Kirk Starkiller (working title) A B5/TOS Crossover

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Post by NovaSolaria »

Very interesting TOS/B5 crossover story. Would like to see more chapters written.
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Post by Melkor »

Are there any plans to finish this?
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Post by Uraniun235 »

This is great shit and I want more.

I love the references to the Star Fleet Technical Manual done by Franz Joseph (and I suspect that the Dreadnought type, Federation class starship is the "controversial" ship mentioned earlier), as well as the names of the Fed starships (Exeter, Hathaway, Oberth).

I personally don't think it would serve to have any appearances from the 24th century at all... I say let Kirk and co. handle things.

And I loved the abrupt turn of tide in the Fed-Minbari battle. I can't wait to see just what "Condition Omega" entails.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

Uraniun235 wrote:This is great shit and I want more.

I love the references to the Star Fleet Technical Manual done by Franz Joseph (and I suspect that the Dreadnought type, Federation class starship is the "controversial" ship mentioned earlier), as well as the names of the Fed starships (Exeter, Hathaway, Oberth).

I personally don't think it would serve to have any appearances from the 24th century at all... I say let Kirk and co. handle things.

And I loved the abrupt turn of tide in the Fed-Minbari battle. I can't wait to see just what "Condition Omega" entails.
i close on the house last week of may. the computer that contains the next chapter will be up shortly thereafter. posting of that already complete chapter will follow.
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Post by SpecWar826 »

Man I was getting worried for a minute there cause I want to see this finished I like how this story is using Kirk's era more militaristic which is how I like it.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

i'm easing back into the story. more to come soon.

Starfleet Command San Francisco Earth

Bill Cartwright sat in silence as the Admiralty filed into the large, Spartan conference room. He knew the loss of two, possibly four starships and their full crews could very well end his career. It was after all his orders that sent them into a trap. Kirk was a media darling as usual. The press was already portraying him as the brilliant commander who saved the Enterprise and Yeltsin from certain death at the hands of a numerically superior foe. Even the Vulcan contingent was satisfied by his restraint. Now that was a first… The Vulcans praising Jim Kirk for not shooting at someone.

Perhaps he could use this opportunity. Certainly after such a blatant attack even the doves on Vulcan and Betazed would see that the Federation was in dire straits. A more aggressive policy is justified. While Jim Kirk was the perfect figurehead, and a more than competent commander, someone else was needed, someone to work behind the scenes. He needed someone who wouldn’t mind getting his hands dirty, perhaps even relish in the task at hand.

Bill Cartwright let a slight smile cross his face. His dear friend Commodore Sheppard would have to delay his pet project… that little jaunt to the Klingon moon. It’s too bad, it was a brilliant idea put forward by Sheppard and his ‘Panther Squadron’ but there will be plenty of time for Praxis once the task at hand is complete.

The C in C took his place at the head of the conference table and the briefing began. Cartwright sat back, waiting for his chance to plant the seed.

USS Bismark Flagship of Panther Squadron 2 light-years from Klingon Neutral Zone

Commodore Mark Sheppard sat in his office adjacent to the bridge. His Federation class dreadnaught, the Bismark was one of the few ships in the fleet to have such an arrangement. The ready room it was called, an addition made after the several in the class saw a refit at the Archer Fleet Yards. The result of the refit was impressive to many and downright scary to others. Sheppard even managed to pull the right strings in San Francisco and had his ship, the former USS Star League, renamed.

A Full sixteen ships saw a refit. Seven of which carried the black logo of Panther squadron. Gone were the ruby red tipped warp nacelles. In their place were elongated versions of the new Federation advanced nacelle system typical of the Miranda and Refit Constitution classes. Twin glowing blue defector arrays accentuated the primary hull and the massive Mark V photon torpedo pods gave her once graceful neck a bloated armored look. Coupled with her new type VI phaser arrays and shield grids that rivaled those of a small starbase, the Bismark represented the pinnacle of Starfleet weapons technology.

A chime disturbed Commodore Sheppard, causing him to snap the fragile superstructure of the vintage model naval warship he was affixing to the wall of his office.

“Goddammit” He gingerly placed the model on his desk. “What is it Lieutenant?”

“Starfleet Command sir. It’s a priority one transmission.” The nervous, disembodied voice replied.

“Very well. On my screen.” Sheppard sat down, straightened his uniform and the federation symbol on the screen before him vanished, and was replaced by the face of Bill Cartwright. “Bill! You crotchety old prick, I figured it was just a matter of time before I heard from you. Seeing that Jimmy Kirk got his ass kicked on that little adventure you sent him on down the rabbit hole.”

“As usual you have quite the way with words, Mark.” Cartwright deadpanned. “Sorry if I don’t share your morbid sense of humor.”

“Nobody’s perfect Bill.”

“If you’re finished? Very well. You and your task group are to immediately report to the Barnard’s Star System. We are in need of heavier units to shore up the fleet in the short term, and in the longer term your unique services will be required. Admiral Berger and his group will take your place along the Neutral Zone to keep the Klingons at bay.”

“Berger? That goddamn space hippie?” Sheppard’s disgust was overflowing “Why not just let the Klingons guard the neutral zone for us?”

“For Christ’s Sake Sheppard, This is serious! All projects are on hold and you and you whole group better be at the rendezvous point in thirty-six hours! I’m sending you the Intel now. Cartwright out!”

The screen blinked out and was replaced by Cartwright’s tactical report and Sheppard’s orders for the upcoming mission. At that point Sheppard’s eyes widened. “Holy shit... and he thinks I’m fucking crazy?”

EDIT: 6/10/04 Continuation of Chapter

Space Station Regula One Mutara Sector

“Well, I think we’ve crammed every bit of data we can into the memory banks” Dr. Carol Marcus announced triumphantly.

“Perhaps next time I’ll have to design a larger computer” Her son Dr. David Marcus replied with a cheerful chuckle.

The Genesis project was ready for the third and final stage of its development; a live test on an existing dead planet. Well, If Starfleet would get of it’s collective ass and find a suitable planet, they could. Trouble is the Reliant was supposed to report on the suitability of Ceti Alpha 6 several days ago, and as of yet they have heard nothing. That was fine by David Marcus. His resentment of the starfleeters was well known.

“Ken I’m getting concerned” Carol turned from her workstation “ See if you can’t get a hold of someone at Starfleet Command on the Hyper Channel. I’d like to know what the hell is taking the Reliant so long.”

“Carol.” The lanky Dr. Ken Nigata replied. “For some reason Hyper Channel is off line. It’s almost as if we are being jammed somehow. Perhaps increased activity in the nebula…wait a minute!”

Dr Marcus perplexed by her colleague’s bewilderment stepped over to his station only to see her worst nightmare realized. Seven federation starships, no warships, of the Dreadnaught class were now bearing down on her station. The swirling gasses of the Mutara Nebula trailed behind them like the contrails of centuries old atmospheric craft. Starfleet has finally come. Their intent for Genesis was now clear.”

A familiar whine filled the room. It was a sound that every Federation citizen recognized. The Genesis torpedo disappeared in a column sparkling light. The Computer control console was next. Carol Marcus sat in her chair and began to sob. David Marcus on the other hand fumed, angrily cursing the Starfleet thieves over hailing frequencies. Before he could fully weave his tapestry of obscenity, a lone Klingon D7-A battle cruiser decloaked and silenced the brash young scientist with a hail of torpedo and disrupter fire.

The unarmed station was quickly and methodically reduced to twisted metal and hot gas. As quickly as it had appeared the eighth member of Panther Squadron disappeared and took it’s place in the battle line. Moments later her companions disappeared as well into the swirling maelstrom of the Mutara Nebula.

Aboard the bridge of the Bismarck, her Andorian Captain turned to his squadron commander. “Was that really necessary Shep? Bringing the whole squadron out like that? We could have been identified.”

“The only ones who identified us, dear Captain Theski, were Carol Marcus and her silly cohorts.” Commodore Sheppard sat motionless. “Besides, I owed her a favor. It will appear to all concerned that Klingon raiders destroyed the station. Helmsman, when we clear the nebula set a course for the Barnard’s Star system, warp factor 7. Captain, you have the bridge while I investigate the latest addition to our arsenal.”

With that, Commodore Mark Sheppard stepped into the turbolift and the bridge crew breathed a collective sigh of relief. All of the members of Panther Squadron were Federation Special Operations, and loyalty was paramount. However, there were often times when their commanding officer just plain scared the shit out of them. This one of those times.
Last edited by Col. Crackpot on 2004-06-10 02:48pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by NecronLord »

Praxis? Are you telling us Cartwright blew Praxis up? :shock: :D
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

NecronLord wrote:Praxis? Are you telling us Cartwright blew Praxis up? :shock: :D
:twisted: in my universe he did. or more accurately he secretly ordered a rather scary Commodore named Mark Sheppard to blow Praxis up.
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Post by Comosicus »

Col. Crackpot wrote:
NecronLord wrote:Praxis? Are you telling us Cartwright blew Praxis up? :shock: :D
:twisted: in my universe he did. or more accurately he secretly ordered a rather scary Commodore named Mark Sheppard to blow Praxis up.
Does the name have any connections with some one on this board? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Xon »

Nice chapter. Great to see this being continued!
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Post by NecronLord »

Col. Crackpot wrote: :twisted: in my universe he did. or more accurately he secretly ordered a rather scary Commodore named Mark Sheppard to blow Praxis up.
Wait a moment.

You're unleashing Shep with a flag rank on the Minbari? In the Beginning really got to you didn't it? I'd hate to see what he'd do to captives... :shock:
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

NecronLord wrote:
Col. Crackpot wrote: :twisted: in my universe he did. or more accurately he secretly ordered a rather scary Commodore named Mark Sheppard to blow Praxis up.
Wait a moment.

You're unleashing Shep with a flag rank on the Minbari? In the Beginning really got to you didn't it? I'd hate to see what he'd do to captives... :shock:
::cackles wickedly::
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Post by BoredShirtless »

Not bad Crackers. Not bad at all! :)
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Post by NecronLord »

Col. Crackpot wrote:::cackles wickedly::
"This my little bone headed friend is a (Insert horrible insect) they're flesh eaters. They also like blood. Fortunately, your blood will do. Wouldn't you like to see what they do when they want to chew their way out of your intestines?"

*miniature transporter wheeled in.*
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Post by SpecWar826 »

Hey I love it especially the implication that Cartright had a hand in Praxis going BOOM BOOM :twisted:
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Post by Xon »

NecronLord wrote:You're unleashing Shep with a flag rank on the Minbari? In the Beginning really got to you didn't it? I'd hate to see what he'd do to captives... :shock:
That implies there is enough of the Minbari ships left to capture an actual Minbari intact.

Might take a few waves till they finally get around from slaughtering all of them to actually capturing one of them for intel.
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Post by NecronLord »

ggs wrote: Might take a few waves till they finally get around from slaughtering all of them to actually capturing one of them for intel.
This is Shep. He'd probably do it to Minbari civvies. 8)
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Post by Uraniun235 »

Mmm... more!
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Post by paladin3030 »

So when are you going to finish the story?
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Post by SpecWar826 »

:Points up towards the top of the thread:

He said he would try to get back into it after he closes on his house some time during the last week of May
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

i added quite a bit to finish the most recent chapter ... so go back and read it!
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Post by Xon »

I like it :D
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

ggs wrote:I like it :D
good. also you'll get to see a lot more of Starfleet's dark side soon.
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Post by NecronLord »

The Minbari are so very fucked now...

I feel for them. Really.

It's not as if Shep would wait half a second before wiping out the Minbari homeworld...
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Post by consequences »

NecronLord wrote:The Minbari are so very fucked now...

I feel for them. Really.

It's not as if Shep would wait half a second before wiping out the Minbari homeworld...
Sure he would, to make sure that the video cameras were on, so he could relive the obliteration in glorious slow motion as often as he wanted too.
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