STGOD 4 Game Thread
Moderator: Thanas
- Jaded Masses
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 566
- Joined: 2003-01-27 09:13pm
- Location: Pasadena,CA
By council I simple meant this one, not some ruling body to exist above national sovereignty in the future.
While occupation is indeed a bit severe for minor trade infractions, I think that treat would prevent them from occurring in a through out a nation. While extremely minor infractions done by local commands could be punished internally, I am more concerned with a policy of infraction. So to answer your question, like you said failing to defend another power within reason, failing to
attack in planned assault, or of course attacking another member. less obviously however, engaging in hostilities against other non-members with out talking to others, because association with that member could bring hostility against every one. Instituting a large policy of screwing over the others would also necessitate punishment. Though perhaps economic sanctions or somesuch would be preferable.
While occupation is indeed a bit severe for minor trade infractions, I think that treat would prevent them from occurring in a through out a nation. While extremely minor infractions done by local commands could be punished internally, I am more concerned with a policy of infraction. So to answer your question, like you said failing to defend another power within reason, failing to
attack in planned assault, or of course attacking another member. less obviously however, engaging in hostilities against other non-members with out talking to others, because association with that member could bring hostility against every one. Instituting a large policy of screwing over the others would also necessitate punishment. Though perhaps economic sanctions or somesuch would be preferable.
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
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- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Communiqué to all “known”, major, galactic powers.
From: Bealoaren Diplomatic Agency
Subject: Greetings to our Galatic Neighbors!
The Bealoaren Commonwealth whishes to open diplomatic talks with all interested nations; we invite all powers to send representatives to the attached coordinates.
-Senator Tacer Drealaan
Baeloaren Diplomatic Station Coordinates
Baeloaren Diplomatic Communication Protocols
From: Bealoaren Diplomatic Agency
Subject: Greetings to our Galatic Neighbors!
The Bealoaren Commonwealth whishes to open diplomatic talks with all interested nations; we invite all powers to send representatives to the attached coordinates.
-Senator Tacer Drealaan
Baeloaren Diplomatic Station Coordinates
Baeloaren Diplomatic Communication Protocols
Re: !!!
Alyrium Denryle wrote:Powergaming fuck.. you thought it would be that easy...Get the simbyote........this is going to be interesting.
When the symbiote was inserted it fought for control of the magesd mind, but little did anyone know the mage was telepathic as wel, and he struck at the foreign conciousness with an Id insinuation, and its strngth was sapped and it could no longer continue. He enslaved the symbiote to his OWN will
A quickened energy buffer spell was already up before zat guns could fire again.
The mage said, his eyes glowing
"You shall be made to suffer"
With a word and a gesture, every person in the immediate area was dead, felled by Circle of Death. Weapons fire bounced off his defenses as his own fireballs spewed forth from his hands like raindrops from a cloud.
Before shields could be raised he teleported outside into the vaccuum, and scryed on the vessll, noting its configuration he then Shifted back to the planet.... More powerful than he was before.
Blatent godmoding ignored.Alyrium Denryle wrote:Guess who was still under quarantine....
Union System Customs Station
Whil;e the mothership was being inspected a diviner put hsi hands to his ear, and whispered in his commanders ear. He snapped his fingers and the entire Customs station went on high alert. Swoards and bows were drawn, and cannons were once again facing the mothership
"Well, its a good thing that you have already alowed us to board. Seems your government tried someotng stupid, you are now considered a hostile vessel and your crew is to submit to interrogation. And no, you dont have a choice."
The symbote crawled into the mages brain, and a titanic battle of wills tookplace. As the two great creatures fought for control, it looked the the goa'ould would win...........
Well, we can't have that.......
The goa'ould leader shot the mage with a vial of a special substance desinged to weaken the will of hosts. Not by much perhaps, but enough to push him over the edge.
His eyes glowed.
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- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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How about you go fuck yourself laz. You cant get off that fucking easy by entering my territory, ignoring these little thing sthat amount to FTL sensors...Blatent godmoding ignored.
The symbote crawled into the mages brain, and a titanic battle of wills tookplace. As the two great creatures fought for control, it looked the the goa'ould would win...........
Well, we can't have that.......
The goa'ould leader shot the mage with a vial of a special substance desinged to weaken the will of hosts. Not by much perhaps, but enough to push him over the edge.
His eyes glowed.
The mages eyes glowed, but that is not due to the symbiote gaining control. He was sending a message to his giovernment... And he mentally worked through a spell(silent and stilled) as the symbiote started to take control of his nervous functions... they would nto take him alive...
A ghostly image of the grim reaper appeared and seemed to cut off the mages head, he willfully failed to resist the illusion.(phantasmal killer silent and still)
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
Oh shut up, you've got a snake in your central nervious system, and enouch chemicals in your blood to constitute a minor mindcontrol effect on it's own. Give up.
To correct the sensor mistake I make, I'm editing this post.......
To this...............
To correct the sensor mistake I make, I'm editing this post.......
lazerus wrote:In orbit over the former Covenant homeworld, a Goa'ould cargo ship dropped out of hyperspace. In less then 1/20th of a second, it's cloaking device engaged, and random course changes assured it could not be tracked with any accuracy. It quickly assumed orbit over the planet, knowing that even a perfect stealth would eventually be detected by the Arcane Empire ships. They performed a passive scan of the planet below........
"Can we detect their mages?" Asked the goa'ould in charge of the mission.
"Normally their life signatures are like that of normal humans, however we can detect the energy when they cast a powerfull spell."
"And the arcane ships?"
"They don't know where here yet, and the modifications to our cloak will let us engage the ring transporter without droping the cloak......but it will only be seconds before the escaping energy gives away our position."
"Will that be long enough to engage the hyperdrive?
"Yes my lord."
"Then you may begin."
On the planet, Vix, a 13th level elven-combat-wizard, walked back towards the barracks. He was allready sick of this assignment, of the jeering mobs the glares of contempt he got from every civillian, and the fact that these backward savages didn't even have a conception of arcane magic. Thinking of the relitivly comfertable barracks, he began to mutter the words of a Expeditous Retreat spell to get him there faster......
"Energy signature detected, engaging transporter......"
"What the!?" Swore Vix as the rings appeared around him and whisked him up to the ship. Once inside, he began to mutter the words of an attack spell before the zat gun hit him and he colapsed.
Knowing that their time was measured in seconds, the cargo ship jumped into hyperspace.
"Set course towards the Jardanians homeworks, then turn back towards our planet once we are out of sensor range. They couldn't have gotten a good enough look at us to know for certian what we are, lets play off their paranoia.
She stared at the unconcious mage......
Get the simbyote........this is going to be interesting.
To this...............
lazerus wrote:In orbit over the former Covenant homeworld, a Goa'ould cargo ship dropped out of hyperspace. In less then 1/20th of a second, it's cloaking device engaged, and random course changes assured it could not be tracked with any accuracy. It quickly assumed orbit over the planet, knowing that even a perfect stealth would eventually be detected by the Arcane Empire ships. They performed a passive scan of the planet below........
Wait for the signal, then engage the transporter.......
On the planet, Vix, a 13th level elven-combat-wizard, walked back towards the barracks. He was allready sick of this assignment, of the jeering mobs the glares of contempt he got from every civillian, and the fact that these backward savages didn't even have a conception of arcane magic. Thinking of the relitivly comfertable barracks, he began to mutter the words of a Expeditous Retreat spell to get him there faster.
In the shadows, a goa'ould spy waited. He'd observed these mages, and their impressive power. But he'd also seen them long enough to observe their weaknesses.
A well aimed shot with a 'zat gun took him down, the spy knew the effect woudln't last long, and so rushed up and proceed to beat him unconcious with the nearest blunt object.
"And STAY down....." He muttered before signaling for beamup.....
"Energy signature detected, engaging transporter......"
Knowing that their time was measured in seconds, the cargo ship jumped into hyperspace.
"Set course towards the Jardanians homeworks, then turn back towards our planet once we are out of sensor range. They couldn't have gotten a good enough look at us to know for certian what we are, lets play off their paranoia.
She stared at the unconcious mage......
.......this is going to be interesting.
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- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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You cant change something as major as that after the fact you little shit. Face it, you fucked up.Oh shut up, you've got a snake in your central nervious system, and enouch chemicals in your blood to constitute a minor mindcontrol effect on it's own. Give up.
How about I ignore you blatant powergaming for a moment...
The Goa'Uld Cargo ship never saw it coming, the diviners saw it coming out of FTL and after that it was easily tracked by sensing its gravity well.
"Fire a broadside"
And the guns of a Dreadnought opened fire, ripping through the cargo ships shields and knocking down the cloak long enough for the ships diviners to get a good look before many many tons of iron moving at .2c emulcified the cargo vessell.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
Acticating Ignore Sheilds Now.Alyrium Denryle wrote:You cant change something as major as that after the fact you little shit. Face it, you fucked up.Oh shut up, you've got a snake in your central nervious system, and enouch chemicals in your blood to constitute a minor mindcontrol effect on it's own. Give up.
How about I ignore you blatant powergaming for a moment...
The Goa'Uld Cargo ship never saw it coming, the diviners saw it coming out of FTL and after that it was easily tracked by sensing its gravity well.
"Fire a broadside"
And the guns of a Dreadnought opened fire, ripping through the cargo ships shields and knocking down the cloak long enough for the ships diviners to get a good look before many many tons of iron moving at .2c emulcified the cargo vessell.
I'm declaring this issue closed until Pablo rules one way or the other.
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The planet Vivel-4, a backwards little hole just exiting the dark ages, and one of the most naquida ritch planets in the nearby sectors. A fleet carrier group dropeed our of hyperspace in high-orbit. On the surfase, castle and forts were bombarded by flights of gliders, giant holograms proclaimed the arrival of a new god, and hords of jaffa elminated any resistance.
Abord the command ship, two Goa'ould stared at the planet through a window.....
"What does Jarlath think he's doing? We just completed our first shipyard in this galaxy, why go through all the effort of assimliating two new planets?!
The other turned to face him, speaking in a more sublte voice.
"Know your place captian, Jarlath has somthing special planned for these two worlds. Somthing special indeed......."
With that, the Goa'ould admiral turn and walked back to his command post, leaving the captian at the window.
The captian wondered exactly what Jarlath had in mind, and almost felt sorry for the humans.
Abord the command ship, two Goa'ould stared at the planet through a window.....
"What does Jarlath think he's doing? We just completed our first shipyard in this galaxy, why go through all the effort of assimliating two new planets?!
The other turned to face him, speaking in a more sublte voice.
"Know your place captian, Jarlath has somthing special planned for these two worlds. Somthing special indeed......."
With that, the Goa'ould admiral turn and walked back to his command post, leaving the captian at the window.
The captian wondered exactly what Jarlath had in mind, and almost felt sorry for the humans.
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- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
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- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
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::Datanet incident report::
::Time code 343-776-767-8F6::
::Incident type:unauthorized orbital insertion::
::Ship:type attached::
::Nation:Krynor Empire, unknown entity::
::Unkown fled, insertion/extraction course interpolated::
::Further investigation recommended::
Scores of FTL sensor probes were launched from Orbital stations, jumping along the interploated cone of possible courses the unnknown ship fled.
<<It is highly doubtable that they were honestly interested in diplomatic talks. Otherwise they would have not fled. Threat Assessment inconclusive. But will be updated as soon we get a hold on them and their position. Prepare a squadron for possible intercept should the drones report anything,>> the Fleet Consensus told the Empress and the Privy Council.
<<So it is decided,>> Empress Elana finally said.
::Time code 343-776-767-8F6::
::Incident type:unauthorized orbital insertion::
::Ship:type attached::
::Nation:Krynor Empire, unknown entity::
::Unkown fled, insertion/extraction course interpolated::
::Further investigation recommended::
Scores of FTL sensor probes were launched from Orbital stations, jumping along the interploated cone of possible courses the unnknown ship fled.
<<It is highly doubtable that they were honestly interested in diplomatic talks. Otherwise they would have not fled. Threat Assessment inconclusive. But will be updated as soon we get a hold on them and their position. Prepare a squadron for possible intercept should the drones report anything,>> the Fleet Consensus told the Empress and the Privy Council.
<<So it is decided,>> Empress Elana finally said.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
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- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
System's Edge
A small swarm of Floater craft dropped in-system. They were a raggedy bunch of tramps and hollowed-out asteroids, barely spaceworthy. They were what remained of the Shadow Oasis Cluster.
A message leapt out on Hypercomm.
"This is the independent vessel "Silence." We come bearing tidings for the Krytosian emperor, and request an audiance. This matter is of the most dire importance."
System's Edge
A small swarm of Floater craft dropped in-system. They were a raggedy bunch of tramps and hollowed-out asteroids, barely spaceworthy. They were what remained of the Shadow Oasis Cluster.
A message leapt out on Hypercomm.
"This is the independent vessel "Silence." We come bearing tidings for the Krytosian emperor, and request an audiance. This matter is of the most dire importance."
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
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All good things...
Manasan Space
Manasa IV, Government Bunker, Level 7
He had missed, but a part of him had almost expected it. Nonetheless, he was growing weary of the game a part of him demanded that he kill this intruder for his annoying habit of surviving attack after attack. His fingers gripped his pistols a bit tighter, his mind coiling within it as he prepared to try a more direct approach. He would turn, and apply his gestalt enhanced mind to hitting his target and everything within the hallway with a telekinetic ram of force. He had tried not to soil himself by having to act so directly upon his target, but there were times when brute force was simply the only option. Unfortunately, his would be victim had made a move that had saved his life but doomed his mission.
The moment that the internal sensors picked up the poisonous substance, alarms blared to life in the internal defense system. The alarms conveyed to his mind via his neural implants. An automatic biohazard containment system kicked into action. The hall around his adversary was sealed by glimmering force fields preventing any escape. Immediately afterwards, a transporter protocol kicked in his eyes widening as he tried to make contact with the minds of the Veithan information analysts which were tied to the main system. ~Can you disable the protocol?~ His thoughts were straight to the point, laced with irritation and determination. He did not want his target to escape him. ~I am working on it Avery, but its hard. We are in the system proper, but this sequence is hard coded into the system. Damn it, I can’t stop it. The system is having a hard time locking in to the target, but that is due to his stealth suit. It won’t be much longer before the internal sensors compensate.~
Avery grit his teeth for a moment, aware that this was victory but not the victory that he had wanted. His mind concentrating on a solution, his eyes widening slightly as his mind made contact once more. ~Alright, if you can’t override the sequence can you modify the drop point? Can you make it so that the target and biohazard are transported near the Peace of the Gun?~ There was silence, but his mind was partly linked to the analysts and he could feel her emotions as she worked. ~stand by…~ A second passed and then another, the frustration projected from the mind of his partner answering him before the actual thoughts did. ~the Peace of the Gun is too far away. I have made other arrangements. I hope the intruder can swim.~ Avery blinked and then, smiled.
The hallway and its guest were eventually seized within the grip of Manasan transporters, the technology being rather straight forward. The range of the transporters was limited, but more than able to pick any point within a considerable distance from the city. The final destination chosen by the Veithan analyst had been the center of a lake, roughly fifteen meters above the surface. It was there where the intruder and the poison which his grenades had scattered appeared. After that, gravity would do its work. In the government bunkers, Avery Cook sighed softly as the signature of his enemy vanished. He waited until the internal sensors had cleared and shown all green before moving. Hi eyes closed, as he willed himself to the first floor of the elevator by the elevator. He looked around, kneeling and picking up the tattered remains of his Dark Cloak. It was unlikely that Manasan technology could replicate a Dark Cloak, but he was not taking any chances. He disappeared again, reappearing in the same spot he had vacated moments before.
He walked down a parallel path, eventually moving to the same hall that his enemy had used. He came to a door, pressing a series of keys until the correct code was entered. The door slid open, a hulking figure placed thirty meters before him. It was a Veithan “Hammerhead” a powered armor juggernaut that along with its five siblings had been his backup. He moved past them, nodding to them as he moved and telepathically informing them that the intruder had been dealt with but to stay on guard nonetheless. He continued to walk, eventually coming before another door. He moved within after entering the proper pass code, the door sliding open to reveal half a dozen armored royal guards and four non-armored guards dressed in their traditional uniform. When they noticed who he was, the armored ones relaxed even as the unarmored continued flanking their King. The door closed behind him and he moved to the side. The speech would start any minute now…
Manasa IV, Government Bunker, Level 7
He had missed, but a part of him had almost expected it. Nonetheless, he was growing weary of the game a part of him demanded that he kill this intruder for his annoying habit of surviving attack after attack. His fingers gripped his pistols a bit tighter, his mind coiling within it as he prepared to try a more direct approach. He would turn, and apply his gestalt enhanced mind to hitting his target and everything within the hallway with a telekinetic ram of force. He had tried not to soil himself by having to act so directly upon his target, but there were times when brute force was simply the only option. Unfortunately, his would be victim had made a move that had saved his life but doomed his mission.
The moment that the internal sensors picked up the poisonous substance, alarms blared to life in the internal defense system. The alarms conveyed to his mind via his neural implants. An automatic biohazard containment system kicked into action. The hall around his adversary was sealed by glimmering force fields preventing any escape. Immediately afterwards, a transporter protocol kicked in his eyes widening as he tried to make contact with the minds of the Veithan information analysts which were tied to the main system. ~Can you disable the protocol?~ His thoughts were straight to the point, laced with irritation and determination. He did not want his target to escape him. ~I am working on it Avery, but its hard. We are in the system proper, but this sequence is hard coded into the system. Damn it, I can’t stop it. The system is having a hard time locking in to the target, but that is due to his stealth suit. It won’t be much longer before the internal sensors compensate.~
Avery grit his teeth for a moment, aware that this was victory but not the victory that he had wanted. His mind concentrating on a solution, his eyes widening slightly as his mind made contact once more. ~Alright, if you can’t override the sequence can you modify the drop point? Can you make it so that the target and biohazard are transported near the Peace of the Gun?~ There was silence, but his mind was partly linked to the analysts and he could feel her emotions as she worked. ~stand by…~ A second passed and then another, the frustration projected from the mind of his partner answering him before the actual thoughts did. ~the Peace of the Gun is too far away. I have made other arrangements. I hope the intruder can swim.~ Avery blinked and then, smiled.
The hallway and its guest were eventually seized within the grip of Manasan transporters, the technology being rather straight forward. The range of the transporters was limited, but more than able to pick any point within a considerable distance from the city. The final destination chosen by the Veithan analyst had been the center of a lake, roughly fifteen meters above the surface. It was there where the intruder and the poison which his grenades had scattered appeared. After that, gravity would do its work. In the government bunkers, Avery Cook sighed softly as the signature of his enemy vanished. He waited until the internal sensors had cleared and shown all green before moving. Hi eyes closed, as he willed himself to the first floor of the elevator by the elevator. He looked around, kneeling and picking up the tattered remains of his Dark Cloak. It was unlikely that Manasan technology could replicate a Dark Cloak, but he was not taking any chances. He disappeared again, reappearing in the same spot he had vacated moments before.
He walked down a parallel path, eventually moving to the same hall that his enemy had used. He came to a door, pressing a series of keys until the correct code was entered. The door slid open, a hulking figure placed thirty meters before him. It was a Veithan “Hammerhead” a powered armor juggernaut that along with its five siblings had been his backup. He moved past them, nodding to them as he moved and telepathically informing them that the intruder had been dealt with but to stay on guard nonetheless. He continued to walk, eventually coming before another door. He moved within after entering the proper pass code, the door sliding open to reveal half a dozen armored royal guards and four non-armored guards dressed in their traditional uniform. When they noticed who he was, the armored ones relaxed even as the unarmored continued flanking their King. The door closed behind him and he moved to the side. The speech would start any minute now…
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The moderator hath spoken.
The mages eyes glowed with the distincitve *vvrsh* sound.
GO! Shouted the goa'ould commander, and the shuttle lept into hyperspace to escape the guns of the rapidly approaching, and certanly hostile blockade fleet.
The mages eyes glowed with the distincitve *vvrsh* sound.
GO! Shouted the goa'ould commander, and the shuttle lept into hyperspace to escape the guns of the rapidly approaching, and certanly hostile blockade fleet.
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Yrt gasped in shock as the glow of the teleporter fields surrounded him. A second later, he was poised in midair over the middle of a lake. With a strangeld cry, he fell, his arms flailing. He hit the water and began to sink. He quickly reholstered his pistols, deactivated his stealth suit, and kicked his way to the surface. He came up gasping and looked around. A local fishing boat was heading towards him, the crew waving to him. Treading water was made painful by his bruised ribs, but he managed to hold on until the ship came and picked him up.
"Hey there, stranger! How'd you make it out this far into the lake?" one of the crewmen asked. Yrt just groaned. How indeed? He had been so close until he had been hit by the most underhanded trick in the book.
"Hey, Bill, take a look at this!" Another crewman was calling. The Manasan fishers huddled around a small holovid, and watched the live broadcast as the Manasan King declared the new alliance and subjugation under the Veithans. After the holocast, one of the crewman came back over to Yrt.
"I need to get back to Manasa City. Now."
"Well, shucks, we just got out here. We got a whole day's fishin' ahead of us!" Yrt drew his pistols and pointed them at the crewmans face. He was back within the hour.
Adar Krell watched the Manasan broadcast with an impassive expression locked on his face. He didnt know what had gone wrong. He would have to talk to Yrt about this, assuming the assassin was still alive. For the meantime, he had to do something to save his reputation.
Three weeks later, the Manasan King was on a triumphant parade around the city. The crowds cheered at the ruler who had brought the Veithans into their midst. It would take months for them to fully realize what their new relationship meant, but for now they were grateful to their new friends from the skies. The cheering turned to screams of horror as twenty different rifle blasts struck the King, each coming from a different rooftop along the square. Manasan security bolted, heading to where the shots had been fired, but all they found were rifles missing one shot from their clip each and wiped of all prints. The Krell never failed to follow through on a contract.
At about the same time, a new advertisement for the Combine began to circulate:
Can YOUR special operatives go head to head with a Veithan Prime? OURS can! So next time you need special ops work done, remember to call on the Krell Combine: Quality You Can Trust!
"Hey there, stranger! How'd you make it out this far into the lake?" one of the crewmen asked. Yrt just groaned. How indeed? He had been so close until he had been hit by the most underhanded trick in the book.
"Hey, Bill, take a look at this!" Another crewman was calling. The Manasan fishers huddled around a small holovid, and watched the live broadcast as the Manasan King declared the new alliance and subjugation under the Veithans. After the holocast, one of the crewman came back over to Yrt.
"I need to get back to Manasa City. Now."
"Well, shucks, we just got out here. We got a whole day's fishin' ahead of us!" Yrt drew his pistols and pointed them at the crewmans face. He was back within the hour.
Adar Krell watched the Manasan broadcast with an impassive expression locked on his face. He didnt know what had gone wrong. He would have to talk to Yrt about this, assuming the assassin was still alive. For the meantime, he had to do something to save his reputation.
Three weeks later, the Manasan King was on a triumphant parade around the city. The crowds cheered at the ruler who had brought the Veithans into their midst. It would take months for them to fully realize what their new relationship meant, but for now they were grateful to their new friends from the skies. The cheering turned to screams of horror as twenty different rifle blasts struck the King, each coming from a different rooftop along the square. Manasan security bolted, heading to where the shots had been fired, but all they found were rifles missing one shot from their clip each and wiped of all prints. The Krell never failed to follow through on a contract.
At about the same time, a new advertisement for the Combine began to circulate:
Can YOUR special operatives go head to head with a Veithan Prime? OURS can! So next time you need special ops work done, remember to call on the Krell Combine: Quality You Can Trust!
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
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- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Jaded Masses said:
Perhaps it would be best if we put this alliance on a time cycle? Say it must be renewed every 25 standard years?
To be honest we're not very worried about outsourcing either. It would be diffucult for most of out corparations to leave the U.P.
Economic Sanctions and ejection from the alliance if the power fails to fulfill it duties as a member, would that work for everyone? I'm not sure everyone wants to have to clear it with the alliance before enaging in hostilities with non members, but such actions could have bad effects on the alliance has a whole. However those of us here do not have traditions of assualting other powers without good reason.
It was the intention of the U.P that this counsil meet only to hammer out the terms and details of alliance that would be acceptable to everyone.
By council I simple meant this one, not some ruling body to exist above national sovereignty in the future.
While occupation is indeed a bit severe for minor trade infractions, I think that treat would prevent them from occurring in a through out a nation. While extremely minor infractions done by local commands could be punished internally, I am more concerned with a policy of infraction. So to answer your question, like you said failing to defend another power within reason, failing to attack in planned assault, or of course attacking another member. less obviously however, engaging in hostilities against other non-members with out talking to others, because association with that member could bring hostility against every one. Instituting a large policy of screwing over the others would also necessitate punishment. Though perhaps economic sanctions or somesuch would be preferable.
Perhaps it would be best if we put this alliance on a time cycle? Say it must be renewed every 25 standard years?
To be honest we're not very worried about outsourcing either. It would be diffucult for most of out corparations to leave the U.P.
Economic Sanctions and ejection from the alliance if the power fails to fulfill it duties as a member, would that work for everyone? I'm not sure everyone wants to have to clear it with the alliance before enaging in hostilities with non members, but such actions could have bad effects on the alliance has a whole. However those of us here do not have traditions of assualting other powers without good reason.

The Diplomatic crews of the Goa'ould diplomatic ships that are being inspected/waiting-after-landing asked the customs crews how much longer the holdup is going to be.
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- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
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- Location: A Nice Dry Place
As the cargo ship flew away, the body of the mage started to twitch.
"Get him in the sarcofigus, NOW!"
The body of the mage was dumped into the casket which promptly began to heal his wounds, trying to hold back his rapidly increasing brain damage.
"Is he going to live?" Asked one of the Jaffa.
The goa'ould placed her hand on top of the sarcofigus, and closed her eyes concentrating.
"His magic is allowing him to try and resist the symbyote, he wont' succecd, but the effort will distroy him.......when we return to Krynor we should be able to save the symbyote, but the mage is as good as dead,"
She stood.
"Leave him in there, his not-yet-dead body well serve to keep the symbote alive until we make planetfall......."
And with that, she returned to the cockpit.
"Get him in the sarcofigus, NOW!"
The body of the mage was dumped into the casket which promptly began to heal his wounds, trying to hold back his rapidly increasing brain damage.
"Is he going to live?" Asked one of the Jaffa.
The goa'ould placed her hand on top of the sarcofigus, and closed her eyes concentrating.
"His magic is allowing him to try and resist the symbyote, he wont' succecd, but the effort will distroy him.......when we return to Krynor we should be able to save the symbyote, but the mage is as good as dead,"
She stood.
"Leave him in there, his not-yet-dead body well serve to keep the symbote alive until we make planetfall......."
And with that, she returned to the cockpit.
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"We thank you, hoping for a good decision, we have brought everything we will need to establish such an embassy with us in the cargo ship. If we may....."set. up. shop." it would be most convient.frigidmagi wrote:After full review the U.P accepts the Goa'ould diplomatic teams, you may estblish an embessey at your convinence.
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++I've been told I need to do more preperation posts, so here ya go. Bear in mind, you won't know about this unless you have spy-jaafa in my empire. An unlikly but not-impossible fact.++
[FROM: Lord Jarlath]
Lesser-god Vinark
Pleased to hear that you have complete a prototype version of the "super-jaffa" we saw God-Apothis and God-Anubis wield before their demise. Although your research is not yet finished, your resourse and personel allocations are to be doubled, and two dedicated cloning stations are now entering production.
You have done well. Continue to do so and you will be rewarded.
[FROM: Lord Jarlath]
It has been relayed to me that your shipyard is now fully operational. You are to began immeadite construction of the following new class of ship.
++Transmitted plans detail a prefab station. Not that different from normal, except that unlike the other smaller prefab stations it's full-sized.++
[FROM: Lord Jarlath]
Lesser-god Vinark
Pleased to hear that you have complete a prototype version of the "super-jaffa" we saw God-Apothis and God-Anubis wield before their demise. Although your research is not yet finished, your resourse and personel allocations are to be doubled, and two dedicated cloning stations are now entering production.
You have done well. Continue to do so and you will be rewarded.
[FROM: Lord Jarlath]
It has been relayed to me that your shipyard is now fully operational. You are to began immeadite construction of the following new class of ship.
++Transmitted plans detail a prefab station. Not that different from normal, except that unlike the other smaller prefab stations it's full-sized.++
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- Rogue 9
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[OOC: Not so fast. Backing up to the transport; I'm being generous.]lazerus wrote:The moderator hath spoken.
The mages eyes glowed with the distincitve *vvrsh* sound.
GO! Shouted the goa'ould commander, and the shuttle lept into hyperspace to escape the guns of the rapidly approaching, and certanly hostile blockade fleet.
NRS Warrior, Ix'ador orbit
"Commodore, sensors. We're picking up unidentified energy readings, bearing roughly 128 mark 10, range 1200 to 1500 kilometers. There are no ships showing at that position"
Commodore Kensington stood. He was a veteran commander, appointed to command this battleship battle group for reason of his excellent combat instincts and aggressiveness. He also paid careful attention to his tactical and intelligence briefings, and had a knack for remembering the important details. "Sensors, focus. Are you sure there's nothing?"
"No trace, sir. Empty space, the energy spike came out of nowhere. Not even a satellite."
The commodore grimaced. "A cloaked vessel."
The Warrior's captain looked over. "Sir?"
"This is exactly what was reported at Verlion Station right before that minefield was laid. Shields up!" The shield officer reached for his controls and the defensive field shimmered into place a moment later before becoming transparent. "We won't make the same mistake made by the Verlion defense force. Guns, lay down a flak pattern around that area. Comms, put me through to the Mace, now." The massive railgun batteries opened up with burst shells as the comms officer opened a channel.
NRS Mace, Ix'ador orbit
The Mace was a Warhammer class missile cruiser. Her captain was one Robert Walch. When he'd been promoted he'd hoped for a Merovingian class cruiser, but he'd landed this missile laden box instead. Lobbing missiles from thousands of kilometers away while protected by the fleet wasn't his preferred method of fighting, but this was his ship.
"Captain, Comms, Commodore Kensington orders that we set two missiles for EMP and launch to these coordinates immediately."
"Acknowledge the order. Missile control, you heard the man. Prep and fire tubes one and two to the coordinates Comms is feeding you. On the double!"
Barely ten seconds later, two missiles burst out of the tubes and sailed towards the coordinates of the energy spike. One would burst at its detected coordinates, the other on the orbital exit vector. The Warrior and its escorting cruisers were laying down a pattern of fire that left a relatively safe route exactly where that second missile would be in a few moments...
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
++Nice try, you can detect the hyperspace exit, but detecting the cloaked ships "energy signature" KINA DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF HAVING A CLOAK IN THE FIRST PLACE++
The missles explode harmlessly in the dead of space.
"Good thinking Jaafa, if not for that random course change you programmed in, we would be dead now. Procced as before, but go to hyperspace right away once we beam him up, do not wait to ajust course. We can do that later.
The missles explode harmlessly in the dead of space.
"Good thinking Jaafa, if not for that random course change you programmed in, we would be dead now. Procced as before, but go to hyperspace right away once we beam him up, do not wait to ajust course. We can do that later.
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- Hotfoot
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Corvus System
Ravenlock Naval Base
“I can’t believe they turned the old girl into a diplomatic ship, Harris. Seems like a goddamned indignity. She should be in a museum or something, even if she’s not in active service anymore.” Admiral Radim scowled into his drink for a moment before executing it with practiced ease.
“Well, at least her name still fits, right?” Captain Harris saw the Admiral crack a wry smile.
“Yeah, gotta blame the Director for that I guess. Fuck, I know it makes sense and all, our old flagship, ushering in the new age, blah blah blah, all that shit they’re spewing on the news channels, but she was at her proudest when she was first commissioned. Pure Ravenlock construction, bred for just one purpose. Then they kept refitting her, gutting her, stripping her bare as a Bluesense star,” Radim sighed and slumped back into his chair, glancing over at the holoscreen where that evening’s news of the refitting of the Serial Peacemaker was still playing. “Now she doesn’t even have her main armament, just some point defense. Ripped out all the parts I loved and put in fucking luxury accommodations for some mealy-mouthed diplomats and half-assed ambassadors. Fuck, I almost feel sorry for the poor bastards on security detail for the ship.”
“The Voidform, or the escort?”
“Voidform. It’s bad enough dealing with diplomats through hypercoms. I’d rather lead a boarding action than have to deal with a fucking diplomat.”
“Or a reporter?” Harris smirked
“Yeah, them too. The fuck they were doing in the middle of war, anyway? They get killed, only story they got is ‘Gee, I went to a warzone and got my dumb ass shot’.”
“Such a Warrior-Poet. No wonder they wanted to interview you. Anyway, do you know who’s going to get your baby?”
“Oh yeah. The Director and I had a nice long chat about that. It’s Trent’s kid.”
“Really? I thought that they were going to pick Hedley’s protégé. Everyone kept saying Alec was something of a bad luck charm.”
“Fuck them. Alec’s a good kid, and so was his pop. Just shitty circumstances is all. Not like someone put a fucking hoodoo curse on the damn family. You find me the gutless little shits whining about bad luck, I’ll give them a nice little demonstration.”
“Heh, I’m sure you would. So, any word on your next assignment?”
“Yeah, and it’s pretty routine shit. Nothing to get excited about,” Radim winked to Harris, a small smile formed.
“Really? Sounds wonderful. I’m heading back with the second fleet to Dra’kol space in a week. You should come and visit the place sometime, it’s really improved since your first visit.”
“Heh, right.”
“Just a thought…”
Bordering “Known Space”, in international deep space
Having finally reached its destination, the messenger probe begins transmitting its message into the cosmos. It repeats once every hour, for three full days, before terminating its signal. The message is rather straightforward, giving the location and time for a diplomatic meeting, first contact with the Ravenlock Consortium. The intent is not aggressive or peaceful, merely matter of fact. We are here, we wish to make ourselves known. Details beyond that can be negotiated at the meeting.
Ravenlock Naval Base
“I can’t believe they turned the old girl into a diplomatic ship, Harris. Seems like a goddamned indignity. She should be in a museum or something, even if she’s not in active service anymore.” Admiral Radim scowled into his drink for a moment before executing it with practiced ease.
“Well, at least her name still fits, right?” Captain Harris saw the Admiral crack a wry smile.
“Yeah, gotta blame the Director for that I guess. Fuck, I know it makes sense and all, our old flagship, ushering in the new age, blah blah blah, all that shit they’re spewing on the news channels, but she was at her proudest when she was first commissioned. Pure Ravenlock construction, bred for just one purpose. Then they kept refitting her, gutting her, stripping her bare as a Bluesense star,” Radim sighed and slumped back into his chair, glancing over at the holoscreen where that evening’s news of the refitting of the Serial Peacemaker was still playing. “Now she doesn’t even have her main armament, just some point defense. Ripped out all the parts I loved and put in fucking luxury accommodations for some mealy-mouthed diplomats and half-assed ambassadors. Fuck, I almost feel sorry for the poor bastards on security detail for the ship.”
“The Voidform, or the escort?”
“Voidform. It’s bad enough dealing with diplomats through hypercoms. I’d rather lead a boarding action than have to deal with a fucking diplomat.”
“Or a reporter?” Harris smirked
“Yeah, them too. The fuck they were doing in the middle of war, anyway? They get killed, only story they got is ‘Gee, I went to a warzone and got my dumb ass shot’.”
“Such a Warrior-Poet. No wonder they wanted to interview you. Anyway, do you know who’s going to get your baby?”
“Oh yeah. The Director and I had a nice long chat about that. It’s Trent’s kid.”
“Really? I thought that they were going to pick Hedley’s protégé. Everyone kept saying Alec was something of a bad luck charm.”
“Fuck them. Alec’s a good kid, and so was his pop. Just shitty circumstances is all. Not like someone put a fucking hoodoo curse on the damn family. You find me the gutless little shits whining about bad luck, I’ll give them a nice little demonstration.”
“Heh, I’m sure you would. So, any word on your next assignment?”
“Yeah, and it’s pretty routine shit. Nothing to get excited about,” Radim winked to Harris, a small smile formed.
“Really? Sounds wonderful. I’m heading back with the second fleet to Dra’kol space in a week. You should come and visit the place sometime, it’s really improved since your first visit.”
“Heh, right.”
“Just a thought…”
Bordering “Known Space”, in international deep space
Having finally reached its destination, the messenger probe begins transmitting its message into the cosmos. It repeats once every hour, for three full days, before terminating its signal. The message is rather straightforward, giving the location and time for a diplomatic meeting, first contact with the Ravenlock Consortium. The intent is not aggressive or peaceful, merely matter of fact. We are here, we wish to make ourselves known. Details beyond that can be negotiated at the meeting.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.

The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
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The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
- Dahak
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Unkown System P-X546-a
The probe swalloed out of its wormhole lightminutes out of the inner system.
It was one of the farthest traveling probes, and stumbled onto something. The signatures matched that of the unkown ship.
It's sensors probed the inner system, lighting the system like a christmas tree. It was not polite, but efficient.
Some of the ships resembled that of the small ship which had appeared in Gladsheim orbit. It was assessed that this must be one of the systems of these so-called "Krynor Empire".
The probe sensed some units changing course for it. It calculated its options, cleared its decision with Survey Central, and triggered its self-destruct before a ship emerged from this strange hyperspace near it. All that remained of it was hard radiation.
System P-X018-b
The Verdandi-battle group swallowed out of their wormholes just above the orbit of the fourth planet.
It was a rather unremarkable system, at least to Gladsheims. It had just one smallgas giant, but a surprisngly large number of "normal" planets, what they preferred to call mudballs. Thus it was deemed not interesting to the Grand Empire in the survey which had detected the system centuries before.
But recently, the assessment of Consensus, Privy Council, and the Empress' advisors was that should push come to shove and the Grand Empire was forced into a war with other powers, an extension of its already large resource base was necessary, if the Grand Empire was to adopt an aggressive strategy.
The system was very close to the two Home Systems, and it was calculated that the amount of raw material and resources in the system were a boost to the Empire, and so the battle-group, just returned from their diplomatic mission to Baleorean space, was dispatched to secure and observe the assimilation process.
P-X018-b-4 was a planet which was still referred to "Earth"-like, though the exact origins of this remained lost in the millenia. It's lush, green continents, seperated by azure oceans was inducing no feelings in the crews and Consensus of the small fleet. According to the sensors, there was a teeming flora and fauna beyond, where there might emerge a new species someday.
But that didn't count today.
The battle-group moved into high orbit and suddenly, all gun ports opened fire. Grasers, Lasers ripped into the planet, fusion and anti-matter warheads supplemented their works. What remained was a scorched planet, devoid any life, in some spots still cooling.
Several large mining ships emerged from wormholes, huge beasts larger than the Battle Carrier itself, and lowered themselves onto the planet. Huge hoses were injected into the ground, releasing myriads of tiny nanomolecular constructs, beginning to morph and manipulate the ground itself, scores of robots began milling out of the ships, setting up the processing stations.
This happened on three other of the inner planet, though they were less promising than this one.
The probe swalloed out of its wormhole lightminutes out of the inner system.
It was one of the farthest traveling probes, and stumbled onto something. The signatures matched that of the unkown ship.
It's sensors probed the inner system, lighting the system like a christmas tree. It was not polite, but efficient.
Some of the ships resembled that of the small ship which had appeared in Gladsheim orbit. It was assessed that this must be one of the systems of these so-called "Krynor Empire".
The probe sensed some units changing course for it. It calculated its options, cleared its decision with Survey Central, and triggered its self-destruct before a ship emerged from this strange hyperspace near it. All that remained of it was hard radiation.
System P-X018-b
The Verdandi-battle group swallowed out of their wormholes just above the orbit of the fourth planet.
It was a rather unremarkable system, at least to Gladsheims. It had just one smallgas giant, but a surprisngly large number of "normal" planets, what they preferred to call mudballs. Thus it was deemed not interesting to the Grand Empire in the survey which had detected the system centuries before.
But recently, the assessment of Consensus, Privy Council, and the Empress' advisors was that should push come to shove and the Grand Empire was forced into a war with other powers, an extension of its already large resource base was necessary, if the Grand Empire was to adopt an aggressive strategy.
The system was very close to the two Home Systems, and it was calculated that the amount of raw material and resources in the system were a boost to the Empire, and so the battle-group, just returned from their diplomatic mission to Baleorean space, was dispatched to secure and observe the assimilation process.
P-X018-b-4 was a planet which was still referred to "Earth"-like, though the exact origins of this remained lost in the millenia. It's lush, green continents, seperated by azure oceans was inducing no feelings in the crews and Consensus of the small fleet. According to the sensors, there was a teeming flora and fauna beyond, where there might emerge a new species someday.
But that didn't count today.
The battle-group moved into high orbit and suddenly, all gun ports opened fire. Grasers, Lasers ripped into the planet, fusion and anti-matter warheads supplemented their works. What remained was a scorched planet, devoid any life, in some spots still cooling.
Several large mining ships emerged from wormholes, huge beasts larger than the Battle Carrier itself, and lowered themselves onto the planet. Huge hoses were injected into the ground, releasing myriads of tiny nanomolecular constructs, beginning to morph and manipulate the ground itself, scores of robots began milling out of the ships, setting up the processing stations.
This happened on three other of the inner planet, though they were less promising than this one.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

The defenses go to high alert, but take no other action due to lack of options.Unkown System P-X546-a
The probe swalloed out of its wormhole lightminutes out of the inner system.
It was one of the farthest traveling probes, and stumbled onto something. The signatures matched that of the unkown ship.
It's sensors probed the inner system, lighting the system like a christmas tree. It was not polite, but efficient.
Some of the ships resembled that of the small ship which had appeared in Gladsheim orbit. It was assessed that this must be one of the systems of these so-called "Krynor Empire".
The probe sensed some units changing course for it. It calculated its options, cleared its decision with Survey Central, and triggered its self-destruct before a ship emerged from this strange hyperspace near it. All that remained of it was hard radiation.
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