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Post by Bugsby »

From: Hephaestus Construction Yard, Sirius system
To: UP

Your planetary shield generators have finally been completed. The meetpoint is scheduled at the designated position in neutral space three standard days from now. Bring full payment.
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Post by lazerus »

Captain tycho wrote:"A trade alliance would be prudent. We won't share technology, but we do have access to many valuable ores, and we have very advanced construction techniques."
"Very well, we required large amount of naquida and naquadria, as well as shipyards. In exchange we can offer precous metals, gems, raw ores, and territory.

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Post by frigidmagi »

After a few minutes of sublight travel, the frigate makes a brief hop to Sevliss station, and then teleports the ambassadors and their aids into a white-washed, zero-g chamber. A single R'hlloran covered in red-bronze armor hovers above them. "Greetings" it croaks through an electronic voice synthesiser. "Let us begin."
Greeting, I am Sir Lexington from the United Protatrates, we are interested in trade,informational exchange and the opening of peaceful relations.
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Post by frigidmagi »

TO: Hephaestus Construction Yard, Sirius system
FROM: United Protectrates Space Fleet Command

Understood will arrive at pick up point with full payment.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Rogue 9 wrote:The orders came through on Orodan. The military factories geared up and began working three shifts. Orders for three more battle stations for Pinnacle had come in, and they were wanted on the double. Parts began to churn out and were transferred to the orbital shipyards...
Orodan, Nashtar Republic

The first station had its final hull plates fitted in the orbital shipyards at 2:03 pm and was turned over to the long range tugs for shipment to Pinnacle. The others would be completed within the hour. Workers were reassigned to the civilian space stations for the Psilons, most of which were nearly complete. They'd be done within the next day with the newly assigned labor.
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Post by Thirdfain »

United Systems News
-Broadcast in 7 languages in 16 different star nations!-
-a subsidiary of the Basque Industrial Conglomorate-

"Good evening, and welcome to USN- All the news fit to print. Our to story today takes us to the planet Ix'agal in thee Arcane Occupation Zone of the former Covenant of God. Brutal fighting continues across the planet in what some analysts are describing as a "Quagmire." The revolt, which started as a series of peaceful religious demonstrations, erupted into full-scale armed insurgency when, locals claim, Arcane soldiers used combat magic to kill protesters en masse. Others have even claimed that the Arcane Empire used mind-altering spells to lull the populace in the first days of the occupation."

-Images of the violence follow, many of them the same ones seen by Monacoran and Krell viewers in the previous days.-

"Nashtar forces have reportedly attempted to avoid the usage of deadly force, but recent increases in insurgent attacks seem to have forced them to resort to violent means."

"Interstellar corporations are pulling out of their initial bids in to Ix'agal, citing rising violence and a sharp increase in pirate activity in the region.
Arabenz Industrial representative Cameron Farraway speaks on why his corporation is pulling out of the region."

"Initially, we found the Arcane tariffs and limited price controls to be incredibly enticing. Unfortunatly, we soon found that their liberal trade policies in the Ix'agal region carried with them a lack of proper security and seemed to be based on the idea that the locals would submit peacefully to Arcane rule. Now that the Arcanists are tightening control, and violence is increasing, we've found it more profitable to do business in the more peaceful edge systems, such as those currently occupied by the Krytosians. Of course, we may decide to withdraw from the region altogether."

"That was Cameron Farraway, of Arabenz Industrial. After this commerical break, expanded pirate activity in the reccently conquered Arcanist borders, and how the Arcanists plan to stem it."

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

CENTCOM, Nashtar

"Sir, communique from General Edwards on Ix'agal. He requests better riot control gear for his troops. They shipped out equipped to fight a military conflict, not restrain violent civilian uprisings. He says the normal procurement protocols aren't working fast enough; the troops are having to use standard issue gas, and its not sufficiently effective."

"The bureaucracy must be having an extraordinarily slow time if he's calling straight here. Consider the requisition granted. Ship out the necessary equipment as soon as possible."

The captain saluted. "Yes, sir."
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Post by Marcao »

Veithan Space

The shipyards of the Veithan Empire were among its most prized possessions employing state of the art technology in order to produce warships worthy of its people. The Empire understood the importance of a strong navy, and dominated its sphere of space primarily because its navy was among the best among the stars. The president had given the order to expand production weeks ago and the shipyards had been prepared in advance. Work on the ships continued around the clock, and finally the first batch of warships which the president had demanded had been completed.

The ships rested on their slips in four different systems. Of the fifty five vessels scheduled to form the new rapid reaction force “Myheri” fifty were smaller escort ships. The idea was sound, as building capital ships was far more time consuming than producing escorts. There were ten heavy destroyers, ten destroyers, fifteen heavy frigates and fifteen frigates proper. A potent force, but certainly one not meant to actively participate in a wall of battle. The largest vessels currently allocated to the reaction force were five “Fortune” class cruisers. It would have to do for the moment, with the addition of Manasa to the mix it was likely that forces would now be allocated to try and expand the capabilities of the Veithan Navy. The original reaction force for the Myheri was going to be larger, but some of the hulls had been shifted around possibly in preparation for the Manasan task force.

As the vessels allocated to the Myheri slipped out of their docks, they were maneuvered away from the shipyards. The task force would be incorporated with the 5th fleet, were it would perform in a series of exercises. In usual Veithan fashion, at least half of the newly built ships would remain with the 5th fleet while half of the 5th fleet became the experienced core of the newly formed reaction force. In time, the rapid reaction force [Myheri] would be as sharp as any other instrument of war available to the Empire.

edit: tweaked forces
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-04-26 10:08pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Bugsby »

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Post by Straha »

Lt Col. Gregor Loomis, commander of the First Battallion of the Monacon Third, leaned over the pilot's chair in the transport.

"This is Monacoran Army Transport Sigma Six, to Valhalla Control, we are on approach."
"Copy Sigma Six, approach path cleared."
"Sigma Six to Control, activating cloak, do you copy?"
"Copy Sigma Six."

The pilot leaned back, and nodded at the officer.
"We're heading in, we'll be landing in four minutes."
Gregor nodded, and headed to the back of the transport. Picking up his helmet, he nodded at the general who was going to lead the delegation to the Asgard command.
"We're on in five."
He walked on, and checked the air-tight seal on his helmet. As he stood beside the exit ramp the delegation formed up. It consisted of a couple generals, a few colonels, and about twenty soldiers assigned as guards. All that Gregor knew about the guards was that they weren't in the third, and they took orders directly from General Fedayn, meaning that most soldiers in the army gave them quite a bit distance at all times. With a gentle thump the transport hit the ground, after everyone's (including the generals') combat suit was checked, the ramp was lowered and Gregor strode out, the first Monacoran to walk on Valhalla in over half a century. Looking around he spotted the Asgardian delegation assigned to greet them, he approached them, stood at attention, and saluted.

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Gregor Loomis, commander of the First Batallion of the Third Monacon Regiment, the "Valkyries." I am here to escort the delegation your government requested to you."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by lazerus »

[Semi-OOC informaton]

Using the smaller, non-orbital factory shipyards for everything except the fleet carrier, production of the 6th carrier group is beginning. It will consist of the following ships........
1 FC
5 BC's
10 MS's
50 BW's
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Post by Thirdfain »

A small probe drops from Kincaid drive, shedding excess kinetic energy in a brilliant plume of hyperspace interaction. It hangs at the edge of a system called Anfalas by it's inhabitants. Immediatly, it begins transmitting a message over local radio bands.
To The Authority of Lossarnach
The Hajr sends it's greetings, and returns your message. We are willing to hear what you have to say, and exchange representatives. Send word to the Eketrina Cluster in the Hudson system, as to where and when you would trade diplomats.>>

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Captain tycho »

The new prototype warship was finally completed. It was a mere 500 meters in length, but packed with weapons and layered in dense armor plating. It's engines were small compared to the rest of the ship, yet it could accelerate faster than any other ship in the Confederacy. It was compartmentalized, allowing for quick construction and repair. It carried no attack drones, and had a paltry crew of 30. The rest of the interior space was devoted to power generators, shield and weapons arrays, plus an extensive scanner/jamming module. It's weapons were highly powered versions of the run-of-the-mill disruptor cannons, with a better ROF and much better armor piercing capacity. The engineers called it
Longclaw, because of it's curved shape and sharp edges. This ship would replace the obsolete drone cruisers and frigates, and because of it's compartmentalization sections could be swapped out quickly for other modules.

Longclaw-Primary Assault Version
20 heavy repeater disruptor cannons
12 multi-function missile bays
Ferro-steel heavy armor
1 primary heavy shield generator, 2 backups

Carrier Version
10 disruptor cannons
6 missile launchers
2 fighter bays, 2 squadrons of Morning-star interceptors and one squadron
of Jormugrand bombers
2 primary shield generators, 1 backup
Ferro-steel light plating
Last edited by Captain tycho on 2004-04-27 02:59pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Stormbringer »

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Gregor Loomis, commander of the First Batallion of the Third Monacon Regiment, the "Valkyries." I am here to escort the delegation your government requested to you."

A young commodore and an honor guard of a Marines greeted them.

"Excellent. Welcome to Hugin, colonel. We'll arrange a meeting with the BuShips as soon as possible for your delegation so we can get down to business."

With a wave of his hand he indicated the troop transport.

"We'll arrange food and fuel so you can get your men to the front as soon as possible. As for yourselves, I've been sent to escort you and your men to diplomatic quarters for the meetings."

[OOC: There is no world of Valhalla, it's the system name. It's planets are Trondheim, Hugin and Mugin.]
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Post by Marcao »

Veithan Space, Mulaya System
Mulaya III, Orbit

Over the last few weeks the Veithan Empire had been negotiating an exchange of representatives with the Grand Empire. With the final details worked out, a single “Vanquisher” class demilitarized battle-cruiser left the orbit of Mulaya III and submerged into hyperspace. Its destination was the edge of the Grand Empire’s designated system. The Veithan Empire was quite careful in its dealings with other nations, attempting to treat others as it wished to be treated. The diplomatic vessel would arrive on the edges of the system although it was expected by the Grand Empire.

When the representatives for the Grand Empire arrived in the Mulaya system, their people would be housed adequately. The Grand Empire was a puzzle to the Veithans, and rumors of their way of life had arched many eyebrows. Until this point, relations had been loose and no direct embassies existed in each other territories. That was bound to change.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Halo's defenses:
1 thousand planetside heavy disruptor cannons, orbital range.
10 missile bases, housing ultra-heavy anti-matter warheads.
1 primary planetary shield
2 secondary planetary shields
Local shields enveloping the city (Manifold) and all other major facilities
10,000 orbital defense satellites (on par with a heavy bomber)
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Post by Straha »

Stormbringer wrote:"I am Lieutenant Colonel Gregor Loomis, commander of the First Batallion of the Third Monacon Regiment, the "Valkyries." I am here to escort the delegation your government requested to you."

A young commodore and an honor guard of a Marines greeted them.

"Excellent. Welcome to Hugin, colonel. We'll arrange a meeting with the BuShips as soon as possible for your delegation so we can get down to business."

With a wave of his hand he indicated the troop transport.

"We'll arrange food and fuel so you can get your men to the front as soon as possible. As for yourselves, I've been sent to escort you and your men to diplomatic quarters for the meetings."

[OOC: There is no world of Valhalla, it's the system name. It's planets are Trondheim, Hugin and Mugin.]
A general walked forward, saluted, and shook the commodore's hand.

"I am major general Heinrich Brusilov and I am in charge of the entire delegation, and I would like to thank you for your logistical help with food and fuel. We have ten regiments, each roughly the size of one of your divisions, orbiting the system right now, and we have thirty more regiments scattered through space. We are prepared to take your fight as our fight. I apologize for wearing combat suits, but protocal requires us to do so here. Shall we head off then?"
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Arcane News Illusorcast

After extensive debate the Council of Mages voted by a 70% majority to pull out of Covenant Space within 90 days. The reasoning they cited is that the fundamentalist forces are so difficult to control that the estimated costs of pacifying the system are not outweighted by any amount of money that could ever be had by continuing.

"We freed them from a brutal theocracy, and they bomb the very utilities that we constructed to ease their lives." Coucilman Velerinia of Krynn said
" We treat them with kindness and good will, they respond with bombs. We have three choices. Bombard the world into submission, continue to exhaust our resources pacifying the system, or pull out our troops. We have chosen to do the later. We will be transfering power to a local government of local origin, and will be supplying them with financial aid. As well as training a police force and military." Continued Velerinia.

Karsus himself had something to say on the matter

"Religious fanatic it seems have not changed in thousands of years. The best thing for the people of that planet is to leave them alone. If they rip themselves apart in a civil war, we will not have that blood on our hands. After 90 days, we wash our hands of them"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Captain tycho »

OOC: I suppose since Thirdfain asked me to take over the Covvie resistance a few days ago, but I declined due to time restraints, I can pick them up again now.

A massive mob formed up infront of the Arcane Empire's base of operations, toting everything from crudely made spears to brand new railguns. They shouted out prayers, fired their weapons into the air, and called on God to rid their world of the infidels. In the middle of the crowd, a small group of red-robed priests sat in silence, concentrating deeply. They could feel the hatred burning in the protesters, and they fed on that, shaping it into a sword, pounding and refining it into a deadly weapon. Sheer energy pulsed through the priests, though no one could tell from the outside. Invoking silent words of power, they sung quietly, and drew forth small ceremonial daggers. Their voices raised a notch, and soon they grew higher and higher, drowning out even the crowd, their hideous chants overwhelming. Finally, the song reached it's height, and the priests slashed their own throats with the daggers, spilling blood. That was the final part of the spell. With a dying gasped, the head priest plead for vengeance against the intruders...
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Post by Thirdfain »

Covenant City
Arcane Imperial Occupation Zone, CoG

Risha su Miitgar grinned like the wolf that got the farmer's pig- a not entirely pleasant expression. It took a certian type of person to volunteer for the Hajr's shadow ops division, and Risha was a "certain type." She enjoyed the clinical precision with which her cell of operatives had infiltrated the local mujahdeen terrorist group, supplying it with weapons, advice, and the anti-magic techniques which the Blackeyes specialized in. A half-dozen agents had died over the last week, some killed by Arcanite or Nashtar guns, others forced to commit suicide when faced with capture.
Despite these set-backs, she had succeeded. The world had been a powder-keg, and her fellow operatives had been the match. Now, they were no longer even necessary. After their brief set of missions, the revolt had built up it's own momentum. Now, cells were springing up totally outside of the influence of Risha and her fellow operatives.
The toughest part of her job was about to begin. She had been instructed to take certain actions should the Arcanists decide to withdraw.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Ix'ador orbit

"Fleet Command, this is Captain Markos of the heavy transport Mastodon. We have weapons issues for the Marines on the ground. Request authorization to put in groundside."

A flight of fighters roared out and fell into escort positions around the freighter after doing a couple flybys to verify her markings.

"Acknowledged, Mastodon. Put in as soon as you can; things have been a little hairy down there. The Marines will be glad for the riot gear."

"As ordered, Command. Captain Markos out."

NRMC Base, Ix'ador

"Sir, the riot gear is coming now. We should have it within the hour."

"Good," said General Ramirez. "Prepare the landing pad and get cargo haulers to the loading dock. I want the equipment distributed as soon as possible." The radios back in the command post lit up at that moment.

"Calling all units, repeat, calling all units, this is Fire Team Delta. There is a massive riot forming outside the Arcane base. We're pulling back before they see us. Request reinforcements."

One of the radio operators turned a knob. "Copy, Fire Team Delta. Dispatching reinforcements now."

General Ramirez sighed. "I guess that gear will have to wait. Dispatch the 133rd Armored and 201st Mechanized Infantry to Arcanian headquarters."

"Yes, sir."

Out in the yard, tanks and APCs rumbled to life and rolled out, gas dispensers loaded. Some of the infantrymen carried stun grenades, but there weren't all that many in the stocks. They had come with fragmentation and concussion grenades instead. Most of what they needed was on that transport...
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Post by Captain tycho »

No one knew where priests of the Covenant got their power from. But whatever, or whoever it was, it worked. Outside the Arcane base, a mere second after the priest gasped his dying prayer, a huge fireball literally fell from the sky. It slammed into the Arcane base with enormous impact, sending walls and mages alike flying far into the air. A massive wave of heat and debris hit the crowd, but strangely enough, no one even felt anything. The fireball expanded outwards, and soon dissipated. The crowd cheered at the smoldering hole in the Arcane base, and charged in, brandishing whatever weapons they hand.
Last edited by Captain tycho on 2004-04-27 12:48am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Bob the tank sergeant looked over at Ted, his gunner. "Did you feel a breeze just now?"

"Nah," said Ted.

"Okay, must have just been me."

They rolled on down the street, blatant cheating ignored.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

NRMC Base, Ix'ador

"What?" The comms officer stared at the radio in shock, pressing his headset to his ears. "Say again, Fire Team Delta."

He looked up after a second's pause. "General... Fire Team Delta reports that an enormous blast has leveled the Arcanian command post."

Ramirez grimaced. General Burnside would not be happy about this... "Get the 133rd in there, now. They are to use any means necessary to secure the area and rescue any survivors. Weapons free, target armed enemies only."

Streets of the Temple City

"Say again, Command," said Colonel Jenkins, hardly able to believe his ears.

"Colonel, the Arcanian command post has been almost totally destroyed. Your new mission is to secure the area and rescue any survivors. Weapons are free."

"Acknowledged, Command. 133rd out." He looked at his unit patch, the cross backed by the knight's helmet and chess knight... What had these fanatics done?

The tanks rumbled down the streets, picking up the pace as they raced to rescue their allies.

Arcanian command post, Ix'ador

The tanks rolled into the square, flanked by APCs. The rear hatches on the transports swung down and squads of Marine infantrymen in full combat gear jumped out and ran towards the stricken building, taking cover behind rubble and upturned pavement on the way.

Colonel Jenkins got on his external loudspeaker. "You are ordered to disperse! Get away from the building at once, or we will open fire!"
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Post by Captain tycho »

The protesters roared, and rushed into the marine lines heedlessly, egged on by the apparent Hand of God. They fought with spears, shards of metal, and even homemade explosives.
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