Shouted the lead goa'ould as the last of the equipment was loaded into the tunnel. His last act before leaping into the tunnel himself, was to leave a small metal sphere in the floor.
Once inside the tunnel, they grew a new horizontal one and then colapsed the vertical one with staff weapons.
"Allright, be ready for teleporters to arrive in the tunnel.......but close quarters, with us ready........ "
On the surfase, arcane poliece charged in and found an empty house.......almost.
And the entire building was consumed in the huge fireball of an naquida explosion.
It was just an incendiary bomb, and the energy buffer spells protected them from the worst of it… But the seer had seen a horizontal tunnel… And the Combat mage had a teleportation spell prepared.
They transported into the tunnel, swords drawn, with a Light Spell active. They could see like it was daylight and had a contingency spell in place to transport them back to base if their mind was altered or controlled in any way. Or if they were seriously injured or incapacitated.
The Gnomish Mage blades were ready for close quarters combat, and were the perfect height.
(Remember, these are operative who specialize in terrorist actions vs. Professional soldiers)
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/ Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Freeman Nobunaga sighed with something akin to relief. He had headed for Sol expecting a relaxing stay and trademeet with the small groups of local Unbound, perhaps followed by a lucrative voyage out to Skaven space- and then he had had the thrice-damned Arcane Empire send a voidsucking WARFLEET after his people! It was unbelievable. Frankly, the idea of a quiet few weeks in a Monacoran courthouse or military review board seemed welcoming.
<< Terra, we are about as stood down as we could possibly be right now. We have been attacked by these monsters in your territory after showing up legally in the Sol system for trading purposes. As for their claims of "Piracy," well, this Cluster has always belonged exclusively to the Inashi Floaters, and we reserve the right to impound whatever we please that's brought on to our cluster.>>
<< Oh, yeah, and we, uh, submit to boarding and questioning. I'm confident you'll find that we were operating legally.>>
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2004-04-28 12:33pm, edited 1 time in total.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
++It was NOT an incendiary bomb, it was HE. Also, before you shout about how many HP these guys have, just because YOU use the D&D system, don't mean everybody else does. If your shot in the face, your dead no matter what level you are.++
As the gnomes teleported in, they were dead or teleported away before the glow of the spell faded.
They may have been short and skilled combat troops, but the goa'ould had just been pointing their weapons at the points where a teleporter would arrive from, waiting to pull the trigger.
The horozontal tunnel was short, so a mere 6 combat makes could teleport in to the tunnel that was packed with agents. The first caught a staff-weapon bolt in the face and was dead before the spell carried him away. Two more got hit with a 'zat gun, but where carried away before the killing blow could be delivered.
The remaining three charged in, but discovered that Swords Vs Goa'ould hand devices dosnt' work very well. The telekenitic fields threw them into the sharp walls of the tunnel crystals, and although it was not a mortal blow, they were badly hurt enough that they vanished in a wave of light.
The goa'ould leader created a new tunnel headed for the surfase, and while they scrabeld up it, climbing nearly as fast as the tunnel formed, they dropped three of the golden bombs down in the hold hoizontal tunnel.
Risha su Miitgar read the latest report, and sighed. "Looks like the jig is up, brothers and sisters. We can't fight this."
A roar of disapproval went up from her council of mujahdeen.
"No, no- we really have no choice. We'll go to ground, and work as good little citizens for the time being. Our work has gone as far as we can expect it to in these circumstances, and the revolt will carry on. It will be a long time until the Arcanists can expect to turn this planet in to a jolly, accepting part of their empire. We've succeeded there. Now, we just need to survive."
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
The private thoughts that were exchanged between members of the Veithan delegation all revolved around a similar path. The Ravenlock diplomats certainly seemed to be a friendly bunch, and that was remarkably refreshing. The smile that appeared on Kallis` face was appreciated for as long as it lasted. Ellana’s attention fully upon the diplomat as she nodded, Diego’s mental image noted and appreciated. It took a bit of work, for the technique was similar but not exact to those in their experience. Nonetheless, Ellana wanted Kallis to participate in the negotiations so the extra work was warranted. It took a bit of time, but it was done.
Diego’s thoughts were easily heard, Ellana’s thoughts responding a second later. ~Then we are in agreement. I am certain that both our nations will find many things of interest in both our nations.~ There was silence as Da`Noth spoke, a quick exchange of thoughts taking place between the Veithans before Ellana nodded. ~please, lead the way.~ As the Ravenlock diplomats led, the Veithans followed their eyes darting about as they took in to absorb all that their surroundings offered. ~It would seem that the Ravenlock share our own philosophy of not letting warships go to waste.~ The thought was a silk whisper in Ellana’s mind, her response a mirror image of that mental touch. ~So it seems, it is a prudent choice. This is going better than I had expected, I like this kind of surprises.~
when the delegation finally arrived upon what they assumed was their destination they all took a moment to admire the surroundings. They were brought out of their reverie by the words of Da`Noth the response immediate. ~that is very thoughtful, although we should be fine in either regard.~ her head turned, glancing towards the table where the containers a soft smile upon her lips. ~Our diets are not as unusual as you may think.~ The Veithans were still human for the most part, although generations of genetic engineering were slowly but surely starting to change that. When the seats meant for them were identified, all three members walked as one and sat down upon the table opposite their counterparts.
As Kallis began to call up a few files from his data terminal, Veithan eyes slid down towards them. The representative to Ellana’s right produced a single data storage device. It took mere moments to realize that the formats were not exactly compatible, thoughts exchanged between the Veithan delegations. Ellana’s eyes sliding towards Kallis as she nodded. ~I can understand the desire to be left alone at times. However, you are correct in pointing out that sometimes in order to affect change one must be willing to actively engage others.~ Ellana’s head turned towards Da`Noth an answer offered moments later. ~It is a worthy goal Da`Noth. We of the Veithan Empire wish that you succeed and that you find others that are like minded. Conflict is more of a burden than a reward, galactic stability would be a welcome change; although things seem as if they will get worse before they get better.~
Silence dominated the conference for a few seconds before the information exchange was offered, a moment’s hesitation surrounding the Veithan delegation before Ellana’s thoughts danced along the Ravenlock representative’s minds. ~We appreciate the offer of clarification. We brought all the relevant information, however it does not seem as if our data storage formats are identical. It is likely that you would be able to decipher the formats given time, but it would lose immediate impact and this exchange would be one sided. As such, I request your permission to send one of my aids back to our shuttle and retrieve the necessary equipment. It was an oversight in our part…~ her thoughts were guarded, but hints at embarrassment flickered through. Assuming that permission was granted, one of her aids would stand from the table and leave the conference back towards the shuttle. He would wait until a proper escort was summoned if that was something the Ravenlock personnel wished. After all, having a stranger wandering through the decks of their vessel was something most nations would not allow.
As her aid walked back towards the shuttle Ellana concentrated on the information provided her for her. She did not have the time to go over every minute detail at length, and thus was primarily skimming through most of the information slowing to digest various bits of information. This information would be made available to her eventually, she could read it at her leisure in the future. She noticed that like most great nations, the Ravenlock had been defined in some ways by a period of warfare. The information about the society of the Ravenlock was noted, a corporate run state. She could see advantages and disadvantages, the technological levels shared were basic. She fully expected that the Ravenlock were sharing just enough to satisfy her people’s curiousity but it painted an image. It was when she reached the Dra`kol that she blinked, an eyebrow arching in the first break of her pleasant but guarded diplomatic posture. ~The Dra`kol are a most intriguing people. I do not believe we have encountered any race whose biology is both psionically active and capable of changing shapes.~ The Dra`kol were certainly something to consider. A moment after the thought had formed, she felt the mental presence of her aid approaching. Her head tilting back as she looked over her shoulder. Within five seconds her aid entered the room holding something in his hands.
~Ah, we are ready to begin now.~ The aid placed the device before her and took his seat, the storage device slid into position before the holo-projector was activated. The information was projected in the air above the device, the image quality being surprisingly sharp for the methodology involved. Like their counter parts the information offered to them was basic, revolving around overviews. On the other hand, it contained a bit more raw data. The Veithan society was overviewed, their system of law and order, images of various locations of interest some tourist attractions, while others held historical significance. The technology levels of the Empire were touched upon in the same vagueness that all nations employed. There were a handful of music songs and literature writings scattered through out, an actual taste of Veitha. The final aspect of the data shared however, were copies of newscasts from multiple nations over a period of the last four months. Ellana’s eyes sought out those of Kallis before her thoughts were whispered against his mind. ~We took the liberty of offering you a glance at the current galactic scene. The various newscasts are shown in their entirety. They had not been edited, as you yourselves will be able to ascertain when you make contact with some of these nations. There are four Veithan months worth of recorded broadcasts. I am certain that your people will put them to good use.~
Alyrium Denryle wrote:"This form of naval law has existed for even longer than the Peace of Terra. The Pheonecians on earth had laws such as these against piracy before centuries before the birth of your christ. If you are going to argue that the age of a law matters at all, Naval law trumps the Peace of Terra.
We will power down our shipboard weapons, as we are not using them, however we will not submit to boarding, and any action taken to interfere will be met with deadly force. Once we have boarded their ship and taken back our documents, we will leave your system, not before. However, we are willing to send our Political Commisar aboard one of your vessels to explain the situation.
Besides, it isnt as if they would sumbit to boarding anyway. We would end up working together just for you to board their cluster"
"You see, we could care less of antique laws, either way you are violating the Peace of Terra. Now let me make this absolutley crystal clear, if you do not power down your weapons, and submit to a boarding action and ivestigation we will take your actions as a declaration of war against Monacora and all Earth bound powers, and you will pay the price.
"The floaters have already powered down and our marines are begining to dock with them. This is your last warning, power down and submit to boarding or there will be war."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
++Lets just cut off any potential godmoding arguements and end this now, this was going to happen anyway. Also, please bear in mind that although you would be stupid not to have suspicions, you don' have any tangible evidence that goa'ould were behind it.++
One of the gou'ld agents pulls out a high-powered transmitter as the sprinting agents near the surfase. All over the planet, goa'ould cell leaders listen in.
"Attention all units, command cell is defunct. I repeat, defunct. Escape impossible. Do not attempt to tunnel your way out. Initatie Protocal 021........good luck."
The leader pulls out one of the suicide bombs and presses the button, with all the naquida from the goulds equipment in close proximity, a chain reaction is formed. Anyone and everyone in the tunnel was killed instantly, moments before the tunnel collapsed.
All over the planet Goa'ould cells went into mode 21, best explained as "Sit around and do nothing until the enimey thinks you arn't there." They avoided security checkpoints at all costs, going around them if they could, not entering that part of the city if they couldn't. For food and supplies, they used their brainwashing equipment on some unlucky sap, or simply paid messenger and delivery people.
"The floaters have already powered down and our marines are begining to dock with them. This is your last warning, power down and submit to boarding or there will be war."
'With all due respect my friend, our troops in the inner parts of their cluster are still being fired upon. Our shipboard weapons are powered down, however, we still intend to secure our documents. With or without your permission. Our Admiral will meet you in a conference room, however, we cannot allow these pirates to excape simply by entering Earth space. Unless you want your home system to become a SAFE HAVEN for pirate scum, we must be allowed to engage and destroy pirates that steal our property. If you manage to get to our documents before we do, and if you do not relinquish them, WE will consider it an act of war. And we have a very careful catalogue of what is missing."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/ Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
"Sir, we have intercepted a transmission from the locationof that massive explosion." A lowly seer apprentice said to his master, Lord Kelner
"Oh how fortunate(High powered transmissions have that problem.. interception. It wasnt even stated to be encrypted, how nice)"
"Attention all units, command cell is defunct. I repeat, defunct. Escape impossible. Do not attempt to tunnel your way out. Initatie Protocal 021........good luck."
"Looks like we took out their command cell" said the apprentice
"Another will replace it." said lord Kelner
"What was that volitile metal they used?"
"I dont know... But its signature is very disdinctive, and we managed to get samples. Explosions are almost never 100% efficient. We should be able to detect it from now on, provided the Gnome Thaumaturgests can develope a detection spell and get it to us within a few days.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/ Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
It had grow quite in the temple city. There were still lines of citizens waiting to register at the various post. Several raids had seized a number of weapons that were plainly of offworld make. One of the troops ships had it's cargo bay turned into a holding area with prefab walls. There were a number of gentlemen there. Black Jack was was happy, phase 1 was almost over.
"How long until every citizen is registered?" He asked Colenal Tam
"We can understand that. However I must ask that you and your men leave them behind before we get to the Admiralty. As you understand, it's against policy to allow armed foreigners in. We can stop by your diplomatic quarters if you wish."
The young commodore paused, waiting for an answer.
"We understand, and that would be wonderful, assuming we can bring our side-arms?"
"I'm afraid not. No weapons are allowed in the Admiralty period. Even during the heyday of the New Beijing Alliance we didn't allow armed foriegners in. I'm genuinly sorry but it's policy I'm not allowed to break or even bend."
The commodore really did look contrite. He wouldn't dream of bringing weapons into the Admiralty but he didn't wish to offend their guests.
[PS: Straha, is your transport going to stay sitting on the pad?]
To: Ousters
From: Asgard Foreign Office
Sub: Elections
It is the hope of His Majesties government that you will be holding the promised elections soon. You'll understand it is simply our concern that they be held soon so as to head off any number of problems.
Recent reports state that around 40 to 50% of the terrorist network as been captured or killed in the last 4 days. Also a surprising amount of offworld weapons has been captured, leading key figures to state that the likeyhood of the terrorist being funded and controled by outside interest is high. Meanwhile over 67% of the native population has been registered and given I.D cards. No citizen in the occuipation zone is to leave home without their card, which gives off an electronic singnal allowing for swift I.D and tracking.
The News at Home.
Due to the reactivation of the orbital shipyards and newly opened avenues of trade, unemployment is at an all time low. However recent cost incurred by the federal government has lead to a raise in inflation, coupled with a record tax increase. The department of Commerence assures us that this is a small hiccup that will self correct itself.
New Divisions to be activated!
It was declared today that 2 new army divisions and a single marine divison would be created as part of the armed forces expansion plan. For additional news press enter.
The senate meeting had gone as planned and the senate authorized the production of a dozen Homeworld class Battlecruisers to replace to aging Classics. Some days later Tacer Drealaan sent the senate a data package along with a brief message.
"Esteemed members of the Homeworld Senate, I have been in contact with an alien merchant group for some time and have procured a number of star charts and a database of most galactic nations in "known space". The most prevalent race in the galaxy are a species called “Humans”, they are bipedal mammal, not unlike the Baeloaren worker. While presently they are divided throught all of known space their homeworld is a planet they call “Earth”, the third planet in the Sol System. All this information and more can be found within my report. But it is my opinion that it is unsafe to remain an individual power in this galaxy, there are strength in numbers; we need friends.” the message ended.
The following day the Homeworld Senate met to discuss the data sent by Drealaan.
A young senator from Mirdana was the first to speak, “Senators, I would propose we authorize Senator Drealaan to open diplomatic relations with the Human homeworld.” murmuring could be heard back and forth for a few seconds before Senator Leenhau spoke.
“Senators, I must disagree, these humans seem to have a great appetite for war, if we are to ally ourselves with them, it is likely we will be drawn into one of their wars.” again whispers went through the senate. The next to speak was an elderly senator from Aquiline.
“Senator Leenhau, I am forced to disagree with your statement, we have joined the galaxy as outsiders, aliens. As a non human power it is very likely we will be the target of these human wars. Good senator, we need friends, we can no longer remain in anonymity. We should choose our friends, for presently we have that option, open trade with them, better ourselves. If war will come, it will come whether we remain in the shadows or not; and friends would certainly aid us in any war that is to come!” he spoke with great authority, though he had not held his position as long as Leenhau, he was well respected. The senators cheered, they hade made up their minds; Senator Leenhau brooded grimly, the senate structure, she admitted, didn’t always work in her favor.
To: Human Homeworld, “Earth”, or its sovereign nation
From: Baeloaren Commonwealth Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Diplomatic talks
Greetings to the rulers of the Human homeworld, the Baeloaren Commonwealth wishes to open diplomatic talks with the hopes of establishing peaceful relations. A Baeloaren diplomat is currently en route to the Sol System to open talks, if you are so inclined.
End of Message
The diplomats from the Nasthtar Repubic, Empire of Gladsheim and Arcanian Empire had been waiting on one of Bael’s orbital stations for some hours now; the storms around New Garid had intensified greatly and it was unsafe to travel. While the abamssadors didn’t know it, but the planet’s weather management and control systems were focused on diverting all storms from the region around the Capital Archology. The first ship of the Homeworld class was being presented in front of the Homeworld Senate, it was a tradition of sorts. The effect was that the area around the capital was, for some hours, not a raging dust storm; the downside of course being that storms all over the planet, particularly on the same hemisphere were being pounded by storms far stronger than normal, air transit was unsafe. When the ceremony ended and the storms were once again spread evenly over the planet a large shuttle appeared from below the storms and docked with the space station. The emissaries and their aids were moved onto the shuttle along with all their belongings. Soon the shuttle departed and charged straight into the dust storms of Bael, some of the visitors became alarmed, the storm was quite a site to behold, still, the ride was short and without turbulence. While the aids were shuttled off with their belongings and those of the ambassadors the three were treated to a tour of New Garid’s promenade.
It was a grand sight to behold, it was over a mile square and five levels high, each level had shops, and homes of varying sizes, the whole promenade was open, with numerous walkways on each level and small short-range transport craft sped along the thin roads delivering people to and fro. As they strolled the guide began to speak.
“The majority of New Garid’s shopping and services can be found right here within the promenade, they are a mere five levels, and tries to capture the feel of Bael’s exterior before the storms. Above us are the apartments, flight terminals and upper level control systems, they make up about thirty percent of the archology. Below us is the industrial sector, warehouses, power plants, and military complexes. They make up the other 70% or so of the archology’s interior space.” They arrived at a left which took them to the 5th promenade level. “Your embassies are all on the 5th level, the most expensive accommodations in New Garid actually.” As they approached the embassies they past numerous shops, next to the Gladsheim embassy there was a bakery, next to the Nashtar embassy there was a small pleasure craft sales store, and next to the Arcanian embassy there was a sizeable pet shop. Everyone seemed pleased, except for the Arcanian ambassador, who found it very difficult to use his magic on the right wing of the embassy.
Progress Report
The first of the Homeworld Class Battlecruissers has been completed and eleven more are slated to be built in the coming months at all three major shipyards.
The Classic class heavy cruisers have all been successfully recommissioned and added to the Baeloaren Commonwealth fleet.
The Infallible, the Ship of the Line carrying the baeloaren diplomat Tacer Drealaan has departed for the Sol system to open diplomatic negotiations with the Humans of earth, as requested by the senate.
Small convoys depart from Bael with emissaries headed for the Nashtar Republic, Empire of Gladsheim and Arcanian Empire.
Our agents are getting slaghutered.........we need a way to at least hold off the chase........THAT'S IT!
He stood.
"Get me the tokra ambassidor, NOW!"
Jarlath stared at the tokra ambassidor as she walked in. "Jarlath, what is the meaning of thi....."
"I need you to start shipping goa'ould medical-hand decives to Ix'agel. Start selling your services in using them as a treatement to extend your lifespan. Charge whatever you want it makes no difference." "Why do you wish us to do this?"
"Simple, the arcane empire is more then smart enough to tell the difference between a human and a Goa'ould. But I doubt they can tell the difference bewteen a goa'ould and a tokra. It won't allow my agents free reign, but it will give them a little breathing room from sensors and such." "And if we refuse?"
"Then you stop being usefull to me, and usefull things have ways of.........disappearing."
Within severel hours, 10 tokra cargo ships loaded with medical supplies arrived in orbit over Ix'agel, hailed customs, and requested permission to land.
Stormbringer wrote:"We can understand that. However I must ask that you and your men leave them behind before we get to the Admiralty. As you understand, it's against policy to allow armed foreigners in. We can stop by your diplomatic quarters if you wish."
The young commodore paused, waiting for an answer.
"We understand, and that would be wonderful, assuming we can bring our side-arms?"
"I'm afraid not. No weapons are allowed in the Admiralty period. Even during the heyday of the New Beijing Alliance we didn't allow armed foriegners in. I'm genuinly sorry but it's policy I'm not allowed to break or even bend."
The commodore really did look contrite. He wouldn't dream of bringing weapons into the Admiralty but he didn't wish to offend their guests.
[PS: Straha, is your transport going to stay sitting on the pad?]
"Fair enough, we shall do so, as long as it is understood that our escorts will remain armed within our quarters. Shall we proceed to the Admiralty?"
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
Within severel hours, 10 tokra cargo ships loaded with medical supplies arrived in orbit over Ix'agel, hailed customs, and requested permission to land.
"Heave to and prepare to be boarded for customs inspection. Any attempt to flee will be met with deadly force"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/ Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Within severel hours, 10 tokra cargo ships loaded with medical supplies arrived in orbit over Ix'agel, hailed customs, and requested permission to land.
"Heave to and prepare to be boarded for customs inspection. Any attempt to flee will be met with deadly force"
*cargoships heave too and lower navigational sheilds*
The ships are boarded, they are bioscanned. Very quickly the symbiotes were found and scanned. Their motives seem benign(presumably they would not be informed of their true purpose)
The To'Kra were also asked to, and compl;ied with, a request to submit blood samples from their symbiotes.
The mitochondrial DNA was compared to known Goa'Uld, it came up with a different set of genes, from a different system lord.
Their cargo was cleared, and they were allowed passage, however, while they were instructed not to mingle with the population, and would be assigned armed government escourts while they were on world.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/ Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Alyrium Denryle wrote:The ships are boarded, they are bioscanned. Very quickly the symbiotes were found and scanned. Their motives seem benign(presumably they would not be informed of their true purpose)
The To'Kra were also asked to, and compl;ied with, a request to submit blood samples from their symbiotes.
The mitochondrial DNA was compared to known Goa'Uld, it came up with a different set of genes, from a different system lord.
Their cargo was cleared, and they were allowed passage, however, while they were instructed not to mingle with the population, and would be assigned armed government escourts while they were on world.
The tokra comply, and go about their busness on the surfase of the planet. And while they don't mingle with the populuation, they do make an issue of going through security checkpoints as much as possible.
Ouster Occupation Region, Rimwards edge of Known Space
Jormungandr City's center was almost parisian in design- Long blocks of elaborate, low buildings. Wide boulevardes and beautiful parks were all a part of the residential/cultural district's motif. When the black ships had come two months before, most of the brief ground campaign had been fought in the rambling industrial arcologies in the suburbs- Luckily for fans of architecture and old-world charm across the sector.
The occupation had been brutally efficient- The 'gandrites had fought hard, with resistance fighters materialising almost as the conventional army collapsed. The Hajr had put the rebellion down- the locals lacked a Covenanter's fanatacism, and once it became clear that resistance would be crushed and the new owners were content to let the locals get about their lives, things returned to something not far from normal. Occaisional civil disobedience was ignored- the Ousters had imposed no new laws, and besides the regular security check-points and the military scans of incoming cargoes, life returned to normal.
Now, with the llimited-use pact signed between the Asgard and the Hajr, elections for local officials would soon begin. Besides the ban on an independent military and the mining rights clauses, the locals would son be returning to self-rule. Of course, with Ouster clusters already forming across the system's Oort clouds and asteroid belts, there was little question as to whether or not the Hajr had succeeded in this region.
Along Jormungandr City's central road, a parade marched. The lion and fist of Jormungandr flew from a hundred banners, and below it, the simple white-starburst on black of the Hajr. There was some resentment in the crowd- after all, the honor guard lining the street consisted of Hajr gropos in heavy power-armor. Never the less, the atmosphere was lukewarm at worst.
Asgard observers were welcomed, comfortably quartered, granted free runof the world, and otherwise largely left to their own devices- besides, of course, the agents tracking them at a safe distance. The Hajr had no interest in seeing the Asgard delegates stirring up dissent.
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2004-04-28 08:39pm, edited 2 times in total.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
++the misspellinks are intentional, that wizards memory was fragmented++
[From: The Krynor Empire]
[To: The Arcane Empire]
Relayed Via Ambassidor..........
The Krynor empire wishes to purchase the following items from you, we understand that you may be relucant to turn over items of advanced magic to a non-magic empire, we ask for no details of how the items are produced. Price is no object.
1000 staves of Polyorf Other 20/day
500 rings of Polymorph Self
20 anti-magic stone's
200 staves of Dispel Magic 5/day
200 staves of moridikans Disjuction 5/day