Stormbringer wrote:Stark wrote:I think similarities are overdone. The Nazis are a common comparison for any dictatorship, but the Empire by the time of ANH wasn't afraid of enemies within and without, so it's not surprising they weren't particularly beligerant or purge-mad.
Well, George Lucas has said that he's based them off the Nazis so like it or not they are a big source. However, a lot of the elements of the Empire can be found in any totalitarian state. I mean secret police, military build ups, and a casual attitude regarding violence towards dissenters are all common.
Palpatine is hardly a populist leader; unless we know what he's done between the end of the Clone Wars (and his elimination of the wildly rights-violating Jedi) and the construction of the Death Star, we can hardly judge.
However, my point is that calling them Nazis is tiresome when they're simply nasty. There are plenty of nasty regimes in the world. Is any secret police really secret? People knew about the Gestapo, and on 'treason' charges any country can detain someone indefinatly, particularly these days. And they're not building up the military, they're 'maintaining readiness'
Stormbringer wrote:Stark wrote: Lets be honest; the movies don't show the Empire oppressing anyone, purging anyone, just fighting off dangerous terrorists. Tarkin was a bit nasty, and the Emperor was into power, but the overdone Evil Nazi Empire is just lame. There are a million nasty regimes they could be compared to.
Hello? Obliterating Alderaan isn't oppressing or purging anyone?
LoL How do you feel about blowing up mosques full of 'terrorists'? They *were* arming the rebels, you know. But this is all OT; the empire committed atriocities (ie Alderaan), and went the way of military governors, but is hardly 'nazi'. We hardly need another 'the empire was evil! no it wasn't!' discussion. I can't really comment anyway, I guess, since I can't bring myself to read crap books so I know nothing of the EU.