0.1 wrote:Zod,
With most of the sales guys I know, at least in the high tech industry, commissions work like this. You have a base salary, call it 75K for simiplicity. You have a commission on top of that, call it another 25K.
not all sales jobs have a base salary. In fact, most of the ones that promise high pay (car dealerships, as just one example) operate solely on commission with no base. I'd likely be able to find a good ten-15 jobs in the newspaper every week that offer their payment based solely on commission. The fact that some commission plans work on a base is also somewhat irrelevant to the issue at hand, as it was exclusively taken out on commission.
Now, that belies the fact that in this instance, a percentage is still a billion dollars. You know, if you've ever seen the movie entrapment, you'd know that the thieves were only after a fraction of a percent. But the base was on the order of trillions I think. You'd see how that might be a big deal. Heck, I know from experience that the monetary flow across various U.S. financial institutions are easily on the order of hundreds of billions a day. If only I can get a fraction of a percent for a day or two... heck, who'd notice? And then, I'd have my own island theocracy right in the Bahamas surronded by supermodels.
while one billion dollars is alot of money in and of itself, it's still only a fraction of a percent of the full amount that was taken out for administrative costs. You can't selectively pick and choose aspects of the thing to base your argument on. You have to look at the entire situation.
"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."