STGOD 4 Game Thread

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Commander Lexicon walked down the cooridor toward Captain Nailo's chamber and opened the door.

"Leuitenant(sp) Vix has not reported in my lord"

"Has anyone seen him?"

"Yes sir, Lorias saw what looked to be rings engulf him as he came out of a building he was searching"


Captain Nailo, an old elven Battlemage walked over to a pool of water and cast a quick spell

And before him shimmered into view what looked to be a coffin, but this one was restoring Vix's life force... And he sensed another, powerful being that was fighting for control of his underling. He couldnt get anything more but it was enough to go on

"Contact union get me every bit of information you can on life restoring sarcophogi and mind controling parasites. Run a cross reference. NOW!"

Several minutes later, the man came back with nothing... A mystery.
Last edited by Alyrium Denryle on 2004-04-26 07:42pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Captain tycho »

System LV-4456, proper name: Halo.
The R'llorans had found a single world, circling a small dying M-class star. The planet was dry and rocky, with a thin methane atmosphere. However, it was incredibly mineral rich, and within a day of the fleet reaching Nexus dozens upon dozens of mining facilities were set up on the surface. Construction began on a new city within a few hours. Towers and defensive emplacements were erected, tunnels were dug, and new landside ship berths were excavated. Local shield generators were set up on the surface, and automated defense satellites began orbiting the planet. Several factory ships landed on the planet, and were quickly transformed into stationary facilties and expanded. Production of even more construction drones began, which in turn accelerated the city's birth. Within a mere five days, the city was impressively large. There were at least several hundred towers, and countless other buildings. Massive industrial teleporter pads were set up, allowing the painless transportation of hundreds of tons of material from the mining facilties to the city. Already the air was filled with silvery streams of ships flitting back and forth, along with fearsome looking new drone cruisers lazily circling the city. The 13 were re-located into an open air stadium. The planet's gravity was low enough to allow R'hllorans to move about easily on their various extremities, and even some short flight was possible. The carriers of the fleet, formerly filled to the brim with civilians, were empty, their inhabitants gone planetside, and now residing in luxurious towers. A massive transmitter station was set up, and out went the following signal, on an open channel.

The R'lloran Free-spacer Confederacy is now accepting ambadssadors. If you wish to send one, he, she, or it must come alone, with a single aid, in an unarmed vessel, to the following coordinates. We shall pick them up and escort to a neutral location, where negotiations will begin. Your ambassadors will be treated with the utmost respect and care, and will be free to leave at anytime from the negotiations.
Last edited by Captain tycho on 2004-04-26 07:47pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lazerus »

Upon recieveing the message from Nexus, a goa'ould cargoship is dispatched to the system right away.
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Post by frigidmagi »

The U.P sends a ship with ambassadors to open relations.
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Post by Captain tycho »

lazerus wrote:Upon recieveing the message from Nexus, a goa'ould cargoship is dispatched to the system right away.
OOC:One note, the coordinates are not the system, but a remote and empty solar system where a small number of frigates are waiting to pick up ambassadors.

As the messenger ships enter the system, several drone frigates send out the following message.Please power down all systems. You shall be boarded and searched, as a precautionary measure. After the search is complete, we will escort you to Sevliss station, where you will begin negotiations.
After being searched, all ships will be redirected and escorted to Sevliss station, which is a bit further in system.
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Post by lazerus »

The ship powers down.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Meanwhile back at Lastport

So the terms of the alliance are has follows:
1 An attack on one member is an attack on all members.
2 Combined operations and exerises when members see fit.
3 Sharing of intelligence when members see fit.
4 free trade between members
5 Alliance to be renewed every 25 years
6 Failure to come to the aide of other members will result in ejection from the alliance and sanictions.
7:Members may call for meetings like this one to work out futher agreement and policies. Providing all members agree upon policies.
Is this agreeable?
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Post by Rogue 9 »

"These terms are acceptable," said Ambassador Shelton, leaning back in his chair.
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Post by lazerus »

After several hours, the ship arrives at Krynor. The symbote is rushed to a holding tank.

After a few tense hours, it lives. and is imiplanted in a new host. Once there it relays what information it found before the host died. The information is scanty, revealing no information about actually casting spells, but does tell Jarlath the basics of the schools of magic, magic items, etc etc.
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Post by Marcao »

[VNN] Veithan News Network

Manasan Defense Treaty announced

The Manasan star nation and the Empire have agreed to terms of a treaty that has been called “defensive” in nature by various analysts. The King of Manasa announced his nation’s acceptance to the treaty in a speech at roughly 16:00 Veithan standard time. The exact details for the treaty are believed to mirror the one offered to Myheri, giving the Manasans access to advanced Veithan armaments and pledging Veithan assistance in the event of an attack.

Manasan military forces attempt coup

Late breaking information suggests that as the King of Manasa prepared to give his speech declaring his nation’s acceptance of the Veithan-Manasan treaty, elements of the Manasan military went rogue and attempted a coup. The coup was apparently led by General Yueril one of the senior officers in the Manasan army. The attempted coup was countered by forces loyal to the crown, and blocked well before the armored column of the rogue elements reached the capital. Casualties due to the clashes between loyalist and rogue forces are believed to be significant. General Yueril was eventually caught by loyalist forces and along with the majority of the senior officers behind the coup is currently held in an unknown Manasan facility as they await trial.

Zenith Technologies projects record earnings

Zenith Technologies one of the best known Veithan arms manufacturers is currently projecting record earnings for the current quarter. The increased demand for Zenith Tech goods has been largely attributed to the influx of conflict in the galaxy. The demand for goods has been at its highest in the local fiefdoms, especially the Myheri Republic which only recently has gained access to a higher tier of military goods from the Republic. It is believed that Manasan demand for Veithan goods will increase substantially now that like the Myheri republic they have access to previously restricted forms of equipment.

[VNN] Veithan News Network

Manasan King assassinated!

The Manasan King was assassinated today at roughly 12:06 Veithan standard time as his convoy was viciously gunned down in the middle of a parade. Details at sketchy at the moment, although various cameras located around the area suggest that no less than twenty separate shots hit the King’s transport, knocking out the shields in the process and ending the ruler’s life. The crown prince, the King’s eldest son is scheduled to become the next Manasan King. The crown prince is believed to follow his father’s footsteps in diplomatic and economic matters. The relationship between Manasa and the Empire endures; the ambassador to Manasa Myasha Ceres was quoted as saying the following. “The Veithan Empire is saddened by the loss of the King, a man of surprising vigor and vision. We have every intention of continuing to honor our pledge to Manasa as the Crown Prince takes his place as King.”

Veithan Space, Mulaya System
Mulaya III, Orbit

Mulaya III was the de facto diplomatic heart of the Veithan Empire. This was due to a combination of factors chief among them being location. The Mulaya system had been the first major colony world of the Empire, and reigned supreme as the greatest of the non-core worlds. It was considered by many to being the thirteenth “core” world of the Empire. It was located relatively close to the outer core systems, it was populated enough to contain a substantial infrastructure and the beauty of its forests and green areas where of great appeal. Every embassy to the Empire resided in Mulaya III, in an island of unparalleled opulence.

The message from the Ravenlock Consortium had been received and analyzed by the Veithans and it had been determined that contact would be an adequate solution. It was mostly out of sheer curiosity than anything else, the black tower had been unusually tight lipped about its predictions. Nonetheless, a nation capable of interstellar travel was better known than not. In orbit over Mulaya III was the Veithan response, a single modified “Vanquisher” class battle-cruiser carrying the diplomats with an escort of two Heavy Destroyers. The Empire was not one to flash around its military might, and the possibilities of interception were low. The ships floated over the planet silently until the final shuttle arrived on the Vanquisher. Moments later, the ships accelerated away from the planet and submerged into Hyperspace. They would not re-appear in real space until they had arrived at their chosen destination.
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-04-26 08:10pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lazerus »

The goa'ould cargoship recieves a heavly encoded tightbeam transmission. The goa'ould in charge read the message, and then distroyed all the computer records.
"Tell me, is the coustom inspection quite done? I have a message to relay to your government."
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Post by Dahak »

<<At least we now know their rough location,>> Empress Elana 'vised. <<Yes, Your Grace,>> her military advisor answered. <<They show quite some technological development. Though our initial assessment is a bit sketchy. The scans from the planet do not fully compare to the ships technology. It may be possible that this is a late 'addition' to this Empire.>>
<<Maybe, we should keep an eye out.>>
<<What about this offer from this other new power? Sending a ship out alone?>>
<<In this current situation out there, I think we should not do so. I may be paranoid, but should something happen, thre'S no way we could protect the diplomat, or our ship.>>
<<Exactly my thoughts,>> the Empress answered.
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Post by Captain tycho »

-Shit, I just realized it wasnt me frigidmagi was replying to. :oops: -
Last edited by Captain tycho on 2004-04-26 08:03pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"Just cataloging your technology in case we ever have.. issues.. with you

Though, the organisms we found in a symbiotic relationship with you are.. interesting."

(OOC: DOnt worry, the commander basicaly ran a magical google search. he will not be informed that the archives have been updated)
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Post by lazerus »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:"Just cataloging your technology in case we ever have.. issues.. with you

Though, the organisms we found in a symbiotic relationship with you are.. interesting."

(OOC: DOnt worry, the commander basicaly ran a magical google search. he will not be informed that the archives have been updated)
The jaffa smiles.
"The godlings dectouple our lifespan and grant us the use of thier ships and weapons. 'Interesing' is putting it mildly."

The goa'ould on the ship just grinned.
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Post by Captain tycho »

lazerus wrote:The ship powers down.
The drone frigate teleports in a small, pulsating device, which thrums in a high pitched wail. It simply sits there for a few minutes, then is beamed back out. Scan complete. Follow us. The frigate starts up its engines, and sets course for Sevliss station, a tractor beam wrapped around the cargoship.
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Post by lazerus »

The cargo ships costs along behind.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Miitgar Cluster
Elysium Sector

The Miitgar Cluster hung in space like a cluster of jewels laid across the void's black velvet. Her lights filled the blackness of space with an ethereal beauty, their multicolored extravagance seemingly at odds with their utilitarian purposes. Miitgar was one of the Elysium Sectors larget clusters, with a population approaching 15 billion. A small moon had been smashed apart to create enough building material to hold her teeming masses. She was the hub of industry and trade in her corner of the Elysium sector, and, most importantly, the home of the largest Hajr and Guidice enclaves in the region. Those Hajr administrators who marshalled the sector's resources for the support and continuation of it's operations in far-off Known Space made their homes on the fortresses situated a hundred kilometers from the main mass of the cluster.

Miitgar's shipyards were some of the most extensive in the Hajr's control, second only to the massive civilian works at Elysium and Tse-Hong. Their slips were dedicated to the production of troop transports, cargo craft, and armed Hajr strike cruisers and escorts.

The latest run had finished- Eight new "Brief Life Burns Brightly" Strike Cruisers and their escort swarms, the first combat vessels to be attached to the 4th War Cluster. The vessels, newly painted and crewed, began the week-long transit to Known Space. There, they would run trials over Eketrina as they waited for the completion of the Fleet Tender Victorious Omnivore.

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Post by frigidmagi »

The lean U.P ship follows.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

frigidmagi wrote:Meanwhile back at Lastport

So the terms of the alliance are has follows:
1 An attack on one member is an attack on all members.
2 Combined operations and exerises when members see fit.
3 Sharing of intelligence when members see fit.
4 free trade between members
5 Alliance to be renewed every 25 years
6 Failure to come to the aide of other members will result in ejection from the alliance and sanictions.
7:Members may call for meetings like this one to work out futher agreement and policies. Providing all members agree upon policies.
Is this agreeable?
"These terms are acceptable."
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Post by Bugsby »

To: Baeloreans, Rh'illorans, and Ravenlock
From: Faran Tor

Greetings, friends! We are aware that you are new to this area of space, and therefore have not had contact with us yet. We are a mercenary power and therefore lack any true diplomatic corps, so we hope you will accept this greeting from Combine Marketing and Sales. Attached to this transmission is a copy of our standard brochure. If you ever need anything, please feel free to contact us.

P.S. Should you need any information about this area of space or any nations you may not yet have encountered, we would be willing to trade you star charts and diplomatic contacts in exchange for the same from yourself. We are well aware you are getting the better deal out of this, so consider it a friendly one-time offer to start things out on the right foot.

EDIT: Spelling, include Rh'illorans in the message
Last edited by Bugsby on 2004-04-26 08:26pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Captain tycho »

After a few minutes of sublight travel, the frigate makes a brief hop to Sevliss station, and then teleports the ambassadors and their aids into a white-washed, zero-g chamber. A single R'hlloran covered in red-bronze armor hovers above them. "Greetings" it croaks through an electronic voice synthesiser. "Let us begin."
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Post by lazerus »

After a few minutes of sublight travel, the frigate makes a brief hop to Sevliss station, and then teleports the ambassadors and their aids into a white-washed, zero-g chamber. A single R'hlloran covered in red-bronze armor hovers above them. "Greetings" it croaks through an electronic voice synthesiser. "Let us begin."
"We are here represending the Krynor empire, and wish to negoate a non-aggression pack and free trade aggreements. Possibly a millitary alliance."
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

The 8th battlefleet was finally half finished. The moulding scafhold in orbit around Aber-Toril had done ists job well and the ships were crewed and armed.

These new vessels including

10 MCF
20 NCD
40 BCS

were to be used to stem the tide of pirate attacks and to help secure the borders and make sure no more officers were ever kidnapped by unknown powers.

Also. all mages were taught a spell called contingency. It allowed a teleportation or or other form of excape spell(plane shift) to be set for a specific circumstance to bring the caster back to a pre set location(back to base). It would avoid any other kidnappings.
Last edited by Alyrium Denryle on 2004-04-26 08:20pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Captain tycho »

"A trade alliance would be prudent. We won't share technology, but we do have access to many valuable ores, and we have very advanced construction techniques."
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