Battle of Hoth Force Substitution

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Battle of Hoth Force Substitution

Post by SAMAS »

This time, Echo Base is being held by....

The Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marine Legion.

Unit strength is roughly the same as the Rebel forces.

Can the masters of Siege Warfare hold the line against the Empire?
Homicidal Maniac
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Post by consequences »

If they have a planetary shield, maybe. If they have a planetary shield but no Luke Skywalker or equivalent for the Emperor to take interest in, then they die after a protracted bombardment. If they do have a reason for the Empire to move in on the ground, then they may hold out for quite some time. However, the Empire can get additional Rapid Reaction forces to Hoth in a span of hours, so the Iron Warriors will eventually be worn down if they don't attempt to evacuate.
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Post by consequences »

Good effort for a first post though, welcome aboard.
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Sea Skimmer
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Agree with consequences. They can buy enough time to get away, though there going to get creamed in orbit as badly as the Rebels if not much much worse if they don’t retain the ion cannon.

They also must have the shield, the Imperial fleet can do a lot of damage from orbit would destroying the base.

And of course the Empire can likely can only a couple hundred theater groups worth of troops in a few hours in addition to the half dozen or so corps the Death Squadron already had embarked.
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Post by SAMAS »

They do get a shield, but no Ion Cannon.

The problem is that the Iron Warriors are nasty, and they're masters at setting up fortifications(and bringing them down). By the time the Imperials show up, there's going to be something far worse than the simple trench system the rebels had up.
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Post by willburns84 »

Vader's fleet was at least the size of a Sector Fleet, twenty four Star Destroyers plus the SSD Executioner - each Star Destroyer carries a full division of storm troopers, and the Executioner carries a corps of them (approx three divisions). Plus there are thousands of supporting vessels...

Sheer numbers.

The Iron Warriors will no doubt extract a terrible price from the Imperials on the ground, but they shall be ground to dust if they do not flee - Iron within and iron without indeed.

Personally, without a special character to provoke interest from Vader and / or the Emperor, I'd just blockade the planet, call in torpedo spheres to knock down the shields and then BDZ Hoth.
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Post by Kuja »

If they don't have an Ion Cannon, why send in troops? Just stay and pound the shield to keep 'em nervous, and when they start sending transports, wipe 'em out.
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Post by Mr Bean »

If they don't have an Ion Cannon, why send in troops?
To capture Rebels and Skywalker

SAMAS what are the Imperals Goals? Same as TESB and they have a "Luke" They need to capture? Or just destruction?

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Post by consequences »

Holy shit, someone just agreed with me, I think my head is going to explode. Guess I'll just have to stop being reasonable now.
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