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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Mages may have been killed, but the bulk of the command staff was still alive and they cut through the undisip0lined mob like a whirlwind. Spells and sword working in tandum.


This was screamed by a mage and a chainlightning sprell was cast, seinging lightning cascading forth from his fingers. Striking down a massive section of the croud


Arcane archers standing on what was left of the wall opened fire, picking their targets with a deadly rain of arrows.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Captain tycho »

Between the Arcane mages and the Nashtaran marines, the mob dispersed and fled, but there were hundreds of bodies laying on the pavement.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

The Arcane dead were collected and booked. The bodies of the rebels who died were released to their families, after decapitation, their heads placed on pikes for a day or so, then those to, were released back to the families.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
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There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

"How can they twist God's word like this?" whispered Jenkins to himself. He lifted his radio.

"Weapons free, take out any threats. I do not want to see some kid shot in the back here."

The Marines lobbed stun grenades and then opened fire on the remaining chargers. Tear gas canisters flew from the APCs as the tanks moved up to menace the crowd, unwilling to open up with their chain guns or cannons on a crowd that would have a very hard time hurting them. Marines used the vehicles for cover from the advancing mob.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Karsus the only public member of the Council of Seven made a speach before the people of the Empire.

"Great people of the Arcane Empire. Now is the time to rise up to glory! Our troops have seized a very prosperous world. We freed them from a tyranical theocracy!"

The croud went nuts with love for their gloorious leader

"However, the efforts of our troops are hampered by a very vocal and well armed minority, aided by what have to be foreign operatives. We must take a stand agains these religious fanatics, these terrorist fundamentalists!"

The croud went insane, dancing lights and create sound spell going off like fireworks

"It is with a heavy heart that I have instructed our soldiers to take off the kid gloves. We must come down on these terrorist swith a mailed fist if we hope to defeat them. They cannot be won over with diplomacy, they must be culled from the population with spell and sword! "

The throng was now a writhing mass of joy! Soon the Empire would gain true power
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Bugsby »

Deep Space, near Sirius system

The Krell Convoy arrived at the rendesvous point at the appointed time. Half of the fleet was present, including the massive Aegis, to oversee that the transfer went safely. After all, the holds on the cargo velles contained the most precious cargo the Combine had ever shipped. Space distorted as the UP convoy pulled out of hyperspace, itself a large military escort. Pleasantries were exchanged quickly as the two convoys pulled up along side each other. Over the next several hours, the planetary shield systems were painstakingly loaded into the UP cargo vessels, the Krell guns on top of the UP ships in case they tried to bolt without payment.

10 hours later, the transfers were complete. The final checkouts had been made to ensure that all the equpiment was ready and fully functional. The UP commander handed over a credit chit, which the Combine leader took and uploaded. A few minutes later, the codes checked, and a funds transfer of 315 billion credits arrived in the Combine accounts spread across the client worlds. Only then did the tension between the two parties relax. The crews went to their respective ships and headed back to their home systems.

Adar Krell confirmed the funds transefer and turned to Emir al-Shad, the acting commander of Combine Fleet.

"Well, that's that, Emir. We just logged our payment. We have many side-projects to fill, and the Hephaestus Yards to pay off, of course. But a good percentage of what we just earned is going into your military budget. A good 90 billion credits."

"90 BILLION?" al-Shad asked, shocked. "That's enough for an entire fleet group."

"Indeed. I want it up as soon as possible. Combat tests against pirates have shown the amazing effectiveness of the Lance-guns. I want more Lance-class destroyers. Send an order to Hephaestus. I'm thinking... 15 Lances, 5 carriers, and 100 blue collars, and 50 harleys. Oh, and another Titan."

"Another Titan? Adar, those are supplied to us by the Client Worlds..."

"And this one will be ours. Commision CNS Nexus Defender."

"Yes, sir. It will take the shipyards at least a week to retool, and many months after that until the new fleet is ready. I will begin the standard recruitment campaign on Cadmus to obtain the crews."

"Excellent. This is coming at just the right time."

"How do you mean?"

"Don't you ever read the papers? There is war brewing out there. War and opportunity. Whatever we have left over from this, invest it back into the shipyards to increase the speed of production. I want those ships."

"As soon as possible."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Colonel Jenkins turned over to general tactical. "Medics, get out there and assist the wounded. All wounded. I want a fire team with every medic group. Go!"

"Yes, sir." The medics deployed from their vehicles, located near the back of the group. They tended wounded Marines and Arcanists first, but also helped the stricken rioters when they could. The gun cameras on the tanks were rolling the whole time...

The rioters were hauled away to detention upon treatment, however. The ones caught in the stun grenade blasts, as opposed to shooting victims, were simply loaded straight into the medivac transports and whisked away to wake up in holding cells. Marines were taken to the base hospital. The entire base was on high alert. The riot gear had been offloaded from the Mastodon and distributed right away. The Marines on the perimeter were under orders to break up any crowds gathering outside the base before they could grow large enough to threaten destruction on the previous scale.
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Post by Captain tycho »

The 1st Defense Fleet was finally being put into production. 6 Longclaw carriers would formthe core of it, with 15 Goddess primary cruisers providing the muscle. Joining the 1st DF were at least 50 Mark-II Drone Frigates, with additional weaponry and armor. Finally, a pair of Obsidian-class command ships were being commisioned to join the fleet. Analysts expected a 5-month build time for the whole fleet, plus the upgrading of the existing drone frigates.
OOC: Obsidian stats
100 heavy disruptor cannons
20 missile launchers
1,000 onboard security drones
Mark-X Tactical Coordination AI
Mark-IV Standard Ship AI
Last edited by Captain tycho on 2004-04-27 02:43am, edited 1 time in total.
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Gears of Industry turn.

Post by frigidmagi »

The fleet dropped into realspace over Crowlanding. Now the breadbasket of the Protectrates would be sheilded and secure. Relief ran through the fleet.

Meanwhile over the worlds of Lastport, Winterfree, Stormhold and New St Paul shipyards were brought up to full active status and consturction began. Everything from the smallest Mark class to the huge Rebecca class were being built. It would take much time, but the bones of a new fleet were being laid.

It was the biggest build up in U.P history.

In the underground halls of Governence verbal clashes were fought out bitterly has the budget was expanded. But what the Protector wants, he gets.
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Post by InnocentBystander »

Bugsby wrote:To: Baeloreans
From: Faran Tor

Greetings, friends! We are aware that you are new to this area of space, and therefore have not had contact with us yet. We are a mercenary power and therefore lack any true diplomatic corps, so we hope you will accept this greeting from Combine Marketing and Sales. Attached to this transmission is a copy of our standard brochure. If you ever need anything, please feel free to contact us.

P.S. Should you need any information about this area of space or any nations you may not yet have encountered, we would be willing to trade you star charts and diplomatic contacts in exchange for the same from yourself. We are well aware you are getting the better deal out of this, so consider it a friendly one-time offer to start things out on the right foot.
Tacer Drealaan smiled, he couldn’t have been more pleased.
To: Faran Tor
Subject: RE: Official Greetings

The Baeloaren Commonwealth gladly accepts your offer, and would be very interested in arranging a formal meeting to discuss your other wares in greater detail. If you are so inclined, please transmit coordinates and relative time information, along with all necessary security protocols.

Baeloaren Local Space Star Chart
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Post by Dahak »

::Datanet News Feed::

::Construction of additional escort ships and cruisers completed. Ship of the Line still under construction. For further detail, access data stream.::

::Political situation deteriorating galaxy-wide. System security stepped up.::

::Mining operations setup in System P-X018-b reaching completion. Shipping of materiel to begin in next days.::
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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Post by Darksider »

Thirdfain wrote:Krytos
System's Edge

A small swarm of Floater craft dropped in-system. They were a raggedy bunch of tramps and hollowed-out asteroids, barely spaceworthy. They were what remained of the Shadow Oasis Cluster.

A message leapt out on Hypercomm.

"This is the independent vessel "Silence." We come bearing tidings for the Krytosian emperor, and request an audiance. This matter is of the most dire importance."
"You may approach the system and dock your ships with the cluster in the asteroid belt if you wish. "Silence" has permission to approach Carulan"
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by Darksider »

frigidmagi wrote:Meanwhile back at Lastport

So the terms of the alliance are has follows:
1 An attack on one member is an attack on all members.
2 Combined operations and exerises when members see fit.
3 Sharing of intelligence when members see fit.
4 free trade between members
5 Alliance to be renewed every 25 years
6 Failure to come to the aide of other members will result in ejection from the alliance and sanictions.
7:Members may call for meetings like this one to work out futher agreement and policies. Providing all members agree upon policies.
Is this agreeable?

"Your terms are acceptable."
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by Stormbringer »

Straha wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:"I am Lieutenant Colonel Gregor Loomis, commander of the First Batallion of the Third Monacon Regiment, the "Valkyries." I am here to escort the delegation your government requested to you."

A young commodore and an honor guard of a Marines greeted them.

"Excellent. Welcome to Hugin, colonel. We'll arrange a meeting with the BuShips as soon as possible for your delegation so we can get down to business."

With a wave of his hand he indicated the troop transport.

"We'll arrange food and fuel so you can get your men to the front as soon as possible. As for yourselves, I've been sent to escort you and your men to diplomatic quarters for the meetings."

[OOC: There is no world of Valhalla, it's the system name. It's planets are Trondheim, Hugin and Mugin.]
A general walked forward, saluted, and shook the commodore's hand.

"I am major general Heinrich Brusilov and I am in charge of the entire delegation, and I would like to thank you for your logistical help with food and fuel. We have ten regiments, each roughly the size of one of your divisions, orbiting the system right now, and we have thirty more regiments scattered through space. We are prepared to take your fight as our fight. I apologize for wearing combat suits, but protocal requires us to do so here. Shall we head off then?"
"We can understand that. However I must ask that you and your men leave them behind before we get to the Admiralty. As you understand, it's against policy to allow armed foreigners in. We can stop by your diplomatic quarters if you wish."

The young commodore paused, waiting for an answer.

* * *

"Monarocan Transport, fuel lines are clear. You're clear for takeoff at any time."
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Post by Hotfoot »

Corvus System
Corvus Prime
Consortium Headquaters

A frail looking man entered into the private office of the Director of the Consortium, carrying with him a handful of datachips. The Director looked directly at him with an expectant look. “Nibbles?

The frail man handed the datachips to the Director, who immediately began scanning them and absorbing the contents, “A few bites as well. As usual, it appears your favorite Admiral managed to find out about a few of them and add a few of his own personal comments to the transmissions.”

“Really now? Good, should make for some interesting reading at least. Let whoever was responsible for that know that it is against policy, of course.”

“Naturally,” the frail man smiled. “Is there anything else?”

“Get the ball rolling. Let’s start baking a cake for our new neighbors.” The frail man left the office, and the Director continued to read the incoming transmissions, occasionally smiling as he went.

International Deep Space

The Serial Peacemaker arrived at the meeting location, alongside its escort, a small group of escort ships, three corvettes (3 AO), two frigates (2 AE), and one destroyer (1 AC). It was not much, merely a token defense force for the most part, enough to repel small time pirates hoping for a quick and easy kidnapping of foreign diplomats.

Captain Alec Matherson could see the void of space around him, spotted by the pinpricks of light signifying stars and galaxies. He could feel the presence of his escorts all around him, and he could hear the noises his ship made from within. As soon as they arrived the location, the seven captains all conferred with each other their status, and reports were sent back to a comms buoy to be relayed back to Corvus Prime.

“Captain Matherson, this is Captain Falconer, the escorts are set up in a relaxed defensive posture, and we have coordinates for the scramble points locked in. If something nasty appears, you will jump first, and we will follow, as per our orders.”

“Understood Captain Falconer. Let’s just hope it won’t need to come to that.” Alec made a mental image of crossing his fingers and sent it through the ships communications systems to Captain Falconer, resulting in a slight mental chuckle on the other end. Inside The Serial Peacemaker, final preparations were being made. The small army of diplomats were preparing to receive guests, and the lead diplomats were being given communications access. All was going according to plan so far, and everyone in the diplomatic group hoped it would stay that way.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
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Post by Thirdfain »

"You may approach the system and dock your ships with the cluster in the asteroid belt if you wish. "Silence" has permission to approach Carulan"
Krytos Star Empire

The "Silence" docked, launching a shuttle down to the planet below.

Boundman Allan el Sidayh approached the Krytos majordomo.
"I come bearing news to the Emperor. News of the most dire nature. Would you escort me unto his presence?"

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Post by lazerus »

On Vivel-4 and Carmaro, the occupation had begun.

For the Carnaroians, life was like that of the citizens on the other worlds under Jarlath's leadership. Goa'ould tractor beams and orbital weapons had been used to tear great vizzures in the earth, exposing veins of raw naquida to be mined by near-slaves. All the worlds armies were disembanded and replaced byl jaffa guards loyal only to their god. Goa'ould, armed with 'zat guns formed press-gangs, abducting many young children to be pressed into the jaffa armies. Those who resisted where either infected with a symbote, or brainwashed into loyality. In orbit, a small prefabricted station, little more then a giant platform with a lot of ring transporters, became the center from which the planet was adminstered. With the planet under Jarlath's control, all but 3 Motherships returned home.


For the Vivelians however, things were.........different. Unusally so. There, the goa'ould portrayed themselves as caring gods. Sarcofigi were used to bring back to life those killed in the inital assult (those with intact bodies). Goa'ould medical hand devices were used to heal the sick and wounded. Cargo ships, loaded with food, medical supplies, and lifespan increasing drugs arrived and started easing the suffering of the peoples midevil lifestyle.

One the ship above, the admiral and captian again talk.
This makes me sick.... Cursed the captian.
We are the ta'rae's rightfull masters, why does Jarlath have us acting like we were their servants!?
"There is more here then meets the eye Captian, observe. The assult made them fear and respect us, this will make them worship us. They will be loyal, and honored to serve us. Allredy some have asked if they can join the Jaffa. And as we mix these new recruits with out old armies, their enthusam and loyalty will prevent any revolt."
"In theroy, do you think it will work?"
"Of course.......gods don't make mistakes captian."
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Post by Marcao »

[VNN] Veithan News Network

Problems continue for Covenant occupation forces

When the Covenant of God forces were promptly defeated and their worlds occupied by elements of the Arcane Empire and other allied nations it was believed that peace and stability would soon follow. This has not been the case, as a steady stream of skirmishes between Covenant “freedom fighters” and Arcane Empire personnel struggle for control over the seized and occupied Covenant worlds. Many analysts within the Empire considered an occupation of the Covenant held worlds as “difficult, if not downright impossible due to their fanatical mentality”. When the Veithan Empire chose not to participate in the fight to remove the Covenant of God as a threat, questions were asked as to the reasons behind the decision. Now, it appears as if Veithan Government officials had remarkable foresight in avoiding the quagmire.

Arcane Empire stumbles, changes its mind about withdrawal

The Arcane Empire believed to be the heart and soul of the Covenant occupation forces surprised the galaxy when its pledge to withdraw from the Covenant held worlds it currently patrols and occupies was apparently dismissed. In a speech before the people of the Arcane Empire, Karsus the sole known member of the Arcane Empire’s council of seven announced that the Arcane Empire had freed the occupied worlds from tyranny and that the Empire would take more aggressive tactics in dealing with the occupation. The announcement was met with shock among the galaxy, as the escalation all but certainly dooms the region into a constant shadow of instability and death. Veithan analysts had mixed feelings over the announcement. “The fact that the Arcane Empire plans to stick with the occupation can be seen as a positive sign, but the labeling of the cause of their problems to a fanatical minority is the understatement of the century. The problem with the Covenant worlds is that their population is fanatic period. The Arcane Empire is going to have its hands full dealing with those people, and that is the bottom line.”

Rise in disappearances puzzles observers in occupied Covenant worlds

A steady rise in disappearances has plagued the Covenant occupied worlds. The exact reasons for the disappearances remain a mystery and investigations are hampered by the chaos of the ever-present threat of violence within these worlds. The disappearances are not considered combat deaths, as no bodies are ever discovered but he puzzling trend seems to follow spikes in combat between Arcane Empire forces and local “freedom fighters”. The majority of the disappearances revolve around young women, something that has made the local population quite paranoid about their daughters. The exact cause for the disappearances remains a mystery. Arcane forces on the ground flatly deny that there is a disappearance problem seeming totally unsympathetic to the plight of the Covenant’s people. Covenant citizens allege that their sons and daughters are taken in for questioning and never returned, others claim that their daughters simply vanish from their rooms in the middle of the night never to be seen. When asked why they thought their people were going missing, a Covenant citizen had this to say. “Look, I don’t have all the answers. These so called liberators aren’t our people, they don’t believe the same way we do. Some of us would call them infidels, some of us would call them unclean. The fact remains that they are occupying our world, and no one likes to be occupied. As to what they are doing with our young people? I don’t have the answers. Maybe they are torturing them with that devil magic of theirs, or maybe they are interrogating them or brainwashing them. They could even be feeding them to those flying lizards of theirs. All I know is that I have not seen my daughter in over two weeks. And at this point, I don’t think I ever will. I blame the Arcane Empire for all that has happened.”

International Deep Space

The ships slid from hyperspace into real space with uneasy grace, their passive sensors revealing a wealth of information which was passed on to the bridges of all three vessels. The diplomatic vessel took point, utilizing its gravity drives to good effect. Its escorts, twin Heavy Destroyers fell behind and to its sides forming an equilateral triangle which the diplomatic vessel formed the lead point. The modified diplomatic battle-cruiser was exactly two thousand meters in length, while its two escorts were a mere one thousand meters. The group accelerated towards their final destination point, the signatures of what they assumed were Ravenlock forces noted.

The captain of the “Masalashi” waited only a moment before opening a channel to the Ravenlock forces. She spoke in basic, the language of the galaxy at large. It did not have the same rhythm and flow of the Veithan tongue, nor did it have the familiarity of one mind brushing against another. Nonetheless, her speaking skills were excellent. “This is the VNS Masalashi and escorts, we carry the representatives from the Veithan Empire. We are pleased to be here, and hope that further dealings between our nations shall occur in better surroundings. My vessel is approaching on the following vectors. We request permission to send a shuttle to your ship in order so that our people may meet face to face.” The channel was kept open as the Veithan ships continued on their approach.

Eventually, the small formation settled to a stop a respectable distance from the Ravenlock taskforce. The Veithan gun ports were closed, and its targeting systems were inactive. Assuming that the permission was granted, a single shuttle left the Masalashi’s bays and accelerated towards the Ravenlock’s flagship.
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Post by Dahak »


<<As we all have seen and observed, we are now amidst an aggressive galactic environment, and it seems everyone launches huge naval build-ups,>> Admiral Ulabi, the head of the naval design bureau. <<Our little ship-building we have currently underway is tiny compared to others. In order to boost our own naval strength, BuShips and the ship-planning sub-consensus have decided to plan for a new ship class.>>
<<What kind, exactly?>> Admiral Farshaw asked.
<<We call it a Ultra-Battle-Carrier, currently tagged to be the Ragnarok-class. With 5.4 kilometer, it is larger than even the Odin-class. Simulations and probability assessments rate its offensive capabilities as 1.5 times larger than the Odin, and 1.7 times its defensive capabillities. In addition we managed to increase the fighter strength by another 20% over an Yggdrasil.>>
<<Impressive, Admiral,>> Farshaw murmured. <<I see you already have the planning stage left behind?>>
<<Yes, Milo,>> Ulabi answered. <<We need to tweak a bit around with the yards, but theoretically, we could lay its keel in the next few days.>>
<<How long will construction take?>>
<<Unfortunately, it will be longer than we feel comfortable with. Our current estimation is about 11 to 12 months. But we may streamline some weeks off of it.>>
Farshaw conferred shortly with the Empress and Consensus, and then it was decided. the [Ragnarok[/i] would be built.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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Post by Hotfoot »

Serial Peacemaker

Alec’s heart skipped a beat as the group’s linked sensor net picked up an incoming hyperspace signature. Someone was coming…but who, they couldn’t say. A hush fell over each ship in anticipation of this new race’s arrival. Memories of his father’s last transmission drifted into his thoughts…he couldn’t tell if it was his own worries, or those of the crews and diplomats. He quickly forced the thoughts from his mind by focusing at the task at hand. Not that there was much for him to do at the moment, the diplomats were the ones who would be doing most of the talking here.

As soon as the Veithan ships exited from hyperspace, a silent maelstrom of activity erupted on the sensor nets and secure comms.

“-look at size of those th-”

“-no visible weapon-”

“-assive stanc-”

“-ecieving transmissio-”

“Give the diplomats the go-ahead. We are clear for relations. Looks like we’re starting off on a new foot today,” Alec breathed a sigh of relief…and he could sense similar emotions from the rest of the group. “You are cleared for sending over a shuttle, Masalashi. This is RDS Serial Peacemaker and our escort. We are pleased to meet you, and welcome you to enjoy the hospitality of our people,” Alec could tell the diplomats winced as the ship’s name was announced on an open broadcast, but that was to be expected, and he knew what the former skipper would have to say about it. With that, the show was turned over to the diplomats on board the former flagship of the Ravenlock Fleet.

In the docking bay of the Serial Peacemaker, three diplomats and various attaches waited for the Veithan shuttle to dock. Ambassadors Kallis, Diego, and Da’Noth waited with hopeful smiles. Kallis stood in front, and in the middle, with Diego and Da’Noth to each side of him, a half-step back. Normally, in Ravenlock space, such details were not important, but one never knew just how the “first impression” would go with a telepath in the lead, especially with no advance information on the race in question. Kallis knew he was the “safe” choice, as did Diego and Da’Noth, though secretly he hoped that he and his staff wouldn’t have to bear the brunt of the negotiations.

Once the Veithan shuttle docked to the 1.5 km Flagship, each of the diplomats gave themselves a once-over to make sure they were presentable for the new peoples they were about to encounter.

“Welcome aboard the Diplomatic Flagship of the Ravenlock Consortium. I am ambassador Gerald Kallis, and these are my fellow ambassadors Roberta Diego and Lan’Or Da’Noth,” Each nodded slightly, as they were mentioned. “Miss Diego and Da’Noth are both psionically gifted, and we understand if you have any concerns with them being present during the meeting.”
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
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Post by Captain tycho »

lazerus wrote:
Captain tycho wrote:"A trade alliance would be prudent. We won't share technology, but we do have access to many valuable ores, and we have very advanced construction techniques."
"Very well, we required large amount of naquida and naquadria, as well as shipyards. In exchange we can offer precous metals, gems, raw ores, and territory.

"That seems acceptable."
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Post by lazerus »

Captain tycho wrote:
lazerus wrote:
"Very well, we required large amount of naquida and naquadria, as well as shipyards. In exchange we can offer precous metals, gems, raw ores, and territory.

"That seems acceptable."
:Shall we talk numbers?"
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Post by Marcao »

Veithan Shuttle

As the Veithan shuttle covered the stellar distance between the VNS Masalasi and the Serial Peacemaker, the diplomatic core of the Empire consisting of three individuals considered what they had learned. ~The serial peacemaker? An odd name for a diplomatic ship.~ there was the slightest hesitation before a response. ~We don’t know enough about these people to say if it is or not. It may have been a warship at some point like the Masalashi.~ there was a hesitation, thoughts considered before a response. ~you could be right, anyway we are committed now. I am grateful that we seem to be the first ones in the scene. With any luck, we will make a good impression before another power comes over and ruins the perception that all space faring nations are civilized.~

Serial Peacemaker

The shuttle arrived at its destination, slowing considerably in order to skillfully navigate itself within the foreign vessel. The Veithan shuttle like most Veithan designs had a pleasing shape, built for aesthetic reasons as much as functionality. The shuttle finally docked, galactic protocols followed before the diplomats made their way towards their counter parts. When they arrived a ripple of surprise followed by pleasure slid among the Veithan minds. There were three members of the Ravenlock apparently waiting for them. The lead Diplomat Ellana Maliar lead the way, at her right and left were two men dressed in a similar manner, the black with red trim of Veitha along with black gloves. The skin suits which had been worn earlier, had by now shifted to more proper attire for a diplomatic mission. Veithan morph-wear had its advantages.

Ellana came to a stop a polite distance before the lead representative, nodding her head before his opposite in a polite manner. She waited until he had finished before she proceeded. Her eyes glanced at his, lips parting as she began. “I am Ambassador Ellana Maliar of the Veithan Empire.” She paused for a moment, exchanging a few thoughts with her colleagues before she shook her head at ambassador Kallis. “Their presence does not disturb us, if anything it makes things far more straightforward. We are psionically gifted as well. As a matter of fact, we find it preferable to communicate in such a fashion. If your people are willing, I would prefer to communicate in such a fashion.”

Assuming that she was allowed the latitude, her words would be telepathically projected to her counterparts; the mental contact being extremely light and unaggressive, meant purely to convey thoughts and allow no liberties. ~As can be expected, I am prepared to exchange with you a great amount of basic information pertaining to my nation’s culture, history and traditions; my nation’s immediate borders and territories as well as other bits of information pertaining to my people. Knowledge is its own reward, and we are quite curious about your nation. I admit however that the time that you have chosen to reveal yourselves is far from the ideal. As I am sure that you will discover in your own, the galaxy as of the last few months has become a bit more hostile. Nonetheless, my people welcome you among the stars and look forward to establishing formal ties.~
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Post by Straha »

Stormbringer wrote:
Straha wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:"I am Lieutenant Colonel Gregor Loomis, commander of the First Batallion of the Third Monacon Regiment, the "Valkyries." I am here to escort the delegation your government requested to you."

A young commodore and an honor guard of a Marines greeted them.

"Excellent. Welcome to Hugin, colonel. We'll arrange a meeting with the BuShips as soon as possible for your delegation so we can get down to business."

With a wave of his hand he indicated the troop transport.

"We'll arrange food and fuel so you can get your men to the front as soon as possible. As for yourselves, I've been sent to escort you and your men to diplomatic quarters for the meetings."

[OOC: There is no world of Valhalla, it's the system name. It's planets are Trondheim, Hugin and Mugin.]
A general walked forward, saluted, and shook the commodore's hand.

"I am major general Heinrich Brusilov and I am in charge of the entire delegation, and I would like to thank you for your logistical help with food and fuel. We have ten regiments, each roughly the size of one of your divisions, orbiting the system right now, and we have thirty more regiments scattered through space. We are prepared to take your fight as our fight. I apologize for wearing combat suits, but protocal requires us to do so here. Shall we head off then?"
"We can understand that. However I must ask that you and your men leave them behind before we get to the Admiralty. As you understand, it's against policy to allow armed foreigners in. We can stop by your diplomatic quarters if you wish."

The young commodore paused, waiting for an answer.
"We understand, and that would be wonderful, assuming we can bring our side-arms?"
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Captain tycho »

lazerus wrote:
Captain tycho wrote:
lazerus wrote: *poke*

"That seems acceptable."
:Shall we talk numbers?"
"Our processing methods are quite advanced. How about 2500 tons in turn for a single system of your choice?"
Captain Tycho!
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