging waist.
[a tangent into the history of measuring the length of one degree, which then could be used to find the full 360 degree polar-orbital respectively equatorial circumface.]
Anyway: you would also need to assume that they split the unit circle into 4 quadrants which they subdivide in 90 equal parts to be split in 60 equal segments each again divided in 60 (and decided to call this value of ~2,4e-6 radians ... a second? something whith "sec" for its first syllable anyhow); oh, and lastly that the conversion from meters to miles is the same in the SW universe as here.
(or that any deviations from the above cancel out of course)
Lets rather go back to the beginnings:
I say: (to use a Newton-ism)
"The units used in both, and indeed all such, sources are translated from whatever units exist in the SW 'Basic' language to their most appropriate common use english units, with appropriate rescaling of values.
Thus the parsec is indeed a parsec while the mile & metre is indeed such, since they have already been translated into such for the benefit of any readers/listeners who do not command 'Basic' and the unit system supported by said language."
This way there is no conflict: no matter what an in-universe "parsec" is called or how long or short it is, when we hear or see "parsec", "mile", "Joule" or any other unit being referred to in SW, it has already been converted, thus obviating any need for further conversion.
The whole "what is a SW parsec" issue is based on the assumption that they translate the unit name (into parsec) without rescaling the value (from 1), which is highly unlikely. either I translate "3 metres" to "10 feet" or keep them "3 metres", I don't translate them as "3 feet". Nor do I think Lucas does.
So when Anakin says "within a parsec" that is perforce a translated distance.
Similarly (and to go off on another Red Herring-seeming tangent) "Turbolaser" would appear to be the closest commonplace-word construct that could be found to describe whatever it really is, or at any rate is called, in 'Basic'.
In this case we are however talking names for concepts, not units like length or time, so the language barrier kicks in: just because "Turbolaser" is the closest english word construct does not make it at all close, as the Turbolaser Pages etc. shows with all clarity.
In the situation of length scales however it is possible to convert without any great loss of information (as long as the significant number of digits is observed). So if they translate 'whatever it is called in Basic' to "Turbolaser" there is no reason to believe they didn't translate the unit of length in question to good old-fashioned run off-the-mill english parsec.
(sorry, this got a lot longer then I initially intended)