Avatars and You

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Post by Laird »

Oh yes! I have magical cloaked eyes that blink blue!
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Post by haas mark »

No. It's part of a digital painting I'm working on.

None of my avs have ever looked like me.

Yes. I'm going to go change it now. But I can't decide whether I want the blue guy or the Ramirez avatar...
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Post by thecreech »

I don't have a mask but i weigh about 330 lbs and i am all muscle... so i look like my avatar with out the mask
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

Does my avatar look like me? Hmmmmm... that's a tricky one... I'd have to think on it, I know at least one half of it is accurate, but I just can't remember which half...

EDIT: Oh, and I picked it because I'm a sad loser with nothing better to do then make avatars themed about a rebellion dreamed up to keep me sane in the first year of university... there I said it... and I'm glad... I'm glad, I tell you!
Last edited by El Moose Monstero on 2004-04-23 03:30pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Montcalm »

Simple explanation......i like dogs.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

I don't look that much like H.P. Lovecraft, but personality-wise I'm probably just as weird.
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Post by Zaia »

Dahak wrote:I just love Draco Malfoy. Such a cute, and evil boy :mrgreen:
Mmmmmmhmmmmm. I agree. :twisted:
GR wrote:That's because you're cuter and have red hair :D
Hah, I wish! And the hair's more chestnut now, not fully red anymore. Just so y'know. :P
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Hm, no, this one doesnt look like me...I used to have a pic of myself as my Av, but no longer. This was the logo I made for the martial arts group I was part of, when I parted ways with them I took it since it was my work. There is another logo I'd prefer, but I've not made a decent computer version of it...
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Post by ukamikazu »

Yes, and the resemblance is uncanny...
That picture was taken of me while I was having a conspiratorial moment, so naturally I had to use it for SD.net.
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Post by CRUCIBLE »

My Av is the masked face of Max Steiner, Bauhaus Venus Ranger. Its a Character from the Mutant Chronicle Universe (RPG and now back again the great Tabletop :lol: )

I took this av because i have an affinity to the Bauhaus faction since i started the RPG..no wait, the CCG was even before that.

The full armour just looks nice, and if you wonder why a military armour is white....well, its tradition.


Uhmm, and i look more like this....


Well...the face, you know...

Edited, because of piss poor knowledge of how to place images....
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Post by Psycho Smiley »

My dog. Cute, no?
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Post by Raxmei »

I only resemble my avatar if you have an overactive imagination.
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Post by The Dark »

No, not particularly. Although my Money and Banking professor tracked down a band picture I'm in from SEVEN YEARS ago, so now I have another professor to put on my (very short) shit list.

And Crucible, I doubt you look like a Necroid. A Legionnaire, maybe... :P

edit: I can't spell "maybe" today
Last edited by The Dark on 2004-04-23 06:17pm, edited 1 time in total.
Stanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
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Post by willburns84 »

Yes, I am Eva-01.

::unmistakable Eva-01 berserker roar::

I wish I had an S2 organ. :D
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Post by Antares »

my avatar is a perfect shot of me ...


Those damn biomechanic hands sometimes have their own will ^^

Ok .. stop the bullshit.
I am an Alien fan... Xenos are my life and the avatar is a small part of the picture from my signature, which i made myself.
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Re: Avatars and You

Post by Lancer »

Thirdfain wrote:Dos your avatar look at all like you? Why did you pick it, and is there anything you would rather have?

I personally don't look at all like Bill Mumy, and I picked his image as my avatar because I think he was one of the best actors on B5, right after Peter Jurassik and Andreas Katsulas.
I picked my Freelancer screenshot because the Sabre's my preferred ship in that game. Hence, it's my appearance there.
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Post by Nathan F »


Picking my nose involves a cleaning rod and .50 cal MGs. :P
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Bob the Gunslinger
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Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

I do have a beard...

I picked this pic because I thought his expression was funny.
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Post by Darth Raptor »

Since most of my avs are 100 million year old reptavians... No. :P

Red Mage on the other hand, I guess it's pretty close. Although I have short brown hair instead of long white hair. But I do wear a giant red plumed hat.*

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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Not, really no. But it is a kick-ass Imperial Commissar.
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Post by Raptor 597 »

Oh, yes I'm really a 60 year old Prussian commanding panzers across the Russian Steppe. Nah, I picked it out of respect for Guderian and his acheivements in the advancement of tank wardare.
Formerly the artist known as Captain Lennox

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Post by YT300000 »

I choose images which pass my stringent requirements for awesomeness, and can be resized to 100x100ish without losing their coolness.
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Post by Exonerate »

Yes, I am a 17 year-old female gunslinger who takes dubious jobs for a living :wink:

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Post by Shinova »

Yes, I am a blonde, female vampire. :) And before that I was an android, a special ops unit member, and once a red moon. I'm pretty sure I was a church lady who threw swords around for a while, and a long while back I was a 20 year old swordslady who's half Japanese, half European. :wink: Somewhere in between I was a 5000 year old space pirate, and at another time I was some white-haired fantasy lady. All of the above mentioned were females, and I was each and every one of them at some point or another. :wink:

Why my current av? Cause I like the character and her expression. :P
What's her bust size!?

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Post by Mr Bean »


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