Spawn Killing/Base Camping.

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Do you spawn kill in MP games?

Yes I do. (I suck.)
No I do not.( I have honor.)
Total votes: 31

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Post by Trytostaydead »

Mr Bean wrote:Spawn killing is more the fault of the game designer not relizing that poping people out in the open is a bad thing, players will take advantage of anything you give them and you must take into that into consideration anytime you take a mp game
I agree. And in any battle, you do what you can to win.. there's no geneva convention of multi-playing.

But how about those linear assault maps? Where snipers can comb the forts/beaches/whatever and snipe spawns as well?

Why would spawn killing be bad when attacking a fortification? Very few of your team will make it in, so create as much havoc and buy time for your team to complete the objective.
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Post by Alyeska »

Lagmonster wrote:
Pablo Sanchez wrote:As for the people who say it's alright because it works... If you were playing a PS2 game with your friend, would you yank his controller out of the socket at the critical moment? Fuck no, though it works.
You've got to be kidding. There's a huge difference between yanking out someone's controller and hanging around a spawn point with a grenade launcher. Cheating isn't the same as playing the game according to the rules, however weaselly the tactics. You might as well suggest that it's the same as getting the victory by reaching over and sticking a knife in the guy's dick. If something is a permissable tactic within the rules of the game, and you don't like it, blame the game designer or set up your own server with your own rules. It's not impossible to find a server for any game that prohibits spawn camping with kick punishments.
This does not change the fact that spawn camping is not a valid tactic unless the point of the game is to take over the enemy base. Battle Field can have valid spawn camping in those bases and any Tribes game set to Defend & Destroy spawn camping is valid. But for the vast majority of games or game rules, spawn camping is NOT A VALID TACTIC.

How the fuck do you expect to play a game when you die almost instantly upon spawning? What fucking fun is a game when the enemy steals all your vehicles and is hanging around your base wasting you before you get a chance to do anything? Look at it from the flip side. These games are supposed to have some semblance of fun. How fucking fun is it when you can't do jack shit? In Tribes whenever one team steamrolles the other and just camps the base for the rest of the game, I just leave. Theres no fucking point. No skill, no playing. All your doing is sticking it up their asses.
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Post by Alyeska »

Trytostaydead wrote:
Mr Bean wrote:Spawn killing is more the fault of the game designer not relizing that poping people out in the open is a bad thing, players will take advantage of anything you give them and you must take into that into consideration anytime you take a mp game
I agree. And in any battle, you do what you can to win.. there's no geneva convention of multi-playing.

But how about those linear assault maps? Where snipers can comb the forts/beaches/whatever and snipe spawns as well?

Why would spawn killing be bad when attacking a fortification? Very few of your team will make it in, so create as much havoc and buy time for your team to complete the objective.
There is a diffence between spawn camping and supporting an assault. Especialy if the map is one where you are supposed to attack the enemy. Spawn camping is when you STAY at their base after you've capped the flag (or whatever it is) and constantly kill the enemy the moment they spawn and continue doing this for a length of time.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Alyeska wrote:
There is a diffence between spawn camping and supporting an assault. Especialy if the map is one where you are supposed to attack the enemy. Spawn camping is when you STAY at their base after you've capped the flag (or whatever it is) and constantly kill the enemy the moment they spawn and continue doing this for a length of time.
What's wrong with that? :D

What's even better is if friendly-fire is ON and the admin is away and you camp at your base capping your teammates.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Trytostaydead wrote:
Alyeska wrote:
There is a diffence between spawn camping and supporting an assault. Especialy if the map is one where you are supposed to attack the enemy. Spawn camping is when you STAY at their base after you've capped the flag (or whatever it is) and constantly kill the enemy the moment they spawn and continue doing this for a length of time.
What's wrong with that? :D

What's even better is if friendly-fire is ON and the admin is away and you camp at your base capping your teammates.
Remind me to never, ever play with you.
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Post by Lagmonster »

Alyeska wrote:But for the vast majority of games or game rules, spawn camping is NOT A VALID TACTIC.
It's valid, but it's not sportsmanlike.

I WILL agree that different games toe the line on what is and what isn't reasonable spawn camping - though in games like UT:2004 Onslaught and BF:1942 there's not much to do after taking the last flag except wander into the enemy base and raze it to the ground, and I don't think I've played any games where it became intollerable; in most CTF games a base rape meant that the game was over after a few unopposed flag caps, and in any checkpoint game it meant a quick death from ticket loss. I can see it being annoying in team deathmatch, but what are your teammates doing while you're being sniped each spawn? In order to be REALLY annoying, the entire enemy team has to be in on the camping; one lonely camper will be quickly brought down by any team working together no matter how good he is.

Your Tribes example raises a question, though; if, say, early in a game, a force manages to hit their enemy base *specifically* to neutralize their motor pool or knock out their generators or pin down reinforcements, is that a bad thing, or a smart battle tactic?
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Post by Lagmonster »

Trytostaydead wrote:What's even better is if friendly-fire is ON and the admin is away and you camp at your base capping your teammates.
See, now for THAT, I'd stick a knife in your dick. But that's MY problem, not yours, hence I play on servers that autokick people who teamkill on purpose. In fact, I select servers specifically based on whether they play using the rules that I'm comfortable with, so I don't *have* to start sharpening my dick-stabbing knives.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
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Post by Trytostaydead »

Lagmonster wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:What's even better is if friendly-fire is ON and the admin is away and you camp at your base capping your teammates.
See, now for THAT, I'd stick a knife in your dick. But that's MY problem, not yours, hence I play on servers that autokick people who teamkill on purpose. In fact, I select servers specifically based on whether they play using the rules that I'm comfortable with, so I don't *have* to start sharpening my dick-stabbing knives.
Yeah, I hate that autokick option. It's the greatest dicked up thing in the world to do, especially with a friend when you're all in a PC cafe and laughing like maniacs. Though my favorite tactic if there is an autokick option is to go up to a teammate and cap in the leg and arms a couple of times to knock their power down all the way without killing them and make them kill me and then get kicked.

Ah, joie de vivre.

But in all seriousness, I only go on a TK hunt if I'm in a PC cafe with just like 10-15 minutes left to play.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Lagmonster wrote:You've got to be kidding. There's a huge difference between yanking out someone's controller and hanging around a spawn point with a grenade launcher. Cheating isn't the same as playing the game according to the rules, however weaselly the tactics.
Here's a quick guide for you: If what you're doing in the game would earn you a beating if your victims were face to face with you, then it isn't cricket.
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Post by Spyder »

I as a rule do not. However sometimes it is unavoidable when fetching the flag, especially on maps where there are heavy weapons around the spawn point. That being said, I do make a note to only be in the enemy base long enough to get the flag and get out, not like various little retards that like to charge into the enemy base then linger there.
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